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I nt
D e aro du
r M iccha
t io
e l nAla ho uzo s ,
The info rmatio n o n this repo rt is fo r educatio nal and info rmatio nal use o nly. The info rmatio n is no t intended to be used
by the custo mer fo r any diagno stic purpo se and is no t a substitute fo r pro fessio nal medical advice. Yo u sho uld always
seek the advice o f yo ur physician o r o ther healthcare pro viders with any questio ns yo u may have regarding diagno sis,
cure, treatment, mitigatio n, o r preventio n o f any disease o r o ther medical co nditio n o r impairment o r the status o f yo ur
T e st Name : Gut Intelligence Test
Authorize d Orde r Pe rson: Michael Alahouzos
Custome r Name : Michael Alahouzos
DOB: 07/16/1984
G e nde r: Male
Custome r Id: 15165918-1810-4109-91c2-b092ec79545c
S ample S ource : Fecal
Date Colle cte d: 07/26/2019
Date Re ce ive d: 08/01/2019
Date Issue d: 09/11/2019
S ample ID: 1B9071603561

All My S cores
Let's improve these.

Inf la mma t o r y A c t iv it y

Ne e ds Impro ve me nt

This sco re measures all the activities o f yo ur

micro bes that can co ntribute to o r reflect
inflammatio n in yo ur gut enviro nment. Inflammatio n
in yo ur gut can be caused by harmful things yo ur
Needs Improvement Good
micro bes pro duce when yo u are either inefficiently
digesting yo ur pro teins, have excessive micro bial gas
pro ductio n, o r simply have a gut enviro nment that
yo ur micro bes perceive as threatening.

A sco re that needs impro vement means that there

are relatively mo re pro -inflammato ry activities, as
o ppo sed to anti-inflammato ry o r pro tective o nes.
Everyo ne's pattern is unique, so if yo ur sco re needs

Viome, Inc. UPMC Genome Center

81 Camino Entrada, ste 100 5560 Centre Avenue
Los Alamos, NM 87 54 4 Pittsburgh, PA 15232
CLIA Lic e nse Numb e r : 32D215614 5 CLIA Lic e nse Numb e r : 39D214 4 302

La b Co nt a c t : support@
(505) 67 2-57 85
3 / 36
T e st Name : Gut Intelligence Test
Custome r Name : Michael Alahouzos
DOB: 07/16/1984

impro vement, so me o f yo ur reco mmendatio ns may

fo cus o n bo o sting mo re o f the pro tective and
healing anti-inflammato ry functio ns, while o thers
may fo cus mo re o n co ntro lling and balancing o ut the
mo re harmful pro -inflammato ry micro bes and
functio ns. Fo llo w yo ur reco mmendatio ns to maintain
o r impro ve this sco re.

Inf la mma t o r y A c t iv it y K e y
Re f e re nc e Ra nge s :
Ne e ds Impro ve me nt represents 19% o f Vio me custo mers, including bo th healthy and unhealthy
Ave ra ge represents 63% o f Vio me custo mers, including bo th healthy and unhealthy individuals.
G o o d represents 18% o f Vio me custo mers, including bo th healthy and unhealthy individuals.

*Sco res are based o n Vio me’s pro priet ary algo rit hm t hat inco rpo rat es relevant f unct io nal cat ego ries each co nsist ing o f mult iple manually curat ed
t axo no mic and pat hway sco ring co mpo nent s.

Le a r n m o r e b y r e a d ing o ur r e f e r e nc e s :
ht t p s : //v io m e . c o m /r e f e r e nc e r e s ult s

Viome, Inc. UPMC Genome Center

81 Camino Entrada, ste 100 5560 Centre Avenue
Los Alamos, NM 87 54 4 Pittsburgh, PA 15232
CLIA Lic e nse Numb e r : 32D215614 5 CLIA Lic e nse Numb e r : 39D214 4 302

La b Co nt a c t : support@
(505) 67 2-57 85
4 / 36
T e st Name : Gut Intelligence Test
Custome r Name : Michael Alahouzos
DOB: 07/16/1984

Int e s t ina l Ba r r ie r He a lt h

Ne e ds Impro ve me nt

This sco re fo cuses o n yo ur gut lining (o r intestinal

barrier) and the health o f the muco sal layer that
pro tects it. When yo ur gut lining is co mpro mised,
things fro m the o utside enviro nment, like to xins,
Needs Improvement Good
medicatio ns, and harmful bacteria, can make their
way into yo ur blo o dstream fro m yo ur gut and
negatively affect yo ur immune system and o verall
wellbeing. A go o d sco re means mo re o ptimal
micro bial functio ns that suppo rt yo ur intestinal
barrier and fewer disruptive o r harmful functio ns are
active in yo ur gut. Fo llo w yo ur reco mmendatio ns to
address yo ur specific pattern o f micro bial functio ns,
and to prevent any intestinal permeability kno wn as
'leaky gut'.

Int e s t ina l Ba r r ie r He a lt h K e y
Re f e re nc e Ra nge s :
Ne e ds Impro ve me nt represents 34% o f Vio me custo mers, including bo th healthy and unhealthy
Ave ra ge represents 32% o f Vio me custo mers, including bo th healthy and unhealthy individuals.
G o o d represents 34% o f Vio me custo mers, including bo th healthy and unhealthy individuals.

*Sco res are based o n Vio me’s pro priet ary algo rit hm t hat inco rpo rat es relevant f unct io nal cat ego ries each co nsist ing o f mult iple manually curat ed
t axo no mic and pat hway sco ring co mpo nent s.

Le a r n m o r e b y r e a d ing o ur r e f e r e nc e s :
ht t p s : //v io m e . c o m /r e f e r e nc e r e s ult s

Viome, Inc. UPMC Genome Center

81 Camino Entrada, ste 100 5560 Centre Avenue
Los Alamos, NM 87 54 4 Pittsburgh, PA 15232
CLIA Lic e nse Numb e r : 32D215614 5 CLIA Lic e nse Numb e r : 39D214 4 302

La b Co nt a c t : support@
(505) 67 2-57 85
5 / 36
T e st Name : Gut Intelligence Test
Custome r Name : Michael Alahouzos
DOB: 07/16/1984

But y r a t e Pr o d uc t io n Pa t hw a y s

Ne e ds Impro ve me nt

This sco re assesses the levels o f activity o f all

micro bial pathways that lead to the pro ductio n o f a
beneficial nutrient - butyrate. Butyrate is a sho rt-
chain fatty acid kno wn to beneficially affect many
Needs Improvement Good
wellness areas fro m gut lining to insulin sensitivity
and satiety (feeling full). A sco re that needs
impro vement means that yo ur micro bial butyrate
pro ductio n co uld really use a go o d bo o st! Individuals
with lo w butyrate pro ductio n activity wo uld benefit
fro m supplements o r fo o ds that either feed o r add
butyrate pro ducing micro bes into yo ur gut
eco system.

