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The role of people
in technology-driven

The role of people in technology-driven organisations


Preface 2

Mind over machine 3

More promise than peril for human imagination and creativity

Smart systems, smarter doctors 5

People, technology and the transformation of healthcare

Money, risk, people and process 9

Technology change brings promise and peril to financial institutions

New means of production 13

The challenge for human-machine relationships in manufacturing

Teachers, students and machines 17

The democratisation of education?

The future of intuition 20

Decision-making in a hyper-connected world

Appendix: Survey results 23

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The role of people in technology-driven organisations


Humans and machines: The role of people in technology- survey respondents, our thanks are due to all of the
driven organisations is an Economist Intelligence Unit below for their time and insights:
report, sponsored by Ricoh. It explores how the ● Kevin Brown, senior inventor, IBM Research
interaction between humans and technology is ● Jeff Burnstein, president, Association for
evolving in businesses and other organisations, and Advancing Automation
asks whether and how technological progress will ● Steve Chilton, ICT director, University Hospital
continue to be complemented by the influences of Birmingham
human imagination and intuition. The report consists ● Donald Clark, technology entrepreneur, speaker
of an introduction and five discrete articles, each and blogger
examining different areas of human and technology ● Mark Coeckelbergh, assistant professor, University
interaction. Four of the articles have a sector focus, of Twente; managing director, 3TU Centre for Ethics
exploring the challenges and opportunities in and Technology
healthcare, financial services, manufacturing and ● Chun-Yuan Gu, head of discrete automation and
education, while the other addresses decision-making. motion division, North Asia and China, ABB
The Economist Intelligence Unit bears sole ● Kris Hammond, chief technology officer, Narrative
responsibility for the content of this report. The Science
findings do not necessarily reflect those of the sponsor. ● Oskar Heer, head of labor relations, Daimler
● Brian Holliday, divisional director— industry
The analysis in the report is based on a two-pronged automation, Siemens Industry
research effort: ● Michael Hsieh, assistant professor, Stanford
University School of Medicine
● The first is a survey of 432 senior executives ● George MacGinnis, telehealth expert, PA Consulting
conducted in November and December 2012. The ● Jose Marques, global head of equity electronic
sample is global, with roughly equal numbers trading, Deutsche Bank
emanating from Europe, North America and Asia- ● Brian Millar, director of strategy, Sense Worldwide
Pacific. All respondents are at a senior level: 50% hold ● Rick Robinson, executive architect of smarter
C-suite or board positions. They hail from over 20 cities, IBM
different industries, the best represented being ● Yvonne Rogers, professor, UCL
financial services, manufacturing, education, and ● Will Stewart, professor, University of Southampton
healthcare, biotechnology and pharmaceuticals. Just ● Eric Topol, professor, Scripps University
over half of the firms in the survey (53%) have annual ● Wim Westera, professor, Open Universiteit
revenue in excess of US$500m, with nearly one in five ● Simon Williams, chief executive officer and co-
having US$10bn or more. founder, QuantumBlack
● Michael Zürn, head of production and material
● Complementing the survey is a series of 20 in- technology, Mercedes-Benz Cars, Daimler
depth interviews conducted with prominent business
and technology thinkers as well senior corporate James Watson, Stephen Edwards and Kim Thomas are
executives across different sectors. Along with the the authors of this report. Denis McCauley is the editor.

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The role of people in technology-driven organisations

