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Homework # 1

Name: Karen Rocio Chambilla Herrera Date: May, 12

Prepare 9 questions with their answers (similar to the game we played).

It's a fruit small, has a green hat and a With tomato and lettuce, in the salad, a My parents are singers, but I can't sing. I
red blouse. What is it? little spicy. And sometimes it makes you wear white cloth and yellow my heart.
cry. What is it? Who I am?

Strawberry Onion Egg

I'm very cold. I'm of Many white teeth, in a round head, I'm from Cochabamba. I'm very strong and
many flavors and the Vampires hate me. Who I am? I have locoto. Who I am?
children love me. I
usually carry a lot of
sweets. Who I am?

Ice cream
Pique Macho

Many drunk grapes. A little old. We take it We crush many. We put some milk and It's a fruit. Dark on the outside, green
at dinners. What is it? butter. What is it? inside. Some eat it with salt and others
with sugar. What is it?

Mashed Potatoes

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