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Journal of Microbiological Methods 32 (1998) 165–178

Nucleic acid analytical approaches in bioremediation: site

assessment and characterization
Raymond D. Stapleton, Steven Ripp, Luis Jimenez, Sung Cheol-Koh, James T. Fleming,
Igrid R. Gregory, Gary S. Sayler*
Center for Environmental Biotechnology, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, 676 Dabney Hall, Knoxville, TN 37996, USA


Bioremediation, the removal of environmental pollutants by living organisms, has become a viable and promising means
of restoring contaminated sites. Gene probing techniques have enhanced our ability to assess the efficacy of microbial-based
remediation efforts. DNA probes targeting specific genetic sequences, i.e. those genes responsible for the degradative ability
of the microorganism, can be used to characterize a contaminated site throughout the bioremediation program to determine
overall community structure and catabolic activity. To do so, however, requires efficient techniques for recovering nucleic
acids from environmental sites as well as methods for generating probes to the specific genetic sequences desired. This
review discusses procedures for isolating DNA, messenger RNA, and ribosomal RNA from environmental samples, the
utilization of polymerase chain reactions to construct gene probes, and hybridization methods to genetically match the probe
to the environmental sample. The use of these methods and advancement of techniques at several bioremediation sites is also
presented along with typical problems and limitations encountered. The first case study involves monitoring the effects of
nutrient addition to stimulate microbial degradation of chlorinated solvents at the DOE Westinghouse Savannah River Site.
The next case study describes the bioremediation of chlorinated solvents and low levels of BTEX at Dover Air Force Base,
Delaware. The final study is a field-scale natural attenuation project currently underway at Columbus Air Force Base,
Mississippi.  1998 Elsevier Science B.V.

Keywords: Bioremediation; DNA hybridization; Microbiology; Molecular diagnostics

1. Introduction bioremediation, where discrete microorganisms and

microbial processes are typically employed to safely
The union of molecular biology and microbial remove environmental pollutants, either through
ecology has led to the development of new, nucleic- direct destruction or indirectly through a transforma-
acid-based analytical techniques for identifying and tion of the contaminant to a safer intermediate. For
quantifying specific genetic sequences present and bioremediation to be effective, however, it is impera-
their expression within natural microbial populations. tive that scientists possess a means of quantifying
These techniques are especially useful in the field of those populations of organisms responsible for de-
struction of the released contaminants as well as the
overall degradative activities associated with these
organisms — both achievable through the utilization
*Corresponding author. Tel.: 11 423 9748080; fax: 11 423 of molecular gene probes (Sayler and Layton, 1990).
9748086; e-mail: Early environmental gene probing techniques typi-

0167-7012 / 98 / $19.00  1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

PII: S0167-7012( 98 )00021-9
166 R.D. Stapleton et al. / Journal of Microbiological Methods 32 (1998) 165 – 178

cally involved DNA:DNA colony hybridizations 2. Nucleic acid methodology

(Grunstein and Hogness, 1975; Sayler et al., 1985),
which were limited since the population of cells The use of molecular diagnostics has greatly
exposed to the probe included only those cells enhanced our working knowledge concerning the
capable of growth on laboratory media, estimated at functional microbial community structure of soil,
only 10% or less of the total population (Torsvik et sediment, sludge, and groundwater. A multitude of
al., 1990). The development of methods for directly nucleic acid extraction procedures exist for the
extracting and isolating DNA from environmental recovery of DNA, messenger RNA (mRNA), or
samples bypassed the need to culture organisms, thus ribosomal RNA (rRNA) (Akkermans et al., 1996).
providing a more representative sampling of micro- Direct extraction of nucleic acids from environmen-
bial constituents within any given community. This tal samples eliminates any culture biases by pro-
technology was augmented by the incorporation of viding a more representative sample of the entire
polymerase chain reaction methodologies along with microbial community at the molecular level. DNA
the more recent developments in messenger RNA extracted from the environment can be amplified by
and ribosomal RNA extraction procedures, allowing the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), digested with
for the in situ measurement of biological activities restriction enzymes, or hybridized with probes
and further, more precise definition of total com- targeting specific genes. RNA recovered from en-
munity structure. These techniques, their advantages vironmental samples can also be hybridized with
and limitations, and their associated use with gene probes targeting specific genes or used as a template
probes at various environmental sites are presented for reverse transcription reactions, followed by PCR
in this review. A representative sample of gene amplification. Gene probes are usually generated
probes useful in site characterization and monitoring based on site conditions or contamination as well as
is listed in Table 1. available physiological characteristics and nucleic

