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to get your
1. Introduction
2. How to use this eBook
3. The A.D.O.R.E method of organising
4. Top 10 tips for getting started
5. Top 10 tips for decluttering
6. Top 10 tips for cleaning
7. Top 10 tips for organising in general
8. Top 10 tips for organising rooms in your home
9. Top 10 tips for organising your belongings
10. Top 10 tips for organising your time
11. Top 10 tips for organising your information
12. Top 10 tips for organising life events
13. Top 10 tips for organising the future
and 1 last tip to finish things off!
I have a confession to make. I love everything about being organised!

Yes, it's hard work to get systems in place, and to get your family on board with
the changes, but it is SO worth it.

That really is the main reason I started Organise My House - to break things
down in a simple and easy to follow way that would inspire and motivate, and
be readily available via the internet. Now I can help many more people than just
those local to me with my previous Interior Design & Home Organising
Business, and it's fantastic fun!

I love that you can go to the blog whenever you are tackling a project in your
home or life, and get ideas that can really make a difference. Hopefully it has
already inspired you to make a few changes and create a simpler life.

Of course, there are so many areas in people homes and lives to get organised,
and it can seem really overwhelming at first - just too big a job to even start, so
I have also decided that the perfect starting point would be to give away some
of my tops tips in this free eBook.

It's easy to absorb advice that should start you off on the right track. Going
through it will give you some instant ideas that you can immediately use in
your own life and home – small steps can make a massive difference in a really
short time frame.

My belief is that people can’t be 100% organised, it too difficult to keep it up in

all areas of your life forever. Instead, I want to show you that you can be
organised to the level YOU need, with some simple and easy tricks.

The eBook has been divided into the sections I always follow for any organising
project – and I will introduce my A.D.O.R.E. Method which is how I tackle all
organising projects whether big or small.

It will become second nature to think of your life in an organised way once you
have been following these tips and reading my blog posts
for a while, and I look forward to sharing your journey.
Here's to a home life you truly love!

r i s s y
C h
how to use this eBook
This eBook has been put together for the express purpose of making getting
started on your organising easier for you.

The first section takes you through the Organise My House method for tackling
any organising you do around the house and in your life – namely the A.D.O.R.E
method. This will help you to understand the steps required to ensure that what
you organise will be fit for purpose, and will stand the test of time.

The rest of the sections take you through each different part of your life and
your home, giving you some of the best tips that will really help you get
organised fast in each area.

It is a resource that you can come back to regularly, as and when you want to
tackle things in more detail, or find out more about certain areas - You will find
links to the website and specific posts that have been written about those areas
dotted around as well that can give you loads more detail.

Whether you read this all in one go, or go to the section that you need to tackle
first – and whether you take away one or many of the great tips and they make
your life easier – then I hope that it makes a difference for you – and I wish you
a fantastic journey getting as organised as you want to be in life...
the A.D.O.R.E method
Every single organising project I tackle uses the ADORE method I developed a
number of years ago.

This was my way of making it easier to do things in an order that would ensure
they worked well, and nothing was missed.

It helps the process go much more easily and quickly - and I hope this method
helps you just as much.

This is the best way to start the eBook so that you can start to use this method
with whatever you tackle first...

All you have to do is follow the steps, and you will end up with an organised
space that really works for you for years to come. Now what could be better than

A.D.O.R.E stands for:-

assess declutter organise real life evaluate

Let's go through each of these in turn...

Planning out what you need to do and why you need to do it before you start will
reap its rewards – both in time and energy.

Missing out this key section is how most people find that any attempts at
organising fail – they will have a proper declutter session, make everything look
tidy and nice, and get organised for the short term, but it never lasts because
they haven’t thought it all through in terms of exactly what caused the clutter
and disorganisation in the first place.

Its being proactive rather than reactive, and asking questions to ensure that you
are organising what you need to be, and not getting sidetracked.

You need to ask lots of questions to ensure that your organising will be a
success. You get a better understanding of what's required and how to achieve it
before you actually start spending money or wasting any time.

