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Journal of

Journal of Experimental Botany, Vol. 47, No. 300, pp. 843-854, July 1996 Experimental

Nitrate transport and compartmentation in

cereal root cells

Anthony J. Miller1 and Susan J. Smith

Biochemistry and Physiology Department, lACR-Rothamsted, Harpenden, Herts. AL52JQ, UK

Received 3 September 1995; Accepted 5 February 1996

Abstract requisite to understanding the regulation of nitrate

transport. Furthermore, cytosolic nitrate concentration
Measurement of cytosolic nitrate is one of the factors

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must influence nitrate reductase (NR) activity and could,
required for the resolution of factors controlling nitrate
therefore, determine the rate of nitrogen assimilation. The
uptake and assimilation in plants and for identifying
methods that have been used to measure intracellular
likely nitrate transport mechanisms at both the plasma
nitrate have been reviewed here with particular emphasis
membrane and tonoplast. This paper reviews methods
on nitrate-selective microelectrodes. The accuracy of each
and reported measurements of cytosolic nitrate in
method is assessed, and the results obtained with micro-
higher plants and concludes that nitrate-selective
electrodes are used to appraise possible nitrate transport
microelectrodes are the best approach. These micro-
mechanisms at both the plasma membrane and tonoplast.
electrodes have been used to measure intracellular
nitrate activitites in barley and maize root cells. Triple-
barrelled electrodes, incorporating a pH-sensing barrel Methods for measuring intracellular nitrate
have been used to identify the compartmental location
of the nitrate-selective tip giving unequivocal estim- Several techniques have been used to try to measure
ates of vacuolar and cytosolic nitrate activities. The intracellular nitrate concentration, including estimates
microelectrode measurements are used to discuss the based on NR activity, compartmental radiotracer efflux
possible mechanisms of nitrate transport at both the analysis, nuclear magnetic reasonance (NMR) and cell
tonoplast and plasma membrane. The energetics of fractionation. Particular emphasis has been placed on
possible proton-coupled transport systems are trying to estimate cytosolic nitrate concentrations because
described and the feasibility of the mechanism is of its metabolic importance but the various techniques
discussed. have yielded different values of this parameter (Table 1).
This spread of values suggests that either cytosolic nitrate
Key words: Cytosol, compartmentation, Hordeum vulgare is very variable or there are errors associated with each
L, nitrate, roots, Zea mays L of the methods used to measure it.

Anaerobic NR assay
The anaerobic NR method has been used to estimate the
The measurement of cytosolic and vacuolar nitrate con- 'metabolic' nitrate pool and is based on measurement of
centration is essential for determining the mechanism of the nitrite formation in the absence of external nitrate,
nitrate transport at both the plasma membrane and under conditions (anoxia, darkness) intended to inhibit
tonoplast because the electrochemical gradient of this ion nitrite reduction (Ferrari et cil., 1973). This technique
across each of these membranes determines whether the depends on the cytosolic location of NR, and the resulting
uptake of nitrate into the cell and into the vacuole occurs limited access of the enzyme to its substrate, nitrate. The
by passive or active mechanisms. Clarkson (1986) con- cessation of nitrite formation is regarded as the indication
cluded that measurements of cytosolic nitrate are a pre- of exhaustion of the 'metabolic' nitrate pool which is
To whom correspondence should be addressed. Fax: +44 1582 760981. E-mail tony.miller©
Abbreviations: JG'/F, free-energy change for H+/NOj~-symport; F, Faraday constant; pHc, cytoplasmic pH; pHo, external pH; pINOJ,,, -log10 cytosolic
NO^" concentration; pmf, proton motive force; pINOJo, -tog10 externaJ NO^~ concentration; NR, nitrate reductase; NMR, nuclear magnetic resonance.

© Oxford University Press 1996

844 Miller and Smith
Table 1. Higher plant cytosolic nitrate concentrations estimated by a variety of techniques
Method Tissue Nitrate concentrations (mol m ) References

Solution Cytosol

Anaerobic nitrate Barley, maize, pea, 0.01-0.1 Robin et al. (1983)

reductase assay soybean, nee leaves
Spinach leaf 4.0 4-8 SteingrSver et al. (1986)
Barley root 0.1-20 0.66-3.9 King et al. (1992)
Compartmental tracer Barley root 0.01 82 Deane-Drummond
efflux analysis and Glass (1982)
Maize root 1.4-70 6-160 Presland and McNaughton (1984)
Barley root 1.5 26 Lee and Clarkson (1986)
Barley root 0.01-1 12-37 Siddiqi et al. (1991)
Onion root 2.0 40-50 Macklon et al. (1990)
Soybean root 0.5 4-8 Mullere(a/ (1995)
Cell fractionation Barley leaf 4.1 Martinoia el al. (1986)
Mesophyll cell 6.8 Martinoia el al. (1987)

assumed to be synonomous with cytosolic nitrate. of ions (MacRobbie, 1971). For this method, tissues are
Cytosolic nitrate values obtained using this type of loaded to a steady-state (constant specific activity in all