Table 1
Relevant characteristics of some common DNA probes used for assessing microbial communities
Probe Size Origin Features Reference
alkB from OCT ¯1.4 kb Pseudomonas oleovorans Alkane hydroxylase Kok et al. (1989)
codh ¯450 bp b Methanosarcina thermophila Carbon monoxide dehydrogenase Jablonski and Ferry (1992)
fthfs ¯1 kb Clostridium thermoaceticum Acetogenic formyltetrahydrofolate Lovell and Hui (1991)
lux ¯300 bp Vibrio fischeri MJ-1 Luciferase Baldwin et al. (1989)
mcr ¯760 bp Methanosarcina barkeri Methyl coenzyme M reductase Hales et al. (1996)
mdh ¯1 kb Methylobacterium organophilum Methanol dehydrogenase Machlin and Hanson (1988)
nahA from NAH7 ¯1 kb Pseudomonas putida G7 Naphthalene dioxygenase Simon et al. (1993)
nahG from NAH7 ¯1 kb Pseudomonas putida G7 Salicylate hydroxylase You et al. (1991)
nahH from NAH7 ¯1 kb Pseudomonas putida G7 Catechol-2,3-dioxygenase Ghosal et al. (1987)
nahR from NAH7 ¯1.1 kb Pseudomonas putida G7 NAH7 regulatory protein You et al. (1988)
smmo ¯420 bp Methylsinus trichosporium Ob3b Soluble methane monooxygenase Wackett and Gibson (1988)
component B
todC1 C2 ¯1 kb Pseudomonas putida F1 Toluene dioxygenase Zylstra and Gibson (1989)
tomA ¯1.5 kb Burkholderia cepacia G4 Toluene monooxygenase Shields et al. (1989)
xylA from pWWO ¯2 kb Pseudomonas putida Xylene monooxygenase Suzuki et al. (1991)
23S rDNA ¯380 bp Pseudomonas fluorescens 23S large subunit ribosomal DNA Festl et al. (1986)
16S Universal rDNA ¯18 bp Escherichia coli 16S small subunit ribosomal DNA Stahl et al. (1988)
Lambda ¯500 bp Lambda phage Internal standard for DNA extractions Sanger et al. (1982)
kb refers to kilo base pairs.
bp refers to base pairs.
R.D. Stapleton et al. / Journal of Microbiological Methods 32 (1998) 165 – 178 167

acid sequence databases. An array of DNA and RNA Flemming et al. (1993) and Sayler et al., provides a
gene probes can be used to develop specific mi- direct method of monitoring the induction of en-
crobiological parameters to be monitored at each site zymatic pathways involved in bioremediation. Anal-
under investigation. ysis of the mRNA allows investigators to directly
Isolation of DNA from soil initially centered link the more modern molecular based diagnostics
around the homogenization and fractional centrifuga- with the aforementioned traditional degradation as-
tions separating microorganisms from soil particles says. There are many similarities between DNA and
(Torsvik and Goksoyr, 1978; Torsvik, 1980). The mRNA extraction from soil or sediment. The biggest
recovered cells are then lysed and the DNA purified. difference in the two extraction protocols revolves
Ogram et al. (1987) developed an extraction method around the stability of mRNA. Great caution and
that eliminates the separation of microbial cells from care must be used when recovering mRNA to
soil particles and directly extracts DNA in situ. Cell eliminate alkaline hydrolysis and enzymatic degra-
lysis occurs by dissolution of the cell envelope by dation.
heating a soil slurry in phosphate buffer and sodium Extraction and manipulation of mRNA from en-
dodecyl sulfate (SDS) followed by ballistic disinte- vironmental samples allows investigators to support
gration using bead-mill homogenization. The re- the presence of particular functional populations of
leased nucleic acids are recovered in the aqueous microorganisms with a direct molecular activity
phase by successive alkaline extractions and centrifu- assessment (Flemming and Sayler, 1995). Extraction
gations of the soil. Prior to purification, recovered of mRNA initiates with a more gentle cell lysis than
nucleic acids are concentrated via alcohol precipi- described for DNA. Lysis is initiated in a heated
tation. Concentrating the extracts produces a greatly phenol:chloroform buffer supplemented with SDS.
reduced sample volume that is more easily pro- After heat treatment, the sample slurry is shaken on a
cessed. Proteins, other cellular debris generated ‘wrist-action shaker’, followed by centrifugation to
during cell lysis, and many co-extracted contami- recover the aqueous phase. The aqueous phase is
nants such as soil organic matter are removed from extracted with chloroform, then shaken and cen-
the nucleic acids by solvent purification using phenol trifuged as above. Nucleic acids are alcohol precipi-
and chloroform. After purification, the samples are tated overnight. Recovered precipitants are dissolved
again concentrated via alcohol precipitation. DNA in diethylpyrocarbonate (DEPC) treated sterile water
recovered from this alcohol precipitation is most and treated with RNase-free DNase. Phenol:ch-
often of sufficient quality for slot blot hybridization. loroform extraction removes the enzyme and the
Enzymatic based analyses including PCR and restric- samples are again alcohol precipitated overnight. The
tion digests often require further sample purification final pellet is resuspended in DEPC-treated water and
steps such as cesium chloride / ethidium bromide stored at 2808C until used. This procedure produces
ultracentrifugation or hydroxyapatite chromatog- mRNA of sufficient quality for reverse transcription
raphy. Samples having low amounts of organic reactions and membrane hybridizations. In the initial
material may require additional dialysis steps to use of manipulating mRNA from environmental
reduce salt accumulation during the extraction pro- samples, hybridization protection assays were used
cedure (Johnston et al., 1996; Ogram et al., 1995). to directly quantify extracts without use of PCR
Traditional microbiological methods previously amplification procedures.
used in characterizing hazardous waste sites often Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) can also be extracted
included an assessment of microbial activity or the from the environment and used to augment infor-
potential for biodegradation of specific contaminants mation gained from DNA analyses with a more
using either 14 C-radiolabeled substrate assays or comprehensive community structure. Ribosomal
microcosms supplemented with unlabeled substrates RNA has gained a great deal of interest by microbial
with degradation monitored by gas chromatography ecologists for phylogenetic analysis of previously
or liquid chromatography. Extraction and manipula- unculturable microorganisms (Amann et al., 1995;
tion of mRNA from the environment, pioneered by Olsen et al., 1986; Ward et al., 1992; Woese, 1987).
168 R.D. Stapleton et al. / Journal of Microbiological Methods 32 (1998) 165 – 178

