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Coach (Author): Rob Garza

Supported Administrator: Shameka And re

Date of Collaborative Summary:

Meeting Dates Reflected in this Summary:

L. November7,20L9

2. November L4,20L9

3. November 19, 2019

Coaching Hours This Month: 3

Total Coaching Hours to Date t2

Coach Reflections
Additional topics included :

meeting ideas and monitoring and correcting performance

and shifting from teacher to evaluator

positioning, areas of concern and overall safety of campus


a Additional topics included:

meeting ideas and monitoring and correcting performance

and shifting from teacher to evaluator

positioning, areas of concern and overall safety of campus


Conversation Guides Addressed :

lnstructional Leadership, CPSEL 2, in the form of teacher observation and evaluation. Focus on the
observation and feedback portion has been heavily discussed. Revisiting evaluation documents and
the process occurred over the past month.

Classified Staff-Ongoing discussions on the supervision and leadership of this group. Clarity in
communication is an area that hit a bump this month. Employees taking items out of context is a
learning opportunity for the participant. This month included employee discipline and termination

CPSEL 3 inthe oversight of the school facility. Rainy day schedule, supervision before and after
school and maximizing the resources were discussions.
ILP Goal and CPSEL Progress:
We have had numerous discussions on school culture and student behavior. Data is being pulled on
incidents with time and location. Determin¡ng patterns, locations and times will hopefully lead to
some solutions in the focus of reduction of behavior incidents.

being made in all areas but it has been done as problems arise in a responsive
CPSEL progress is
conversation. Hopefully time allows us to be on the front end of the next conversations.
Next St
Revisiting success and failure from the first semester will be very important. Aligning goals with the
principal's goals is essential to be successful in this supporting role. Revisiting the calendar and
reflecting on each month of the first semester will be an activity for this month. This will provide
opportunities for goal setting and focusing on the second semester.

Coach Signature

Candidate/Tra nsitioning Adm in istrator Signature:

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