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What are you going to take photographs of?

 I am going to take photographs that depict a story about talking to strangers online

Where are you going to shoot?

 I am going to be shooting in my bedroom

What would you like to show? (what would you like the photographs to mean?)
 I would like my photographs to illustrate how easy it is to end up in a situation where
you feel vulnerable in the digital age

What is the weather going to be like (What would be the ideal conditions?)
 Because I am shooting in my bedroom, I will make sure it is dark outside (early
morning/late night) to add a sense of enigma

What equipment are you going to use?

 I am going to be shooting on my Canon 4000D digital camera and using a tripod so I
can achieve successful self-timer images

What photographic techniques are you going to use?

 Leading Lines
 Rule of thirds
 Small aperture (f:8-f:16)
 Deep/Shallow depth of field
 Slow shutter speed (1/60-1/125)

Who has influenced your shoot?

 Aaron Schuman
 Duane Michals

Why are they important?

 Because Schuman used text within his images to unfold the story he was telling which
I want to include in my photographs
 Michals created sequences of photographs that made the audience question the
narrative which I would love to create that same effect

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