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Teaching for Critical Thinking

Writing Performance
Objectives in the Three
Domains of Learning
Presented by Dr. Janeen Quiroz
What does the Cone
of Learning Implies to ????????????????
the Practice of ????
Teaching/ Learning?
Cognitive- Mental and Psychomotor-motor skills and
Intellectual thinking skills. actions that require physical

Types of
Affective-interest, attitude,
values and emotions relating
to learning the information.
• Objectives that “deal
with the recall or
Cognitive recognition of
knowledge and the
Domain development of
intellectual abilities and
skills” (Bloom et al.,
Objectives 1956, p.7)
Cognitive Domain
Blooms Revised Taxonomy
Constructing meaning
from different types of
functions be they written
or graphic messages, or
Verb: interpreting,
exemplifying, classifying,
summarizing, inferring,
comparing, or
Carrying out or using
a procedure through
executing or
Verbs: models,
presents, interviews,
or simulates.  
Breaking materials or concepts
into parts, determining how the
parts relate to one another or
how they interrelate, or how
the parts relate to an overall
structure or purpose.
Verbs: differentiating,
organizing, attributing, being
able to distinguish between the
components or parts.
Making judgments
based on criteria and
standards through
checking and
Verbs: critique, agree,
appraise, assess,
award, choose
Putting elements together to form a
coherent or functional whole;
reorganizing elements into a new pattern
or structure through generating,
planning, or producing. 

Creating Verbs: adapt, build, change, choose,

combine, compile, compose

Handout Verbs for Writing Objectives

Cognitive Objectives
Name Name the first Prime Minister of Belize.

Compare and Compare and contrast the poem Little Boy Blue with Little Red Riding Hood.

Analyze the goals and ideas of the system of colonial government that apply or do not
Analyze apply today.

Evaluate Evaluate the role of Bob Marley’s music in raising social awareness.

Compose Compose a song about the function of various parts of the body
Psychomotor Domain
The psychomotor domain relates to the physical skills and/or
the performance of motor tasks according to a standard of
accuracy, rapidity, or smoothness. 

focus on physical movement and the control of muscles and

muscle groups” Eye-hand coordination; fine and gross motor
skills (Cooper, 2009, p. 25 )

Verbs: observe, complete, demonstrate, replicate, share, point out, break

down, put together
Affective Domain

The affective domain relates to the emotional component of learning,

and is concerned with changes or growth in interest, attitudes, and value
students are expected to demonstrate.
Alternative and authentic assessments used to measure affective
outcomes (Cooper, 2009, p/25).

Verbs: act, display, influence, listen, modify,

perform, propose, question, serve, solve, verify
• Audience: It’s important that your objective
identifies the people that will be doing the
learning. Typically this will involve the word,
“learner” or “participant.”
• Behavior: You’ll need to identify what the
participants are going to do differently. This

ABCD of •
component will contain your action verb.
Condition: This part of the objective will describe

Objective the situation, conditions or circumstances under

which sts are to perform the task (materials, time

Writing limits, location-grouping included)- align with

conditions expected on test.
• Degree of Mastery: This part of the objective is
closely tied to the change in behavior, as it
stipulates the degree of the change- It is the
standard by which students’ successful
completion of the objective is measure or level of
minimal acceptable performance (5/8, 80%
accuracy, 12 lines, .
Condition Audience
After a lesson on bullying, students will be
able to explain the difference between a bully
and a friend by writing a short paragraph that
includes a thesis statement and call to action.
Degree of Mastery

Using information discussed on bullying, students

will be able to explain the difference between a bully
and a friend by writing a short paragraph that
includes a thesis statement and call to action.
Amended Examples
Given 20 mins, students willAudience
Condition be
able to explain the difference
Behavior between a bully
and a friend by writing a short paragraph that
includes a thesisDegree
of Mastery and call to action.

Students will be able to individually explain the

difference between a bully and a friend by
writing a short paragraph that includes a thesis
statement and call to action.
After learning about the different district in Belize,
the student will demonstrate their knowledge by
Examples of putting identifying labels on a blank map of Belize
with no errors.
Domain Amended
On a blank map of Belize, students will accurately
Objective label the six districts of Belize.

The child will use sign language to sign as well as

voice the target words when presented with an
object to 90% accuracy.
After viewing and discussing a
documentary on teen pregnancy,
students will explore and reflect on
Example personal attitudes and values related to
teen pregnancy by writing a poem with
of at least 12 lines.

Affective Using personal experience and the

information presented in the
Domain documentary on teen pregnancy,
Objective students will explore and reflect on
personal attitudes and values related
to teen pregnancy by writing a poem
with at least 12 lines.
Example of A Lesson With
All Three Domains

1 2 3
Cognitive Objective: When Given letter cards, students Affective Objective:
presented with an object, will be able to create the Through show and tell,
the student will identify and target word using the students will be able to
produce the target word correct spelling. orally explain about two
with 90% accuracy. toys that are their favorite
using descriptive language.
• Cognitive Objective - When
the student is practicing
his/her hopping skills, he/she
will be asked to identify
numbers, animals, and

Another • Affective Objective – While

the student is not

Example participating in the activity,

he/she will be asked to help
the student who is
participating when that
student needs help. The
students will also be
expected to willingly cheer
one another on.
Your turn!

What domain of
learning is it?
Students will be able to
accurately categorize types of
animals into the correct classes
Identify the ABCD
of the objective.
using the given graphic
Poorly Written Objectives

01 02 03
By the end of the Students will be able Kindergartners will
lesson, students will to write a full-length be able to recall
understand the research paper and parts of the story,
significance of the present their findings write a summary of
Battle of St. George’s by the end of the what happened, and
Caye. class period. predict what will
happen next.




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