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Article 1: Organization Name

The name of this organization shall be the Michigan Gospel Chorale, hereafter referred to in this
document as MGC.

Article 2: Mission Statement

The mission of the MGC is to aid in guaranteeing the recruitment, retention, and spiritual growth of its
members. The organization shall act as a vehicle to promote unity through programs that encourage
musical excellence, spiritual growth, and humanitarian development; thereby increasing the number of
University of Michigan students who are committed to the ministry of gospel music and adhere to the
fundamental beliefs of Christianity.

Article 3: Affiliations

There are no affiliations at this time.

Article 4: Membership

Section 1. Eligibility

Membership in MGC is open to all students and faculty at the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor. MGC is
committed to a policy of equal opportunity for all persons and does not discriminate on the basis of race,
color, national origin, age, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression,
disability, religion, height, weight, or veteran status in its membership or activities unless permitted by
university policy for gender specific organizations.

Upon joining the organization, all members agree not to undermine the purpose or mission of MGC.

Removal of members

Part 1​: A member may be removed from MGC upon the suggestion of the President, and the majority
vote of the Executive Board. At a prearranged Executive Board meeting, the person requesting removal
must disburse and read a written statement making the suggestion for removal of a member and state
reasons why. The member in question may then respond to the claims by the officer by reading and
disbursing his/her own written statement. After both statements have been read and all of the Executive
Board members have received copies of both statements, the floor shall be opened for discussion. After
the discussion, a vote will be taken. If the majority vote is in favor of removal, then the member must not
attend any further MGC rehearsals nor perform in any further engagements. In case the member in
question is not able to attend the Executive Board meeting where this vote will be held, there are three

1. If notice is given to the President before 48 hours prior to the meeting, the meeting will be
re-scheduled. This re-scheduling will only occur once.

2. A proxy can read the statement to the Executive Board in place of the member in question.
(preferably another officer or the member-in-training for the committee the officer chairs).

3. ​In the case of extreme extenuating circumstances, contact the President and the decision to
re-schedule the meeting is left to the President based on the circumstances involved. If the member is
not present at the scheduled meeting, and options 1,2, or 3 are not carried out, then the member will have
waived the right to be heard and the President will read his/her statement and the discussion and the vote
will take place.

Part 2​: If 3/4 of the general body feels a member has not represented the mission of MGC sufficiently,
they may petition to the Executive Board. An Executive Board member shall volunteer to suggest the
removal of the member. If no Executive Board member will volunteer, the general membership may seek
counsel with the Advisor and the Advisor may then become a representative for the chorale. An Advisor
may be representative only in this case.

Section 2. Dues

Part 1: Cost and Collection

·​ ​The MGC executive board shall set a price for membership dues per member per academic semester
at the beginning of the school year. Dues will be collected during time frames set up by the Executive

Part 2: Grace Periods

· A person shall not be recognized as a member of MGC until dues are paid in full. Dues are due
on a date specified by the Executive Board. Grace periods may be given upon approval of the Business
Manager(s). Active members are those who have paid dues and belong to a committee and/or auxiliary.

Part 3: Active Membership

· Members of MGC who have met the membership dues requirement and belong to a committee
and/or auxiliary shall be considered “active members”, and will be afforded all rights and privileges that
come with active membership status. Membership in an MGC committee and/or auxiliary requires regular
participation in weekly general meetings (choir rehearsals), attending at least one choir rehearsal each
week. Only active members will receive benefits, hold offices, or vote.
Section 3: Honorary Members
P​ar​ t 1:​ ​Non-U of M Students and/or Faculty
· Honorary members are persons who have paid dues and belong to a committee and/or auxiliary
but are not students or faculty at the University of Michigan – Ann Arbor. This may include alumni,
previous students of the University of Michigan or individuals otherwise affiliated with the University of
Michigan. Honorary members may hold office or vote, as long as they maintain an “active membership”

Part 2:​ ​Alumni

· MGC Alumni are considered honorary members and are subject to the stipulations in Article 3,
Section 3.