The 6 question words WHO, WHY, WHAT, WHERE, WHEN and HOW always come
into play – and thinking of each one in turn can really focus your mind. e.g:-

WHO – Who will use the space, who needs to access it?

WHY – Why do I need this space to get organised, why is the space an issue at
the moment?

WHAT – What works in the room, What doesn’t work in the room, What items are
essential, What tasks do I use the room for – and are all items there, What has
caused the disorganisation, What goals do I want for this space?

WHERE – Where is the best place for this project/these items/this room etc….

WHEN – When will the space be used, When (if ever) did the space work?

HOW – How will the space be used – Is there an easier way to do things?
This is definitely the next step of the organising process – as you need to specify
what you want to keep and what is simply clutter in your life now.

There is absolutely no reason to spend any time going forward cleaning,

maintaining and organising that which you do not need any longer...

Decluttering in it's simplest form is getting rid of what is not needed in a space.

Whether that be that the item needs to move to a new space within your home, or
to be taken away completely is up to you and what you have planned in the
ASSESS phase - and that's why knowing your goals and what you want to achieve
is so crucial.

The key to decluttering is to not procrastinate – it will take you forever if you keep
going back to items that you can’t make your mind up about – therefore the main
thing to remember is to ONLY TOUCH THINGS ONCE.

If you don’t you will only be moving the clutter to another part of the space, and
you will have the same problem all over again and achieve nothing after spending
all the time sorting – this will leave you very disillusioned with the process.

TIP – when decluttering it can be exhausting both physically and emotionally – so

why not time each session – as small chunks will keep you motivated – 15 minutes
a day isn’t a lot but its amazing how much you can get done in this time – it builds
You've done the thinking behind what you want to get more organised, you've
decluttered what doesn't belong in that space, so now it's time to take a look at
how you can better organise what's left so that it helps you in your day to day life
rather than hinders you.

It's time to look at setting up systems, routines and habits that help you get, and
stay, organised - and also organising the spaces in your home.

All systems will be personal to you and how you live - but you will find loads of
ideas and inspiration on the various categories on the blog so I urge you to look
there when you are organising anything - but for some extra help when you are
organising a space I have created a useful strategy to follow - whatever your
organising may look like.

When organising any space, you can look at the following acronym to help.
- "L.A.S.T". (I like to remember the whole organising process by using the
following sentence - "A.D.O.R.E getting organised at L.A.S.T" so I hope this helps
you to remember it easily too!)

Let's go through these 4 steps:-

L is for "Like with Like" - Always store everything of the same type together - this
makes things a lot easier to find, AND to put away.

A is for "Assign a Home" - Everything in your home should have a home of it's own
- and everyone who lives there should be aware of that space.

S is for "Storage" - Find the right type of storage that makes it easy to collate
everything together in the space you have, while making it readily available when

T is for "Tag" - Label everything! the easier it is to find something or put it away,
the better.
real life
Aaaah - you're done - aren't you?

There is that gorgeous moment when you can sit back and look at what you've
achieved, safe in the knowledge that you are going to be super organised for ever

And while this feeling should be embraced, and you should indeed pat yourself on
the back for a job well done - there's still quite a bit to do - sorry!

Life is going to test your systems - and you need to work out whether what you
thought would work in theory actually does in practise.

It's like a diet - you stick to a meal plan and lose weight, but once left to your own
devices, it's harder to stay on track.

It's all too easy to not put something away, or just do something 'just this once' -
but if you start to let yourself slip, then your old habits (which were formed over
many many years) will start again, and you'll be left back where you started.

Even if you have thought hard about what you think will work for you, you may be
surprised at the results!

This stage is simply taking a step back, and using your newly organised
system/space as you have designed it - while sticking to that system just as it is
for a time. Only then can you make a judgement on whether it works for you.

I always advise living with the new way of doing things for at least a month as this
is how long it will take for it to feel like a natural habit – if you decide you don’t like
something immediately it may well just be a reaction to change rather than a
reaction to the organisation method used.