As with mRNA, great care must be used when Application of PCR to environmental microbiol-
extracting rRNA to prevent degradation. In some ogy extends beyond using it for detection of organ-
cases, it may be more desirable to extract DNA from isms or genes in low abundance (Steffan and Atlas,
the sample and amplify 16S or 23S ribosomal RNA 1991). The polymerase chain reaction can be modi-
genes for sequence analysis. The sequences produced fied and used for generating either single- or double-
by this method lend insight into exactly what organ- stranded DNA probes useful in DNA:DNA hybridi-
isms are present in the sample under investigation. zation studies with nucleic acids recovered from
Devereux et al. (1992) developed a derivation of environmental samples. Radionucleotides labeled
the DNA extraction technique of Ogram et al. (1987) with 32 P can be substituted for unlabeled nucleotides
for recovery of rRNA from salt marsh sediments. in the basic PCR mix to generate a radioactive DNA
Cell lysis for recovery of rRNA was performed by probe. Radionucleotides that are not incorporated
bead-mill homogenization. The aqueous phase is into DNA strands produced by the polymerase chain
recovered and extracted with phenol. The purified reaction can be subsequently purified from the mix
aqueous phase is recovered and mixed with hexade- using a Nuc-Trap Push-Column Apparatus
cyltrimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB) and NaCl (Stratagene) and probe intensity can then be de-
to remove contaminants that co-extract with the termined using a scintillation counter. Single-
nucleic acids. CTAB:NaCl is removed from the stranded DNA probes are produced by the addition
aqueous phase by a phenol:chloroform treatment, of only one primer to the reaction mix (asymmetric
followed by a chloroform:isoamyl alcohol extraction. amplification) and do not need to be boiled prior to
The recovered aqueous phase is alcohol precipitated hybridization. PCR generation of probes is a simple
overnight. After centrifugation, the samples are method to generate large quantities of highly specific
washed with 80% ethanol, dried, then resuspended in DNA fragments labeled with radionucleotides used
sterile TE (10 mM Tris–HCl, 1 mM EDTA) buffer for hybridization with DNA extracted from the
or DEPC-treated water. rRNA can be further purified environment. False positives resulting from template
on a Sephadex G-75 spin column. plasmid contamination of gene probes generated
Significant insight into the presence of specific from DNA clones can easily be eliminated using
microorganisms or groups of microorganisms has PCR to generate probes. However, for PCR gener-
been increased by the advent of the polymerase chain ated probes to be useful, the investigator must know
reaction (Mullis and Faloona, 1987; Hales et al., the sequence of the DNA fragment targeted by the
1996). PCR allows for amplification of millions of gene probe. This is facilitated by the rapidly expand-
copies of a specific DNA fragment in a process that ing databases of catabolic gene sequences.
takes advantage of a heat stable DNA polymerase DNA extracted from soil and sediment samples
and magnesium chloride. For molecular analyses of can be quantitatively analyzed by DNA:DNA hybrid-
microbial communities as they exist in the environ- izations using PCR-generated radiolabeled gene
ment, DNA extracted from environmental samples is probes. Extracted DNA can be vacuum blotted and
used as the template for the PCR reaction. Primers, fixed onto a nylon membrane. A set of DNA
defined as short segments of single-stranded DNA standards of the appropriate target sequence is
ranging from 10–25 bases in length specific for included on the membrane. The fixed DNA is then
regions flanking the area of interest, are used to subjected to DNA:DNA hybridization with a radio-
generate a free 39 hydroxyl group facing the target labeled gene probe. After washing excess probe, the
sequence. The PCR amplification reaction initiates at membrane is exposed to film for visualization of
the free 39 hydroxyl group of the primers and positive samples. Next, a computer image of the
extends through the target fragment. Generally, 30– autoradiogram must be generated. Using a personal
35 PCR cycles are used to generate the desired computer based program, such as SigmaGel from
amount of target. Several reviews and books have Jandel Scientific, for manipulation of the autoradio-
recently been published concerning the manipulation gram image, a regression curve can be generated for
of reagent concentrations, temperatures and cycle the known DNA standards on the membrane. Un-
lengths (Innis and Gelfand, 1990; Saiki et al., 1985). known sample values can then be inserted into the
R.D. Stapleton et al. / Journal of Microbiological Methods 32 (1998) 165 – 178 169

