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What are the advantages and disadvantages of Huawei-Leica Alliance?

This partnership would enable customers to purchase a product that presented the benificial value for
both brands, integrating quality with innovation.

Leica has a 100 years history in pioneering world class lens and rangefinders cameras.Leica held a
important position in the pgotography world.More Leica was also had a good experienced in the field of
microscopy and therfore had a strong edge in glass experties. This position history and experienced of
Leica company is very benificial for Huawei company.

Because falling the market of Digital Cameras. Alliance with Huawei is also a big opprtunity for Leica
Company. In 2016 Huawei and Leica announced their pertnership to reinvent
smartphones,photography. With smartphones making an important contribution in the world of
photography this new trend was seen as greater opportunity for Leica to target new customers.

Engineers of Huawei and Leica worked together and they make P9 smartphone with a dual 12 megapixel

Was India the right market for Huawei? In this case what evidence you found for Brand trust and how
much it is important.

Question 3

Camera is very important from past few years in samrtphones. Smartphone photography is more
popular than Internet browsing, emailing, app downloading, and gaming. The quality of a
smartphone’s camera is the most important consideration for phone buyers.

I think Alliance is a good option. Because competition is very high so Huawei can only focous on
other aspects of the phone rather than camera. Alliance can include allowing each of the company
to achieve organic growth more quickly then if they had acted alone. A strategic Alliance enables
your company to gain new client base and add competitive skills.

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