But y r a t e Pr o d uc t io n Pa t hw a y s K e y
Re f e re nc e Ra nge s :
Ne e ds Impro ve me nt represents 22% o f Vio me custo mers, including bo th healthy and unhealthy
Ave ra ge represents 51% o f Vio me custo mers, including bo th healthy and unhealthy individuals.
G o o d represents 27% o f Vio me custo mers, including bo th healthy and unhealthy individuals.

*Sco res are based o n Vio me’s pro priet ary algo rit hm t hat inco rpo rat es relevant f unct io nal cat ego ries each co nsist ing o f mult iple manually curat ed
t axo no mic and pat hway sco ring co mpo nent s.

Le a r n m o r e b y r e a d ing o ur r e f e r e nc e s :
ht t p s : //v io m e . c o m /r e f e r e nc e r e s ult s

Viome, Inc. UPMC Genome Center

81 Camino Entrada, ste 100 5560 Centre Avenue
Los Alamos, NM 87 54 4 Pittsburgh, PA 15232
CLIA Lic e nse Numb e r : 32D215614 5 CLIA Lic e nse Numb e r : 39D214 4 302

La b Co nt a c t : support@
(505) 67 2-57 85
6 / 36
T e st Name : Gut Intelligence Test
Custome r Name : Michael Alahouzos
DOB: 07/16/1984

LPS Bio s y nt he s is Pa t hw a y s

Ne e ds Impro ve me nt

This sco re assesses the levels o f activity o f all

micro bial pathways leading to the pro ductio n o f LPS
(lipo po lysaccharides) in yo ur gut. LPS is a pro -
inflammato ry mo lecule that gut micro bes make,
Needs Improvement Good
which can trigger yo ur immune system respo nse,
especially if it passes to the blo o dstream thro ugh
the gut lining. This sco re is an impo rtant facto r in
assessing yo ur inflammato ry activity patterns.

LPS Bio s y nt he s is Pa t hw a y s K e y
Re f e re nc e Ra nge s :
Ne e ds Impro ve me nt represents 19% o f Vio me custo mers, including bo th healthy and unhealthy
Ave ra ge represents 53% o f Vio me custo mers, including bo th healthy and unhealthy individuals.
G o o d represents 28% o f Vio me custo mers, including bo th healthy and unhealthy individuals.

*Sco res are based o n Vio me’s pro priet ary algo rit hm t hat inco rpo rat es relevant f unct io nal cat ego ries each co nsist ing o f mult iple manually curat ed
t axo no mic and pat hway sco ring co mpo nent s.

Le a r n m o r e b y r e a d ing o ur r e f e r e nc e s :
ht t p s : //v io m e . c o m /r e f e r e nc e r e s ult s

Viome, Inc. UPMC Genome Center

81 Camino Entrada, ste 100 5560 Centre Avenue
Los Alamos, NM 87 54 4 Pittsburgh, PA 15232
CLIA Lic e nse Numb e r : 32D215614 5 CLIA Lic e nse Numb e r : 39D214 4 302

La b Co nt a c t : support@
(505) 67 2-57 85
7 / 36
T e st Name : Gut Intelligence Test
Custome r Name : Michael Alahouzos
DOB: 07/16/1984

Ur ic A c id Pr o d uc t io n Pa t hw a y s

Ne e ds Impro ve me nt

This sco re assesses the levels o f activity o f all

micro bial pathways that lead to the pro ductio n o f
uric acid (o r urate). Uric Acid is a no rmal bypro duct
that co mes fro m the breakdo wn o f co mpo unds called
Needs Improvement Good
purines, which can be fo und in beer, sugary so das,
seafo o d and shellfish, turkey, veal, baco n, and o rgan
meats. Excessive amo unts o f uric acid can co ntribute
to go ut. A go o d sco re means that yo ur uric acid
pro ductio n pathway levels are lo w.

Ur ic A c id Pr o d uc t io n Pa t hw a y s K e y
Re f e re nc e Ra nge s :
Ne e ds Impro ve me nt represents 48% o f Vio me custo mers, including bo th healthy and unhealthy
Ave ra ge represents 43% o f Vio me custo mers, including bo th healthy and unhealthy individuals.
G o o d represents 9% o f Vio me custo mers, including bo th healthy and unhealthy individuals.

*Sco res are based o n Vio me’s pro priet ary algo rit hm t hat inco rpo rat es relevant f unct io nal cat ego ries each co nsist ing o f mult iple manually curat ed
t axo no mic and pat hway sco ring co mpo nent s.

Le a r n m o r e b y r e a d ing o ur r e f e r e nc e s :
ht t p s : //v io m e . c o m /r e f e r e nc e r e s ult s

Viome, Inc. UPMC Genome Center

81 Camino Entrada, ste 100 5560 Centre Avenue
Los Alamos, NM 87 54 4 Pittsburgh, PA 15232
CLIA Lic e nse Numb e r : 32D215614 5 CLIA Lic e nse Numb e r : 39D214 4 302

La b Co nt a c t : support@
(505) 67 2-57 85
8 / 36
T e st Name : Gut Intelligence Test
Custome r Name : Michael Alahouzos
DOB: 07/16/1984

Keep it up!

Pr o t e in Fe r me nt a t io n


This sco re reflects whether o r no t yo u are digesting

yo ur pro teins pro perly. Pro tein digestio n begins when
yo u first start chewing and co ntinues do wn in yo ur
sto mach. If the pro tein is no t fully bro ken do wn
Needs Improvement Good
thro ugh this pro cess, yo ur micro bes will digest the
excess pro tein available and may co nvert it into
harmful bypro ducts. Overly high micro bial pro tein
fermentatio n translates into a sco re that needs
impro vement suggesting yo ur pro tein digestio n is
subo ptimal.

Pr o t e in Fe r me nt a t io n K e y
Re f e re nc e Ra nge s :
Ne e ds Impro ve me nt represents 25% o f Vio me custo mers, including bo th healthy and unhealthy
Ave ra ge represents 41% o f Vio me custo mers, including bo th healthy and unhealthy individuals.
G o o d represents 34% o f Vio me custo mers, including bo th healthy and unhealthy individuals.

*Sco res are based o n Vio me’s pro priet ary algo rit hm t hat inco rpo rat es relevant f unct io nal cat ego ries each co nsist ing o f mult iple manually curat ed
t axo no mic and pat hway sco ring co mpo nent s.

Le a r n m o r e b y r e a d ing o ur r e f e r e nc e s :
ht t p s : //v io m e . c o m /r e f e r e nc e r e s ult s

Viome, Inc. UPMC Genome Center

81 Camino Entrada, ste 100 5560 Centre Avenue
Los Alamos, NM 87 54 4 Pittsburgh, PA 15232
CLIA Lic e nse Numb e r : 32D215614 5 CLIA Lic e nse Numb e r : 39D214 4 302

La b Co nt a c t : support@
(505) 67 2-57 85
9 / 36
T e st Name : Gut Intelligence Test
Custome r Name : Michael Alahouzos
DOB: 07/16/1984

O v e r a ll G a s Pr o d uc t io n


This sco re is an assessment o f yo ur o verall gas

pro ductio n activity by the micro bes in yo ur gut.
Overall high micro bial gas pro ductio n has been
asso ciated with digestive difficulties, disco mfo rt,
Needs Improvement Good
and gut inflammatio n. A go o d sco re means that yo ur
micro bes are no t actively engaged in gas pro ductio n
functio ns.