regression equation and amount of target sequences methane oxidizing bacteria possessing methane / TCE
calculated as nanograms of DNA. Cell number co-oxidation capability (Fox et al., 1990; Oldenhuis
values can be estimated using previously proposed et al., 1989; Tsien and Hanson, 1992), methanol
equations (Applegate et al., 1995; Sanseverino et al., dehydrogenase (mdh) to detect methane and metha-
1993). Catabolic gene probe values can be normal- nol utilizing bacteria (Machlin and Hanson, 1988),
ized on total population estimates generated using and toluene dioxygenase (tod) to detect bacteria
the Universal 16S rDNA oligonucleotide (Stahl et capable of aerobic toluene / TCE co-oxidation (Wac-
al., 1988) to create a percent community value that is kett and Gibson, 1988). The toluene dioxygenase
useful in comparing different samples recovered probe was used as a negative control for the smmo
from one site, as well as from various sites. This is and mdh gene probes. During the final stages of the
accomplished using an assumption of seven copies of field demonstration, initial experiments attempting to
16S rDNA genes per chromosome (Smith et al., determine microbial activity measurements based on
1987). the extraction and manipulation of soluble methane
monooxygenase mRNA and total microbial biomass
estimates based on 16S rDNA sequences were
3. Site assessment and characterization conducted.
DNA extraction and DNA:DNA hybridization was
3.1. Westinghouse Savannah River Site performed on |350 samples recovered from SRS.
Most samples suffered from low microbial abun-
During the early 1990s, the DOE Westinghouse dance, poor recovery of DNA, or DNA contamina-
Savannah River Site (SRS) in Aiken, South Carolina tion with soil organic material, thus quantitative
was the location of a field Integration Demonstration measurements were not possible. Samples were
Project designed by scientists representing various scored as positive or negative for the presence of the
fields (microbiology, hydrology, geology, geochem- target gene. Gene frequency was determined by
istry, etc.). The primary contaminants at SRS are dividing the number of positive samples by the total
tetrachloroethylene (PCE) and trichloroethylene number of samples probed and multiplying by 100%.
(TCE) resulting from use of metal degreasing sol- In general, smmo gene abundance never exceeded
vents since 1952 (Eddy et al., 1991). The chlorinated detectable limits by more than 5% in any samples
solvents produced a plume with concentrations of examined. The equivalent cell density, estimated
PCE up to 180 ppm and TCE up to 1800 ppm over from ng DNA (Applegate et al., 1995; Sanseverino et
an area greater than one square mile at depths up to al., 1993), was in the range of 10 6 organisms per
40 m (Eddy et al., 1991). gram sediment. Consequently, gene frequency was
The Savannah River Demonstration Site provided scored on a sample basis. While organisms con-
a unique location for testing molecular-based meth- taining the smmo genes were likely present in many
ods of monitoring microorganisms in the subsurface. more samples, only 107 samples of the more than
The basic bioremediation hypothesis tested was that 350 samples examined showed gene frequencies high
methanotrophic co-metabolism of TCE could be enough to be scored as positive. Table 2 summarizes
stimulated by injection of air, methane or methane the data generated for gene frequencies of smmo,
and nutrients into the contaminated area. Mi- mdh and tod for the core samples. Prior to any
crobiological analyses were performed on core sam- treatments, each catabolic genotype was present in
ples recovered from both the saturated and unsatu- greater than 20% of the samples, with 43% of the
rated zones. Molecular methods chosen for moni- samples probing positive for toluene dioxygenase.
toring microbial response to the injection treatments Initial treatment at SRS involved injection of air
were based on DNA:DNA hybridization with gene into the contaminant zone, with greatest response to
probes designed for aerobic biochemical pathways this treatment seen in samples hybridizing with the
known to co-metabolize TCE (Ensley, 1991). Gene soluble methane monooxygenase gene probe increas-
probes used at SRS included soluble methane mono- ing from 22 to 42% samples probing positive.
oxygenase (smmo) to detect Type I and Type II However, soluble methane monooxygenase geno-
170 R.D. Stapleton et al. / Journal of Microbiological Methods 32 (1998) 165 – 178

Table 2
Sediment sample gene frequency in relation to treatment campaigns for TCE bioremediation at the Savannah River Site a
Treatment No. samples analyzed smmo mdh tod
Background 44 22 31 43
Air 120 42 6 46
1% Methane 43 35 21 21
4% Methane 31 6 21 13
4% Methane1nutrients 109 28 51 0
Gene frequency (given as percent) was calculated by dividing the number of positive samples by the total number of samples extracted and
probed, then multiplying by 100%.

