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Rules on Mangekyou Sharingan & Pure Byakugan

By Meteru

Important reminder: The same rules apply to Hyugas & Byakugan (clip
everything, don’t log, etc). The cap for PB users is 5.

1. Obey the cap

The maximum number of players that can have the Mangekyou
Sharingan is 6 (Itachi and Obito are excluded from this rule). If MS has
been capped, but there is an Uchiha or Hatake that’s still pencilling others
for MS, the punishment they receive is a wipe (the person they used a
pencil on is also restored). This means it is your responsibility (the
Uchiha/Hatake) to keep track of the MS cap.
In order to attain MS while MS has been captured, you are required to
pencil the MS user. If the MS user gets wiped through normal means, the
spot will be free. For example, a MS user who gets wiped/gripped in a PD
will mean there are now 5/6 MS users in the game. A MS user who gets
wiped via pencil means there are still 6/6 MS users in the game.
It is the staff’s job to notify me when an Uchiha or Hatake with MS
has been wiped prior to making the announcement. This is to prevent any
miscommunication between the staff and players in case something is
voided and/or has gone wrong.

2. Clip everything
To prevent the majority of all MS-related issues, literally everything
must be clipped from start to finish. I want to see video proof, not a
screenshot. A clip is what allows the staff team to come up with the best
decision possible for these situations. If we do not see video proof, there is
nothing we can do.
It does not matter if you are a friend of an administrator. It does not
matter if you are considered trustworthy by the community or staff team. It
doesn't even matter if you have an administrator as a direct witness. If you
do not have video proof for the entire staff team to see when you pencil
someone, then it doesn’t count. If someone is pencilled without video proof,
then they get restored, and you lose your MS. This is not debatable.

3. 3-tomoe Sharingan only

When penciling an Uchiha or Hatake, 1-tomoe and 2-tomoe
Sharingan users are off-limits. It doesn’t matter if using a pencil on them
automatically gives you MS. If it’s discovered that they only had 1-tomoe or
2-tomoe Sharingan, then they get restored, and your MS gets removed.
How do you know if your prey has a 3-tomoe Sharingan or not? Well,
if you can’t confirm if they have it or not (player’s speed, player copying
taijutsu/ninjutsu, a friend confirming their tomoe via screenshot), ask them
after knocking them. I know this makes things inconvenient for some
players, but it’s better than having the staff team spend hours determining
whether or not their wipe should be voided.
If you do not have a 3-tomoe Sharingan and you have a feeling you
are about to have your eyes scooped for MS, there is no need to fight back.
Tell your attacker you do not have 3-tomoe Sharingan (you only need to say
this once). They will look at your eyes and decide that for themselves. The
only time someone that doesn’t have 3-tomoe Sharingan can be scooped is
when a Hatake wants to take their Sharingan (regular Sharingan, not MS).
In that case, the said Hatake will have as many tomoes as the Sharingan
they stole.
Lying about not having 3-tomoe Sharingan in moments like these to
“outsmart” or “deceive” your enemies = wipe.
4. No combat logging
If you can show a clip of you having a pencil in your inventory when
someone with Sharingan combat logs, then they are automatically wiped. If
it turns out that they only had 1-tomoe or 2-tomoe Sharingan, they are still
wiped for deciding to combat log in a situation like that.
Common sense applies. If you get attacked or knocked by an Uchiha
or Hatake, you can’t log and say “well, you didn’t say you’re going to scoop
me so it doesn’t count”. That makes 0 sense, and you’re getting wiped
regardless. The only time you can log is when you are out of combat, and
an admin respawning you doesn’t count-- whether it’s an accident or not.

5. Holding players
You cannot hold any player beyond 5 minutes. This doesn’t mean
drop them after 3 minutes have passed and pick them right back up. It
means once you pick them up, your 5-minute countdown has started. Once
your 5 minutes is over and done with, drop them and go about your
business. Players are free to log if you do not have a pencil in your
inventory. If you can show a clip of a pencil in your inventory while holding
them, you will get your eyes, and they will be wiped.
If you are waiting for a staff member to give you a pencil, that is your
problem. It is your responsibility to get a pencil from a staff member or
from your village in advance.

6. No immunity
Lastly, if you survived the first Uchiha/Hatake Clan massacre, you do
not have any immunity whatsoever. The lore has been reset, and another
massacre will soon happen. Regular players are able to pencil you for MS,
and Itachi as well as Obito are still able to kill you. You will always be a
target to the community. That is the price that comes with having
Sharingan. Best of luck.
7. Hatake & Uchiha
Now that the Uchiha Clan has been massacred, they can no longer be
penciled by a Hatake. It does not matter if the Hatake has 3-tomoe
Sharingan or Mangekyou Sharingan. Uchiha cannot pencil a Hatake for
EMS (they must pencil their own kind), so they cannot be penciled by
Hatakes, either.

8. Loopholes & Glitches

Utilizing any glitch to your advantage, or trying to find a loophole in
the rules that I’ve made will not work in your favor. It is a waste of time for
everyone involved, so please don’t bother. Depending on the severity of the
situation, it could get you punished.

Rules on Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan

- Same rules for MS still apply.

- Pencil an MS user while having MS, or pencil an EMS user.
- Pay an administrator 160K ryo for a pencil.
- The cap on EMS is 2 people.
- If you are a Hatake, this information is useless. No Hatake can get
- Happy wiping.

- 3-tomoe Hatakes can pencil Hatakes with Mangekyou Sharingan until
the Hatake Clan Massacre
- Hatakes can no longer pencil Uchihas because Uchihas can no longer
pencil Hatakes
- Uchihas must wipe each other for EMS
- Hatakes cannot get EMS
- If anyone does not follow any of these rules, the person who was
wiped is restored no matter what

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