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Mobile Phone Phrasal Verbs

GET OFF: stop talking on the phone

BREAK UP: become inaudible over the telephone

because of interference

SCROLL DOWN: move down the screen

PHONE IN: phone the place where you work in

order to tell your employer something

RUN OUT OF: use all of something and not have

any left

TOP UP:  buy more minutes for your cell phone, add
credit to your phone (British English)

CHARGE UP:  put electricity into a piece of

electrical equipment such as a battery

PLUG IN: to connect a piece of equipment to an

electricity supply or to another piece of equipment

Sentence Transformation
Complete the second sentence so that it means
the same as the first sentence. Use mobile phone
phrasal verbs.

1. I'm going to call my employer and tell him that

I cannot work today because I'm sick.
I'm going to                                                    sick.

2. I need to add credit to my cell phone.

I need to                              my mobile phone.                   


3. It's late, I should stop talking on the phone.

It's late, I should                                         the phone.

4. Can you call me back? I don't have any minutes

Can you call me back? I've                                   calling


5. I can't hear you clearly. The line is bad.

I can't hear you clearly. You're

Visual English 2

Sentence Transformation

6. My battery is about to run out. I need to put

electricity into it.

I need to                                                the battery.

7. You cannot see the image because you haven't

moved down your screen.

You haven't                                                  your screen.     

8. Connect your mobile phone to the charger.

                                                                         the charger.     

Visual English 3


1. phone in

2. top up

3. get off

4. run out of

5. breaking up

6. charge up (or charge)

7. scrolled down

8. Plug your mobile phone into

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