types steadily decreased with subsequent injections Because smmo expression is suppressed by m M
of methane. Samples possessing the smmo gene concentrations of copper ion, there was a great deal
rebounded with the final treatment of methane and of concern that smmo gene abundance may not be
nutrients with the gene frequency rising to 28%. relevant to TCE degradation. However, in applying
The initial treatment of air unexpectedly produced the mRNA extraction procedure with the hybridiza-
a population reduction in organisms possessing the tion protection assay, it was possible to demonstrate
mdh genotype. mdh gene frequency was 31% prior that mRNA transcripts of smmo were present under
to any treatments, then 6% after the injection of air. in situ conditions for various samples at a variety of
Injection of methane stimulated a population re- depths within the integrated field demonstration sites.
covery of mdh genotypes, with a major population Fig. 1 presents the results of the SRS RNA analysis.
increase occurring after injection of both methane Of the 25 soil samples extracted, nine samples
and nutrients. After the final treatment, mdh gene probed positive for rRNA and five for smmo. No
frequency recovered to 51%. discernible trend was demonstrated with depth. This
An anomaly exists in the apparent relationship may be a result of the limited number of samples
between smmo and mdh sample detection. Since mdh analyzed. The results from the RNA analysis repre-
is present in virtually all methylotrophs as well as sent an index of not only gene presence, but also
methanotrophs, it was hypothesized that mdh should activity under field conditions.
serve as a positive control for smmo gene occur- The oligotrophic environment at the Savannah
rence. Table 2 does not indicate such a relationship River Integrated Demonstration Field Site presented
in terms of gross comparison among samples scoring many difficulties in assessing the efficacy of moni-
positive for the two genotypes. However, in an toring microbial populations with specific catabolic
analysis of the co-occurrence of the two genotypes in gene probes (discussed later). The problems associ-
identical samples, there was a significant correlation ated with this particular field study rendered the
(C51.7) at P50.95 and a chi value of 11.3 prior to hypotheses originally developed only partially test-
any treatments and a correlation of C51.5 at P50.95 able.
and a chi value of 26 after injection of methane and
nutrients. 3.2. Dover Air Force Base
The tod gene frequency was 43% prior to any
treatments at SRS. After a slight increase to 46% In 1995, a consortium of government agencies,
following the injection of air, populations possessing universities, and manufacturing companies including
the tod genotype slowly decreased in gene frequency Ciba, Dow, Dupont, General Electric, Monsanto, and
until there were no positive samples after the final Zeneca, Inc. initiated a field scale demonstration
treatment. This could be an indication that organisms project concerning the bioremediation of chlorinated
possessing the toluene dioxygenase were unable to solvents, primarily PCE and TCE, and petroleum
utilize methane for a growth substrate or were hydrocarbons, primarily BTEX (benzene, toluene,
unsuccessful in competing for other necessary nu- ethyl benzene and xylenes) at Dover Air Force Base
trients during the investigation. (DAFB), Delaware. The study was designed to
R.D. Stapleton et al. / Journal of Microbiological Methods 32 (1998) 165 – 178 171

Fig. 1. Correlation of smmo RNA with sampling depth. RNA was extracted from well soil samples and plotted in the combined depth ranges
of 0–10, 11–30, and .31 m below ground surface. smmo RNA values were normalized to cell density by dividing the pg smmo RNA / g
soil by the pg total RNA.

monitor the efficacy of intrinsic and accelerated analytical methods since the SRS project. Gene
anaerobic bioremediation of chlorinated solvents in probes used in this study include soluble methane
groundwater, as well as co-metabolic bioventing of monooxygenase (smmo), methanol dehydrogenase
TCE in unsaturated subsurface strata. The overall (mdh), toluene dioxygenase (tod), naphthalene
objective of the study is to demonstrate accelerated dioxygenase (nahA), catechol-2,3-dioxygenase
anaerobic biodegradation of chlorinated solvents in (nahH ), carbon monoxide dehydrogenase (codh),
the anoxic center of the contaminant plume and and a Universal 16S rDNA oligonucleotide for total
intrinsic remediation in the low-contaminant con- biomass. Soluble methane monooxygenase and
centration area. A molecular-based approach for toluene dioxygenase are aerobic enzymes previously
monitoring the response of the indigenous microbial shown to co-metabolize TCE (Fox et al., 1990;
community was chosen based on previous experience Oldenhuis et al., 1989; Wackett and Gibson, 1988).
gained during the Savannah River Integrated Demon- Carbon monoxide dehydrogenase is an anaerobic
stration Study, on the increase in biochemical knowl- enzyme shown to reductively dechlorinate TCE
edge of catabolic pathways, and advancements in (Jablonski and Ferry, 1992). A total biomass esti-
172 R.D. Stapleton et al. / Journal of Microbiological Methods 32 (1998) 165 – 178

