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Tittle: TaCo (Trash Converter), A Package solution to Overcome Two Problems in Southeast Asia’s


Theme: Energy and Economy

Background (Provide a problem statement with specific targets, project scope, and the reason for
addressing the issue raised (maximum 150 words)

Southeast Asia in 2010 has become a region with the 9th largest economic power in the world.
However, behind the large potential for economic growth, the threat of plastic waste that haunts the
ocean of Southeast Asia, this has been proven from research that 5 from 10 countries that most pollute
the oceans with plastic waste are in Southeast Asia (Jambeck et. Al., 2015). This is due to the geographic
condition of the country which is in the form of an archipelago which allows direct transport of waste to
the oceans, with poor management of solid waste and lack of public awareness. We have carried out
observations for 2 years on several samples on islands of Kodingareng and Samalona which are located
in South Sulawesi province, Indonesia. After observing the Socio-Anthropological conditions, 90% to 95%
work as fishermen with an average education level equivalent to Junior High School with very low
awareness and knowledge about environmental sanitation and conservation. In addition, the uneven
economic conditions cause fishermen to only focus on exploiting marine resources as much as possible
without paying attention to environmental conditions and the sustainability of the marine environment,
plastic waste on the lips of the island is the first sight seen when we got first lean on the island dock.

Project summary: Provide an overview of the project (maximum 150 words)

Based on the background that has been mentioned. We have been observing for more than 2 years
since 2018. Finally, we formed a community called TECHSEA which consists of members with expertise
in several sectors such as Environmental Engineers, Electrical Engineers, Psychology and Anthropology
and Management. We change the perspective of the local community towards waste, especially plastic
waste by creating an Innovative Pyrolysis device that uses environmentally friendly energy from
sunlight. With this tool, various types of plastic waste can be converted into fuel oil which can be used
directly by the Island community for fishing activities. That way, we have changed the value of plastic
waste scattered on the Islands from the beginning having no value at all for fishermen and local
communities to be very valuable and even able to reduce costs for buying fuel used for fishing or fishing.
We have done development research for the prototype of our tool and wanted to clone the tool to
expand it but with limited funding.

Project goal: (maximum 50 words)

Our goal is to succeed in the mission of reducing waste in the oceans as stated in SDG's 14: Life
Below Water and to improve the quality of life and sanitation of people on densely populated
islands in Southeast Asia by changing their mindsets and increasing added value to plastic
Objectives: (maximum 100 words)

In this project, several activities will be carried out within three months or more. The activity
that will be carried out in the first month is to clone the Eco-friendly Pyrolysis tool which we
named TaCo and provide introductions and technical training to team members from other
countries in Southeast Asia. Furthermore, in the second month we will conduct socialization of
tools through webinars at the ASEAN Regional level to introduce our tools as well as to form a
community forum and fundraising for investors with the aim of cloning tools in at least 3
countries in Southeast Asia with a minimum achievement time of at least 3 months and at the
latest. - no later than 6 months.

Implementation plan

a. Describe in detail the process and key activities to achieve the above-mentioned
objectives (maximum 300 words)

1. Discussion and Personal Approach (Chit-Chat)

The first stage discussion and introduction of each team member from various countries
in Southeast Asia. Discussing daily routines, focus and interest, experience, etc.
2. Cloning and Engineering
Building new tools (cloning) increases the effectiveness of the prototype. This activity
consists of the procurement of tools and materials, equipment rental, and
commissioning carried out by our engineering community.
3. Technical / Operational Training
In this activity, we introduced the TaCo tool to participants from various countries in
Southeast Asia, provided a brief explanation of operating methods and how to build an
engineering team capable of developing tools independently in their respective
4. Website dan Campaign
Currently our community in Indonesia called Techsea ™ already has several social media
accounts such as LinkedIn and Instagram, but we don't have a website yet. Website is
considered important as a basic forum for introducing tools to cyberspace and investors.
In addition, for the sustainability of activities and publication of activities of various
partner communities in Southeast Asia.
5. Reporting
Activity reports as evidence that we are committed to carrying out the project within
the specified time.
6. Fundraising and Commissioning for Other Participant Countries
At this stage, the funds that have been collected through campaigns, platforms, social
media and investors are collected to then be given to members from other countries in
Southeast Asia who have problems and the right location to continue the Techsea ™

Figure 1. Techsea tools “Trash Coverter” (TaCo)

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