O v e r a ll G a s Pr o d uc t io n K e y
Re f e re nc e Ra nge s :
Ne e ds Impro ve me nt represents 31% o f Vio me custo mers, including bo th healthy and unhealthy
Ave ra ge represents 27% o f Vio me custo mers, including bo th healthy and unhealthy individuals.
G o o d represents 42% o f Vio me custo mers, including bo th healthy and unhealthy individuals.

*Sco res are based o n Vio me’s pro priet ary algo rit hm t hat inco rpo rat es relevant f unct io nal cat ego ries each co nsist ing o f mult iple manually curat ed
t axo no mic and pat hway sco ring co mpo nent s.

Le a r n m o r e b y r e a d ing o ur r e f e r e nc e s :
ht t p s : //v io m e . c o m /r e f e r e nc e r e s ult s

Viome, Inc. UPMC Genome Center

81 Camino Entrada, ste 100 5560 Centre Avenue
Los Alamos, NM 87 54 4 Pittsburgh, PA 15232
CLIA Lic e nse Numb e r : 32D215614 5 CLIA Lic e nse Numb e r : 39D214 4 302

La b Co nt a c t : support@
(505) 67 2-57 85
10 / 36
T e st Name : Gut Intelligence Test
Custome r Name : Michael Alahouzos
DOB: 07/16/1984

O x a la t e Me t a b o lis m Pa t hw a y s


This sco re assesses the levels o f activity o f all

micro bial pathways needed to break do wn o r
metabo lize o xalate. Oxalates are a majo r co ntributo r
to kidney sto nes. Oxalate-metabo lizing micro bes can
Needs Improvement Good
help yo u by remo ving and digesting o xalate that yo u
ingested fro m fo o d. A go o d sco re means o xalate-
metabo lizing activities are high in yo ur micro bio me.
When this sco re needs impro vement, yo u may see
so me o f the fo o ds high in o xalate co ntent o n yo ur
list to minimize o r even avo id.

O x a la t e Me t a b o lis m Pa t hw a y s K e y
Re f e re nc e Ra nge s :
Ne e ds Impro ve me nt represents 75% o f Vio me custo mers, including bo th healthy and unhealthy
Ave ra ge represents 5% o f Vio me custo mers, including bo th healthy and unhealthy individuals.
G o o d represents 20% o f Vio me custo mers, including bo th healthy and unhealthy individuals.

*Sco res are based o n Vio me’s pro priet ary algo rit hm t hat inco rpo rat es relevant f unct io nal cat ego ries each co nsist ing o f mult iple manually curat ed
t axo no mic and pat hway sco ring co mpo nent s.

Le a r n m o r e b y r e a d ing o ur r e f e r e nc e s :
ht t p s : //v io m e . c o m /r e f e r e nc e r e s ult s

Viome, Inc. UPMC Genome Center

81 Camino Entrada, ste 100 5560 Centre Avenue
Los Alamos, NM 87 54 4 Pittsburgh, PA 15232
CLIA Lic e nse Numb e r : 32D215614 5 CLIA Lic e nse Numb e r : 39D214 4 302

La b Co nt a c t : support@
(505) 67 2-57 85
11 / 36
T e st Name : Gut Intelligence Test
Custome r Name : Michael Alahouzos
DOB: 07/16/1984

S a lt S t r e s s Pa t hw a y s


This sco re assesses the levels o f activity o f all

micro bial pathways that signal excessive salt in the
gut enviro nment. This kind o f signaling activity, when
high, suggests that yo u may need to adjust yo ur salt
Needs Improvement Good
o r so dium intake and/o r yo ur hydratio n levels. To o
much salt fo r yo ur gut micro bio me makes yo ur gut
enviro nment less favo rable fo r so me beneficial o r
pro bio tic o rganisms to thrive. A go o d sco re means
that pathway levels that signal micro bial salt stress
are lo w.

S a lt S t r e s s Pa t hw a y s K e y
Re f e re nc e Ra nge s :
Ne e ds Impro ve me nt represents 28% o f Vio me custo mers, including bo th healthy and unhealthy
Ave ra ge represents 22% o f Vio me custo mers, including bo th healthy and unhealthy individuals.
G o o d represents 50% o f Vio me custo mers, including bo th healthy and unhealthy individuals.

*Sco res are based o n Vio me’s pro priet ary algo rit hm t hat inco rpo rat es relevant f unct io nal cat ego ries each co nsist ing o f mult iple manually curat ed
t axo no mic and pat hway sco ring co mpo nent s.

Le a r n m o r e b y r e a d ing o ur r e f e r e nc e s :
ht t p s : //v io m e . c o m /r e f e r e nc e r e s ult s

Viome, Inc. UPMC Genome Center

81 Camino Entrada, ste 100 5560 Centre Avenue
Los Alamos, NM 87 54 4 Pittsburgh, PA 15232
CLIA Lic e nse Numb e r : 32D215614 5 CLIA Lic e nse Numb e r : 39D214 4 302

La b Co nt a c t : support@
(505) 67 2-57 85
12 / 36
T e st Name : Gut Intelligence Test
Custome r Name : Michael Alahouzos
DOB: 07/16/1984

Bile A c id Me t a b o lis m Pa t hw a y s


This sco re assesses the levels o f activity o f all

metabo lic pathways that include bile acids. No rmally
bile acids are made by the liver to help with fat
digestio n. Bile acids enter the co lo n in the fo rm o f
Needs Improvement Good
bile salts. Yo ur gut micro bio ta can change them back
into bile acids, after which they can even be recycled
back to the liver. If this activity is relatively high o r
excessive, it may be an indicato r o f yo ur inability to
break do wn fat o r abso rb nutrients pro perly, which
can co ntribute to a pro -inflammato ry enviro nment o r
negative liver-related effects, as micro bio me's bile
acid pathways have been implicated in fatty depo sits
in the liver. A go o d sco re means these pathway
activity levels are lo w in yo ur sample.

Bile A c id Me t a b o lis m Pa t hw a y s K e y
Re f e re nc e Ra nge s :
Ne e ds Impro ve me nt represents 19% o f Vio me custo mers, including bo th healthy and unhealthy
Ave ra ge represents 54% o f Vio me custo mers, including bo th healthy and unhealthy individuals.
G o o d represents 27% o f Vio me custo mers, including bo th healthy and unhealthy individuals.

*Sco res are based o n Vio me’s pro priet ary algo rit hm t hat inco rpo rat es relevant f unct io nal cat ego ries each co nsist ing o f mult iple manually curat ed
t axo no mic and pat hway sco ring co mpo nent s.

