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Gürkan Sağlam

January 28th, 2021



In terms of companies that wish to empower their quality concept by carrying beyond of
their slogan, there are some key factors needs to be ensured as following:

 Intellection of continuous development

Improvement is an essential aspect of quality, and even ensuring that its continuity
plays more significant roles since sustainability is a concentric concept with the
quality of products and services.
 Authorization of their employees
When an employee is in empowered, her/his enthusiasms increases accordingly
and feeling of belonging steps in, so employees start to feel like a fertile part of the
organization. As the motivation of the employees is ensured in this direction, at the
end of the day, company starts to take advantage of this circumstance and quality
enhances evenly.
 Just in time (JIT) Concept
Just in time concept is basically making sure that getting ready a product or a
service on the right time and right place. Especially for the products that are part of the
manufacturing phase, time management has importance in the sense of quality.
 Deep knowledge of materials and tools
Being aware of the materials and tools that company having become more of an
issue to obtain the maximum quality for service and products because, if required
information are not known deeply, some key features of the materials and tools might
be missed out and quality decreases automatically.
 Benchmarking
As indicated in previous factor, knowledge is highly significant and benchmarking idea
ensures that the flow of knowledge among from the outer side of the company or in the company
as well. Particularly in the technology era, current knowledge is essential to compare a
company’s position with the potential competitors and provide the quality.
As to the real life experience of quality phenomena, thinking about the fact that Toyota is
the world's largest automaker for a very good example of reality. Their vehicles are produced
according to complete quality control procedures, which is why so many of their customers have
pleased their goods with their high retail prices. Toyota vehicles are so demanding that
unfortunately they are extremely likely to be stolen by their owners. In combination with other
leading practices such as lean manufacturing, goods from a very efficient complete quality
management procedure produce vehicles that are durable, inexpensive to use and enable
manufacturers to expand. This might be a perfect example of what it can be achieved for high
production. Consequently, Toyota Company ensures the factors indicate above separately and in
this way provides an absolute quality for its customers. Where someone asks for new items, this
is a subject for a particular quality management.

Lean production or manufacturing is the method of technologies and practices used for
industrial or service activity. The methods and acts are different according to the respective
application, but are based on the same principle: the exclusion from business of all non-value
adding operations and waste.
Agile production is an organization that develops the methods, resources and preparation to
easily react to consumers' expectations and shifts in the industry while also managing the quality.
Manufacturing proposes in general that the cost of remedying quality problems falls as the
problem goes downstream, meaning that it is easier to fix quality issues as quickly as possible.
The level of product quality as such improves both agile and lean approaches. They are both
seeking to reduce shipping time, i.e. before the product is shipped to the consumer from the
customer demand. When the supply chain has a long turnaround cycle, demand shifts cannot be
met, and there is a chance of a slow loss of position on the market.
The flexible manufacturing system (FMS) with a degree of versatility that allows the system
to respond in the event of changes, both expected and unpredicted, in the quality context. (FMS)
is a manufacturing process intended to be readily adapted to changes in product form and
quantity. Thanks to this ability to adapt, quality is ensured automatically.
As an example, Nike Company can be referred. The well-known shoe and footwear giant
still has “lean production” processes. Nike had less duplication and better consumer satisfaction,
as did other firms, but also unintended gains. The biggest explanation for this was the lean
production method, which assesses the workers better than ever. It gave the employee a greater
value and the business as a whole a greater value. Lean production is a process which will
continue to be implemented by more industries long into the future. The reduction in waste and
the maximization of profit for the user will allow good use both for customers and businesses.
Some businesses have seen the genius of the lean fabrication method and have sought to
incorporate the system with varying beneficial results of their own systems.

"Supplier Quality" is the willingness of manufacturers to provide products or services that
suit the needs of their clients. Supplier quality control shall be characterized by a constructive and
collective approach as a framework in which supplier quality is administrated. It is in the best
concern of a company to ensure that its service or components providers offer goods and services
of the highest quality while still meeting the specified specifications. The use of Quality
Management Systems is also done by the monitoring of supply chains and the daily review or
audit of goods and facilities by businesses. Quality management of the supplier starts in the early
design and procurement process of the supplier. It goes on through the entire product life cycle
and in the relationship with this particular supplier. Proper supply quality measures include
taking into account and accurately and reliably translating the information into customer-deemed
For measuring the quality and performance of the suppliers, here are some factors that need
to be taken into consideration: “Qualitative Analysis” which uses a discretionary judgment to
assess the worth or prospect of a business based on unreliable knowledge such as management
experience, market cycles, research and development power and working relationships,
“Responsiveness” which is the reacting quality quickly and positively, “Delivery” which is the
method of delivering goods to a determinated location from a source site, and “Cost Reduction”
which is the method used by firms to minimize their prices and raise their income. The strategies
can vary depending on the services or product of a corporation. Cost is influenced by any
decision in the product production process. Usually, businesses launch a new product without
relying too hard on cost.
To ensure that the quality of suppliers are measured effectively and properly, there are some
techniques needs to be utilized such as “Price-based Metrics, “Cost-based Metrics”, and
“Quality-based Metrics”.
Price-based metrics are used to make sure that the retailer satisfies the price specifications
are the most fundamental component of assuring performance. Easy conversations and formal
agreements will glean this. This calculation is most helpful when you analyze shifts in the
Cost-based metrics are more efficient measuring instrument is used to measure the effect of
costs on the activity of the organization. Here, we see actual capital fleeing the company and as a
result, whoever monitors the organization's cash outflow will solve a real problem. In this
situation, reducing supplier investment will have a positive effect on the company's budgets. The
historical cost base is considered a positive thing by a clear cost savings goal and the actual cost
effect is contrasted.
As to the quality-based metrics, quality refers to contract success at the simplest level. This
can be determined by defects per component or discarded parts by order or by a quantity
specified by technique. These dimensions are fairly common and should be integrated in the
delivery process in to automatic components. These may be used in a service quality deal under a
contract. A more sophisticated practice is to calculate a number of added value practices that the
organization aims to promote.
As a real life example, Özçınarlar Company (in Kütahya) which is a petro-chemical
organization applies some specific methods in the process of raw material receiving. The base
oils obtaining from suppliers are being tested by utilizing some techniques such as viscosity
measurement which is level of resistance to fluidity, density measurement which is the mass
amount in the unit volume, flash-point which ensures that where the oils start burning etc. The
obtained values via these methods are compared to previous raw-materials to ensure that whether
they are in the appropriate range or not. The effects of these criteria deviations on the
manufactured products determine the quality of the company’s product portfolio which is
basically engine oil and grease.

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