Once you have lived with the systems for a month, you can then go to the last
Back on the diet analogy - now is the time to see whether your new way of eating
is actually sustainable for the long term.

In terms of your organising - this is where you can look at the systems you have
put in place and decide what is working, what needs tweaking, and what needs a
complete rethink (hopefully not much will fit into the last category!)

When you have organised a specific area of your home/life, you will be able to
make changes and adjustments as you see fit, and more readily understand what
will really work for you - and hopefully you'll end up with something that will last
for you.


It's so important not to think of organising as a one time deal – it is a way of life
that’s ongoing, and things are constantly evolving depending on our stage in life,
who lives with us etc....

As our needs change, our systems and organising ideas may have to change
accordingly, and you must be open to evaluating these systems on a yearly basis
(yearly is what I recommend, but also after any major life change such as moving
house, having a baby, living with someone new etc…).

Once you have reached this stage in the system you can basically stay there until
your regular evaluations bring up something that needs changing or that doesn't
work well - and then it's back to the start - ASSESS and work out what you now
need/want etc...
what are the benefits?

It's a lot to go through - and written down it can seem overwhelming to say the
least - but I am here to assure you that following this process will be key to
making things as simple as possible for you going forward.

If you need any more convincing, here are a few benefits that getting your home
and life sorted can bring...

You will gain You will You won’t be

more time save money as stressed

You will be able Your family will You will always have
to find things know where to be something to wear
more quickly & when

You will be on top You will be You will have

of the cleaning working more time for
and housework towards your yourself & others
let's get going...
Now we have dealt with the theory behind whats going on, here comes the fun bit
– actually putting into practice the theory, and making steps towards a better
home for you and your family.

Enjoy following this guide, the tips are there for you to work out what will suit you
as a family, and take away as many as you feel will help you most.

This is just a getting started guide, and as such the tips are short and to the point,
but to find out more you can go over to Organise My House and explore the
various categories that you want to delve into deeper..

The site address is - - you may want to bookmark

top 10 tips for...
getting started

1. Start where it hurts ...

If you are constantly losing your keys and taking time each day to find them,
organising the space so that you have a key hook or drawer will pay dividends
immediately - and you will therefore be spurred on to continue

2. Start with some quick wins

It's always easier to keep going once you have some success under your belt - and
so try and achieve a few small wins first to get momentum up.

3. Understand your 'why'

Without having something driving you to do anything in life, you tend not to get it
done - so make sure you have a clear understanding of why you are doing it.

4. Avoid Procrastination
Make decisions as soon as you need to, and go with that decision - you will move
forward and get there if you do. Overthinking will lead to inability to get things done.

5. Set yourself a time limit

10 or 15 minutes is very achievable, so set a timer to go off and promise yourself you
can stop after this time - stay focused and you will be surprised how much you can
get done - you may even decide to continue!
6. Don't get sidetracked
Stay focused on the job you have started. If you find things that need to be put
elsewhere then just fill a basket with them. Use a few minutes at the end of your
organising session to put them away in the correct room.

7. Get help
If you think it will help you stay on track, either by hiring a professional - or simply
asking a friend. - if you have someone to keep you motivated and someone to
answer to - then you are more likely to get organised.

8. Keep your end goal in mind

Have a vision of what you want to achieve with whatever you are doing, and work
towards this. If you aren't working towards something specific then you will never
know when you get there.

9. Balance what you are doing

Ensure that you are creating a more balanced life - as whatever you get organised
should help you rather than make things more complicated. Ensure you have time
for family, friends, work , hobbies, getting fit, relaxing time, etc.....

10. Use a system to help you do things

Setting up systems, routines and habits will mean that you are more likely to be
successful with whatever you are tackling. For organising I always suggest my
A.D.O.R.E Method, and have created lots of systems/routines etc... on the blog too.
top 10 tips for...