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approach range from 0.01 to 8 mol m" 3 (Table 1). compartments) with an isotopic tracer and then put in an
One problem with this method is that nitrite formation unlabelled solution (efflux solution) of the same composi-
during the analysis may be controlled by the distribution tion as the loading solution. The efflux solution is replaced
and activity of the nitrate reductase (NR), the supply of periodically and its tracer content determined. The plasma
reductant, as well as the availability of nitrate itself membrane and tonoplast offer different resistances to
(Hageman et al., 1980). Furthermore, under the com- tracer efflux and the kinetics of tracer loss from the tissue
pletely anoxic conditions required, and as cytosolic nitrite into the solution can be analysed in terms of several
accumulates, the intracellular distribution of nitrate, par- exponential components each corresponding to different
ticularly its release from the vacuole, may be disturbed, tissue compartments. This analysis yields values for
resulting in a non-physiological situation. For example, steady-statefluxesacross the plasma membrane and tono-
under these anoxic conditions it has been shown that plast as well as tracer content of the cytoplasm and
stored nitrate leaks into the external solution (Aslam, vacuole, which can be converted to concentration if the
1981). The method has been modified to estimate in vivo compartment volumes are known.
rates of NR activity under anaerobic conditions and from Presland and McNaughton (1984), using 13NOf,
the Michaelis-Menten kinetics to calculate [NO3~]C, the estimated cytosolic concentrations of nitrate from 6 to
approach assumes that NR activity in vivo must be limited 160 mol m~3 in maize roots over external nitrate concen-
by available nitrate (Robin et al., 1983; King et al., 1992). trations of 1.4 to 70 mol m~3. Using the same tracer, Lee
These authors argue that because the addition of more and Clarkson (1986) estimated cytosolic nitrate concen-
(up to 100 mol m~3) nitrate outside the root enhanced trations of 26 mol m" 3 in barley root cells growing in 1.5
the anaerobic NO^~ production, NR activity in vivo must mol m~3 nitrate. Siddiqi et al. (1991), also using 13NOf,
be limited by the supply of nitrate rather than by supply reported that in barley roots cytosolic nitrate concentra-
of reductant or some other factors. Nevertheless, the tion increased from 12 to 37 mol m~3 when external
main disadvantage of this technique must be that estim-
nitrate increased from 0.01 to 1 mol m~3. In contrast,
ates of cytosolic nitrate are made under anaerobic condi-
with 15NO3~, Macklon et al. (1990) reported a cytosolic
tions, a situation which may in itself alter the [NO3~]C.
nitrate concentration of 40-50 mol m~3 in onion roots.
Kaiser and Huber (1994) have reviewed how several
Measurements with the nitrate analogue, 36C1O3, by
processes, including oxygen availability, can rapidly
modify the in vivo activity of NR. However, one advantage Deane-Drummond and Glass (1982) suggested a value
of this method is that the final calculation of cytosolic of 8 mol m~3 for cytosolic nitrate concentration in barley
nitrate by this method does not require any assumptions roots grown in 0.01 mol m~3 nitrate. The differences
of cytosolic volume in the tissue (cf. below). between these estimates of cytosolic nitrate concentrations
could be partly due to the differences in the pretreatment
given to the cells, in the experimental procedures used,
Compartmental tracer efflux or genuine species differences.
Compartmental tracer efflux analysis is a well-established The radioisotopes of nitrogen are not very convenient
technique and has been widely used for estimating fluxes for this type of analysis, 13N has a very short half-life
and subcellular compartmental concentrations of a variety (ti 2 = 9.9 min) and is not readily available. While for the
Nitrate transport and compartmentation in cereal roots 845
stable isotope N, it may be difficult to obtain sufficient plast nitrate is present in the vacuole (Martinoia et al.,
enrichment of activity, relative to the naturally occurring 1981; Granstedt and Huffaker, 1982). Using the same
N, in efflux washes. The activity of 15N to 14N in the procedure, Martinoia et al. (1986, 1987) measured nitrate
efflux sample is important because the isotopic measure- concentrations in the range of 4 to 7 mol m~ 3 in the
ment techniques are relatively insensitive, although extravacuolar space of barley mesophyll protoplasts (pre-
MackJon et al. (1990) successfully used this isotope for sumably largely representative of the cytoplasm). A
onion roots. However, recent improvements in the sensit- freeze-fractionation procedure (Gerhardt and Heldt,
ivity of mass spectrometers suggests that there may be 1984) has also been used to estimate subcellular concen-
greater potential for the use of 15N (Muller et al., 1995). trations of metabolite levels, including nitrate in leaves
The physiological consequences of using 36C1O3 as an of barley (Winter et al., 1993) and spinach (Winter
analogue for nitrate in compartmental and transport etai, 1994).
studies have been questioned because chlorate can be Vacuole isolation requires a lengthy preparatory pro-
readily reduced to toxic chlorite by NR in plants (Murphy cedure to obtain protoplasts and vacuoles and there is
et al., 1985). Another problem with compartmental efflux the possibility for solute leakage or redistribution during
analysis is that the labelled nitrate present in the cytosol the preparation, which may result in calculated cytosolic
is continuously being assimilated and also being trans- nitrate concentrations which do not reflect those in vivo.
ported to the xylem and so is no longer available for The value calculated for the extravacuolar concentration
efflux. Nitrate taken up by roots can be found in the is the average for the whole cytoplasm including all