Article 5: Executive Board Officers and Other Designated Leaders

Section 1. Executive Board and Designated Leadership Positions

A. Executive Board Positions

a.​ P
​ resident

b.​ V
​ ice President

c.​ B
​ usiness Manager(s)

d.​ C
​ orresponding Secretary

e.​ R
​ ecording Secretary

f.​ ​Parliamentarian

g.​ C
​ haplain(s)

h.​ H
​ istorian

i.​ ​Music Director

B. Designated Leaders

a.​ A
​ uxiliary Heads
Section 2. Duties of Officers

· President​: The President shall preside over Executive Board and general meetings. As a
"manager", s/he shall oversee the everyday operations of the organization. The President shall also
supervise communication with other student organizations and other external relations. All guidelines
relating to conduct of members when rendering service shall be determined by the Executive Board and
communicated by the President. The President shall also serve as the Co-Chairperson for the ​Blueprint
Committee,​ and thereby assumes the privileges and responsibilities set forth in Amendment Article 4,
Section 3.
Ø​ ​Nomination requirement:​ Must have served on the MGC Executive Board for at least one year and
hold “active member” status.

· Vice-President: ​The Vice-President shall preside over Executive Board and general meetings in
absence of the President and assume all responsibilities delegated by the President. The Vice-President
shall oversee all auxiliaries [and committees]. The Vice-President shall also serve as the Co-Chairperson
for the ​Blueprint Committee,​ and thereby assumes the privileges and responsibilities set forth in
Amendment Article 4, Section 3.
Ø​ ​Nomination requirement:​ Must have served on the MGC Executive Board for at least one year and
hold “active member” status.

·​ ​Business Manager(s):​ The Business Manager(s) (maximum of 3) shall be the monitor(s) of all
financial transactions and concerns for MGC. The Business Manager(s) shall maintain current financial
records of the organization at all times, keeping records of all debits and credits to the MGC accounts.
The Business Manager(s) is/are responsible for the collections of receipts and funds and the presentation
of monthly reports. The Business Manager(s) shall also serve as the Chairperson(s) for the ​Finance
Committee,​ and thereby assumes the privileges and responsibilities set forth in Amendment Article 4,
Section 3.
Ø​ ​Nomination requirement:​ Must have held “active member” status in MGC for at least 4 academic
semesters in MGC and hold “active member” status.​ ​If a member does not meet the requirement of time
as an active member in MGC, then that member must have been active on the finance committee, as well
as their eligibility determined by the business managers/executive board.

· Corresponding Secretary​: The Corresponding Secretary shall manage and maintain

correspondence with MGC members and other external entities. S/he shall send "Thank You" notes to all
persons or parties donating funds and requesting engagements specified by executive board. The
Corresponding Secretary, along with the Recording Secretary, shall maintain an up-to-date filing​ ​system
for all documents and records. The Corresponding Secretary shall also serve as Co-Chairperson of the
Publicity Committee,​ as well as the ​Holy Socialite Committee​ and thereby assumes the privileges and
responsibilities set forth in Amendment Article 4, Section 3.
Ø​ ​Nomination requirement:​ Must have held “active member” status in MGC for at least 2 academic
semesters in MGC and hold “active member” status.or otherwise determined by executive board

· Recording Secretary​: The Recording Secretary shall keep accurate minutes of Executive Board
meetings. The Recording Secretary shall maintain an up-to-date list of membership and record
attendance at rehearsals and general body meetings. The Recording Secretary shall be available to help
the President in planning the agenda for Executive Board meetings and general body meetings, if
needed. The Recording Secretary along with the Corresponding Secretary shall maintain and up-to-date
filling systems for all documents and records. The Recording Secretary shall also serve as
Co-Chairperson of the ​Publicity Committee,​ as well as the H
​ oly Socialite Committee​ and thereby
assumes the privileges and responsibilities set forth in Amendment Article 4, Section 3.
Ø​ ​Nomination requirement:​ ​Must have held “active member” status in MGC for at least 2 academic
semesters in MGC and hold “active member” status. Or otherwise determined by executive board

