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Pengertian Teks buku: How to Write and Publish a Scientific Article is a book that explains how to write

an article, whether the article is publishable or not. One of the guidebooks used for guidelines to
become a writer.

Tujuan kepenulisan:

1. Identity (optional) containing title, author, publisher, year of publication, language used, cover color,
and others.

2. Orientation, is an introduction to the entire text of the review.

3. Interpretation, describes a retelling of what the author did when writing and a book summary that is a
review of the reviewer.

4. Evaluation, describing the reviewer's assessment of the work being reviewed

C. How to reconstruct a book review text

To reconstruct the text of a book review means to rewrite the existing review text in your own language.
Things that must be considered when reconstructing a book review text are as follows.

1. Read the review text

2. If you have never read a book review text, the reviewer can seek information about the book.

3. Look at the structure of the review text

4. Rewrite the review text based on the review text structure.

D. Operational Steps for Writing Book Review Texts

Book reviewers must describe the advantages and disadvantages of the book that is reviewed in a
balanced manner. In order to produce a good review, it is necessary to pay attention to the following
steps, (1) selecting the book to start, (2) reading critically, (3) making a summary, (4) determining the
assessment criteria, (5) looking for comparison and reference books for reference and (6) writing the
report in question.

Book of Comparison
A. Definition of Review / Review Text

Review text or review is writing whose content weighs or assesses a work that is written or created by
other people (Isnatun & Farida, 2013: 57). According to Dalman (2014: 229), a reviewer is a term used to
judge whether a book is good or not. In this case, what will be assessed are the strengths and
weaknesses of the book. According to Rosidi (2009: 60), a review is an effort to appreciate the writings
or works of other people by providing objective comments. Review text is a type of text used to review a
work in the form of a film, book, or other object to determine its quality, strengths, and weaknesses
(Educative Team, 2013: 61). According to Keraf (in Dalman, 2014: 229), a review is a writing or review
about the value of a work or book. Etymologically, reviewer comes from Latin, namely the verb revidere
and recensere which means to look back, weigh, or judge. From this term refers to the same thing,
namely reviewing books. In Indonesia, reviews are often termed book scales, book reviews, book
reviews, book reviews, and so on. Writing reviews is an effort to introduce a book to other people who
have not read the book so that after reading the reviews, the person is moved to read other people's

B. Purpose of Writing Review / Review Text

A. Book Excellence

• Main Book

The first book has its own advantages, namely, there are many directions and input about the world of
writing. And the language used is also easy to understand and concise but clear. And there are also prta
concepts that make it easier for readers to understand them. And there are examples that further clarify
the meaning of the material.

• Reference Book

The comparison book also has its own advantages, namely, it has a broad material exposure and has a
sufficiently satisfactory and easy to understand complete content, and is accompanied by sources or
footnotes by experts, so that the contents of the book are more reliable.

• Main Book

The main book has a weakness, namely the language structure which is a little complicated but can still
be understood to a lesser extent.
But this book still good and has several advantages, namely that the language is relatively easy to
understand and understand by readers. This work is very worthy of publication. The purpose of the
publication should be to enable others to benefit from your work, whether it is an interesting case, a
research project, a description of a new method or technique, or a review of the scientific literature.
Regardless of your paper category, it must be original. If you can honestly say that you believe other
people in your field of study will benefit from reading about your work, and that your work brings
something new to the field (originality), then it should be published! In my opinion, it is unfortunate that
some researchers believe that their work is interesting enough to be presented at a conference, but not
interesting enough to be followed up with published articles. They deny being scientific the community
benefited from their knowledge and conference abstracts just teased the world with what might

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