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shoots within a few minutes (McNaughton and Presland, organelles, not just the concentration in the cytosol.
1983), this makes it difficult to analyse tracer efflux Most of the above techniques measure the amount of
kinetics from subcellular compartments and, therefore, to nitrate in different subcellular pools and then convert this
estimate intracellular nitrate concentrations correctly. The to a concentration in different compartments using an
removal of nitrate from the cell can result in continuous estimate of the volume of the compartment. Although
changes in specific activity of nitrate pools although the size of this volume estimate can be based on quantitat-
authors have attempted to correct for this problem (Lee ive microscopy, relatively small errors can lead to large
and Clarkson, 1986). differences in calculated concentrations. For instance, the
calculated nitrate concentration increases 2-fold when the
Nuclear magnetic reasonance assumed cytosolic volume changes from 10% to 5% of
the total cell volume. In addition, protoplasts and vacu-
There has been one report of the application of 14N
oles are usually prepared in hypertonic media that will
NMR to the measurement of intracellular nitrate com-
change the volumes of compartments from those in vivo.
partmentation, and a single large pool of nitrate was
Although this can be compensated for (Leigh et al.,
detected (Belton et al., 1985). The concentration of nitrate
1981), this is not usually done and so the estimated
in this pool was very close to that determined by extrac-
nitrate concentration will not reflect those in the ori-
tion of nitrate from the whole tissue and this was,
ginal tissue.
therefore, taken to be the vacuolar nitrate pool. NMR
has the advantage of being relatively rapid and non- In order to explain some of the differences in the
destructive, but is of low resolution and has a relatively apparent cytosolic nitrate concentrations of barley roots
poor signal:noise ratio so its use in detecting nitrate in obtained by these different methods (Table 1), two differ-
tissues with low concentrations of the ion or for measuring ent cytosolic pools of nitrate have been proposed to be
the relatively small pool of cytosolic nitrate is limited. present in roots (the tissue most often used for the
Also, there are no easy methods for separating signals estimations), a large slowly metabolized pool, possibly
from the cytosol and the vacuole in contrast to 31 P for the cytoplasm of cortical cells, and a smaller
which differences in the pH of these compartments separ- NR-containing pool, possibly the cytoplasm of epidermal
ates the signal from each (Lee et al., 1990). Therefore, cells (Siddiqi et al., 1991; King et al., 1992). The tissue
NMR probably has limited utility in detailed studies of heterogeneity found in vivo NR localization studies may
intracellular nitrate pools. provide some support for this idea (Rufty et al., 1986;
Fedorova et al., 1994). However, all of the above tech-
Cell fractionation
niques average the compartmental nitrate for the whole
root, none samples single cells.
Vacuole isolation from protoplasts has been used to
estimate nitrate in barley leaf vacuoles (Martinoia et al.,
Nitrate-selective microelectrodes
1981; Granstedt and Huffaker, 1982) and nitrate distribu-
tion between the cytosol and vacuole (Martinoia et al., A more direct approach to measuring cytosolic nitrate is
1986, 1987). Analysis of vacuoles isolated from barley to use nitrate-selective microelectrodes (Miller and Zhen,
leaves demonstrated that between 58% and 99% of proto- 1991). Ion-selective microelectrodes all have the same
846 Miller and Smith
basic design, with a hydrophobic ion-selective sensor 12
plugging the tip of a glass micropipette; the ion-dependent
electrical potential is measured across this barrier (Miller, 10 -
1994). For intracellular measurements it is necessary to
use double-barrelled microelectrodes in which one barrel
contains the ion-selective sensor and the other measures
the cell's membrane potential. This is necessary because
when inserted into the cell, the ion-selective sensor gives o 6 H
an output that is the summation of its response to the Urn
local ion concentration and the membrane potential. The 4
latter must be subtracted to give the ion-dependent i ~
response of the sensor. A major advantage of electrode
measurements is that there is no need for compartmental 2 -
volume assumptions because the electrodes directly report
ion activity, the thermodynamically important parameter.
In addition, microelectrodes also measure the membrane 0-2 2-4 4-6 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60
electrical potential difference and this information,
together with the ion activities can then be used to NO3~activity (mol m"-3\)
evaluate the possible mechanisms of transport across the