Le a r n m o r e b y r e a d ing o ur r e f e r e nc e s :
ht t p s : //v io m e . c o m /r e f e r e nc e r e s ult s

Viome, Inc. UPMC Genome Center

81 Camino Entrada, ste 100 5560 Centre Avenue
Los Alamos, NM 87 54 4 Pittsburgh, PA 15232
CLIA Lic e nse Numb e r : 32D215614 5 CLIA Lic e nse Numb e r : 39D214 4 302

La b Co nt a c t : support@
(505) 67 2-57 85
13 / 36
T e st Name : Gut Intelligence Test
Custome r Name : Michael Alahouzos
DOB: 07/16/1984

T MA Pr o d uc t io n Pa t hw a y s


This sco re assesses the levels o f all activity o f

metabo lic pathways that result in TMA pro ductio n.
TMA (trimethylamine) is a mo lecule that gets
co nverted to TMAO (Trimethylamine N-o xide) in the
Needs Improvement Good
liver. TMAO is asso ciated with unfavo rable metabo lic
and cardio vascular effects. Since o ne o f the
substances used fo r micro bial TMA pro ductio n is
cho line, reducing high-cho line-co ntaining fo o ds in
the diet may be o ne o f the o ptio ns fo r impro ving this
pattern. A go o d sco re means these TMA pro ductio n
pathway activity levels are lo w.

T MA Pr o d uc t io n Pa t hw a y s K e y
Re f e re nc e Ra nge s :
Ne e ds Impro ve me nt represents 28% o f Vio me custo mers, including bo th healthy and unhealthy
Ave ra ge represents 29% o f Vio me custo mers, including bo th healthy and unhealthy individuals.
G o o d represents 43% o f Vio me custo mers, including bo th healthy and unhealthy individuals.

*Sco res are based o n Vio me’s pro priet ary algo rit hm t hat inco rpo rat es relevant f unct io nal cat ego ries each co nsist ing o f mult iple manually curat ed
t axo no mic and pat hway sco ring co mpo nent s.

Le a r n m o r e b y r e a d ing o ur r e f e r e nc e s :
ht t p s : //v io m e . c o m /r e f e r e nc e r e s ult s

Viome, Inc. UPMC Genome Center

81 Camino Entrada, ste 100 5560 Centre Avenue
Los Alamos, NM 87 54 4 Pittsburgh, PA 15232
CLIA Lic e nse Numb e r : 32D215614 5 CLIA Lic e nse Numb e r : 39D214 4 302

La b Co nt a c t : support@
(505) 67 2-57 85
14 / 36
T e st Name : Gut Intelligence Test
Custome r Name : Michael Alahouzos
DOB: 07/16/1984

You're getting there.

Me t a b o lic Fit ne s s

Ave ra ge

This sco re represents active micro bial o rganisms and

functio ns that are asso ciated with yo ur blo o d sugar,
insulin resistance, o r weight co ntro l. A go o d sco re
means high activity o f micro bes and their functio ns
Needs Improvement Good
favo rably asso ciated with yo ur metabo lic fitness. A
Metabo lic Fitness sco re that indicates the need fo r
impro vement do es no t necessarily mean weight lo ss
o r gain. Fo llo w yo ur reco mmendatio ns to suppo rt o r
impro ve healthy metabo lic functio ns.

Me t a b o lic Fit ne s s K e y
Re f e re nc e Ra nge s :
Ne e ds Impro ve me nt represents 18% o f Vio me custo mers, including bo th healthy and unhealthy
Ave ra ge represents 65% o f Vio me custo mers, including bo th healthy and unhealthy individuals.
G o o d represents 17% o f Vio me custo mers, including bo th healthy and unhealthy individuals.

*Sco res are based o n Vio me’s pro priet ary algo rit hm t hat inco rpo rat es relevant f unct io nal cat ego ries each co nsist ing o f mult iple manually curat ed
t axo no mic and pat hway sco ring co mpo nent s.

Le a r n m o r e b y r e a d ing o ur r e f e r e nc e s :
ht t p s : //v io m e . c o m /r e f e r e nc e r e s ult s

Viome, Inc. UPMC Genome Center

81 Camino Entrada, ste 100 5560 Centre Avenue
Los Alamos, NM 87 54 4 Pittsburgh, PA 15232
CLIA Lic e nse Numb e r : 32D215614 5 CLIA Lic e nse Numb e r : 39D214 4 302

La b Co nt a c t : support@
(505) 67 2-57 85
15 / 36
T e st Name : Gut Intelligence Test
Custome r Name : Michael Alahouzos
DOB: 07/16/1984

D ig e s t iv e Ef f ic ie nc y

Ave ra ge

This sco re is a co mprehensive micro bial reflectio n o f

yo ur Gastro intestinal (GI) tract functio ns. The sco re
co nsists o f multiple activity patterns related to
digestio n, such as the mo vement o f fo o d, specific
Needs Improvement Good
macro nutrient breakdo wn ability, and yo ur gut lining
health fro m yo ur first bite o f fo o d to the time it
leaves yo ur bo dy. When this sco re needs
impro vement o r is subo ptimal, it means that so me o f
yo ur digestive functio ns need suppo rt.

D ig e s t iv e Ef f ic ie nc y K e y
Re f e re nc e Ra nge s :
Ne e ds Impro ve me nt represents 34% o f Vio me custo mers, including bo th healthy and unhealthy
Ave ra ge represents 32% o f Vio me custo mers, including bo th healthy and unhealthy individuals.
G o o d represents 34% o f Vio me custo mers, including bo th healthy and unhealthy individuals.

*Sco res are based o n Vio me’s pro priet ary algo rit hm t hat inco rpo rat es relevant f unct io nal cat ego ries each co nsist ing o f mult iple manually curat ed
t axo no mic and pat hway sco ring co mpo nent s.

Le a r n m o r e b y r e a d ing o ur r e f e r e nc e s :
ht t p s : //v io m e . c o m /r e f e r e nc e r e s ult s

Viome, Inc. UPMC Genome Center

81 Camino Entrada, ste 100 5560 Centre Avenue
Los Alamos, NM 87 54 4 Pittsburgh, PA 15232
CLIA Lic e nse Numb e r : 32D215614 5 CLIA Lic e nse Numb e r : 39D214 4 302

La b Co nt a c t : support@
(505) 67 2-57 85
16 / 36
T e st Name : Gut Intelligence Test
Custome r Name : Michael Alahouzos
DOB: 07/16/1984

Me t ha ne G a s Pr o d uc t io n Pa t hw a y s

Ave ra ge

This sco re assesses the levels o f activity o f all

micro bial pathways that result in giving o ff methane
gas in yo ur gut. This kind o f activity, when high, has
been linked with so me mo tility issues in the gut (ho w
Needs Improvement Good
yo ur fo o d mo ves alo ng the digestive tract), as well
as pro -inflammato ry patterns that can negatively
affect yo ur intestinal lining. A go o d sco re means
that the activity o f methane pro ductio n pathways is
lo w.

Me t ha ne G a s Pr o d uc t io n Pa t hw a y s K e y
Re f e re nc e Ra nge s :
Ne e ds Impro ve me nt represents 30% o f Vio me custo mers, including bo th healthy and unhealthy
Ave ra ge represents 18% o f Vio me custo mers, including bo th healthy and unhealthy individuals.
G o o d represents 52% o f Vio me custo mers, including bo th healthy and unhealthy individuals.

