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Cameron Vaughn

Human Resource Foundations-Spring 1-2021-HRCU-600-LC1

February 13th,2020

Professor Benedict Lastimado

Brandman University


For this particular interview, I will be Horace Nuefville of Motel 6. He is currently the General Manger and has

been for the past 17 years. He also happens to by my favorite Uncle and the man I aspire to be one day. He

overseeas all thehuma resources programs and performances. Hes the man, the miads or the receptionists go to

when they feel they been wronged by a customer or just have any other problems. Casio stated from the

text,”Hr plays a key role in devleping, reinforcing and changing the culture of an orgainzation”(Casio,2013).

From hiring activities to training, and recruitment, the HR is a highly essential structure that evry business

needs to implement if not done so yet. We both agree that getting culture right isnt easy.

To Mr.Nuevfille, effective human magment can mean many things. In the 21st century, providing high-
quality human resources assistance to your company requires a bit of being all things to
all people. Gone are the days when you just have to take care of hiring, payroll, and
enforcing the rules. Many prosperous companies now feature HR professionals taking
prominent roles in employee development, company culture, high-level business strategy,
and more. Jim harter stated in his article,” Your people want to know what’s happening at
the company. In fact, they deserve – within reason – to know what’s happening, at least at
the big picture level. It keeps them invested in the company’s success, especially in terms
of how it impacts their career”(Harter,J,2016). In the hotel sense it can be even more broad.
Business success can never be achieved by just one person; it takes a team – and the right team –
for you and your business. So how do you find, attract, and keep the right people to work for you
and your business? You do this by putting employees first. Some of the overall benefits of good
human resources (HR) practices include higher employee satisfaction, lower staff turnover,
superior customer service and, of course, increased profitability. In short, A human resource
department’s main goal is to implement a variety of functions that are strategically designed to
both attract and maintain an effective workforce. In the hospitality industry which is where the
hotel and motel industries are, HR in the hospitality industry plays an essential: role HR keeps
employees happy so that they maintain the excellent reputation of the business and keeps customers
happy by ensuring employees behave appropriately and according to company policy. Positions in
the hospitality industry are usually hourly rather than salaried, making employee retention
challenging to maintain. Employees work long hours, including nights, weekends and holidays.
Additionally, customer-facing positions come with their own set of unique challenges.Having to
meet the high demands from the business and customers – and with such a strong focus on
customer service – these positions are physically and mentally exhausting. When businesses are
understaffed, employees lose possible flexibility in scheduling, leading to frustration and burnout.


Mr.Nuefville says the number one things to ensure the HR policy is aligned with the business
strategy by fostering an inclusive workplace. HR in hospitality, together with senior
management (and maybe even the law department), should work together to create a
workplace where every employee feels welcome and valued.Inclusion doesn’t happen
simply because you have a diverse workforce, you have to make it happen. And when you
have an inclusive workplace, your company becomes more adaptable, creative, innovative
and better able to attract top talent, because your employees want to work in the culture
you promote. Some other important things to rerember are:

 Lead by example and connect with every employee.

 Encourage interaction outside staff silos.
 Hold brainstorming ideas or get-togethers with unusual combinations of staff
 Create employee resource groups such as working parents or LGBTQ, and
encourage HR to support them.

The ways a general mangers collabaroare with management to promore employment

engagement is pararmunt. One things he points is the quicker dcesions are made, the
bteer. John Baily of the New York Times says,” uccessful leaders are expert decision makers.  A
General Manager's day is filled around the clock with meetings and exchanges with staff, guests, vendors, suppliers
and new recruits, etc.  The goal of each meeting and encounter is to make decisions.  Successful hoteliers
either empower their employees to reach a desirable outcome or they do it themselves.  They focus on “making
things happen” at all times – encouraging progress and keeping their hotel above par. Anohter way is to measure
and reward performance. Studies show that a lack of praise and recognition is a top reason that employees are
unhappy at their jobs. Successful managers (hotel GMs included) are active in recognizing and acknowledging hard
work and are mindful of rewarding top performers.

My uncle is “old skool” and says the best way to learn something is by doing it. The same princle applies in the
hospiltalyt industry. There are many issues with people manangemnt but he eblievs that’s just how the whole world
oerates. There is always a solotuion to a problem, unless its terminal.One of the major is the admistartive work
itself. An
excess of administrative work was reported by most of our clients as one of the
biggest obstacles to their daily routines. Issues cited by so many of our clients included the
overwhelming accumulation of work orders stacking up on your desk whilst awaiting
approval and being prioritisation. Other points included the frustration in trying to draw up
competent reports relying on Excel and sheets of paper. One way to solve this is through
Infreaspeak for hotels. Infraspeak for Hotels is a paperless platform which stores everything
online and can be easily accessed through a smartphone or computer. Failure management is
carried out exclusively online without the need to exchange papers or files by email. It also
allows for allreports and indicators to be directly checked on the platform or downloaded

using the management interface.Anoter one keeping up with the ever changing technology.
He sayd as a 61 year old man, it can be quite challenging. Increasingly, hotel guests
are becoming tech-savvy and demand and expect conveniences like Wi-Fi,
USB ports, more electric outlets, flat-screen TVs, and so on. Hotels can also
streamline workflows and systems using the latest technology, which is
often expensive but worthwhile. This requires managers to stay up-to-date
with new developments, and find the right applications and software to
meet their changing needs. “Futureproofing” is nearly impossible in an age
where advancement is constant, and hotels are sure to have different needs
over time.

As always, I gain valuable wisdom whenever I have a conversation with my

uncle. That is when hes in a good mood. The first takeway I got from this
interview was to collaborate. More heads are better than one, right? Having regular
collaboration sessions with your hotel staff can give you a well of ideas on how you can
improve your hotel and even how you can generate more bookings and increase customer



Baily, J. (2020). Operations and supply chain management. New York Times NY: McGraw-Hill Education.

Cascio, W. F. (2019). Managing Human Resources: Productivity, Quality of Work Life, Profits (11th ed.). New

York, New York: McGrow-Hill Education.

Harter, J., & Mann, A. (2016). The Right Culture: Not Just About Employee Satisfaction. Retrieved from




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