·​ ​Chaplain(s):​ The Chaplain(s) (maximum of 2) shall serve as the spiritual and natural morale boosters
of the MGC. The Chaplain(s) shall ensure the overall climate of the MGC is positive and spiritual for MGC
members. They shall preside over devotional periods before and after rehearsals. They shall preside over
brief devotional periods before rendering service. The Chaplain(s) shall also serve as Chairperson(s) of
the ​Prayer Committee​, and thereby assumes the privileges and responsibilities set forth in Amendment
Article 4, Section 3.
Ø​ ​Nomination requirement:​ Must have held “active member” status in MGC for at least 2 academic
semesters in MGC and hold “active member” status or otherwise determined by executive board.

Parliamentarian​: This person hall maintain order during rehearsals and general body meetings.
The Parliamentarian shall conduct voting on all issues brought before the Executive Board and the
general membership. In the Parliamentarian’s absence, the President shall conduct voting. The
Parliamentarian shall aid the President or Vice-President in presiding over all meetings, rehearsals, and
events by acting as Sergeant-At-Arms. The Parliamentarian shall also keep records of the Constitution
and all Amendments. The Parliamentarian shall also serve as Chairperson of the ​Holy Socialite
Committee,​ and thereby assumes the privileges and responsibilities set forth in Amendment Article 4,
Section 3.
Ø​ ​Nomination requirement:​ Must have held “active member” status in MGC for at least 2 academic
semesters in MGC and hold “active member” status​ ​or otherwise determined by executive board

· Historian​: The historian shall be responsible for documenting the legacy of MGC. The Historian
shall keep and maintain a year-long photo album to be formally presented at the end-of-the-year banquet.
The Historian shall also keep copies of any official concert videotapes. The Historian shall make a final
presentation at the end-of-the-year Banquet. [The Historian shall maintain the organization website]. The
Historian shall also serve as the Chairperson of the ​Historical Committee​, and thereby assumes the
privileges and responsibilities set forth in Amendment Article 4, Section 3.
Ø​ ​Nomination requirement:​ Must have held “active member” status in MGC for at least 1 academic
semester in MGC and hold “active member” status or otherwise determined by executive board

· Music Director(s)​: The Music Director(s) (maximum of 2) shall be responsible for selecting and
teaching the musical material to MGC, and the Praise & Worship Committee. Music Director(s) shall
appoint, with the approval of the Executive Board, a Music Secretary, assistant directors, Praise &
Worship Committee members, and musicians as needed. Music Director(s) shall be available to receive
suggestions and requests from MGC members and the Executive Board. The Music Director(s) shall have
voting privileges as a member of the Executive Board, and may also make motions.
Ø​ ​Nomination requirement:​ The Music Director(s) shall be appointed by recommendation of the
previous Music Director(s) as well as approval of the MGC Executive Board.

·​ ​Auxiliary Heads​: The Auxiliary Heads shall be responsible for coordinating, overseeing, and
recruiting for the auxiliary ministries of the MGC, inclusive of the Images Of Praise Dance Ministry (IOP),
the Prophetic Interpreters Mime Team, Hands Anointed -N- Divine Signs (H.A.N.D.S. Sign Language
Ministry), Taking Refuge Uttering Spoken Truths (T.R.U.S.T), and any future auxiliaries of MGC. The
Auxiliary Heads shall be responsible for auditioning and/or appointing members to their respective
auxiliary as well as selecting and teaching material to their respective auxiliary members in preparation for
MGC events (concerts, etc.). S/He shall be available to receive suggestions and requests from MGC
members and the Executive Board. Auxiliary Heads shall not have voting privileges as a member of the
Executive Board, as the position of Auxiliary Head is one of designated leadership and not a part of the
Executive Board. Auxiliary Heads will assume the privileges and responsibilities set forth in Amendment
Article 4, Section 3.
Ø​ ​Nomination requirement:​ The Auxiliary Heads shall be appointed by the recommendation of the
previous Auxiliary Head of their particular auxiliary