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Fig. 1. Histogram showing the distribution of nitrate activities measured
membranes. Also, the cell membrane potential indicates with nitrate-selective microelectrodes in epidermal cells of maize roots
the health of the cell during the impalement because when grown for 24-30 h in a full nutrient solution containing 10 mol m~ 3
nitrate. A total of 43 measurements separated into two populations
the plasma membrane is damaged the cell is unable to with means (with 95% confidence limits) of 3.1 (2.7, 3.5) and 26.2
maintain a stable resting membrane potential. (24, 28.6).
There are two reports of microelectrode measurements
of cytosolic nitrate in lower plants, 1.6 mol m~3 for
Chara corallina (Miller and Zhen, 1991) and 0.63 mol
incorporating a pH sensor in the third barrel (Walker
m" 3 for thallus cells of the liverwort, Conocephalum
et al., 1995). These allow unequivocal identification of
conicwn (Trebacz et al., 1994). Electrodes have also been
the cytosol and vacuole from their pH values: approxi-
used to measure both the cytosolic and vacuolar nitrate
mately 7.4 and 5.5, respectively (Kurkdjian and Guern,
activities of barley root epidermal cells growing in a full
1989). Triple-barrelled microelectrode measurements for
nutrient solution containing 10 mol m" 3 nitrate (Zhen
barley root cells growing in full nutrient solution at pH 6
et al., 1991; Miller and Smith, 1992). A comparison of
containing a range of different nitrate concentrations,
measurements of vacuolar and cytosolic nitrate concentra-
from 10 to 0.1 mol m~3 show that cytosolic nitrate is
tions in barley and maize roots obtained using double-
maintained at around 4 mol m~3 (Miller and Smith,
barrelled nitrate-selective microelectrodes is shown in
unpublished results).
Table 2. When using double-barrelled electrodes in tissues
grown at relatively high external concentrations (10 mol
m~ 3 ), the values obtained fall into two groups (data for
maize roots in Fig. 2; see Zhen et al., 1991, for similar Mechanisms of nitrate transport at the plasma
results on barley roots). Using a single cell sampling membrane
technique, Zhen et al. (1991) showed that the population
with the larger nitrate concentration was vacuolar in As indicated above, an advantage of using nitrate-selective
origin and, therefore, by implication, the one with the microelectrodes is that they give values for membrane
smaller concentration was cytosolic. The mean cytosolic potentials and compartmental nitrate activities that can
activity in barley was 4.9 mol m~3 and that for maize be used to estimate the thermodynamic or free energy
was 3.1 mol m~3. Corresponding vacuolar nitrate activit- gradient for nitrate transport across the plasma membrane
ies were 39 and 26 mol m~3, respectively (Table 2). and tonoplast. For example, insertion of the values for
Although it was relatively easy to assign activities to barley and maize cytosolic nitrate concentrations and
the vacuole and cytosol in roots growing in solution with electrical potential across the plasma membrane into the
10 mol m~3 nitrate, this was less easy when plants were Nernst equation indicates that the cytosolic nitrate con-
grown in low external nitrate concentration (e.g. <0.1 centration is greater than can be achieved by a passive
mol m~ 3 ). Under these conditions, the nitrate activity in transport process even at a high external nitrate concen-
the vacuole is low and measurements can no longer be tration (Zhen et al, 1991). A passive transport mechan-
separated into two populations. This problem can be ism could only maintain micromolar concentrations of
overcome by using triple-barrelled microelectrodes nitrate in the cytosol.
Nitrate transport and compartmentation in cereal roots 847
Table 2. A comparison of mean (with 95% confidence limits) cytosolic and vacuolar nitrate activities in barley fHordeum vulgare L.
cv. Klaxon) and maize (Zea mays L. cv. Eta) root epidermal cells determined using double-barrelled nitrate-selective microelectrodes
Results (mean±s.e.) from chemical analysis of the whole root tissue are also presented for comparison. Plants were grown in 10 mol m~ 3 nitrate
for 24-30 h under 16 h daylength. Whole-root nitrate was extracted and measured as described by Zhen el al. (1991). All measurements were made
between 1-2 cm from the root tip. The epidermal cells were identified as the first layer of cells encountered by the microelectrode.

Plant Cytosol Vacuole Tissue nitrate

(mol m~ 3 )
Nitrate Membrane potential Number of Nitrate Membrane potential Number of
(mol m~ 3 ) (mV) measurements (mol m~ 3 ) (mV) measurements

Barley 4.9(4.5, 5.5) -73±6 19 39(37,42) -65±4 35 75±6

Maize 3.1(2.7,3.5) -63±5 12 26 (24, 27) -66 + 3 31 50±4

Passive nitrate transport

Passive nitrate movements across membranes are likely
1:1 H7NO 3 symport
to be via ion channels; a nitrate-permeable channel, which
- would allow the flow of anions into the cell, has been
100 -
identified in the plasma membrane of wheat protoplasts
9 — —' _—

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0 - PH0
I i (Skerrett and Tyerman, 1994). Such a channel may have

i •

100 - 5 ' l 8 a role in the 'constitutive' uptake system when nitrate is

200 - first supplied (Behl et al., 1988). Subsequently, an active
300 - nitrate uptake system is induced or derepressed by the
/inn presence of cytosolic nitrate. Even though passive uptake
could only produce micromolar nitrate concentrations in
2:1 H + /NO 3 ' symport the cytosol, this may be sufficient for 'induction' of nitrate
transport and assimilation, without the need for a nitrate
receptor on the outside of the cell as discussed by
Redinbaugh and Campbell (1991). Alternatively, the
channel itself could be a receptor, with binding of the
nitrate ion to the channel as the signal for induction.
An anion channel could also provide the mechanism
for nitrate efflux which has been reported by many
authors (Jackson et al., 1986, and references therein). The
direction of flow of anions through a channel is deter-
mined by the electrochemical gradient for the ion, but
3:1 H 7NO 3 symport rectification (one-way movement of current) of the chan-
onn —,
nel will determine if it has a specific role as an influx or
100 - efflux mechanism. For example, the anion channel
0 - i 1
pHc described by Skerret and Tyerman (1994) in wheat root
9 -100 - 5 6 protoplasts only allows the passage of anions into the cell
(anion outward rectifier) and so could not be a mechanism
-200 -
for nitrate efflux. By contrast, the stretch-activated chan-
-300 - nel of tobacco protoplasts (Falke et al., 1988) and the
-400 - voltage-regulated channels of guard cells (Schmidt and
-500 - Schroeder, 1994) allow efflux of anions. The regulation
.Ann of plasma membrane anion channel activity may be
important in determining cytosolic nitrate concentrations,
Fig. 2. Calculation of AGjF for a plasma membrane symport mechan- because as active transport is maintaining the cytosolic
ism with either a 1.1, 2:1 or 3. I H + NO3~ stoichiometry. Three lines
are shown for each stoichiometry, these represent three different external nitrate a large 'leak' through a channel will quickly
nitrate concentrations: 0.1 ( ), 1 ( ) and 10 ( ) mol m" 3 . deplete cytosolic nitrate. An open channel has selective
Values used for these calculations are based on those obtained from permeability allowing some ions to flow passively down
measurements in barley root epidermal cells: plasma membrane potential
(/) V) is - 7 0 mV, pH c is 7.2 and pINOj], is 2.4 (i.e. 4 mol m~ 3 ). These their electrochemical gradient at a great rate (106— 108
values are assumed to be maintained independently of changes in ions s" 1 ; Sanders and Slayman, 1989). Assuming a cyto-
external pH and nitrate concentration. A positive free-energy value solic volume of between 2 and 10 pi per cell (1-5% of
indicates that this mechanism could not maintain the observed nitrate
gradients across the plasma membrane.
the whole cell volume; Malone et al., 1991) and no active
848 Miller and Smith

