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(a)     Daisy and Rema make this circuit.

They close the switch but the electricity does not flow.

The bulb does not light.

The electrical wires are connected properly.

Give TWO possible reasons why their circuit does not work when they close the

  (i)      .............................................................................................................
1 mark

(ii)     .............................................................................................................
1 mark

(b)     They make another circuit. It works.

They put these objects into the gap in the circuit one at a time:

Page 1

The metal objects let the electricity flow through, and the bulb lights.

What is the scientific name for materials that let electricity flow through them?

1 mark

(c)     Daisy says:


Rema says:


They make three similar circuits. First they make their circuit with steel wire, then
with copper wire, then with aluminium wire.

To compare their results, what must they keep the same about the wire in all three

Page 2
circuits and what must be different?

Tick ONE box in each row below.

Wire Must be the Must be

same different

Type of metal    



1 mark

(d)     The children can change the wire in their circuit to make the bulb brighter.


Describe ONE other change that the children could make to their circuit to make this
bulb brighter when they close the switch.

1 mark

Page 3
Q2.          Bathtime

(a)     Jack gets out of the bath. He dries himself with a towel.

Why is towelling a good material to dry himself with?

1 mark

(b)     Small puddles of water drip on to the floor tiles and stay there.

Tick ONE box to say why the puddles stay on the floor tiles.

  The puddles stay on the floor because the floor tiles…


soak up water. bend easily.

are waterproof. are solid.

1 mark

(c)     The bathroom window is closed.

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Jack sees drops of water on the inside of the bathroom window.

Name the process that causes the water to appear on the bathroom window.

1 mark

(d)     The flow diagram below shows where the water goes before it reaches the window.

Complete the flow diagram to show where the water is.

1 mark

(e)     Jack dries his hair with an electric hairdryer. He does not use the hairdryer in the
bathroom because it might get wet.

Why is it dangerous to use an electric hairdryer near water?

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1 mark

Q3.          The Steady Hand Game

(a)     Sita has made a game. In her game, she has to move a metal ring along a piece of
thick wire until it reaches the rest position.

When she is moving it, the metal ring must not touch the wire. If it touches the wire,
a bulb will light and a buzzer will make a noise.

The metal ring and the thick wire both let electricity through.

What is the scientific name for materials that let electricity through?

1 mark

(b)     Sita made the rest position by covering the wire with an insulating material. When
she puts the metal ring down on the rest position, the bulb and buzzer cannot work.

Which materials might Sita have used to insulate the wire for the rest position?

Tick the three correct boxes.

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clear sticky tape copper wire

plasticine newspaper

steel wool aluminium foil

2 marks

(c)     The bulb and buzzer will only work in Sita’s game when the metal ring touches the

Tick ONE box to show which is the correct circuit for her game.

1 mark

(d)     To make the electrical circuit for the game, Sita uses a buzzer, a bulb and a cell

Label the symbols below by writing buzzer, bulb or cell.

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  ..............................     ..............................     ..............................
1 mark

(e)     Kalinda plays the game. She thinks the buzzer should be louder.

How can Sita change her circuit so that the same buzzer makes a louder sound?

1 mark

Q4.          Circuits and sensors

(a)     Class 6D makes different circuits using the same type of bulbs, motors with fans and
cells (batteries).

(i)      Tick ONE box to show the circuit in which the bulb or bulbs are brightest.

1 mark

(ii)     Explain why the circuit you chose has the brightest bulb or bulbs.


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1 mark

(b)     Tick ONE box to show which circuit diagram below is correct for circuit 3.

1 mark

(c)     Each of the circuits made by class 6D has one cell.

Complete the sentence below to explain the effect on the bulbs of adding a second
cell to circuit 1.

  The bulbs will ...............................................................................................

1 mark

(d)     Class 6D made three new circuits. They used a light sensor to measure
the brightness of one of the bulbs in each circuit.

The sensor gave the results on the graph below.

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1 mark

Write A, B or C next to each circuit below to show which circuit gave

each light sensor reading on the graph.

     circuit ....................               circuit ....................           circuit ....................

