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Bermuda Exotic Infusions


About Us -
Bermuda Exotic Infusions “B.E.I” is a company established by 10 senior students from The
Berkeley Institute for their Virtual enterprises International “VEI” class. At BEI we sell
Bermuda flavored infused water. There are many different flavors; we sell honeysuckle,
loquat, rosemary, hibiscus, lemongrass, bermuda cherry and aloe flavored water. Our waters
are sold in 100% biodegradable water bottles. Along with the waters, BEI also sells organic
soaps, organic toothpaste, mouthwash, Bermuda scented candles and scented oils. We, the
students and your fellow Bermudians would be ecstatic to have your support as we have
many overseas competitions to enter. This international class is a great opportunity for young
people to learn about having jobs in the real world. To learn how business’s work and it
would be greatly appreciated if you, the public, could support us along the way.

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