1. Understand what clutter is

Clutter is anything that doesn't belong in a space - whether that be because it
belongs elsewhere in your home or not in your home at all. You need to be able to
define what is clutter in any space that you tackle as this will make decision making

2. Don't declutter another persons stuff

To you it may be clutter, but to someone else it may be precious or needed. If you
declutter someone elses things then this is a recipe for disaster. Do your things first
and let others see the benefits - they may well want to follow your lead.

3. Do it in small chunks
You will very quickly get overwhelmed if you try and declutter the whole house in
one go. Do it in small chunks so you can see progress in a positive way

4. Accept that it will get messy

Taking everything out and sorting it means it will get very messy before it gets tidy
again - work with this and don't get despondent - it will be worth it!.

5. Only tackle one area at a time

Take anything from that space that doesn't belong and then put the rest back - don't
try and move things into that space from other areas as you will get confused
quickly - wait until you tackle that area and move the items then.
6. Move from space to space methodically
As you move from room to room the rooms you have done will feel lighter, and the
rooms still to sort will probably become messier for a time - but if you work through
each room methodically then everywhere will be completed in the end.

7. Keep only what you need and what you love

Everything in your home should either bring you joy or be something that helps you
to function. If you are keeping things because you feel you should, or that bring you
negative emotions, then they shouldn't be in your home.

8. Take before and after photos

A great way to see how far you have come (especially if you need motivation) is to
take a photo of the space before you decluttered, and then one afterwards - this
alone should show your progress and keep you going

9. Could someone else benefit from your clutter?

It may be clutter to you, but someone else may really need what you have - so
always consider donating to charity, or giving to friends and family what you don't
want any longer

10. Could YOU benefit from it?

Consider selling your unwanted items on eBay etc.. as you may well get some money
back from what you don't want any longer - which you could put towards something
that you do need instead.
top 10 tips for...

1. Understand the scale of the job

Begin by writing down ALL the cleaning that needs doing, and how often. This will
show you exactly how much there is to do, and you can then reconcile whether
this is possible in the time you have to do it. It's a great starting point that gives

2. Have a schedule - that you can do

You may have great intentions of what you can do - but be realistic and create a
schedule that works for you. If you can't stick to it then it won't be of use in a few
weeks anyway...

3. Get everyone involved

The whole household should be involved in cleaning – as everyone who lives there
contributes to the mess! Delegate and ensure everyone has age specific jobs that will
fit into their days easily (then you are much more likely to get everyone to help out!)

4. Consider outside help

Cleaners, Ironing, Gardening etc... are all areas where you can easily get help, and
often for less than you think - your time is valuable.

5. Clean as much as you see fit

What's good enough for one person may not be for others, but you can also go too
far!! Work out what works for YOU, and stick to that.
6. Always be "Guest ready"
If you keep on top of the house by cleaning little and often then whenever a friends
knocks on the door you can open it and welcome them in knowing that mostly the
house is clean. If you can only do a blitz clean once a week then simply try and keep
the main areas of the house looking OK (kitchen, living room and hallway) – as
these are the places that visitors will see!

7. Declutter before cleaning

It is a fact that homes are 40% quicker to clean without excess clutter – courtesy of
the National Soap and Detergent Association – so what more reason do you need to
have a sort out!

8. Work from the top down

Whatever you are cleaning, make sure you start at the top and work down - that
way any dust will settle on the ground and then you can deal with that last. This
saves you having to do things again.

9. Create a cleaning caddy

Have a bucket or box that has all the most used cleaning items you need, and carry
it from room to room with you to save running back and forth for something. For
room specific items (bathroom for example) , keep items in that room for ease also.

10. Use things to make life easier

Steam mops are fantastic for hard floors, and most have attachments for carpets
also – this will ensure a deep clean – and there's no changing tools for each job.
Hoovers with lots of attachments when used properly can also save loads of time.
top 10 tips for...
general organising
1. Always put items where they are needed
Save yourself time every day by storing items where they are most needed i.e.
shoes and coats by the front door, filing where you deal with your paperwork,
cleaning supplies in the room they are needed etc...