influx of nitrate, a single open anion channel with an energy required to maintain a cytosolic nitrate concentra-
efflux rate of 107 ions s~' will deplete the cytosolic nitrate tion of 4 mol m~3 can thus be calculated for different
concentration from 4 mol m~3 to mmol m~3 levels (pass- values of n. By calculating the free energy at different
ive nitrate distribution) in 50-200 s. external nitrate and pH values, the ability of different
symport mechanisms to maintain cytosolic nitrate can be
Active nitrate transport assessed. The results of such calculations are shown
Active transport is required at the plasma membrane and plotted in Fig. 2. For the calculations it was assumed that
the tonoplast of epidermal cells in both maize and barley the cytosolic nitrate concentration remained at 4 mol m" 3
roots to maintain the measured intracellular concentra- at all external nitrate concentrations (see above), that the
tions of nitrate. The proton electrochemical gradient cytosolic pH was 7.2 (Miller and Smith, 1992) and was
across both the tonoplast and the plasma membrane can insensitive to external changes pH (see Kurkdjian and
provide the energy for the transport of nitrate. Active Guern, 1989, and references therein), and that the mem-
nitrate transport at the plasma membrane is thought to brane potential was -70 mV (Zhen et al., 1991). Although
occur by symport with protons. Measurements in maize it remains to be established that all parameters would
and barley of the nitrate-elicited changes in electrical remain constant under the combination of conditions
potential difference across the plasma membrane support assumed, the calculations give an estimate of the ability
a proton symport model (McClure et al., 1990; Glass of the different mechanisms to account for the observed
et al., 1992). These measurements suggest that the sym- cytosolic nitrate concentration.

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port must have a stoichiometry of at least 2:1 H + :NO3"
as 1 :1 would be electrically neutral and would not cause Thermodynamics of low and high affinity nitrate transport at
depolarization of membrane potential. Nitrate uptake the plasma membrane
studies have identified two distinct phases of nitrate
uptake which are dependent on the external concentra- Does proton symport require a 2:1 stoichiometry in the
tions of nitrate, these are described as high affinity and low affinity uptake range? The free energy values plotted
low affinity uptake (Doddema and Telkamp, 1979). For in Fig. 2 show how increasing the stoichiometry value n
barley roots, only the high affinity system showed hyper- increases the slope of the graph. When n=\ the free
bolic kinetics which saturated at external nitrate concen- energy values are smaller than for higher n values indicat-
trations between 0.2-0.5 mol m~3, while the low affinity ing that the transport mechanism will be more sensitive
system did not saturate over the external concentration to the pHo. However, it is feasible for low-affinity nitrate
range 0.5-50 mol m~3 (Siddiqi et al., 1990). The latter symport to have this stoichiometry, at external concentra-
authors suggested that such linear kinetics are consistent tions above 0.5 mol m" 3 nitrate and below a pHo of 6.5
with a channel uptake mechanism. However, Glass et al. (Fig. 2). The main disadvantage of an electroneutral 1:1
(1992), by measuring nitrate-elicited changes in mem- cotransport is that it is energized by only the pH gradient
brane potential, showed that in barley roots both high across the plasma membrane; the A V term disappears in
and low affinity nitrate uptake systems appear to be 2:1 equation 1. Therefore, at any given external nitrate con-
H + :NO 3 ~ symport mechanisms. Furthermore, a low- centration, such a mechanism would be totally dependent
affinity nitrate transporter from Arabidopsis has been on the pH gradient across the plasma membrane, a
characterized as having a proton:nitrate stoichiometry of parameter which it is difficult for the cell to adjust in
2:1 (Tsay et al., 1993). response to the prevailing environmental conditions. The
pH-buffering capacity of the cell wall and the cytosol,
The thermodynamic feasibility of a proton symport
together with the necessary pH regulation of the cytosol
mechanism over both high and low affinity uptake ranges
for the biochemical processes results in very little flexibil-
can be determined by using the measurements of cytosolic
ity for a plant cell in terms of adjusting the plasma
nitrate activities, pH and membrane potentials obtained
membrane pH gradients in order to maintain nitrate
with triple-barrelled nitrate-selective microelectrodes. For
uptake in response to changes in external nitrate concen-
a H+/NO3~ symport at the plasma membrane, the appro-
tration. The fundamental importance of nitrate as a
priate free-energy relationship for the reaction is
nutrient ion surely requires that uptake could not be
powered by such an unreliable and inflexible energy
+ (n-\)AW (1)
In contrast to a n — 1 stoichiometry, Fig. 2 indicates
where n is the stoichiometry of protons to nitrate ions that a 2:1 proton:nitrate symport would support nitrate
for the symport, and A *¥ is the trans-plasma membrane transport in all circumstances except when the external
potential difference and subscripts o and c denote the concentration of nitrate is 10 mol m~3 and the external
external solution and cytosol, respectively. The free energy pH is 8 (few agricultural soils are likely to be more
for the symport is expressed numerically in mV. The free alkaline than this). Only, at lower external nitrate concen-
Nitrate transport and compartmentation in cereal roots 849
trations does this situation become acute, with a pH o of component of the proton motive force (pmf) disappears
7 becoming limiting at 0.1 mol m~ 3 external nitrate. For at this external nitrate concentration when the external
2:1 symport the membrane potential becomes important pH is <5.8. Thus both external pH and cell membrane
for nitrate uptake as it can ensure that there is sufficient potential are important parameters for determining the
energy for transport. Comparing the graphs of 2:1 and uptake of nitrate. Meharg and Blatt (1995) have described
3:1 stoichiometries in Fig. 2 there is little advantage in a a kinetic model for a 2:1 proton:nitrate symport in
mechanism with a 3:1 stoichiometry, i.e. there is little Ambidopsis root hairs, their model also emphasizes the
difference in the positive AG/F area on the two graphs, importance of membrane voltage in controlling nitrate
indicating that there is little energetic gain obtained by transport.
increasing the proton to nitrate stoichiometry to the Nitrate-elicited changes in membrane potential can be
unlikely value of 3. Such a high stoichiometry would be regarded as an assay for nitrate symport activity. McClure
unusual but not impossible. In Fig. 2 for both 2:1 and et al. (1990) found that in maize root cells at pH o 8,
3:1 stoichiometries, as the plasma membrane potential when the resting membrane potential was —184 mV, the
becomes more negative so the energetic profile shifts nitrate-elicited (0.1 mol m~ 3 ) depolarization of membrane
down along the y-axis to negative AG/F values and potential disappeared. This result is consistent with the
symport becomes feasible. thermodynamic calculations in Fig. 3 and is consistent
The importance of the plasma membrane voltage in with the idea that under these conditions of pH o and A f
supplying energy for nitrate uptake is shown graphically symport can no longer occur by a 2:1 mechanism because