Section 3. Eligibility

All Executive Board officers and designated leaders must be active members of MGC as outlined in
Article 3; Section 2. Executive Board officers must hold active member status for at least one year prior
to the term election is sought. The position of President requires at least one year of service on the
Executive Board prior to the term election is sought. Students who will not have attained two-year
membership status in the Chorale are ineligible for all Executive Board positions except Corresponding
Secretary, Recording Secretary, Parliamentarian, and Chaplain(s), and Historian.
Section 4. Term of Office

The term of office for all positions shall be from the transition meeting in the term they were elected to the
transition meeting in the year in which they served, unless removed or resigned.

Section 5. Election of Executive Board Officers

Part 1​: Meetings shall take place during the second semester of the school year for nominations to be
held for each office. All nominees must accept or decline a nomination in person. A person may be
nominated for more than one office provided that they qualify for both offices as stated in Article 4,
Section 2.

Part 2​: All nominees shall complete tasks that exercise their eligibility or qualifications for executive board
positions. Elections will be held at a designated point in time following the statements of nominees, with a
requirement that 3/5 of the total MGC membership places a vote. All eligible nominees will be printed on
a ballot, and ballots will be disbursed. Ballots will be given only to eligible voters (those meeting
requirements in Article 3, Sections 1-3). Performed by seniors, a vote will then be tallied. In the event of a
tie, a second ballot vote will be taken with only the 2 tied nominees on the ballot and the new vote will be
tallied.​ ​In the event that there is a second tie, a vote will be made by show of hands and the nominee with
majority of votes received will be elected to that office. If a person is voted into more than one office, then
s/he may choose in which position to serve.

Part 3​: If an officer wishes to continue in the same office the next year, s/he must again be nominated
and elected by the general body as described above.

Section 6. Removal of Officers

Part 1​: An officer may resign from his/her position at any time. A formally written resignation should be
submitted to the Executive Board in which their reasons must be stated. The Executive Board shall
appoint a successor. If in the case the President resigns, the new President shall be the Vice-President
and the Executive Board shall appoint a new Vice-President. Upon resignation, all documents and
materials must be returned.

Part 2​: An officer may be removed from his/her office upon the suggestion of the President, and the
majority vote of the Executive Board. The President may be removed from his/her office upon the
suggestion of any of the other officers and a majority vote of the Executive Board. At a prearranged
Executive Board meeting, the person requesting removal must disburse and read a written statement
making the suggestion for removal of an officer and state reasons why. The officer in question may then
respond to the claims by the officer by reading and disbursing his/her own written statement. After both
statements have been read and all of the Executive Board members have received copies of both
statements, the floor shall be opened for discussion. After the discussion, a vote will be taken. If the
President is the officer in question, then the Parliamentarian shall have, disburse, and read the written
statement making the suggestion for removal of the President and state reasons for the suggestion. The
President shall vote only in the case of a tie. If the majority vote is in favor of removal, the officer is no
longer responsible for the duties and functions of that office, and all materials related to the operations of
MGC must be returned to the Executive Board. In case the officer in question is not able to attend the
Executive Board meeting where this vote will be held, there are three options:

1. If notice is given to the President* before 48 hours prior to the meeting, the meeting will be
re-scheduled. This re-scheduling will only occur once.

2. A proxy can read the statement to the Executive Board in place of the Officer
(preferably another officer or the member-in-training for the committee the officer chairs).