2. Store all like items together

When you store like items with like items then you take away any ambiguity about
where they live when it comes to finding things or putting them away. Pick a place
that works best for a specific item and put them all there.

3. Pick great storage

Whatever storage you pick for items should look good in the space (so you enjoy
using it) but more importantly should be the right size to fit everything comfortably
and be easily accessible in order to get things out and put them back.

4. Label everything
Just as it's easy to find paperwork in a filing cabinet when they are in properly
labelled files, your home works so much better when everything has a label. Family
members can easily see what goes where.

5. Organise to suit
If you like to see what you have, then store in display cabinets and on shelves, if you
prefer things hidden away then used closed storage. Use picture labels for children
to use more easily. Look at how you live and who lives there and work with that.
6. If it works, leave it alone
Don't get carried away by organising everything in sight if it actually doesn't need
organising. Take a step back and only organise what isn't working at the moment -
don't mess with the things that are working fine!

7. Don't be swayed by others

It is tempting to look at other people and see a system that works really well for
them only to find that when you have spent time implementing it in your own home,
it doesn't work. Make sure that your home works for you and everyone living there
and work out what will work for you before anything else.

8. Don't overcomplicate things

As with anything in life, if it's too difficult to do we simply will find a way to not do
it. The last thing you want is to set up a system in your home that is too hard - keep
things simple and you will find they are much more effective.

9. Create daily habits

Habits are what make systems and routines work. Just like brushing your teeth
everyday has become something you barely have to think about, you just get it done,
so too can all the little jobs and tasks you have to do.

10. Don't buy things to help until you need them

There are so many gorgeous products out there that you can buy thinking they will
solve all your problems, but they actually end up just being part of the clutter. Always
make sure you measure what you need and only get it after you have organised.
top 10 tips for...
organising rooms
1. Is each room being used well?
Just because a room is labelled as something, doesn't mean you have to use it as
such. How do you use your home - are there rooms that are under or over used -
why is that? Can the rooms be used better? e.g use a guest room as a home office
or somewhere to do homework - rather than using the kitchen table.

2. Hallway - Space for everyone

Having a hook and a basket for everyone in the house means they can easily put
things away when they come into the house, and grab things when leaving. It is
also somewhere to put things from around the house that they need to put away

3. Living Room - Wires...

This space usually houses the TV, DVD etc.. and with these items comes LOTS of
wires. A great tip is to label the wires at the plug so that you can easily turn off the
right item at a glance, rather than having to trail over the whole lead to get to the
right plug each time!

4. Dining Room - Display & Storage

If you are lucky enough to have a separate dining room then it's a great place to
store your entertaining items, and also to display things you love. A dresser is a
great piece of furniture for this or use a sideboard with shelves above.

5. Kitchen - Keep surfaces clear

Keep as much as you can off the work surfaces and you will find the space much
easier to live with. You will have space for preparing meals, cleaning the surfaces will
take a fraction of the time, and it will look less busy.
6. Utility - Keep on top of the laundry
If you create a backlog at any stage (waiting to be washed, drying, putting away,
ironing etc...) then you will end up with constant stress. Aim to do a little every day,
and don't avoid one part of the system – that way you will keep things moving, not
have a mammoth day of ironing (e.g) and have less times that people have nothing
to wear.

7. Bathroom - wipe down daily

Bathrooms can look dirty very quickly – especially if you have a large family. To
counter this, get everyone to wipe all surfaces down after they have used them. Also,
using a window wiper to wipe the shower glass each time will save SO much time
scrubbing water marks off each week.

8. Master Bedroom - clutter free

In this room the key is to maximise storage so that the room is kept clutter free for
relaxing. Only keep personal items (clothes, valuables etc..) in here as much as you
can, and think of how a boutique hotel looks when you are creating yours.

9. Guest Bedroom - Become a guest for the night

See how the room feels to stay in – do you have everything you need? Is it comfy?
Are there loud noises you weren’t aware of that keep you awake? Can you hang /
store your clothes OK? Is there a mirror for getting ready? etc... – this will ensure
it works for your guests.