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in Fig. 3. This figure shows the plasma membrane poten- they are close to the thermodynamic limits for this
tial difference which is required for a 2:1 stoichiometry stoichiometry (Fig. 2). In contrast, Ullrich and Novacky
to maintain the cytosolic nitrate concentration at 4 mol (1981) in fronds of Lemna, at an external pH of 8.3 when
m~ 3 at a range of different external pH values and with AT was —234 mV, observed a nitrate-elicited (2 mol
different external nitrate concentrations. For example, at m~ 3 ) depolarization. This result too is consistent with
an external pH of 7.5 and a nitrate concentration of 0.01 the thermodynamic profiles in Fig. 3 as the A G/F value
mol m~ 3 a membrane potential of —200 mV is required is negative (below the x axis in Fig. 2) under these
for a 2:1 symport mechanism to maintain cytosolic nitrate conditions because of the large negative A W.
at 4 mol m " 3 the requirement for any membrane potential The reported effects of external pH on net nitrate
uptake is variable and seems to depend on the species of
Plasma membrane potential difference plant, for example, more acid optima for barley (Rao
required for 2H+/NOj symport and Rains, 1976) and more alkaline for Arabidopsis
(Doddema and Telkamp, 1979). However, some of the
variation may be explained by an apoplastic pH gradient
in some solutions (Grignon and Sentenac, 1991). In
barley, net nitrate uptake was measured by Aslam et al.
(1995). They found that a decrease in external pH from
5 to 3 decreased uptake, but concluded that this change
was due to an increase in efflux rather than a change in
influx. As net uptake reports the steady-state resulting
from efflux and influx of nitrate, the differing effects of
pH on uptake in different species may result from changes
in efflux rather than influx.
In the soil, barley and maize are likely to utilize both
nitrate and reduced forms of nitrogen, such as ammo-
nium. One interesting consequence of using nitrate as a
nitrogen source is the associated alkalinization of the
surrounding medium (Raven and Smith, 1976). However,
the extent of any pH change occurring in the field will
depend on the pH buffering capacity of the soil. An
-200 increase in pH at the surface of the root will not favour
a proton symport mechanism of nitrate uptake, perhaps
indicating that energy sources other than proton gradients
may also be needed at high external pH. Some authors
Fig. 3. A graph showing the plasma membrane potential difference have reported that as external pH increases there is a
which is required for a 2:1 H + : NOf symport to maintain cytosolic
nitrate at 4 mol m " 3 at a range of external pH values and at different corresponding decrease in net nitrate uptake while ammo-
external nitrate concentrations. nium uptake increases (Barber, 1984, and references
850 Miller and Smith
therein). Nitrogen uptake is so important for the growth plast vesicles (Blumwald and Poole, 1985) have been
of any plant that it would seem reasonable to have several shown to be an artefact resulting from the use of acridine
different mechanisms available for uptake. Other possible orange as a pH probe (Pope and Leigh, 1988).
energy sources are sodium gradients and sodium-coupled Experiments using tonoplast vesicles have failed to
nitrate transport is known to occur in cyanobacteria identify clearly an anion cotransport uptake mechanism.
(Lara et cil., 1993) and various Na +-coupled transport This may be because these experiments did not use plants
systems have been identified in giant algal cells (Walker previously grown in nitrate, and perhaps the tonoplast
et al., 1993). It has recently been demonstrated that transporter is nitrate-inducible. The plant cell will require
sodium-coupled transport mechanisms can be driven by the active accumulation of nitrate only when the anion is
proton gradients (Hirayama et al., 1994), so perhaps available and McClure et al. (1987) and Ni and Beevers
NO3" cotransport can utilize different cation gradients. (1994) have identified nitrate-inducible proteins appearing
One advantage for the plant cell in cotransporting nitrate in the tonoplast and/or endoplasmic reticulum of maize
and Na + is that the entry of protons is avoided so root cells. Isolated tonoplast vesicles have a large anion
circumventing the pH problems reviewed by Raven and conductance (Pope and Leigh, 1987) and this property
Smith (1976). However, sodium cotransport introduces may dominate and so hide active nitrate uptake systems.
its own problems as the cell can not tolerate large This anion channel activity in the tonoplast may be
accumulations of this ion in the cytosol, for example, involved in the remobilization of vacuolar stored nitrate,
protein synthesis is sensitive to Na + concentration but during vesicle isolation the regulation of channel
(Gibson et al., 1984).