*Sco res are based o n Vio me’s pro priet ary algo rit hm t hat inco rpo rat es relevant f unct io nal cat ego ries each co nsist ing o f mult iple manually curat ed
t axo no mic and pat hway sco ring co mpo nent s.

Le a r n m o r e b y r e a d ing o ur r e f e r e nc e s :
ht t p s : //v io m e . c o m /r e f e r e nc e r e s ult s

Viome, Inc. UPMC Genome Center

81 Camino Entrada, ste 100 5560 Centre Avenue
Los Alamos, NM 87 54 4 Pittsburgh, PA 15232
CLIA Lic e nse Numb e r : 32D215614 5 CLIA Lic e nse Numb e r : 39D214 4 302

La b Co nt a c t : support@
(505) 67 2-57 85
17 / 36
T e st Name : Gut Intelligence Test
Custome r Name : Michael Alahouzos
DOB: 07/16/1984

S ulf id e G a s Pr o d uc t io n Pa t hw a y s

Ave ra ge

This sco re assesses the levels o f activity o f all

micro bial pathways that result in the pro ductio n o f
hydro gen sulfide gas. It can be made fro m so me
pro teins that co ntain sulfur amino acids o r fro m
Needs Improvement Good
ingested sulfate o r sulfite mo lecules fo und in fo o ds
like dried fruit, preserved meats, and so me alco ho lic
beverages. This kind o f activity, when high,
co ntributes to pro -inflammato ry patterns po tentially
harmful to the gut lining, as well as slo wing o f yo ur
mo tility (mo ving the fo o d do wn yo ur digestive tract).
A go o d sco re means that the activity o f sulfide
pro ductio n pathways is lo w.

S ulf id e G a s Pr o d uc t io n Pa t hw a y s K e y
Re f e re nc e Ra nge s :
Ne e ds Impro ve me nt represents 33% o f Vio me custo mers, including bo th healthy and unhealthy
Ave ra ge represents 37% o f Vio me custo mers, including bo th healthy and unhealthy individuals.
G o o d represents 30% o f Vio me custo mers, including bo th healthy and unhealthy individuals.

*Sco res are based o n Vio me’s pro priet ary algo rit hm t hat inco rpo rat es relevant f unct io nal cat ego ries each co nsist ing o f mult iple manually curat ed
t axo no mic and pat hway sco ring co mpo nent s.

Le a r n m o r e b y r e a d ing o ur r e f e r e nc e s :
ht t p s : //v io m e . c o m /r e f e r e nc e r e s ult s

Viome, Inc. UPMC Genome Center

81 Camino Entrada, ste 100 5560 Centre Avenue
Los Alamos, NM 87 54 4 Pittsburgh, PA 15232
CLIA Lic e nse Numb e r : 32D215614 5 CLIA Lic e nse Numb e r : 39D214 4 302

La b Co nt a c t : support@
(505) 67 2-57 85
18 / 36
T e st Name : Gut Intelligence Test
Custome r Name : Michael Alahouzos
DOB: 07/16/1984

Fla g e lla r A s s e mb ly Pa t hw a y s

Ave ra ge

This sco re assesses the levels o f activity o f all

micro bial pathways leading to the making o f a
structure called flagella. Flagellar structures serve as
"fins" o r "tails" fo r vario us micro bes to help them
Needs Improvement Good
mo ve. A sco re that needs impro vement suggests that
these signaling pathway activities are high, indicating
unrest in yo ur micro bio me as flagellar structures are
helping beneficial o rganisms mo ve away fro m a
perceived threat. Higher than usual activity can also
signal the presence o f o ppo rtunistic o rganisms that
are kno wn to have these flagellar structures. This
sco re is an impo rtant facto r in assessing yo ur
inflammato ry activity patterns.

Fla g e lla r A s s e mb ly Pa t hw a y s K e y
Re f e re nc e Ra nge s :
Ne e ds Impro ve me nt represents 14% o f Vio me custo mers, including bo th healthy and unhealthy
Ave ra ge represents 44% o f Vio me custo mers, including bo th healthy and unhealthy individuals.
G o o d represents 42% o f Vio me custo mers, including bo th healthy and unhealthy individuals.

*Sco res are based o n Vio me’s pro priet ary algo rit hm t hat inco rpo rat es relevant f unct io nal cat ego ries each co nsist ing o f mult iple manually curat ed
t axo no mic and pat hway sco ring co mpo nent s.

Le a r n m o r e b y r e a d ing o ur r e f e r e nc e s :
ht t p s : //v io m e . c o m /r e f e r e nc e r e s ult s

Viome, Inc. UPMC Genome Center

81 Camino Entrada, ste 100 5560 Centre Avenue
Los Alamos, NM 87 54 4 Pittsburgh, PA 15232
CLIA Lic e nse Numb e r : 32D215614 5 CLIA Lic e nse Numb e r : 39D214 4 302

La b Co nt a c t : support@
(505) 67 2-57 85
19 / 36
T e st Name : Gut Intelligence Test
Custome r Name : Michael Alahouzos
DOB: 07/16/1984

A mmo nia Pr o d uc t io n Pa t hw a y s

Ave ra ge

This sco re assesses the levels o f activity o f all

micro bial pathways that result in the pro ductio n o f
ammo nia. Ammo nia gas can be made fro m amino
acids as a bypro duct o f the breaking do wn o f pro tein
Needs Improvement Good
o r fro m ingested nitrate o r nitrite mo lecules fo und in
things like fo o d preservatives o r additives, preserved
meats, and dried fruit. This kind o f activity, when
high, co ntributes to pro -inflammato ry patterns
po tentially harmful to the gut lining, as well as
slo wing o f yo ur mo tility (mo ving the fo o d do wn yo ur
digestive tract), and is also o ne o f the signs that
yo ur pro teins may no t be digested pro perly. A go o d
sco re means that the activity o f ammo nia pro ductio n
pathways is lo w.

A mmo nia Pr o d uc t io n Pa t hw a y s K e y
Re f e re nc e Ra nge s :
Ne e ds Impro ve me nt represents 16% o f Vio me custo mers, including bo th healthy and unhealthy
Ave ra ge represents 68% o f Vio me custo mers, including bo th healthy and unhealthy individuals.
G o o d represents 16% o f Vio me custo mers, including bo th healthy and unhealthy individuals.

*Sco res are based o n Vio me’s pro priet ary algo rit hm t hat inco rpo rat es relevant f unct io nal cat ego ries each co nsist ing o f mult iple manually curat ed
t axo no mic and pat hway sco ring co mpo nent s.