10. Kids rooms - for sleeping

If you can, keep kids rooms clutter free and toys to a minimum - you want them to
sleep and relax in this space and not be tempted to wake and start playing far too
top 10 tips for...
organising belongings
1. Remember the 80/20 rule
You only use 20% of your items 80% of the time (the Pareto Principle) - so the
other 80% of your possessions are clutter really! - ensure that you can easily
reach and find the essential 20%, and try and cut down on the other 80% as much
as you can.

2. Daily used items close to hand

Keep items that you use daily within arms reach, and items that you need less often
in the harder to reach storage areas - you are wasting time by having to get
everything out every time you need something stored behind it

3. Use items you love

Don't keep items you love hidden away, unused. Your home should be somewhere you
want to be, and that has everything you love around you. Saving things for best may
mean you never actually use them, and that would be such a shame...

4. Display photos, and rotate

Digital photos are so easy to take, but often get forgotten. Use a digital photo frame to
rotate your favourites, create a photo book, and if you print off special ones ensure
you change out for updated ones yearly - try and use as many as you can.

5. Sort how you search

Alphabetise / colour code / store in genres anything like Books, DVDs or CDs - make it
as easy as possible to find something quickly. Ensure the whole family would search in
the same way as well!
6. Only carry what you need
When organising your handbag – try and ensure that you only have what you really
need inside - otherwise you will be weighed down and never be able to find what you
need quickly. Save your back as well!

7. Hooks for jewellery

A great way to organise costume jewellery, specifically necklaces and bracelets – is
to fix small hooks over the inside of your wardrobe door – and then hang them on
each one individually. This way you can see at a glance what you have – and you can
work with your outfits at the same time

8. Makeup use by dates

Never keep makeup past its use by dates – look at the symbol on most packs to
see how many months it should be kept. Write on it in a permanent marker the
date it was opened as this will help you to ensure that you don’t let it stay in your
makeup bag for too long. (same tip goes for food in a fridge)

9. Keep memorabilia to a minimum - and enjoy it!

Create a memorabilia box for everyone in your house - add in items as and when you
want to. Don’t ever have more than the box can house (usually over the years some
things become irrelevant naturally – so you will keep to that which means
the most). This is a lovely gift for a child leaving home – or simply for your own
memories – it isn’t too bulky and means so much.

10. Sort toys regularly

In preparation for Christmas, get your kids to sort their toys. Throw away broken
items and then decide on a few items to take to charity. This instills a sense of giving
& charity from an early age, and also frees up some valuable space ready for
Christmas presents (can be done at any time of the year).
top 10 tips for...
organising time
1. There is finite time
Knowing that everyone has 168 hours in a week can be a great way to ensure you
get the most out of your time. Are you wasting yours or making the most of every

2. Give yourself a break

Don't try and fit everything into every second - have some time for relaxing as well
and you will be more productive as a result

3. Schedule in travel and prep time for appointments

Never simply write an appointment in your diary - always mark out the time you
need to prep and to travel to and from it as well. This means that you will never
overload yourself, and you should always arrive on time.

4. Things happen...
Even the most thought out schedules go out of the window when the unexpected
happens. Make sure that you have allowed a little time each day for when life gets in
the way - don't overfill every hour as you will always be playing catch up.

5. Group your days tasks

Just as items in your home should be stored "like with like", so too should how you use
your time. Take an hour to do all the errands in town in one go rather than make
several trips - shop for your food in one large shop rather than small ones etc.... and
you will easily save time in your week.
6. Multitask the easy stuff
When you are doing easy things - try and multitask to get them done more quickly
and save time. Unload the dishwasher while the kettles boiling, make a call while you
are cooking etc...

7. Delegate and Automate when you can

You don't have to be superman/woman all the time! Getting help from others can
shave hours off your week, or finding ways to automate things can also do wonders
(i.e. get your food shopping delivered, or pay bills by direct debit etc...)