3. ​In the case of extreme extenuating circumstances, contact the President* and the decision to
re-schedule the meeting is left to the President* based on the circumstances involved. If the officer is not
present at the scheduled meeting, and options 1,2, or 3 are not carried out, then the officer will have
waived the right to be heard and the President* will read his/her statement and the discussion and the
vote will take place. Should the officer be removed, the Executive Board shall appoint a replacement. If
the President is removed, the Vice-President shall assume the role of President and the Executive Board
shall appoint a new Vice-President.
* If the President is the officer in question, the responsibilities named here will be delegated to the

Part 3​: If 3/4 of the general body feels an officer has not carried out the duties of his/her office sufficiently,
they may petition to the Executive Board. An Executive Board member shall volunteer to suggest the
removal of the officer. If no Executive Board member will volunteer, the general membership may seek
counsel with the Advisor and the Advisor may then become a representative for the chorale. An Advisor
may be representative only in this case.

Article 6: The Executive Board

Section 1. Positions

The Executive Board shall consist of the Officers stated in Article 4, Section 1. Each Executive Board
member shall serve as a committee chairperson or Co-chairperson. The Executive Board shall consist of
no more that twelve (12) members.

Section 2. Appointment of Committee Chairpersons

Committee Chairpersons must be active members of the MGC as outlined in Article 3, Sections 1-3.
Committee Chairpersons must also be members of the Executive Board. In the event that each Executive
Board member is a committee chairperson and there are committees left without a chairperson, the
President shall appoint a committee chairperson from the general membership who meets the
requirements of an Executive Board member. A new committee chairperson may be suggested by the
President (or President-elect) by an Executive Board member, but must be' approved by the Executive

Section 3. Chairperson Responsibilities

Part 1​: Each Chairperson is responsible for arranging and/or scheduling all events that belong to that
committee. If a Chairperson desires to plan an event, which was not pre-approved, it will require a
majority vote of the Executive Board prior to the event.

Part 2​: Each Chairperson is responsible for turning in an Event Proposal to the President prior to the
event. The Officers will then check to see if the event has been approved, and if the money is available
for that particular event. On that basis, the event will either be approved or disapproved.

Article 7: Advisor(s)

Section 1. Eligibility of the Advisor

The Executive Board shall choose the advisor(s) after several candidates have been discussed.

Section 2. Election of the Advisor

Possible candidates for Advisor are identified by the Executive Board and notified with a formal letter. A
2/3 vote of the Executive Board is required to elect the Advisor.

Section 3. Duties of the Advisor

The Advisor shall provide feedback on MGC activities based on their expertise. S/He shall serve as a
resource for alternative ideas and solutions in decision-making. S/He shall attend MGC general body
meetings whenever possible. S/He shall also attend Executive Board meetings at the request of a board
member. The Advisor shall be a non-voting member of MGC, but is allowed to make motions.
Section 4. Review of Advisor

If at any time, the actions of the advisor seem contrary or detrimental to the interests of MGC, the
Executive Board may initiate a review process. Three/fifths (3/5) majority of the Executive Board is
needed to initiate the process and a two-thirds majority (2/3) to remove the Advisor.

Article 8: Financial Procedures

Section 1: MGC Accounts

MGC SOAS accounts will have three authorized signers, including one Business Manager, one
Secretary, and either President or Vice President. All financial procedures must be followed according to
SOAS (Student Organization Account Services) guidelines.

Section 2: Monetary Requests

All monetary requests should be submitted at least 2 weeks prior to the date it is needed. This two-week
deadline may be waived upon the request of the Holy Socialite Committee Chairperson for general body
meeting food expenses.

In the event that an expense will be incurred, an Event Proposal should be submitted one month in
advance, in accordance with the guidelines specified in Article 5, Section 2. This should include a detailed
description of the event and a proposed budget.

Reimbursements will only be allowed for expenses under ​$25 ​when a valid receipt is provided. For any
expenses over ​$25, ​a Check/Cash Request Form should be used, unless approval has been received
from the Business Manager(s). Committee members should contact their respective officer for approval
before spending personal funds that will be reimbursed.

Section 3: MGC Revenues

When MGC receives revenues, a Check/Cash Received Form should be completed and turned in to the
Business Manager(s) with the incoming funds. This does not include individual membership dues. In such
case, receipts should be issued to members and a copy of these receipts kept of file. After all dues have
been collected, a single Check/Cash Received Form should be completed and turned in.