1 mark

Q5.          Electricity

(a)     Shana builds the three circuits below. All the equipment works.
The bulbs in the circuits are not lit up.

Complete each sentence to explain why the bulb has not lit in each circuit.

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  The bulb has not lit because the plastic spoon ............................................

1 mark

  The bulb has not lit because ........................................................................

1 mark

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  The bulb has not lit because ........................................................................

1 mark

(b)     Andy builds the circuit below. The bulbs do light up.

Draw a circuit diagram for Andy’s circuit in the space below.

Use these symbols in your circuit diagram:

1 mark

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(c)     Andy wants to change his circuit so that the two bulbs are brighter.
He can use any other equipment.

Suggest TWO ways Andy can make his two bulbs brighter.

  1. ..................................................................................................................
1 mark

2. ..................................................................................................................
1 mark

Q6.          Train in the tunnel

(a)     Andrea wants a light bulb to light up when her toy train is pushed through a tunnel. 
She makes an electric circuit for her toy train.

Andrea makes a tunnel and puts a strip of foil inside the tunnel roof.

The picture shows Andrea’s tunnel and the wiring on her train.

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The foil strips on the train act like a switch. When both foil strips on the train touch
the foil inside the tunnel roof, the bulb lights up.

Complete the circuit diagram below by drawing the switch and the bulb to show the
circuit on Andrea’s train.

2 marks

(b)     Give ONE property of metal foil which makes it a good material for Andrea to use as
a switch.

1 mark

(c)     When only one foil strip on the train is touching the foil in the tunnel, the bulb does
not light up.

Complete the sentence to explain why the bulb does not light up.

  The circuit ...................................................................................................

1 mark

(d)     The bulb on the train only lights up when all of the train is inside the tunnel.

Andrea wants to improve her circuit so the bulb lights up when the train has only just
entered the tunnel.

Which train has foil strips that would allow the bulb to light when the train has only
just entered the tunnel?

Page 14
  Tick ONE box.

1 mark

Q7.          Circuit

(a)     Abida makes a circuit with a bulb, cell and wire.

Complete the diagram of Abida’s circuit below by drawing the symbol for a cell and
connecting the cell in the circuit.

1 mark

(b)     Name the piece of equipment that Abida could add to her circuit so she can turn the
bulb on and off.

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1 mark

(c)     Abida wants to measure the brightness of the bulb in her circuit.
She puts the bulb and a light sensor under a box.
The light sensor measures the brightness of the bulb.

Tick ONE box to show why Abida puts both the bulb and light sensor inside the box.

so she does not measure

so the bulb is insulated
light from other sources

so the bulb lights up more so the light from the bulb

brightly cannot be seen

1 mark

(d)     Abida uses the sensor to measure the brightness of the bulb in the circuit below.

She wants to find out if she can change the brightness of the bulb in her circuit.

Each time she adds one object between the clips, the bulb lights up.

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Abida measures the brightness of the bulb for each object.

Then she takes the object out again.

How will the brightness of the bulb change when Abida correctly adds each object to
her circuit?

Tick ONE box in each row of the table.

The bulb…
used will be will not will be
dimmer. change. brighter.

copper wire      

a motor      

another cell      

another bulb      

2 marks

Q8.          Road safety


Page 17
(a) Julia has a bike with a light.

The picture below shows thecircuit

in Julia’s light.

(i)     Draw a circuit diagram to show the circuit in Julia’s light.Use symbols in your

2 marks

(ii)     What should Julia add to her circuit to make the light brighter?

Julia should add .........................................................................

1 mark

(b)     It is important for people riding bikes to be seen in the dark.The pictures below show
what two jackets look like when Julia shines a torch on each of them.

      Jacket A    
Jacket B

Julia can see jacket B better than jacket A.

Page 18
Explain what happens to the light from the torch for Julia to see jacket B better than
jacket A.


1 mark

(c)     Julia’s house is near a bend in the road. There is a mirror on a pole so car drivers
can see people coming round the bend.

Draw TWO arrows on the diagram below to show the direction light travels for the
car driver to see the light on Julia’s bike.

2 marks

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