8. Do the least favourite thing first

When I have something I don't want to do - I can waste time really easily in an
attempt to avoid the inevitable. Once I started to do the worst thing in my day first, I
started to become so much better with my time - and got lots more done as
a result.

9. Know your body

You can fight the fact that you are a night owl rather than a morning person, but you
may just find you don't get as much done as a result. Try and do those things that
take more brain power when you are naturally more alert, and lesser taxing things
when you are tired. If you work with your body rather than against it you will get
more done without even trying!

10. Learn to say NO more

Stop agreeing to do everything for everyone! When you say YES to something you
are saying NO to something else. If you can think what you are saying NO to a little
more (your goals and wishes for example) then you will be able to start saying no a
little more.
top 10 tips for...
organising info
1. Keep on top of your paperwork
Check any piles every day - this is the main source of clutter in most homes. Having
in-trays similar to an office (one for every person) and dealing with filing on a
weekly basis will all help to keep things under control.

2. Don't use MISC files

When filing anything away (paper or email), ensure that the file is labelled correctly
- NEVER file under MISC - as you will end up with a very large file here that you
have no clue what is in it.

3. Invest in a small shredder

Having a small shredder where you open your post will help you to be safe when it
comes to getting rid of personal papers.

4. Digital TV is your friend!

Utilise skyplus - or its equivalent - why spend time looking at adverts on the TV
when you can fast forward them, and why be restricted to the TV schedule when
you can choose when you sit down and watch your programme - this is time well
spent rather than time wasted.

5. Check email once or twice a day

NOT ongoing – as you will waste precious time (same with all social media as you can
get sucked in and don’t realise you have wasted half a day!)
6. Avoid overwhelm
Always feel overwhelmed? Why not cancel your magazine or TV subscriptions?
Having more and more information coming into your home will end up making you
resent it, and therefore will add to the clutter in your head.

7. Get rid of the backlogs

Draw a line in the sand on all piles of paperwork/email etc.... Collect it all together,
ensure that anything from now on is dealt with properly (binned, filed etc...) – and
then spend 10 mins a day or whatever you can afford, to sort out the backlog. Most
backlogs are outdated anyway and just going through it knowing you are not adding
to it anymore can be really empowering.

8. Create a Home File

On the blog I talk about Home Files a LOT as I really think that they help in keeping a
home running smoothly. They are basically a place to put all the information your
home needs so that anyone could use it if they needed to. It's full of information
about specific details of your home – and are a life saver on so many levels!

9. Diary management is key

Don’t let your diary rule you. It needs to have specific enough information in it to help
you – but not too much. I always add in not only appointments, but also travel and
prep time, as then I can see exactly what REAL free time I have – and then can
allocate TO Dos around these immovables. Works really well!

10. Don't let the phone rule you

Your phone can also be a constant interruption & information over-loader. Why is it
that we feel we can’t not pick it up once in a while if we’re busy? What other thing in
our home gives people outside a direct route in? Try and be selective over when you
pick up – use your caller id to see who it is, and utilise your answer phone more. If its
urgent they will leave a message, or call back.
top 10 tips for...
organising life events
1. Getting Fit - Create an achievable routine
With the best will in the world, if you try and overload a new fitness routine you
will simply stop after a week or so. Ensure that you are realistic with how much
time you have, what you can do and what you like doing and you will have success.

2. Losing weight? Look forward, not back

Don't be tempted to keep the old clothes once they are too big for you, as you will
always have an easy way back if you put the weight back on again. It's a great
motivation as well to only see what fits you when you look in your wardrobe.

3. Create goals and split them into tasks

Whether organising a party, a career change, or something else - a large goal can be
very overwhelming. Split it up into manageable chunks and you will more quickly
progress - before you know it you will have reached your goal. Tracking is key.

4. Use others' experiences

Events can be stressful to organise. If you like things at other peoples events then
ask how it was done, who they hired etc... - why reinvent the wheel? Take inspiration
from others and save lots of time in the process.

