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Cause and effect essay


Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Julian Assange and Michael Dell dropped out of school and now your
children want to do it too. Dropping out of school is not a very wise thing to do, regardless of what your
adolescent thinks and says. Approximately 1.2 million kids drop out of high school every year in the US,
and it has become a nagging problem that haunts parents across the world. But why do kids drop put of
school? Some of the most probable reasons why children drop out of school are: bad influence,
academic difficulty, family and socio-economic needs.

Bad influence on children is the most common reason for kids dropping out of school. Early or unlimited
exposure to alcohol, drugs, internet, and television can distract children from pursuing academics and
initiate them into antisocial activities instead. Children who live in violent environtment or have parent
related to drug addicted issue often will be effected negatively and they will imitate the aldult to do the
same things which caused the discouragement to get to school of children.

Beside that, Inability to cope with the academic pressure is another reason for kids to dropt out of
school. Studies prove that kids who do not read proficiently by fourth grade are four times more likely to
drop out of school. Studies also reinstate the fact that students who fail in math and English in the
eighth grade are 75% more likely to drop out of high school. In this social nowaday parent often put too
much expectation on their children which invisibly turn it to become the burden for their childs and
make them feel stressed and fed up with studying. Moreover some of shool curicullums are more and
more difficult and put too many acedemic factors instead of practical ones also cause the irritation of
student that lead to them to drop out.

The last reason that make the number of student dropping out of school increased is family and socio-
economic needs. A research reveals that students belonging to low-income groups are more likely to
drop out of school. They may have to work to support their family. Some children may need to stay back
at home to take care of their siblings while the parents go out to work. Divorce or separation of parents
also affects the education of children adversely.

In conclusion, we should acknowledge that dropping out of school is a difficult and serious problem of
education. The number of student dropping out of school is constantly increased every year. That why
goverment need to have timely intervention or solution for this problem to encourage student continue
going to school. Because education is very important to the individual developement which is the
poweful motivation of national prosperity.

Benefits of Studying Abroad

You've probably heard it before: study abroad is a life-changing experience. For many students, it's
the single most memorable experience in their college careers. Personally, studying abroad was a pivotal
moment in both my personal and professional life.There are some benefits that studyiing abroad bring
back such as: Impress Future Employers, Learn a Foreign Language, Gain Confidence.

Firstly, studying abroad will give a highlight in their personal background which will impress their
future employers. Some might think that traveling and going abroad hampers your career when in fact
it's quite the opposite. When done in a way that advances your skills and teaches you new things,
international experience is actually incredibly desirable in the current globalized job market. What
better way to get that international experience than through study abroad?In fact, a study done by IES
Abroad found that 90% of students who studied abroad found employment within 6 months of
graduation as compared to just 49% of the general graduating population. Study abroad students also
landed starting salaries that were $7,000 higher, on average, than non-study abroad students.

Secondly, studying abroad give chance to learn and improve our language ability better. learning a
foreign language can greatly improve your job prospects. Studying abroad allows for immersion, which is
the most effective way to learn a language quickly. Demand for bilingual workers has more than doubled
over the past five years, and it's likely to continue increasing. It's estimated that learning a foreign
language will earn you, on average, a 2% "language bonus" on your salary throughout your lifetime,
however, some more in-demand languages can earn double that. It might not sound like a lot, but
compounded over your whole career, it will add up.Learning a foreign language also has its own intrinsic
value apart from the monetary bonus. You'll learn so much about the way language and communication
work in general, and speaking the local language also allows you to interact with other cultures on a
deeper level. Plus, while learning another language is challenging, it's also incredibly gratifying when you
can finally express yourself in a way that locals understand!

Finally, Living in a foreign country on your own will give you a newfound sense of independence,
even if you're used to studying far from home. The process of figuring out how to live abroad -- from
learning how to use public transportation to ordering a meal in the local language -- is one filled with
self-discovery. That process helps you realize just how capable you are.This is why so many students feel
like a completely new person when upon coming home from a study abroad trip. The experience sets
you up with an unshakeable sense of confidence and a new perspective on the world. This also
translates to great leadership skills, which is likely part of why employers value study abroad on a

In conclusion, Studying abroad is truely the the excitting journey and worthy to try because you
can gain a lot of benefits include experience and life skill which not not help you in career but also in
daily life . pp always say travel broadens the mind. I belive if goverment have a right policy, dropping out
will be happened.

Possitive Effect of Soft Skills on Students

Nowadays, employers continue to observe a lack of ‘soft skills’ among graduates whenever they
search for jobs. Multiple surveys have continuously ranked certain soft skills like team collaboration and
verbal & written communication as top requirements for job seekers, and that problem-solving, critical
thinking, and attention to detail are among the missing soft skills among job hunters. Soft skill effect alot
on student for example it helps student on time managing and organizing, improve listening and
speaking skill , show flexibility and adaptability.