mate can be generated using a Universal oligo- to 1.88310 8 (63.10310 7 ) cells per g. Aquifer
nucleotide specifically designed for a highly con- material from the intrinsic remediation study site
served region of the 16S rRNA gene (Stahl et al., supports the highest total biomass of 3.64310 9
1988). A recently developed gene probe for toluene (65.49310 9 ) organisms per g. Every genotype
ortho-monooxygenase, another aerobic enzyme analyzed for was represented in the intrinsic samples,
shown to gratuitously degrade TCE (Shields et al., with population levels ranging from 4.73310 7
1989), will also be applied to DNA recovered from (64.38310 7 ) to 4.86310 8 (66.62310 8 ) cells per g.
DAFB sediments. The clearest trend seen in the Dover Air Force Base
Subsurface sediment material received from gene probe data is the increase in not only catabolic
DAFB was extracted for DNA and subsequently organisms, but also in total biomass in treatment
hybridized with the aforementioned gene probes. areas as compared with the uncontaminated sample.
Distribution of genotypes targeted by gene probe
analysis is shown in Table 3. Uncontaminated 3.3. Columbus Air Force Base
aquifer material from the study area supports an
estimated 8.78310 6 organisms per g sediment as Many contaminated sites may not require an active
determined by hybridization with the 16S Universal and aggressive approach to remediating the environ-
rDNA oligonucleotide. DNA extracted from uncon- ment (Lee and Ward, 1985; Lee et al., 1988; Madsen
taminated sediment did not produce detectable hy- et al., 1991; National Research Council, 1993). As
bridization signals with any other gene probe used in an alternative, natural attenuation can be a cost-
this investigation. The cometabolic study area sup- effective means to remediate groundwater resources
ports 2.27310 8 (62.76310 7 ) organisms per g sedi- that become contaminated with organic contaminants
ment as determined by hybridization with the 16S (Davis et al., 1994; Klecka et al., 1994). For natural
rDNA Universal oligonucleotide. Methanol dehydro- attenuation to become a universally accepted means
genase and catechol dioxygenase genes were found of site restoration, a mechanistic understanding of
in detectable levels, but no other target sequences the response of the indigenous subsurface microbial
were detected. Total biomass in samples recovered community must be developed. In order for a better
from the accelerated anaerobic area was estimated at mechanistic understanding of natural attenuation to
2.11310 9 (62.27310 7 ) organisms per g sediment. occur, interdisciplinary field scale studies are needed.
Carbon monoxide dehydrogenase and catechol-2,3- One such investigation, termed the Natural Attenua-
dioxygenase sequences were not found at detectable tion (NAT) study, is currently underway at Colum-
levels. Organisms possessing mdh, nahA, smmo, or bus Air Force Base (CAFB), Mississippi. The CAFB
tod genotypes ranged from 1.51310 7 (61.00310 7 ) Groundwater Research Facility has been the site of

Table 3
Quantitative distribution of catabolic genotypes at Dover Air Force Base a
Treatment No. samples analyzed 16S rDNA codh mdh nahA nahH smmo tod
Uncontaminated 1 3.61 ng bdl bdl bdl bdl bdl bdl
8.78310 6 bdl b bdl bdl bdl bdl bdl
Co-metabolic 2 93.47 ng 8.85 ng 1.07 ng bdl 0.26 ng bdl bdl
2.27310 8 3.23310 8 1.92310 7 bdl 4.78310 6 bdl bdl
Accelerated 15 865.73 ng 5.15 ng 0.83 ng 5.89 ng bdl 2.03 ng 4.60 ng
2.11310 9 1.88310 8 1.51310 7 1.08310 8 bdl 8.21310 7 8.39310 7
Intrinsic 17 1496.29 ng 8.87 ng 2.59 ng 4.76 ng 3.02 ng 11.97 ng 2.75 ng
3.64310 9 3.24310 8 4.73310 7 8.70310 7 5.41310 7 4.86310 8 5.01310 7
Detection limits 0.01 ng 0.01 ng 0.01 ng 0.01 ng 0.01 ng 0.01 ng 0.01 ng
2.43310 6 3.65310 6 1.83310 6 1.83310 6 1.83310 6 4.06310 6 1.83310 6
Values given as ng target sequence recovered from each sample and a cell number estimate based on the ng DNA recovered.
bdl, below the listed detection limits.
R.D. Stapleton et al. / Journal of Microbiological Methods 32 (1998) 165 – 178 173

