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Nama ; Ryan Habib Fauzan

Nim : D011191079

Class ; English C (engineering)

1. Everyone was envy at Robert huey because of the live Robert huey’s living,
it seemed so convenient, wild and fun, he’s famous, he’s charming
handsome, he has luxurious possesions, he lives in practically a castle.
2. Judging by what the writer wrote, he seemed very sophisticated, he
definitely has lots of money, either it’s in a money form or assets, and yet he
somehow managed to get very broke, poor money managing i think.
3. Would I like to be in Robert huey shoes?, that would be an easy yes, but if I
were him, I would’ve managed my money a tiny bit better so that I wouldn’t
drown myself in debts.
4. The writer pulled a sneaky on me here, people that were chasing him could
be his fans and/or debt collectors, this is a decent deep story.
5. I’d say the part where he stepped out of his limousine to open his gate, I did
not expect he’d say “I’ll pay all my bills next month”, which implies that
he’s not doing very good financially.

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