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What are the three (3) main sources of reading materials for
law students and even for those actively practicing the legal
profession? Describe each.
1.Legal Dictionaries
Legal dictionaries give definitions of words related to law.
The words are arranged alphabetically. One common legal
dictionary is Black’s Law Dictionary. Another is Words and
Phrases. Black’s Law Dictionary provides a basic definition
for each word, often from a single jurisdiction. Words and
Phrases often provides many definitions, from a variety of

Cases are laws that come from the courts, the judicial
branch of government. They are referred to as the “common
law,” as distinguished from legislative law.  Cases are court
decisions (or opinions). They are usually decided by
appellate courts. Under the doctrine of stare decisis, these
decisions are precedents that are generally to be followed in
future disputes.
Citators help us update our legal research, by giving us the
subsequent history, treatment, and parallel sources of cases or
other research materials. They provide lists of cases and other
sources that cite particular cases or statutes. This is especially
useful in finding out if a case has been upheld or overturned. 

2. What is burden of proof?

The burden of proof or onus probandi (latin) is the obligation of
the party in a trial to produce the evidence to prove the claims
they have made against the other party. The burden of
production is a minimal burden to produce atleast enough
evidence for the trier of the fact to consider a disputed claim. It
applies to every essential elements of the case.
3. Discuss the burden of proof in administrative cases vis-
à-vis civil cases and criminal cases.
The practice of law provides that, “in administrative
proceedings, the burden of proof that the respondent committed
the acts complained of rests on the complainant, and that in the
absence of evidence against a court employee or magistrate to
discipline for a grave offense, the presumption that the
respondent has regularly performed his duties will prevail.
Section 1, Rule 133 of the Rules of Court mandates that in civil
cases, the party having the burden of proof must establish his
case by a preponderance of evidence. In the case of Raymundo
v. Lunaria, the evidence as a whole adduced by one side is
superior to that of the other. It refers to the weight, credit and
value of the aggregate evidence on either side and is usually
considered to be synonymous with the term "greater weight of
evidence" or "greater weight of the credible evidence." It is
evidence which is more convincing to the court as worthy of belief
than that which is offered in opposition thereto.
The Jurisprudence provides that: “In a criminal case, the
accused is entitled to an acquittal, unless his guilt is shown
beyond reasonable doubt. The burden of proof is on
the prosecution, and unless it discharges that burden the accused
need not even offer evidence in his behalf, and he would be
entitled to an acquittal.”
Rule 133, Section 2 of the Revised Rules on Evidence provides
that: “in the criminal case, the accused is entitled to an acquittal,
unless his guilt is shown beyond reasonable doubt. Proof beyond
reasonable doubt does not mean such a degree of proof,
excluding possibility of error, produces absolute certainly”.
4. What is a trial?
A trial is a judicial proceeding where evidences are allowed to
prove or disproved, and guilt of a person is adjudged leading to
an acquittal or conviction. There are three types of trial, to wit:
(a)elaborate Trial-detailed;(b) simple Elaborate less detailed and
(c) Less Elaborate Trial- petty detailed.
5. How do you prepare for a trial?
Subtle preparation for the trial is vey important to win the case.
It is the duty of the counsel to study the formula and steps on
how to success the case. These are my steps on how to prepare
for the trial. To wit: (a) understand the roles- it means that read
the packets including the prosecution and the defense; (b)
understand the case- ensure the
WHO,WHAT,WHEN,WHY,WHERE,HOW including the witness
statements, timeline and relationship; (c) identify the facts of the
case-know the fact strengthen and weaken each side;(d) analyze
witness statements- re-write them and draw a chart; (e) decide
order of the witness/witnesses; (f) create direct examination
questions;(g) create cross-examinations question; (h) create or
formulate legal strategies it may be the theories or theme; and
(i) just make sure of the opening statement and the closing


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