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Good day, Thanks for accepting my request here on

Facebook. My name is Velez Williams Wilfredo.

Hope I can have your whatsapp number so we talk better and share photos.

It's me Velez Williams Wilfredo on your Facebook, Hope it will be good we talk
here and share photos?

I'm 55 years old, widowed and I have a 12 years old son, his name is John he sudies
in a boarding school in New York City United States.
Tell me are you married and how many lovely kids do you have?

I'm from Canada. where are you from and where do you live?

I'm a Military Surgeon Doctor working with the United Nations and currently
deployed to Sanaa Yemen war zone for work.
what's your occupation?

I would love to know a few things about you.

Thank you for giving me an opportunity to ask..

What is your favorite color?

Mine is horse blood and white. When i wear white it makes me feel very pure and

Tell me do you live a rented apartment or you have your own house?

I have a house and a car in Chicago Illinois United States.

When is your birthday?

Mine is on the 5th day of december.

What are your favorite type of food?

I'm a Vegetarian and i eat just little of junk foods.

Would you want to get married again and eventually have another child?

For me i would love to get married, but if my partener can't have kids it's okay.

How tall are you?

I'm 1'75 cm tall, I'm not that tall nor short.

What type of music do you listen to?

I do listen to romantic and reggae music.

Are you right handed or left handed?

I'm Right handed and i do a lot of things with my right hand.

If you were giving three chances to make a choice in life what would you do?

I will get my time to know a woman, be inlove then live happilly with her and my
Are you an affectionate person?

I'm so much affectionate, Loving and Caring.

Do you like to cook or you prefer to eat outside ?

I both like the two. I always eat outside but sometimes i eat at home, I make the
food for my self.

What is your Qualities for an Ideal man?

My qualities for an ideal woman are, loving, caring, understanding, respectful,

peaceminded and cheerful.

Would you ever apologise to your husband when ever you are at fault or your prefer
him apologise?

For me i would apologise with a deep kiss even in public.

what is your favourite place to go?

I would love to visit --------------- Hotel in your Country, It was so nice been
there on my last Vacation.

Is there any male aside from me that is trying to get to know you or want to know


Do you wear jewelry?

That's nice, I have gold Wrist watch, but i don't mostly put them onn.

Where were you born?

I was born in New York City United States.

what is your favourite movie?

That's good movie, Mine is Fast and Furious by the Late Paul Walker.

What was your most memorable childhood moment?

Mine was so horrible and it was when i lost my parents at the age of 10.

What's the funniest thing that has ever happened to you?

It was when i mistaked a friend for another and he was like (huh.)

What was your most embarrassing moment?

That was when i was blast with a cake by my friends on my birthday party.

What things do you feel passionate about?

I feel passionate about sunset, moon and mostly about love.

Do you believe in love at first sight?

I so much believe in love at first sight. I liked you from the very momement i saw
your photos.

What is your idea of a dream... ?

A dream is a reality unknown to human that can either come true of just fade away,
but love don't fade.

If you had three wishes, what would you wish for?.

That's true and great wishes, For me i would wish for love, health and happiness.

What do you want most from life?

What i want most from life now is to find a better partner to be happy and live a
better life with.

What do you do when you feel sad or depressed ?

I turn on music, mostly romantic ones.

What three words best describe you?

I can as well describe my self as Humble, Loving and Realistic.

What is your idea of a perfect date?

Holding hands and kissing tight on sunset.

What is your favorite romantic gesture?

Kissing my partener tight in bed.

What are the top five (5) gifts you love most

Oh i think they would be love, kiss, sex, happiness, and great passion from a

What is your idea of the perfect romantic gift?

I think my perfect romantic gift will be just a great smile from my partener.

What is your idea of the perfect romantic vacation?

Mine is like having a vacation in your country and i know it will still be a good
place to visit as before.

Thank you so much for answering these questions and i am so glad that i know
some things about you now .

I am a responsible Man and i enjoy my job and I strive for success in everything I
do. I am a fun loving man, jovial, lovely and passionate, and would want that in
mate too.

I think of myself as being clever but harmless. I am supporting, caring and have a
loyal and tolerant character, humble, honest, understanding and truthful.

I am deeply romantic, optimistic, hopeful, wise, smart, and I have a big honest
heart and don't like being lied to. I'm a very passionate, physical person that
would want the same in a mate.

Dear friend, though we just met, you are so far and yet so close. You are many
miles and so many moons away and I get lonely just thinking of the distance between
us, yet in my heart you are just a bit away.

When I feel bored, I picture you with me on a moon-light night holding hands and
planning our great future.

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