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Building Materials Laboratory Manual Fall 2007-2008

Test No.5

“Unit Weight and Voids in Aggregate in its compacted

or loose condition”

(ASTM C 29 – 89)

Scope: This test method covers the determination of unit weight in a compacted or
loose condition and calculation of voids in fine and coarse aggregates. This test
method is applicable to aggregates not exceeding (100mm) in N.M.S.

Sample of, preferably, oven dry fine aggregate and an other of oven-dry coarse

1. A balance accurate to 0.5gm.
2. Measure: A cylindrical metal measure preferably provided with handles. Its
capacity shall conform to the limits below:

N.M.S (mm) Capacity of measure (m3)

12.5 0.0028

25 0.0093

37.5 0.014

100 0.028

Note: - The indicated size measure may be used to test aggregate of

N.M.S equal to or smaller than that listed.

3. Tamping Rod (A round, straight steel rod (l6mm) in diameter and

approximately 600mm in length with a rounded to a hemispherical tip.
4. Containers and shovel or scoop.

Prepared by: B. J. Farid

Building Materials Laboratory Manual Fall 2007-2008


A- Calibration of the measure:

1- Fill the measure with water at room temperature and cover with a piece of plate
glass in such away as to eliminate bubbles and excess water.
2- Determine the weight of the water in the measure.

3-Measure the temperature of water and determine its density from table below:-

Density of water

Temperature (0C) Density (kg/m3)

15.6 999.01

18.3 998.54

21.1 997.97

23 997.54

23.9 997.32

26.7 996.59

29.4 995.83

Note: Use interpolating if necessary.

4- Calculate the volume, V of the measure by dividing the weight of water required
to fill the measure by its density.

B- Procedure of the test:-

1. Weigh the cylinder (empty).

2. Fill the cylinder to overflowing by means of a shovel or scoop, discharging the

aggregate from a height not to exceed 50mm above the top the cylinder edge.
Exercise care to prevent, so far as possible, segregation of the particle sizes of
which the sample in composed. Level the surface of the aggregate with the
fingers or straight edge in such way that any slight projections of the larger
pieces of the coarse aggregate approximately balance the larger voids in the
surface below the top of the cylinder

3. Determine the weight of the measure plus its contents, and calculate the
weight of the aggregate by subtracting the empty weight of the cylinder.

Prepared by: B. J. Farid

Building Materials Laboratory Manual Fall 2007-2008

4. Empty the cylinder and refill it again to one third of its height and rod the
layer of aggregate with (25) strokes of the tamping rod evenly distributed over
the surface. Fill the cylinder two-thirds full and again level and rod as
previous. Finally, of the cylinder to overflowing and rod again in the manner
previously mentioned. Level the surface of the aggregate with the fingers or a
straight edge in such away as that mentioned in (step 3).

5. In Roding the first layer, do not allow the rod to strike the bottom of the
measure forcibly. In Roding the second layer and third layer, use only enough
force to cause the tamping rod to penetrate the previous layer of aggregate.

6. Determine the weight of the measure plus its contents and calculate the wt. Of

7. Repeat the same procedure for the fine aggregate sample.


1-Unit weight: calculate the unit weight for the rodding or shoveling procedure

follows:- M = ( G-T )/ V

Where :-
M= unit weight of the aggregate (kg/m3)
G= Weight of the aggregate plus the cylinder (kg)
T= Weight of the empty cylinder (kg)
V= Volume of the cylinder (m3)

Note: The unit weight determined by this test method is for aggregate in an oven- dry

2-Void content:- Calculate the void content in the aggregate using the unit weight
determined by either the rodding or shoveling procedure as follows:

%void= (S )(W) – (M) x100

( S) (W)

Where S= bulk specific gravity (from tests 2+3)

W= density of water (1000kg/m3 )

Prepared by: B. J. Farid

Building Materials Laboratory Manual Fall 2007-2008

3-Put your results in a table like that shown below.

Coarse Aggregate Fine Aggregate

Loose Compacted Loose Compacted
Unit weight


Normal-Weight aggregate density: (1280-1920) kg/m3

Fig.(8) The cylindrical metal measures for the fine and coarse aggregates

Prepared by: B. J. Farid


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