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Name : Kemal Taufiqul Hakim

Student ID : 022202000010

Summary Of Pancasila

 Principles Of Pancasila
Pancasila derives from two Sanskrit words, “panca” meaning five, and “sila”
meaning principles. It comprises five principles as follow :
1. Belief in the One and Only God (in Indonesia, Ketuhanan Yang Maha Esa).
2. Just and Civilized Humanity (in Indonesia, Kemanusiaan Yang Adil Dan
3. The Unity Of Indonesia (in Indonesia, Persatuan Indonesia).
4. Democracy Guided By The Inner Wisdom In The Unanimity Arising Out Of
Deliberations Amongst Representatives (in Indonesia, Kerakyatan Yang Dipimpin
Oleh Hikmat Kebijaksanaan, Dalam Permusyawaratan/Perwakilan).
5. Social Justice For The Whole Of The People Of Indonesia (in Indonesia, Keadilan
Sosial Bagi Seluruh Rakyat Indonesia).
Pancasila has a unique pattern of thought which is very important to be understood.
The pattern of thought of Pancasila is as follows :
1. All the principles of Pancasila cannot be separated from one to another. They
must be understood in togetherness.
2. All the principles of Pancasila are interrelated. Belief in the One and Only God
must be connected with the principles of just and civilized humanity, unity of
Indonesia, democracy and social justice principles.

 Urgency Of The Indonesia State Philosophy Of Pancasila Education

Pancasila education is the structured and conscious efforts to create the
learning atmosphere and process so that students actively develop their potentials to
have competence, personality and knowledge according to each of study program.
Students are expected to give constructive contributions to the nation, country and
societal life based on Pancasila values. The student centered learning approach is used
to develop students’ knowledge, attitude and skill, because the students are the nation
leader candidates who are in building professional mindset in their own study
programs with Pancasila as the guiding principles.
The urgency of Pancasila education is to strengthen the nationhood soul to be
principle motive and a leading star for the future leaders in various areas and levels.
They, accordingly, are not easy to be influenced by foreign ideologies that may make
Pancasila not practiced. For this reason, the Pancasila education is necessary to
produce graduates as the primary force of development and continuation of the future
leaders at every level of the governmental institutions, agencies, political
infrastructure, business institutions and other professionals practicing the Pancasila
values with high appreciation.

 Pancasila In The Course Of Indonesian History

Pancasila are implemented and put into practice so that each group of society
maintains its own identity, and directly or indirectly engages in continuous dialogue
with others so that through different approaches and interpretations everyone can
learn, at least theoretically, the universal values in Pancasila in order to maintain unity
or co-existence, mutual cooperation (gotong royong), and humanism.
The understanding of Pancasila in the course of Indonesian history underlines
some important points as the following:
1. Pancasila is the authentic product of the founding fathers of the republic of
2. Pancasila values have its sources and are taken from traditional, cultural and
religious values.
3. Pancasila is weltanschauung of nation and foundation of the Indonesian state
The urgency of Pancasila in the course of Indonesian history is as the
1. Pancasila remain existing in the life of nation and country, even if the governmental
administration of a regime is weak.
2. It has been proven from the past efforts of changing Pancasila that Pancasila is the
best choice for the Indonesian nation.
3. The urgency of the recent generation to have and express reasoning that Pancasila
is the best choice of the Indonesian nation.
Pancasila as the state philosophy of Indonesia constitutes its role and function as
foundation of the unitary country of the Republic of Indonesia, ideology of the
country, system of philosophy and foundation for the science development.

 Pancasila As The System Of Philosophy

Pancasila as the system of philosophy has been discussed since the founding
fathers discussed the problem of the country foundation and weltanschauung. Even
though both of them contain the philosophical ideas, but it is still necessary to
academically reflect Pancasila as the system of philosophy in more deeper way.
There are two academic approaches of Pancasila as the system of philosophy
that are complementary to one and another. Those are as the following:
1. Pancasila as genetivus objectivus which places Pancasila as an object or current that
is investigated by other philosophical currents.
2. Pancasila as genetivus subjectivus which places Pancasila as subject investigating
other currents of philosophy.
Urgency of Pancasila as the system of philosophy is as the following
1. To have reasonable explanation of the principles of Pancasila as the political
principles so that it can be further implemented in managing the country
2. To open dialogues from new various perspectives in the nation and country life
3. To be able to become the evaluation frame for the activities that are connected to
the country, nation and societal life.

 Pancasila As The System Of Ethics

Pancasila as the system of ethics is branch of philosophy that is explained

from the principles of Pancasila to guide the behavior and attitudes in the
country, nation and societal life. For that reason, it contains justice, democracy,
unity, humanity and divinity or religious values. Those five values constitute
Indonesian people’s behavior in all aspects of their life;
The urgency of Pancasila as the system of ethics for the Indonesian nation
is to be norms of behaviors in the country, nation and societal life in Indonesia.
Accordingly, the violation in the country life such as corruption (violation of
power) can be minimized.
 Pancasila As The Value Foundation Of The Science Development

Pancasila as the foundation of science development means that all the five
principles of Pancasila become norms and guideline in developing science and
technology. Some terms of experts showing the role of Pancasila as the reference
to Science and technology development are Pancasila as intellectual bastion
(Sofian Effendi) and Pancasila as common denominator values (Muladi).
Urgency of Pancasila as the value foundation of science development for the
students is to show the role of Pancasila as the normative reminders of the
Indonesian science development. In addition, the development of the Indonesian
science has to have the root in Indonesian culture and involve the wide societal

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