Le a r n m o r e b y r e a d ing o ur r e f e r e nc e s :
ht t p s : //v io m e . c o m /r e f e r e nc e r e s ult s

Viome, Inc. UPMC Genome Center

81 Camino Entrada, ste 100 5560 Centre Avenue
Los Alamos, NM 87 54 4 Pittsburgh, PA 15232
CLIA Lic e nse Numb e r : 32D215614 5 CLIA Lic e nse Numb e r : 39D214 4 302

La b Co nt a c t : support@
(505) 67 2-57 85
20 / 36
T e st Name : Gut Intelligence Test
Custome r Name : Michael Alahouzos
DOB: 07/16/1984

Put r e s c ine Pr o d uc t io n Pa t hw a y s

Ave ra ge

This sco re assesses the levels o f activity o f all

micro bial pathways that lead to putrescine
pro ductio n. Putrescine is a mo lecular bypro duct o f
pro tein fermentatio n - a micro bial breakdo wn o f
Needs Improvement Good
pro tein. If the activities o f putrescine pro ductio n
pathways are to o high, it can be harmful to the gut
enviro nment and the intestinal barrier lining. It is also
o ne o f the signs that yo u may be eating to o much
pro tein that may no t be digested pro perly.

Put r e s c ine Pr o d uc t io n Pa t hw a y s K e y
Re f e re nc e Ra nge s :
Ne e ds Impro ve me nt represents 34% o f Vio me custo mers, including bo th healthy and unhealthy
Ave ra ge represents 49% o f Vio me custo mers, including bo th healthy and unhealthy individuals.
G o o d represents 17% o f Vio me custo mers, including bo th healthy and unhealthy individuals.

*Sco res are based o n Vio me’s pro priet ary algo rit hm t hat inco rpo rat es relevant f unct io nal cat ego ries each co nsist ing o f mult iple manually curat ed
t axo no mic and pat hway sco ring co mpo nent s.

Le a r n m o r e b y r e a d ing o ur r e f e r e nc e s :
ht t p s : //v io m e . c o m /r e f e r e nc e r e s ult s

Viome, Inc. UPMC Genome Center

81 Camino Entrada, ste 100 5560 Centre Avenue
Los Alamos, NM 87 54 4 Pittsburgh, PA 15232
CLIA Lic e nse Numb e r : 32D215614 5 CLIA Lic e nse Numb e r : 39D214 4 302

La b Co nt a c t : support@
(505) 67 2-57 85
21 / 36
T e st Name : Gut Intelligence Test
Custome r Name : Michael Alahouzos
DOB: 07/16/1984

Bio f ilm, C he mo t a x is , a nd V ir ule nc e

Pa t hw a y s

Ave ra ge
This sco re assesses the levels o f all activity o f all
metabo lic pathways that suggest a pro -inflammato ry
o r ho stile enviro nment in the gut. This includes
Needs Improvement Good
virulence facto rs, bio film fo rmatio n, and chemo taxis
signaling, which are all impo rtant parts o f yo ur
o verall inflammato ry activity patterns. When this
sco re is relatively high it means that there is so me
threat in the enviro nment and yo ur micro bes are
trying to either defend themselves, attack each
o ther, o r mo ve. This type o f a "micro bial war zo ne"
can negatively impact yo ur gut enviro nment, and
so me o f the "bullets" secreted by the micro bes may
trigger an immune respo nse. A go o d sco re means
that these pathway activities are at lo w levels.

Bio f ilm, C he mo t a x is , a nd V ir ule nc e Pa t hw a y s K e y

Re f e re nc e Ra nge s :
Ne e ds Impro ve me nt represents 17% o f Vio me custo mers, including bo th healthy and unhealthy
Ave ra ge represents 65% o f Vio me custo mers, including bo th healthy and unhealthy individuals.
G o o d represents 18% o f Vio me custo mers, including bo th healthy and unhealthy individuals.

*Sco res are based o n Vio me’s pro priet ary algo rit hm t hat inco rpo rat es relevant f unct io nal cat ego ries each co nsist ing o f mult iple manually curat ed
t axo no mic and pat hway sco ring co mpo nent s.

Le a r n m o r e b y r e a d ing o ur r e f e r e nc e s :
ht t p s : //v io m e . c o m /r e f e r e nc e r e s ult s

Viome, Inc. UPMC Genome Center

81 Camino Entrada, ste 100 5560 Centre Avenue
Los Alamos, NM 87 54 4 Pittsburgh, PA 15232
CLIA Lic e nse Numb e r : 32D215614 5 CLIA Lic e nse Numb e r : 39D214 4 302

La b Co nt a c t : support@
(505) 67 2-57 85
22 / 36
T e st Name : Gut Intelligence Test
Custome r Name : Michael Alahouzos
DOB: 07/16/1984

Meet your probiotic microbes

These are micro bes that are fo und in co mmercially available pro bio tic pro ducts that are also active in yo ur sample. If
there are no o rganisms listed, no pro bio tics were identified in yo ur sample.

Viome, Inc. UPMC Genome Center

81 Camino Entrada, ste 100 5560 Centre Avenue
Los Alamos, NM 87 54 4 Pittsburgh, PA 15232
CLIA Lic e nse Numb e r : 32D215614 5 CLIA Lic e nse Numb e r : 39D214 4 302

La b Co nt a c t : support@
(505) 67 2-57 85
23 / 36
T e st Name : Gut Intelligence Test
Custome r Name : Michael Alahouzos
DOB: 07/16/1984

My Active Microbes
Adlercreutzia equolifaciens DSM 194 50
B Bacterium

Alistipes finegoldii DSM 17 24 2

B Bacterium

Alistipes finegoldii strain 27 89STDY5608890

B Bacterium

Alistipes finegoldii strain 27 89STDY5834 94 7

B Bacterium

Alistipes indistinctus YIT 12060

B Bacterium

Alistipes obesi
B Bacterium

Alistipes putredinis DSM 17 216

B Bacterium

Alistipes shahii WAL 8301

B Bacterium

Anaerotruncus colihominis DSM 17 24 1

B Bacterium

Bacteroides caccae
B Bacterium

Bacteroides cellulosilyticus
B Bacterium

Viome, Inc. UPMC Genome Center

81 Camino Entrada, ste 100 5560 Centre Avenue
Los Alamos, NM 87 54 4 Pittsburgh, PA 15232
CLIA Lic e nse Numb e r : 32D215614 5 CLIA Lic e nse Numb e r : 39D214 4 302

La b Co nt a c t : support@
(505) 67 2-57 85
24 / 36
T e st Name : Gut Intelligence Test
Custome r Name : Michael Alahouzos
DOB: 07/16/1984

Bacteroides clarus YIT 12056

B Bacterium

Bacteroides dorei 5_ 1_ 36/D4

B Bacterium

Bacteroides dorei CL03T12C01

B Bacterium

Bacteroides dorei DSM 17 855

B Bacterium

Bacteroides eggerthii 1_ 2_ 4 8FAA

B Bacterium

Bacteroides eggerthii DSM 20697

B Bacterium

Bacteroides faecis MAJ27

B Bacterium

Bacteroides finegoldii CL09T03C10

B Bacterium

Bacteroides fragilis
B Bacterium

Bacteroides gallinarum
B Bacterium

Bacteroides intestinalis
B Bacterium

Bacteroides intestinalis DSM 17 393

B Bacterium

Viome, Inc. UPMC Genome Center

81 Camino Entrada, ste 100 5560 Centre Avenue
Los Alamos, NM 87 54 4 Pittsburgh, PA 15232
CLIA Lic e nse Numb e r : 32D215614 5 CLIA Lic e nse Numb e r : 39D214 4 302