several field scale natural gradient tracer studies over ethylbenzene, p-xylene, and naphthalene, as well as
the past 15 years. Groundwater research initiated at the conservative tracer bromide, were mixed with
the site during the mid-1980s was primarily aquifer solids and implanted within the aquifer below
concerned with the physical and chemical interac- the water table, then allowed to distribute in the
tions (dispersion, diffusion, and sorption) that effect- subsurface by normal groundwater flow. Analysis of
ed the fate and transport of certain target contami- indigenous microorganisms was performed using
nants. The Groundwater Research Facility currently catabolic DNA probes specific for genes encoding
supports over 300 multi-level groundwater sampling degradation of the target compounds comprising the
wells providing a three-dimensional monitoring net- ‘mock’ jet-fuel used for this field study. Gene probes
work of over 6000 potential sampling ports. used at CAFB included alkane hydroxylase (alkB),
A macrodispersion experiment (MADE-2) was carbon monoxide dehydrogenase (codh), naphthalene
conducted at the CAFB Groundwater Research dioxygenase (nahA), catechol-2,3-dioxygenase
Facility (Boggs et al., 1993; Stauffer et al., 1997). (nahH ), toluene dioxygenase (tod), xylene mono-
This study was designed as a natural gradient tracer oxygenase (xylA), and the previously mentioned 16S
experiment. The study site was previously intensely rDNA Universal oligonucleotide. For measuring
characterized (Boggs et al., 1990, 1992; Boggs and changes in specific degradative populations over
Adams, 1992). The compounds chosen for this study time, data generated from catabolic gene probe
included dissolved organic compounds (benzene, values were normalized on total population estimates
naphthalene, 14 C-labeled p-xylene, and o-dichloro- produced using the 16S rDNA Universal oligonu-
benzene) and tritiated water as a conservative tracer. cleotide. The normalized population values are given
The dissolved contaminants were monitored in as percent community, and allow specific compari-
groundwater samples over a 15-month period. All sons to be made between samples. Activity assays
four organic tracers showed gradual disappearance were performed using the 14 C-radiolabeled substrates
over 440 days. Six percent of benzene, 6% of benzene, toluene and naphthalene.
naphthalene, and 1% of p-xylene remained in the Hydrocarbon transport was retarded for |9 months
groundwater after 15 months (Boggs et al., 1993). before a measurable hydrocarbon plume evolved
Thirteen percent of o-dichlorobenzene remained at from the contaminant source. Microbial response to
the end of the experiment (Boggs et al., 1993). pollutant perturbation was readily seen as an increase
Disappearance of the organic compounds could not in degradative genotypes often associated with
be accounted for using advection, sorption, or disper- biodegradation of the contaminant hydrocarbons. As
sion models. It was proposed that the fate of the can be seen in Table 4, molecular techniques can be
organics were affected by natural biotransformation used to assess the impact the mock jet-fuel has on
by indigenous microorganisms. Even though no the structure and activity of indigenous microorga-
direct microbiological evidence was collected from nisms. Uncontaminated samples had standard devia-
the site, indirect geochemical data tends to support tions ranging from 1.34 ng (1.30310 7 ) for xylA to
this conclusion. Examination of the 14 C p-xylene 184.63 ng (3.22310 8 ) for total biomass estimates
revealed greater than 80% of the radiolabel was based on DNA hybridization with the 16S rDNA
found as 14 CO 2 and intermediate by-products indica- Universal oligonucleotide. For the plume data listed
tive of aerobic biodegradation (MacIntyre et al., in Table 4, standard deviations ranged from 0.78 ng
1993). The estimated biological oxygen demand (7.15310 6 ) for xylA genotypes to 111.33 ng (1.943
(BOD) was determined to be 1 mg / l for biodegrada- 10 8 ) for total biomass. Standard deviations for the
tion of the organic tracers at the observed rates. plume fringe data listed in Table 4 ranged from 1.16
Aquifer heterogeneity allowing the influx of oxygen ng (1.06310 7 ) for xylA to 143.84 ng (2.51310 8 ) for
rich groundwater eliminated the concern of oxygen total biomass. Degradative organisms are ubiquitous-
depletion during biodegradation for this concentra- ly distributed throughout the study aquifer system.
tion of contaminants (|150 ppm each). Unlike the uncontaminated control sediment used at
For the NAT study higher levels (.1000 ppm Dover Air Force Base, the CAFB control sediments
each) of the hydrocarbons benzene (6 ppm), toluene, recovered from upgradient the source trench support
174 R.D. Stapleton et al. / Journal of Microbiological Methods 32 (1998) 165 – 178

Table 4
Distribution of catabolic genotypes at Columbus Air Force Base
No. samples analyzed 16S rDNA alkB codh nahA nahH tod xylA
Uncontaminated 15 316.70 ng 2.97 ng n/a 3.58 ng 2.60 ng 5.58 ng 1.74 ng
5.51310 8 3.62310 7 n/a 6.51310 7 3.17310 7 9.36310 7 2.05310 7
Plume 10 381.54 ng 6.90 ng 7.32 ng 7.77 ng 5.46 ng 15.33 ng 6.52 ng
6.65310 8 7.17310 7 1.30310 8 1.41310 8 9.93310 7 2.77310 8 5.95310 7
Plume fringe 15 289.76 ng 4.02 ng n/a 5.05 ng 3.41 ng 5.84 ng 3.30 ng
5.05310 8 4.90310 7 n/a 9.18310 7 4.16310 7 1.06310 8 3.01310 7
Detection limits 0.01 ng 0.01 ng 0.01 ng 0.01 ng 0.01 ng 0.01 ng 0.01 ng
2.43310 6 2.43310 6 3.65310 6 1.83310 6 1.83310 6 1.83310 6 9.13310 5

