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Question: What are the key points in Mohamed Elbaradei’s Nobel

lecture? How can they be seen as a matter of global civics?

-In Mohammed Elbaradei’s lecture he mention that reasons of the

stability in nuclear disarmament.For him there are so many reasons why
the world don’t stop to use nuclear weapons.He and his group The
International Atomic Energy Agency tring to check out the safe nuclear
facilities and want to ensure that nuclear activities are using for
peace.But the way it works not just what we want to see.First of we
always believe that its good to remove the barries between the countries
all over thne world but what about the safety barries.For Mohamed
Elbaradei we have not faced with risks of a nuclear activity that’s why we
don’t really care enough about the safety rules.

Secondly there are many other results that weapon endustry’s budget
and qualification may cause.According to United Nations High-Level
Panel results that we have to face on the next year cause of the reason that
I told in the begining of the second paragrahp.The threats are
1.Poverty, Infectious Disease, and Environmental Degradation
2. Armed Conflict – both within and among states
3. Organized Crime
4. Terrorism
5. Weapons of Mass Destruction
As we can understand from the examples they are all connected to each
other.If we look up the new world conditions we can understand more
fluently.Firstly we should look the up the places always in the world and if
we look closer we can see that the public of these countries usually in
poverty ,facing with infectious disease or hunger.And as a result of it they
start to insurrection.As we can guess when the time pass it turn into the
terrorism and those kinds of events increase the sales of weapons of
mass destruction.All in all it become organized crime and civil war
between the goverment and poor public or if its international it may turn
into the war between the countires.In counclusion we see that
goverments are thinking and choosing the nuclear weapons becuse they
are the most powerful ones and they are also disuasive to the public and
the big strenght in their arym to the other armies all around the world.

According to the examples that I told before there some acitons that
global civis can do for a better conditions. For example we can check out
the weapon bugdet that contries especially the tcountries wwhich has
really good economy and we plan plan international rules for the help
fund for the countires with bad counditions to live and with the rules we
can make the big countries give %10 of their weapon bugdet to the help
fund.All in all we can make poverty stop.Because we know that as the
friend of Mohammed Elbaradie’s friend James Morris heads the World
Food Programmesaid that “If I could have just 1 per cent of the money
spent on global armaments, no one in this world would go to bed
hungry.”As we can understand from his words we, the people who, cares
about the world’s hungry people, cares about the global civis still have so
much things to do for help the people inned.


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