Section 4: Check/Cash/P.O. Request Form Procedures

An estimate of some type is needed in order to submit one of these Check/Cash forms, unless permission
to do otherwise has been previously received from the President, with the following information contained
on it:

A. A company’s or service's name printed on it.

B. Signature of an employee of the company.

C. Specific or accurate estimate of the price for the service or product

D. The event the funds are requested for.

Within four days of receiving a Check/Cash/P.O., a receipt should be submitted to the Business

Section 5: Reimbursement Form Procedures

Reimbursements are the only case when checks will be made out directly to any MGC member. No
reimbursements will be made for expenditures over the amount designated by the business managers for
the auxiliary or miscellaneous account unless there was previous approval from the President.

Section 6: Check/Cash Received Form Procedures

The description of the purpose for the incoming funds should be included in the provided space. A
complete address should be included in the specified space on the form. The person or party submitting
the form and funds should sign the form.

Article 9: Amending the Constitution

Section 1: Proposal

An initial proposal to amend the Constitution shall be brought to the floor at a general body meeting when
there is at least a quorum of 1/4 of the total MGC membership in attendance. Any member may present
the proposed new amendment. If the proposal is a change to a previous amendment or to any other part
of the Constitution, a comparison of the proposal to what is to be changed must be discussed. The
member who makes the proposal must also have it written and attached to a petition, which will be
circulated around the meeting, to be signed by those in agreement. The top of the petition should read,
"We, the undersigned members of the Michigan Gospel Chorale, have read and fully understand this
proposed amendment to the Constitution. We hereby agree that this proposal should be given
consideration by the Executive Board." If a majority of members present at that meeting sign the petition,
the proposal is then forwarded to the Executive Board. Any member of the Executive Board is free to
present the proposal at the Executive Board meeting on behalf of the member who proposed the change.
If there are no volunteers, the President is free to select a representative.

Section 2: Ratification

The chosen representative will present the proposal that passed through the general body at an
Executive Board meeting. For the proposal to be brought to the meeting there must be quorum of at least
3/4 of the Executive Board present. The proposal may then be presented and discussed. There must a
2/3 majority vote for the proposal to pass and amend the Constitution or deny the proposal. The general
body shall then be told that the proposal was ratified or denied.


Article 1: Event Planning

Section 1: Event Proposals

Proposals will be submitted for future events and programming in order to get the clearest vision possible
and move accordingly.

Section 2: Submissions

All proposals for major events coming from the general body or executive board should come to the
executive board via the Holy Socialite Committee, the Blueprint Committee, or direct executive board
members and should be presented in accordance with the proposal guidelines in section 3.

Section 3: Proposal Guidelines

Proposals for future events must be complete with at least the following sections:

1. Purpose: detailing why we should throw said event

2. Target audience: Detailing the desired demographics for said event
3. Budget: How much the event is projected to cost

It also must be submitted on paper to the executive board for consideration.

Section 4: Voting

Proposals must be submitted to the executive board and voted upon, where the proposal must carry a
majority of votes. Proposals should be submitted and approved at least 14 days prior to the projected
event date.
*Proposals may not be necessary for Holy Socialite Committee events, but it is recommended. They will
still need to submit a budget to the Finance Committee.

Article 2: Membership

Section 1: Code of Conduct

As members in a campus ministry, it shall be expected that all members of MGC conduct themselves in a
manner respectable to the ministry, the gospel, and to the Lord Jesus the Christ, whom we attest to
represent as ambassadors. Members are asked to hold themselves to the high standards set by the
Bible and press to attain the ultimate goal of spending eternity with the savior. ​Scriptural references
include Philippians 3: 10-14, Matthew 5:16, 2 Corinthians 5: 19-21, and 1 Corinthians 9: 19-27.