Firstly, soft skills have possitive effect on student’s time managing and organizing. Students must
understand the importance of being organized. Concepts that exhibit planning and coordination such as
task prioritization and activity flow are all opportunities to explain why their organizational skill is vital.
On the other hand, time-management is also a skill that can first be observed by students on their
teachers. By simply being punctual in class, and reprimanding late-comers, poses a chance to emphasize
and rationalize the concept of time-management.Once these are already understood by the students,
the class may even practice applicable organizational and time-management skills by setting up an event
like a bake sale or a sports fest where the entire class will be assigned key tasks as organizers.

Secondly,soft skills also train andimprovestudent’s listening and speaking skill. Imitation, which
starts with observation, is vital in the learning process, especially for social skills like listening. Whenever
you are presented with a chance to talk to your students individually, make it a point to be a good
listener that is immersed at the moment, picks up on key points, and is actively listening to what is being
said.While listening skills practice is usually done one-one-one, honing a person’s speaking skill is usually
done collaboratively. Encourage students to speak in front of a crowd to build their confidence and
presence of mind. This will be helpful especially to shy students that just need an extra push of

Finally, student who have trained soft skill always show flexibility and adaptability. Aside from
deadlines and score requirements, students are usually not that exposed to situations where their
flexibility are tested. Flexibility and adaptability can somehow be related to a person’s resilience, making
it a vital skill for career success.Because when they have trained for soft skill the problem with team
working or solving problems does puzzle them. They can easily control and work with anyone or
challenge in many fields and environment without any difficulty. As more students graduate and fewer
jobs are created year after year, the competition for new job seekers is becoming much more intense.
Honing students that are properly equipped with skills that employers actually need will help them land
a job sooner and start laying their career building blocks earlier to reach success faster.

In conclusion, While these skills can certainly be acquired throughout a person’s education,
educators should still take a thorough look at how these skills can be effectively taught and practised at
school. The importance of soft skills in the workplace has been established across different industries.
That make hundred students nowaday trying to find center to supply that soft skills. And in the future i
think soft skill will be the main factor to judge in many company’s interviews.
Benefits of International Travel
Travel is actually essential for young pp. When you are young you are still finding yourself and
preparing for your school and career. The skills and experience you gain from traveling abroad can give
you life-long personal benefits as well as a leg up in the professional world . there are some reason you
should try international travel such as getting out of comfortable zone, building confidence, develop
cultural sensitivity.

As young people most of us have a pretty established comfort zone. At home with mom and dad, in
a community that has known you for probably a good part of your life. You have your established,
friends, activities, hangouts and possibly jobs. We become comfortable in these daily roles and the idea
of breaking out them can be scary and uncomfortable.The problem is, you learn the most in
uncomfortable, unfamiliar situations. In our daily routines, you know how to act and respond to people
and your surroundings. Being in a new place, with different people, who hold different values and go
about life differently (or not so differently you may find) strips all that familiarity away.It can be scary,
but once you figure out that you can connect with people despite differences, and you can navigate
foreign environments, you become a smarter, more competent individual. embrace the discomfort,
search for it, because it is helping you grow.

After you overcome ur fear to get out of your comfortable zone. International travel will teach you
how to built confidence. As you conquer the obstacles of figuring out how to use public transit in a
foreign country, or asking for simple things in a grocery store, you are building a confidence and ability
to adapt in foreign situations. I remember moving to a country where I spoke little to none of the
language.When I returned home, I moved across the country to a state where I had no family, friends or
connections. The prospect of that move may have intimidated me before living abroad, but then I
thought to myself, ‘Well, if I can do it abroad in a completely foreign system, I will be just fine in a place
where I at least share the language.’You will realize that you can do things, despite the obstacles and
suddenly the obstacles seem less obstructive and more like welcomed challenges.

The last reason is you will develop your cultural sensitvity. Being culturally sensitive is key in our
globalizing world. It is not enough to say “people from X country are like this.” It is important to look for
underlying values that may explain a certain behavior in order to practice cultural sensitivity. A good
example is in Spain (especially in the south), where they take a 2-3 hour siesta and lunch in the middle of
their work day.Many people view this cultural norm as the people just being lazy when it really has a lot
more to do with the fact that historically Spaniards value family face time. Eating together as a family is
more important to them than maximizing work time by scarfing a sandwich down at their desks.Being
aware of cultural values and norms is not only fascinating, but can help us understand international
issues and conflicts, or even relate to the cultural norms of a foreign business partner. It is an important
skill to be able to shift perspectives and see where someone else is coming from.Cultural sensitivity will
help you with your communication on both business and personal levels.

In concludsion, Embarking on traveling in the world. It will help you to broaden the minds and give
you some feedback. And getting out off comfort zone you will become independent of your live morover
you can get knowlegde about the cuture of many country in the world. Therefore it is worth to pay
money and sacrifice our time to experience the international travel once.

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