5. Start a present / card box

Always keep a stack of cards and presents to hand ready for unexpected events / last
minute birthdays etc... Keep a variety for all ages and you should always have
something. Presents I like to keep are candles, books, games, note cards, craft items
6. Moving house - label!
As with organising for living, when you are moving it is crucial to label everything.
Label at least 2 sides of each box (so that you can see what's what when they are
stacked), and colour code for rooms if you can as this will help moving day go more

7. Pack frugally
I don't know anyone who wears and uses everything they pack when they go away.
People always tend to overpack "just in case". For the next couple of trips you go on,
write down what you used when you get back, and start to write a master packing
list of the essentials for the next time you go away.

8. Plan to do nothing when you get back from holidays

By this I mean not to book appointments or work items as soon as you get back. It
always takes a couple of days to get straight after you've been away (at home or at
work) so give yourself that space before you get overwhelmed. Don't let your
holiday feel like a distant memory the very next day you return.

9. Christmas starts in November

December is always packed with social things, school nativities etc... and so I always
try and get as much organised in November as possible. This really helps to alleviate
last minute panic, and allows you to enjoy the festivities properly when they come
around. At a minimum aim to get cards and presents sorted by Dec 1st ready to post
and give out,

10. Don't forget events and occasions

At the start of the year, add in every birthday and occasion into your diary, and add
a reminder 5 days before. This gives you enough time to get something if you have
forgotten, and will ensure that you don't forget anything again.
top 10 tips for...
organising the future
1. Create a tidy up time
5-10 minutes a day can make all the difference to keeping a home tidy. Get everyone
involved if you can, and use this time to get everything put back where it belongs.
Doing it daily will mean you are less likely to let things build up.

2. Find your motivation

In order to keep organised and maintain systems and routines, you need to stay
motivated. Find a reason that works for you and write it down somewhere you can
see it every day. This reason will drive you on.

3. One in - One out policy works

Now you have decluttered and organised, make sure things don't get out of hand
again by adopting a one in - one out policy in your home. New toy? New pair of jeans?
New anything? Give an older and underused version to charity.

4. Create good habits

Allowing good habits to fill your day will mean that everything becomes second
nature, and you will create the life that you want to have. Good habits are key to
staying organised.

5. Talk more
Sit down individually and as a family at least twice a year to ensure you are all happy,
things are on track etc... As time passes then needs change, so you must keep
evaluating how you do things, and change schedules and responsibilities accordingly.
6. Evaluate and change what doesn't work
Nothing that you organise will necessarily stay like that for the years to come. Things
change, and as such you need to constantly evaluate whether tweaks or a complete
change is needed.

7. Make every day count

You only get one life, so making the most of it is as important as it gets. Ensure that
at least one thing you do each day makes you smile and moves you towards any
goals you may have.

8. Reward yourself
When you have achieved something - however small - give yourself a pat on the
back. You deserve to recognise each and every achievement. Rewards can also be
a great motivator to get things done i.e. a coffee and magazine after sorting your
clothes out etc...

9. Ensure everyone knows what's what

Don't implement new systems and routines without getting everyone involved. It
only leads to frustration.
Making everyone aware of how to do things means that you will ultimately have to
chase people less often and will alleviate loads of stress.

10. Instil organising skills in your children

I don't know of any job in the world more important than bringing up a child so that
they can thrive as an adult on their own.
One HUGE part of this is to help them understand how to organise their homes and
lives so that they get as much out of them as possible.
Lead by your example and give them the best lessons possible and a head start in life!
and number 101...
above all else, simply enjoy your more organised life -
you have now created a life with less stress, more time,
and more energy - and what could be better than that!

Thanks for reading this eBook!

I truly hope that you have found a few tips that will make a real difference to
you straight away, and that you can dip in and out of it as you need to over the
coming weeks/months. Good luck with whatever project you are tackling.

As always, I love to hear how you are going - so if you ever want to share a
project, a tip, or some advice - then please contact me at

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