Downloaded from by guest on March 22, 2014

activity could be lost. Patch-clamp studies of isolated
Another possible mechanism is to couple nitrate trans- vacuoles have also identified anion channel activity at the
port directly to the hydrolysis of ATP, but a nitrate- tonoplast (reviewed by Tyerman, 1992).
ATPase seems unlikely as it should have been identified
in plasma membrane vesicle studies, such as that by Ruiz-
Cristin and Briskin (1991). Antiport of nitrate with Regulation of cytosolic nitrate
bicarbonate has been proposed (Imsande and Touraine,
One of the main findings from using triple-barrelled
1994), but there is no evidence for this mechanism.
microelectrodes is that cytosolic nitrate activity is main-
Bicarbonate-coupled cotransport mechanisms do exist
tained constant over a range of external nitrate concentra-
(Zhao et al., 1995), but it is difficult to distinguish
tions from 0.1-10 mol m" 3 (Miller et al., 1995*). Thus,
between proton symport, and HCO^" or OH~ antiport.
in common with other major nutrients such as K+ (Miller
et al., 1995a), POJ" (Lee et al., 1990) and also H +
Mechanisms of transport at the tonoplast (Kurkdjian and Guern, 1989) and Ca 2+ (Sanders et al.,
1990), cytosolic nitrate is probably regulated within rela-
Triple-barrelled electrode measurements have shown that
tively narrow limits.
the populations of measurements obtained using double-
barrelled electrodes may have tended to overestimate
Why regulate cytosolic nitrate?
mean vacuolar concentrations because some very low
vacuolar measurements had been assumed to be cytosolic Xylem loading of nitrate may be a passive process invol-
(Miller et al., 1995). Nonetheless, over the range of ving anion channels like those described in the xylem
external nitrate concentration from 1-10 mol m~3 an parenchyma of barley roots (Wegner and Raschke, 1994).
active transport mechanism is required at the tonoplast. Assuming the xylem parenchyma cells have similar cyto-
Using the Nernst equation with a small trans-tonoplast solic nitrate concentrations to those in epidermal and
potential difference of 10-20 mV, passive transport across cortical cells, xylem loading can be down the electrochem-
the tonoplast could produce equilibrium vacuolar concen- ical gradient via channels. Indeed this may be the chief
trations of 6-9 mol m~3 nitrate in the vacuole. As much reason for the plant cell to use energy to maintain
higher vacuolar concentrations are often found (e.g. cytosolic nitrate at around 4 mol m~3. Unfortunately, it
Fig. 1) active transport into the vacuole must occur. is difficult to make an electrode impalement into a xylem
Proton antiport mechanisms (Schumaker and Sze, 1987) parenchyma cell in an intact root because it causes too
have been proposed and the thermodynamics of such much damage to other adjoining cells. Another assump-
systems have been calculated (Miller and Smith, 1992). tion is that the membrane potential of xylem parenchyma
These systems should be very electrogenic, as there will cells and hence the electrochemical gradient for xylem
be the net movement of two units of charge, the anion loading, is not very different from other types of root
NO^" into the vacuole in exchange for a H + out; such a cells. Root stelar cells do have a plasma membrane proton
mechanism should be detected by whole-cell voltage- pump to assist in generating and maintaining a membrane
clamp of isolated vacuoles. Experiments purporting to potential (Clarkson, 1993, and references therein).
show H + : NO^~ symport mechanisms in isolated tono- There are some reports of the toxic effects of nitrate
Nitrate transport and compartmentation in cereal roots 851