Article 3: Disciplinary Actions

Section 1: Executive Board Code of Conduct Concerns

As the leaders of a campus ministry Executive Board members should strive be spiritually accountable to
one another. If an Executive Board member’s conduct seems contrary to the aforementioned code of
conduct and potentially compromises their Executive Board position this should be addressed in the
format outlined by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in Matthew 18:15-17:
1.​ ​The Executive Board member who noticed the concern should first address the Executive Board
member of concern privately.
2.​ ​Should the concern still persist approximately 2 other Executive Board members should be consulted
and talk again with the Executive Board member of concern.
3.​ ​If the issue is still present, as a last result the conduct of the Executive Board member of concern
shall be brought before the entire Executive Board.
4.​ ​Should the conduct of concern not be resolved after the first 3 steps, it is then up to the Executive
Board to decide if the Executive Board member of concern should remain in their position. Removal of the
Executive Board member shall follow the protocol outlined in Article 3 Section 6 Part 2.

Section 2: Dues Delinquency

Those who fail to comply with deadlines for dues set by the executive board and fail to make
arrangements with the Business Managers waive their rights and privileges as MGC members. As
non-paying members, they will not be allowed to take part in MGC social activities/events at the expense
of MGC or sing in any singing engagements/concerts until said dues are paid.
Article 4: The Executive Board

Section 1: Executive Board Voting

· Each MGC Executive Board member shall have one vote. Voting will consist of a simple majority.
In the event of a tie vote, the President will serve as a tiebreaker.
· The Business Manager (s) must approve votes that result in an event, or procedure that incurs an
expense (i.e. engagements that require travel, subsidized tour events). If the Business Manager(s) does
not immediately approve the expense they must declare that the vote is under “Financial Review.” The
Business Manager(s) then has 24 hours to either approve the expense or null vote by submitting a written
explanation to the Executive Board.
· The Music Director (s) must approve votes on engagements. If the Music Director(s) does not
immediately approve the engagement they must announce that it is under “Directional Review.” The
Music Director(s) then has 48 hours to either approve or null the vote by submitting a written viable
explanation to the Executive Board. Viable explanations include but are not limited to: director availability,
musician availability, or the engagement infringes on rehearsal time.

Section 2: Quorum

A quorum shall consist of at least ​2/3 of the executive board. A majority vote of the quorum shall be
necessary to approve any motion before the executive board.

Section 3: Committee/Auxiliary Responsibilities

[Participation in the following committees and/or auxiliaries requires regular participation in weekly general meetings
(choir rehearsals/bible studies), attending at least once each week.]

Blueprint Committee
· The President and Vice President shall serve​ ​as the Co-Chairpersons for the Blueprint
Committee, and shall thereby assume all of the privileges and responsibilities of that office. The Blueprint
Committee shall oversee all activities of MGC. This committee shall be responsible for planning the
Annual Fall and Spring Concerts, and other major MGC programming undertakings. The Blueprint
Committee shall otherwise aid the President and Vice-President as requested.

Finance Committee
· The Business Manager(s) shall serve as the Chairperson(s) of the Finance Committee, and shall
thereby assume all of the privileges and responsibilities of that office. The Finance Committee shall be
responsible for all fundraising and solicitation activities done by MGC. The Finance Committee shall be
responsible for at least one on-going fundraiser and one monthly fundraiser. The Finance Committee
shall annually compile a financial report. The Financial Committee shall also handle funding requests form
other committees. It shall provide committees with assistance in budget planning if requested. It shall
establish a complete MGC budget based on preplanned events and projected committee programming on
a date set forth by the committee Chair(s), which shall be no longer than 45 days into a semester. The
Finance Committee shall otherwise aid the Business Manager(s) as requested.