each degradative population monitored. Radiolabel system. The system has not had a prolonged expo-
substrate assays show these organisms remain in a sure to contaminants and provides the ability to
state of low catabolic activity. Time course miner- monitor dynamic changes as real-time measure-
alization analysis shows these sediments require 3– ments. Initial data suggests there are many factors
14 days for 50% degradation of the target compound. involved in producing measurable changes in specific
Each probe used in DNA:DNA hybridization studies microbial populations at contaminated sites such as
revealed elevated levels of degradative target genes. Columbus Air Force Base. Hydrocarbon concen-
The most substantial increase was seen in microbial tration and length of contaminant exposure appear to
populations possessing toluene dioxygenase, as the be the main driving force in population changes.
amount of tod gene targets increased from 5.58 ng to These factors first signal an increase in catabolic
over 15 ng / g sediment. Interestingly, degradative activity, then elevated population levels. After the
organisms have not drastically increased along the populations have increased, thus increasing microbial
fringe of the contaminant plume. The amount of activity, dissolved oxygen is depleted and the con-
target DNA sequences found are very similar to the taminants proceed further from the source. This
upgradient samples. However, comparative activity ‘ripple’ effect occurs until the system achieves a
assays using radiolabeled substrates show that these steady state at which contaminant destruction is
sediments support a higher level of degradative maintained at sufficient levels to inhibit plume
activity. Mineralization of target compounds ranges migration, but does not deplete dissolved oxygen.
from 5% to more than 40% after only 24 h.
Naphthalene mineralization studies show up to 60%
degradation along the plume fringe at 24 h. The 4. Addressing problems and limitations of
increased mineralization activity along the plume molecular diagnostics
fringe reflects the inhibition of contaminant spread-
ing in the groundwater system compared to a non- Over the past decade, many advances have been
conservative bromide tracer. made in overcoming limitations arising in the use of
A major difference between Columbus Air Force molecular diagnostics in bioremediation. Positive /
Base and the previously mentioned case studies is negative detection schemes have been replaced with
that the NAT study was designed to monitor tran- analyses that provide quantitative measurements of
sient changes in the microbial community. Samples specific microbial populations present at hazardous
were recovered from upgradient control areas and waste sites. These quantitative measurements allow
experimental sites both prior to and during hydro- investigators to monitor any particular site over time
carbon exposure. It is almost impossible to obtain and provide a basis for comparing various sites with
microbiological data a priori to contamination as similar contaminants or soil / water characteristics.
well as when the pollutants travel in the groundwater The potential for hazardous waste site databases
R.D. Stapleton et al. / Journal of Microbiological Methods 32 (1998) 165 – 178 175

exists such that investigators can deposit mi- designed to be highly specific, some existing DNA
crobiological information obtained through nucleic probes cross-hybridize with other genes. A good
acid analyses that relate to a particular contaminant, example of this can be seen in comparing hybridiza-
soil type, geographical region, climate, etc. This tion patterns of organisms possessing catechol-2,3-
would aid government regulatory agencies in de- dioxygenase. A catechol-2,3-dioxygenase gene probe
termining guidelines for microbiological monitoring (nahH ) originating from the NAH7 catabolic plas-
of sites designated for biologically based remediation mid also hybridizes with organisms harboring the
methods. TOL plasmid. The TOL plasmid encodes a catechol-
As with any newly developed technology, molecu- 2,3-dioxygenase (xylE) associated with degradation
lar diagnostics has drawbacks and limitations. Sever- of xylenes and toluene. Ghosal et al. (1987) showed
al concerns arose during the course of the Savannah the two genes to be 81% homologous at the nucleo-
River Integrated Demonstration Project. Quantitative tide level.
measurements of specific genotypes being monitored While quantification of nucleic acid targets in
by DNA:DNA hybridization were not available. The environmental samples is well established, estima-
catabolic genotypes under investigation were simply tion of cell numbers is difficult. Sanseverino et al.
recorded as being present or absent. Samples re- (1993) used the following equation for estimating
corded as absent for any given gene sequence may cell numbers of organisms possessing the nahA
either not have the genotype represented or it may be genotype in manufactured gas plant samples:
maintained within the population at levels below
detection limits. To a certain extent, low gene (X nah A /v) 4 (X probe ) 3 (Vtotal /m soil )
abundance can be overcome using large sample sizes 5 nahA genotypes per g soil
for nucleic acid extraction (i.e. 50 g), increasing
probe strength using nucleotides with higher specific where X nah A is the amount of nahA detected on a
activities, and supporting DNA hybridization data slot blot in g, v is the volume of extract applied to
with PCR-based detection methods. The question of the slot blot in ml, Xprobe is the mass of the probe in
gene abundance also is a concern when distinguish- grams, Vtotal is the total volume of liquid the ex-
ing between samples that support a detectable level tracted DNA is resuspended in prior to use, and m soil
of genotypes and samples that are enriched for this is the mass of soil extracted in g. The calculation
particular organism or population. This is easily assumes 1 nahA gene per cell and a bacterial lysis
overcome with quantitative measurements, either by efficiency of 100%. Another version of this equation
DNA:DNA hybridization or PCR (Steffan and Atlas, has recently been published (Applegate et al., 1995).
1991) that can be directly compared. Another useful manner of comparing nucleic acid
Development of the 16S rDNA Universal oligo- hybridization data from different sediment samples
nucleotide (Stahl et al., 1988) allows specific geno- or sites involves the normalization of catabolic genes
types to be normalized as a percentage of total on 16S rDNA genes to derive a percent community.
population. Normalized population values using the Percent community can be calculated using the
16S Universal oligonucleotide also help to eliminate following equation:
variabilities associated with extractions performed on
samples high in clay or soil organic matter that make % community 5
recovery of nucleic acids problematic. This ana- (ng catabolic genes/copy number of the catabolic gene)
lytical tool also provides a means for comparisons (ng 16S rDNA genes/copy number of 16S rDNA genes)
between sites, investigators, and laboratories.
Another concern associated with the efficacy of The concept of addressing particular organismal
site assessment and characterization of specific mi- activity as a fraction of the entire microbial com-
crobial populations revolves around probe specificity munity was described previously (Jones and Edin-
and the involvement of unknown biochemical path- gton, 1968). Problems arise in applying correct copy
ways. While most current functional gene probes are numbers for target genes, particularly 16S rDNA.
176 R.D. Stapleton et al. / Journal of Microbiological Methods 32 (1998) 165 – 178

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