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Student management system

Student Management System:

Student management system literally means the general information systems for
maintaining and providing student information. It exists in all the schools, colleges,
universities and any other education institutions. However, those information
systems vary. Some of them are paper based; heavily manual work is involved in
managing and maintaining information such as student personal records files.

However, recently, most schools, even down to the very smallest, utilize
computers in some way or another. The uses to which the computers are put vary
enormously, ranging from word processing and spreadsheet through to worldwide
on-line access, complicated user access permission system and vast functionalities.

That is Student Information System (SIS) is a web-based application software

designed to introduce a conducive and structured information exchange
environment for integrating students, parents, teachers and the administration of a
school or college.

Project objectives:
Developing a proper managed SIMS for the Academic Institution becomes the
essence to let the users — students, guardian, teachers and others to gain the
information about the institution. In this recent world, it becomes the necessity for
the educational institution to have a managed Computer Based Information
System. The objectives can be listed below as:

• To provide a proper registration channel / system to the new students.

• To maintain all the accounts of the students in digital form from enrollment up to
the end of the study.

• To update the information that is essential to transmit to the users.

• To make the information available to the department at their desk whenever
required, in just a click away.

• To have a centralized control over the records of the students, departments,

teachers, staffs, library, etc. and monitor the changes in these records.

Project Description:
In our student management system , it has three actors . Now we want to describe
actors & their functionality in our project.

Actor’s Of The System:

 Student
 Teacher
 Organization

Functionality Of The Actors:

 Student:
Student holds some activities in the system. At first student will be login in the
system. For the purpose to login in the system they will must be need username &
password. After completing login in the system , then they give their attendance
by corresponding button in the system.

They can also show this because system will also display this. They can also view
their profile which is created by organization. Student can also view their course of
the specific year because the system will display this. They can view their class
schedule uploaded in the website by their corresponding course teacher. They also
view their examination schedule & examination result uploaded by organization.
The key subsystem is given below.
 Login.
 Give Attendance.
 Can View The Course Of Specific Year.
 Can View Their Profile.
 Can View Their Class Schedule.
 Can View Their Examination Result.

 Teacher:

In our System teacher also play an important role . Teacher also holds some
activities in the system. Teacher also login in the system . .
For the purpose to login in the system they will also must be need username
& password. After completing login in the system , they will check the
attendance of the student.

Teacher will upload the class schedule which student will be view to attend the
class in the timely. Teacher can also view student profile which is created by
organization. Teacher can also view course of the specific year because the system
will give permission to display this. They give examination schedule &
examination result to the organization thus uploaded by organization. The key
subsystem is given below.

 Login.
 View Student Attendance.
 Give Class Schedule.
 View Course Of The Specific Year.
 View Student Information.
 Give Examination Result.
 Organization:

In our system organization means educational institution. It is the super actor of

our system . Organization will play vital role in this system . They make permit
other actor to access this system.

So organization make all this things to do in the system. At first they maintain
student . They add new student in the system . They delete specific student
information by their ID number. They also search student & also update student
information more consciously .

The key subsystem is given below.

 Maintain Student.
 Add New Student.
 Delete Student .
 Search Student.
 Update Student Information.
 Assign Course Teacher.
 Assign The Course Of a Specific Year.
 Publish Examination Result.
To sum up, developing a computer based information system for Everest
student was a matter of essence. It will be a medium for the Student Managememt
System for the proper management of the student's information in an organized
way. It is now essence for the organization to transmit the students records on to
the system, without crawling in various departments.

The conclusions can be summed up into the following points:

 The SMS has made the easy flow of information form one department
to other.
 Since the data are organized in a database, and are secure in computer
system, the complaint of loss of information is not heard again.
 The personnel seems to be satisfied with the system. They were eager
to adopt it.
 The information overload problems on certain departments get
 Student can easily get their information from this system.
 They can get their class schedule , exam schedule, result etc. from this
system .

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