Publicity Committee
· The Recording and Corresponding Secretaries shall serve as the Chairpersons of the Publicity
Committee, and shall thereby assume all of the privileges and responsibilities of that office. The Publicity
Committee shall serve to increase visibility of MGC through various forms of advertising and publicizing
available to students at the University of Michigan. It shall promote ongoing communications with the
faculty, administrative, and student communities. In its publicizing, it shall promote a positive external
image of MGC to the members and the general public. When programming has been planned, the
Publicity committee should provide ideas in order to best publicize said activities to the campus no later
than 21 days before the event. The Blueprint Committee shall otherwise aid the Secretaries as
requested. REACH will be another aspect of the publicity committee in which MGC members who haven’t
been able to make rehearsals in a while will be contacted to help keep up correspondence with all

Holy Socialite Committee

· The Parliamentarian shall be the Chairperson of the Holy Socialite Committee, and shall thereby
assume all of the privileges and responsibilities of that office. The Holy Socialite Committee shall plan and
organize at least one MGC general membership meeting per semester, along with assistance from the
Executive Board. It shall assume responsibility for securing and it providing refreshments at designated
functions. It shall initiate all other social MGC exclusive activities including the end-of-the-year Banquet.
They shall be responsible for at least 1 social event per month. The Holy Socialite Committee shall
otherwise aid the Parliamentarian as requested and may also collaborate with the Chaplains to host
events for MGC.

Legacy Committee
· The Historian shall be the Chairperson of the Legacy Committee, and shall thereby assume all of
the privileges and responsibilities of that office. The Legacy Committee shall be called upon by the
Historian to aid in videotaping, photo-taking, or any other form of documenting, including web design and
upkeep. The Legacy Committee shall otherwise aid the Historian as requested.

Praise & Worship Committee

· The Music Director(s) shall act as the chairperson(s) of the Praise & Worship Committee, and
shall thereby assume all of the privileges and responsibilities of that office. At the Music Director’s
discretion a separate Praise and Worship leader may be appointed to serve as the chairperson on the
Praise & Worship Committee. The Praise & Worship Committee shall aid in leading the Praise &
Worship in rehearsal and at official MGC events (i.e. Concerts). The Praise & Worship Committee shall
otherwise aid the Music Director(s), Chaplain(s), and other Executive Board Members as requested.

Prayer Committee
· The Chaplains(s) shall act as the chairperson(s) of the Prayer Committee, and shall thereby
assume all of the privileges and responsibilities of that office. The Prayer Committee shall aid in leading
the prayer in rehearsal and at official MGC events (i.e. Altar Call at Concerts). The Praise & Worship
Committee shall otherwise aid the Chaplains(s), and other Executive Board Members as requested.

· Auxiliary Heads shall be the Chairperson(s) of the MGC Auxiliaries, and shall thereby assume all
of the privileges and responsibilities of that office. The Auxiliaries shall remain entities within and
exclusive to the Michigan Gospel Chorale, supplementing the choral portion of MGC in concerts and other
events or as otherwise requested. Current auxiliaries include Images Of Praise Dance Ministry (IOP), the
Prophetic Interpreters Mime Team, Taking Refuge Uttering Spoken Truths Spoken Word Ministry
(T.R.U.S.T.) and Hands Anointed -N- Divine Signs (H.A.N.D.S. Sign Language Ministry), however,
auxiliaries can be discontinued or added to MGC with the approval of the Executive Board.

Article 5: Engagements

Section 1: Eligibility of Engagements

Any special engagement, outside of college night invitations, and others as deemed necessary may be
looked over by the Director, President and Vice President to see if it is feasible for the engagement to be
voted upon by the executive board. Criteria will be based on availability of musicians, if needed, as well
as time available to teach required song/material.

Revised, Updated, Amended, and Submitted for Review: July 2014

Myia Woodley-Sharrieff, 2014-2015 President

Revised, Updated, Amended, and Submitted for Review: September 2017

Ja’naysha Hamilton, 2017-2018 President
Michigan Gospel Chorale

Revised, Updated, Amended, and Submitted for Review: March 2018

Ja’naysha Hamilton, 2017-2018 President
Michigan Gospel Chorale

​Revised, Updated, Amended, and Submitted for Review: May 2019

Morgan Montgomery, 2019-2020 President
Michigan Gospel Chorale

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