La b Co nt a c t : support@
(505) 67 2-57 85
25 / 36
T e st Name : Gut Intelligence Test
Custome r Name : Michael Alahouzos
DOB: 07/16/1984

Bacteroides massiliensis B84 634 = Timone 84 634 = DSM 17 67 9 = JCM 13223

B Bacterium

Bacteroides nordii
B Bacterium

Bacteroides oleiciplenus YIT 12058

B Bacterium

Bacteroides ovatus CL02T12C04

B Bacterium

Bacteroides salyersiae CL02T12C01

B Bacterium

Bacteroides salyersiae WAL 10018 = DSM 187 65 = JCM 12988

B Bacterium

Bacteroides salyersiae strain 27 89STDY560887 1

B Bacterium

Bacteroides sp. 2_ 1_ 56FAA

B Bacterium

Bacteroides sp. 3_ 1_ 13
B Bacterium

Bacteroides sp. 3_ 1_ 19
B Bacterium

Bacteroides sp. 4 _ 1_ 36
B Bacterium

Bacteroides sp. D20

B Bacterium

Viome, Inc. UPMC Genome Center

81 Camino Entrada, ste 100 5560 Centre Avenue
Los Alamos, NM 87 54 4 Pittsburgh, PA 15232
CLIA Lic e nse Numb e r : 32D215614 5 CLIA Lic e nse Numb e r : 39D214 4 302

La b Co nt a c t : support@
(505) 67 2-57 85
26 / 36
T e st Name : Gut Intelligence Test
Custome r Name : Michael Alahouzos
DOB: 07/16/1984

Bacteroides sp. HMSC068A09

B Bacterium

Bacteroides stercorirosoris
B Bacterium

Bacteroides uniformis dnLKV2

B Bacterium

Bacteroides uniformis strain 27 89STDY56087 91

B Bacterium

Bacteroides uniformis strain 27 89STDY5834 898

B Bacterium

Bacteroides vulgatus CL09T03C04

B Bacterium

Bacteroides vulgatus strain 27 89STDY5834 94 4

B Bacterium

Bacteroides xylanisolvens
B Bacterium

Barnesiella intestinihominis YIT 11860

B Bacterium

Bilophila wadsworthia ATCC 4 9260

B Bacterium

Blautia hydrogenotrophica
B Bacterium

Blautia sp. Marseille-P3087 sp. Marseille-P3087

B Bacterium

Viome, Inc. UPMC Genome Center

81 Camino Entrada, ste 100 5560 Centre Avenue
Los Alamos, NM 87 54 4 Pittsburgh, PA 15232
CLIA Lic e nse Numb e r : 32D215614 5 CLIA Lic e nse Numb e r : 39D214 4 302

La b Co nt a c t : support@
(505) 67 2-57 85
27 / 36
T e st Name : Gut Intelligence Test
Custome r Name : Michael Alahouzos
DOB: 07/16/1984

Blautia wexlerae
B Bacterium

Burkholderiales bacterium 1_ 1_ 4 7
B Bacterium

Burkholderiales bacterium YL4 5

B Bacterium

Butyricimonas virosa DSM 23226

B Bacterium

Catenibacterium mitsuokai
B Bacterium

Clostridia bacterium UC5.1-1D1

B Bacterium

Clostridiales bacterium KLE1615

B Bacterium

Clostridiales bacterium VE202-01

B Bacterium

Clostridium phoceensis strain GD3

B Bacterium

Clostridium sp. M62/1

B Bacterium

B Bacterium

Coprococcus comes
B Bacterium

Viome, Inc. UPMC Genome Center

81 Camino Entrada, ste 100 5560 Centre Avenue
Los Alamos, NM 87 54 4 Pittsburgh, PA 15232
CLIA Lic e nse Numb e r : 32D215614 5 CLIA Lic e nse Numb e r : 39D214 4 302

La b Co nt a c t : support@
(505) 67 2-57 85
28 / 36
T e st Name : Gut Intelligence Test
Custome r Name : Michael Alahouzos
DOB: 07/16/1984

Dorea longicatena strain 27 89STDY5834 914

B Bacterium

Enterococcus faecium isolate Hp_ 7 4 -d6

B Bacterium

Escherichia coli isolate 15

B Bacterium

Escherichia coli strain LS5218

B Bacterium

Eubacterium ramulus strain 27 89STDY5608891

B Bacterium

Eubacterium ventriosum ATCC 27 560

B Bacterium

Faecalibacterium cf. prausnitzii KLE1255

B Bacterium

Faecalibacterium prausnitzii A2-165

B Bacterium

Faecalibacterium prausnitzii M21/2

B Bacterium

Faecalibacterium prausnitzii strain 27 89STDY5608869

B Bacterium

Faecalibacterium prausnitzii strain 27 89STDY5834 930

B Bacterium

Faecalibacterium prausnitzii strain 27 89STDY5834 97 0

B Bacterium

Viome, Inc. UPMC Genome Center

81 Camino Entrada, ste 100 5560 Centre Avenue
Los Alamos, NM 87 54 4 Pittsburgh, PA 15232
CLIA Lic e nse Numb e r : 32D215614 5 CLIA Lic e nse Numb e r : 39D214 4 302

La b Co nt a c t : support@
(505) 67 2-57 85
29 / 36
T e st Name : Gut Intelligence Test
Custome r Name : Michael Alahouzos
DOB: 07/16/1984

Fusicatenibacter saccharivorans
B Bacterium

Holdemanella biformis DSM 3989

B Bacterium

Holdemania filiformis DSM 1204 2

B Bacterium

Lachnospira pectinoschiza strain 27 89STDY5834 886

B Bacterium

B Bacterium

Mitsuokella multacida DSM 2054 4

B Bacterium

Odoribacter splanchnicus DSM 207 12

B Bacterium

Oscillibacter sp. ER4

B Bacterium

Oxalobacter formigenes OXCC13

B Bacterium

Parabacteroides distasonis str. 3999B T(B) 6

B Bacterium

Parabacteroides distasonis strain 27 89STDY5834 901

B Bacterium

Parabacteroides goldsteinii
B Bacterium

Viome, Inc. UPMC Genome Center

81 Camino Entrada, ste 100 5560 Centre Avenue
Los Alamos, NM 87 54 4 Pittsburgh, PA 15232
CLIA Lic e nse Numb e r : 32D215614 5 CLIA Lic e nse Numb e r : 39D214 4 302

La b Co nt a c t : support@
(505) 67 2-57 85
30 / 36
T e st Name : Gut Intelligence Test
Custome r Name : Michael Alahouzos
DOB: 07/16/1984