and this may be the reason for controlling cytosolic determining the levels of cytosolic nitrate even though in
concentration. At high concentrations the ion has non- many species NR activity increases with nitrate supply
specific chaotropic effects (Griffith et al., 1986; Weiser (Aslam et al., 1993; Fedorova et al., 1994). However,
and Bentrup, 1994), while even at concentrations below under anaerobic conditions NR activity increases and
10 mol m~\ nitrate specifically inhibits proton pumping may then influence cytosolic nitrate levels, and this is the
by the vacuolar ATPase (Wang and Sze, 1985). basis for one of the methods for measuring cytosolic
nitrate and under these conditions nitrate supply deter-
Mechanisms for regulating cytosolic nitrate mines NR activity (King et al., 1992). Measurements of
cytosolic nitrate in these NR-deficient mutants will estab-
Cytosolic nitrate concentration in a root cell must be lish if assimilation has any role in regulating cytosolic
determined by several processes, including transport at nitrate activity.
both the plasma membrane and tonoplast, assimilation Xylem loading may be involved in the regulation of
and symplastic transport to the xylem parenchyma for cytosolic nitrate concentration because excised roots show
transport to the shoot. a decrease in cytosolic nitrate (Zhen et al., 1992), but
Cytosolic nitrate concentration must be maintained by excised roots can continue to produce xylem exudate
the steady-state between processes at both the plasma which contains nitrate (Behl etal., 1988). It seems unlikely
membrane and the tonoplast. At the plasma membrane, that the only mechanism maintaining cytosolic nitrate
the steady-state between influx and efflux will not only concentration should be dependent on transpiration

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determine net uptake, but also influence cytosolic nitrate because water supply is so variable. Measurements of
concentration. Indeed this might provide an explanation cytosolic nitrate in cultured single cells offer a simplified
for the energetically wasteful process of nitrate efflux. It system and should establish if xylem loading has any part
has long puzzled transport physiologists why the plant in regulation.
cell invests energy in the process of nitrate influx only to One intriguing question resulting from the regulation
allow the ion to efflux from the cell. Nitrate efflux may of cytosolic nitrate, is how changes in external supply can
be important for maintaining cytosolic nitrate. At the alter vacuolar nitrate accumulation? One possibility is
tonoplast of nitrate replete cells, active transport is needed that the external nitrate concentration is somehow sensed
to account for the concentration of nitrate inside the by proteins in the plasma membrane or the cell wall and
vacuole, while an open channel will allow nitrate ions to that messages are relayed to the nucleus to affect changes
move passively into the cytosol. Overall regulation of in transport at the tonoplast. A nitrate sensor to initiate
cytosolic nitrate requires co-ordination of all of these the induction of uptake has also been proposed
processes at both membranes and the most direct way of (Redinbaugh and Campbell, 1991) and this may be the
achieving this is to make the nitrate transport processes role of reported plasma membrane associated NR activity
sensitive to cytosolic nitrate concentration. In the long (Stdhr et al., 1995). An alternative explanation, not
term (hours) the number and activity of the nitrate requiring an environmental nitrate sensor, is that the
cotransporters can be modified. Whereas, short-term con- steady-state of the tonoplast transport system (efflux and
trol (minutes) can best be achieved by involving the influx) adjusts to maintain cytosolic nitrate concentration
processes which can respond rapidly, that is passive efflux very efficiently, so that as more nitrate enters the cytosol
(channels) at the plasma membrane and transport out of then more accumulates inside the vacuole. This model
the vacuole. In other words control occurs at the 'leak' also requires that the tonoplast nitrate transport system
rather than the 'pump'; this view for control of net nitrate is able to sense and respond to very small changes in
uptake was advanced by Deane-Drummond (1984). Such cytosolic nitrate activity which have not been detected by
regulation would require direct interaction between cyto- microelectrode measurements. In a mature cell, the cyto-
solic nitrate status and channel activity, perhaps by sol is a small volume spread thinly around the vacuole;
phosphorylation of the channel like the a-TIP aquaporin an arrangement which will favour tonoplast transport as
(Maurel et al., 1995). Anion channel blockers could be an important mechanism for the regulation of cytosolic
used to investigate the role of the channels in maintaining nitrate.
cytosolic nitrate concentration.
Experiments using lines of barley deficient in NR
Conclusions and future work
structural genes have shown that NR has no role in
induction or in determining the kinetics of net nitrate In conclusion, nitrate-selective microelectrodes presently
uptake (Warner and Huffaker, 1989). The reported values offer the most reliable method for measuring cytosolic
for the Km of NR for nitrate are 0.12-0.6 mol m" 3 and vacuolar nitrate concentration. The method also
(KJeinhofs et al., 1989) which is much lower than the provides useful data on the thermodynamic gradients of
cytosolic levels of nitrate achieved by active transport nitrate. The measurements show that nitrate uptake across
(Table 2). This suggests that nitrate assimilation is not the plasma membrane, even at the relatively high external
852 Miller and Smith
concentration of 10 mol m~3, must be by an active Beta vulgaris L.: effects of nitrate and chloride on proton
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analysis of nitrate and Karen Moore for assistance with and compatible organic solutes. Plant, Cell and Environment
statistical analysis and Roger Leigh for critically reading the 7, 579-87.
manucript. 1ACR receives grant-aided support from the Glass ADM, Shaff JE, Kochian LV. 1992. Studies of the uptake
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council of the of nitrate in barley. IV. Electrophysiology. Plant Phvsiologv
United Kingdom. 99, 456-63.
Granstedt RC, Huffaker RC. 1982. Identification of the leaf
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