Parabacteroides johnsonii CL02T12C29

B Bacterium

Parabacteroides johnsonii DSM 18315

B Bacterium

Parabacteroides merdae ATCC 4 3184

B Bacterium

Parabacteroides merdae CL03T12C32

B Bacterium

Paraprevotella clara YIT 1184 0

B Bacterium

Paraprevotella xylaniphila YIT 1184 1

B Bacterium

Phascolarctobacterium succinatutens YIT 12067

B Bacterium

Phocea massiliensis strain Marseille-P27 69

B Bacterium

Roseburia faecis
B Bacterium

Roseburia hominis A2-183

B Bacterium

Roseburia inulinivorans
B Bacterium

Ruminococcaceae bacterium D16

B Bacterium

Viome, Inc. UPMC Genome Center

81 Camino Entrada, ste 100 5560 Centre Avenue
Los Alamos, NM 87 54 4 Pittsburgh, PA 15232
CLIA Lic e nse Numb e r : 32D215614 5 CLIA Lic e nse Numb e r : 39D214 4 302

La b Co nt a c t : support@
(505) 67 2-57 85
31 / 36
T e st Name : Gut Intelligence Test
Custome r Name : Michael Alahouzos
DOB: 07/16/1984

B Bacterium

Subdoligranulum variabile DSM 1517 6

B Bacterium

Sutterella sp. KLE1602

B Bacterium

Sutterella wadsworthensis 2_ 1_ 59BFAA

B Bacterium

Tannerella sp. 6_ 1_ 58FAA_ CT1

B Bacterium

Veillonella dispar ATCC 17 7 4 8

B Bacterium

[Clostridium] innocuum 2959

B Bacterium

[Eubacterium] eligens strain 27 89STDY5834 87 5

B Bacterium

[Eubacterium] eligens strain 27 89STDY5834 87 8

B Bacterium

[Eubacterium] hallii DSM 3353

B Bacterium

[Eubacterium] hallii strain 27 89STDY5834 835

B Bacterium

[Eubacterium] rectale
B Bacterium

Viome, Inc. UPMC Genome Center

81 Camino Entrada, ste 100 5560 Centre Avenue
Los Alamos, NM 87 54 4 Pittsburgh, PA 15232
CLIA Lic e nse Numb e r : 32D215614 5 CLIA Lic e nse Numb e r : 39D214 4 302

La b Co nt a c t : support@
(505) 67 2-57 85
32 / 36
T e st Name : Gut Intelligence Test
Custome r Name : Michael Alahouzos
DOB: 07/16/1984

[Eubacterium] siraeum DSM 157 02

B Bacterium

[Eubacterium] siraeum strain 27 89STDY5834 928

B Bacterium

ht t p s : //www. v io m e . c o m /r e p o r t a b le r a ng e

Viome, Inc. UPMC Genome Center

81 Camino Entrada, ste 100 5560 Centre Avenue
Los Alamos, NM 87 54 4 Pittsburgh, PA 15232
CLIA Lic e nse Numb e r : 32D215614 5 CLIA Lic e nse Numb e r : 39D214 4 302

La b Co nt a c t : support@
(505) 67 2-57 85
33 / 36
T e st Name : Gut Intelligence Test
Custome r Name : Michael Alahouzos
DOB: 07/16/1984

Vi om e Met hodology
Micro bial to tal RNA is extracted, ribo so mal RNA mo lecules are remo ved fro m to tal RNA, and the remaining RNA
mo lecules are sequenced o n Illumina NextSeq o r No vaSeq. Pro prietary bio info rmatics algo rithms are used to perfo rm
taxo no mic classificatio n and functio nal analysis o f the sequencing data.
The Fo o d Sensitivity Intelligence Test measures all fo ur classes o f IgG antibo dies reactive to specific fo o ds using an
ELISA metho d.

Met hod Li m i t at i on
Vio me’s results and reco mmendatio ns are based o n o ur ability to identify and quantify tho usands o f micro bial taxa .
Such vast diversity has no t been captured in the geno mic databases, so it is impo ssible to assess it co mprehensively.
There are micro o rganisms that thrive in the gut who se geno mes have no t been sequenced. Vio me is unable to identify
tho se specific o rganisms, but can identify their near neighbo rs, which have similar ho mo lo gy. There are also taxa that we
canno t discriminate because o f their sequence similarity, fo r example at the strain level. There are so me RNA transcripts
that may no t always align and match to specific kno wn o rganisms, which may be due to the fact that these sequences
are po o rly characterized, reliable co nsensus sequence may no t be available fo r reference. Vio me mo nito rs the gro wth o f
public geno mic databases and will update its o wn databases when there is sufficient new info rmatio n to be wo rthy o f
inco rpo ratio n.

Detectio n o f a micro o rganism by this test do es no t imply having a disease. Similarly, no t detecting a micro o rganism by
this test do es no t exclude the presence o f a disease-causing micro o rganism. Further, o ther o rganisms may be present
that are no t detected by this test. This test is no t a substitute fo r established metho ds fo r identifying micro o rganisms
o r their antimicro bial susceptibility pro file. Results are qualitative and identify the presence o r absence o f identified
anno tated o rganisms. The Fo o d Sensitivity Intelligence Test measures relative IgG antibo dies reactive to 40 specific
fo o ds using an ELISA metho d. It canno t distinguish between different classes o f IgG no r can it detect o ther classes o f
Antibo dies which may be asso ciated with fo o d allergies. This test is no t appro priate fo r making a diagno sis o f fo o d

Viome, Inc. UPMC Genome Center

81 Camino Entrada, ste 100 5560 Centre Avenue
Los Alamos, NM 87 54 4 Pittsburgh, PA 15232
CLIA Lic e nse Numb e r : 32D215614 5 CLIA Lic e nse Numb e r : 39D214 4 302

La b Co nt a c t : support@
(505) 67 2-57 85
34 / 36
T e st Name : Gut Intelligence Test
Custome r Name : Michael Alahouzos
DOB: 07/16/1984

The Gut Intelligence Test was develo ped by, and its perfo rmance characteristics determined by Vio me Inc. It has no t
been cleared o r appro ved by the US Fo o d and Drug Administratio n. The FDA has determined that such clearance o r
appro val is no t necessary. This labo rato ry is registered under CLIA (32D2156145) to perfo rm high co mplexity testing.
Sequencing was perfo rmed at UPMC Geno me Center (CLIA 39D2144302). Co ntact Vio me fo r any further questio ns.

The Fo o d Sensitivity Intelligence Test was develo ped by, and its perfo rmance characteristics determined by Vio me Inc. It
has no t been cleared o r appro ved by the US Fo o d and Drug Administratio n. The FDA has determined that such clearance
o r appro val is no t necessary. This labo rato ry is registered under CLIA (32D2156145) to perfo rm high co mplexity testing.
Co ntact Vio me fo r any further questio ns.

Viome, Inc. UPMC Genome Center

81 Camino Entrada, ste 100 5560 Centre Avenue
Los Alamos, NM 87 54 4 Pittsburgh, PA 15232
CLIA Lic e nse Numb e r : 32D215614 5 CLIA Lic e nse Numb e r : 39D214 4 302

La b Co nt a c t : support@
(505) 67 2-57 85
35 / 36

VERSION: 1.14.2

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