More promise than peril for human imagination and creativity

Type the words “machines are taking over” into your Machines can now also express themselves in natural
search engine and dozens of pages of almost exact language, to the point of proving themselves as
matches are likely to result. In all walks of life, people journalists capable of reporting financial and even
are clearly apprehensive that computer programmes, sport news. In 2011 Narrative Science, a US
robots and other manifestations of modern technology firm that has created a platform to
technology are supplanting the roles that humans automatically generate written stories based on
have played. In the workplace, job displacement due inputted data, wrote about 370,000 Associated Press-
to automation is perhaps the most emotive fear of all.1 style sport reports covering youth baseball games
But short of that, professionals worry that the advent across the US; in 2012 it generated over 2m. Each
of sophisticated data analysis software or the march story is crafted at the standard of a professional
of machine-to-machine communications, for example, journalist, with gripping details of a team’s victory
will circumscribe the salutary influence of human over the odds, except for the fact that no journalists
imagination, creativity or intuition on everyday are present at the games.
activities and decisions. This is not so much a concern
about the nature of the technologies themselves, but Machines are also increasingly adept at seeing and
rather about humans’ continuing ability to influence interpreting our visual environment. Although
how they operate to the benefit of the organisation, autopilots have long been a staple of planes and
its customers and other stakeholders. trains, computers have now been shown to drive cars
more safely than humans, with rapid progress being
Humans have grounds to be worried. Many recent made towards driverless vehicles.3 Thanks to such
technological advances cross over into areas once developments in visual acuity, machines in a range of
presumed to be solely the domain of human thought contexts are performing an increasingly diverse set of
and ability—remaining purely the stuff of science tasks, from assembling cars to supporting surgery,
fiction until now. One is the ability to comprehend and disarming bombs and packing groceries.
respond to natural language. Now popularised
through our smartphones with features such as Hey, big thinker
Apple’s Siri, computers are increasingly good at When it comes to businesses, public sector
understanding what we are saying. In 2011 this organisations and the people who work in them,
capability was shown to great effect when IBM’s technological progress has always evoked a mix of
Watson supercomputer outwitted the best human both fear and optimism. Nearly four in ten executives
contestants on a television quiz show.2 This capability polled for this report, for example, worry that their
is now being applied in the field of medical diagnosis, organisations will be unable to keep up with
to see whether machine learning can outperform technology change and will lose their competitive
humans in a more profound domain. edge. The articles appearing further on highlight
common occurrences in the fields of financial services,
1 We considered arguments for and against the likelihood of accelerated job
displacement due to technology in our March 2012 report, Agent of change: healthcare and education, for example, where
The future of technology of disruption in the workplace.
2 “Computer wins on ‘Jeopardy!’: Trivial, it’s not”, New York Times, February 3 “Google’s driverless car draws political power”, The Wall Street Journal,
16th 2011. October12th 2012.

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The role of people in technology-driven organisations

employees are unable to master a new application or creativity-sapping of work activities—has increased
system, sometimes with grave consequences for their in the past three years, and over half say the increase
organisations or clients. has been substantial. While acknowledging the hugely
beneficial effects technology has had on their
The technology advances described above, however, employees’ productivity, efficiency and
raise specific questions about the role of humans in communication, little more than one-third say it’s
relation to the machines we are busy developing. In freed up employees’ time to be more innovative. The
the past, technological progress has typically enabled concerns also extend to a broader plane: while eight
organisations to eliminate the most menial jobs, in ten believe that human-technology interaction will
allowing humans to focus on what we do best: prove hugely productive for society, about the same
intellectual and cognitive tasks—deploying our number also insist that it will also pose profound
creative abilities and imagination to solve problems of societal questions about their respective roles in the
all kinds. It is becoming apparent, however, that workplace.
technology advances are steadily blurring the lines
between mind and machine. Will such developments The overwhelming spirit coming from the research
push humans up the cognitive food chain— results, however, is optimism about how people and
empowering us to go further than ever before—or machines will work together in the coming years. A
squeeze us out? If humans are no longer needed “in key ingredient to the achievement of such accord,
the loop” of some processes, from diagnosing most of our survey-takers agree, is the processes that
illnesses to trading equities, will we still be required people write to connect the two. Technology in
“on the loop”, overseeing and controlling such isolation, they remind us, without a well-thought-
activities? through process to use it, brings little value to
In exploring such issues, this report finds that while it
is easy to worry about the uncertainty ahead, there is Human-technology interaction is a big and complex
a wide-ranging sense of optimism about what theme. The articles in this report do not pretend to
technology will mean for our role. There is clear capture all or even most of its dimensions. Instead,
potential for humans to embrace a higher-level, more they explore some of the trickier (yet also more
creative role in the workplace, augmented by hopeful) areas of how people and technology interact
increasingly smart systems. Across a diverse set of in selected sectors, including financial services,
industries, most executives in our survey agree. healthcare, education and manufacturing, and outline
Nearly three in four (74%) dispute the notion that challenges facing organisations across all industries
technology is making it difficult to be more as well as, ultimately, societies and governments. The
imaginative or creative, even as they acknowledge a aim in each is not to provide insights into the state of
far greater reliance on technology in recent years. And technological development today, or a comprehensive
there is less concern that this change is eroding the review of any given issue, but rather to share
need for human creativity in their industry. observations on some of the implications of wider
progress in each domain—and what they imply for our
The survey results do hint at potential problems own roles. The latter, it is apparent from this, will not
ahead, however. The vast majority of our respondents diminish but evolve, and harmony between human and
(82%) report that the time they spend using e-mail— machine is an eminently achievable goal.
which some would consider among the more

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The role of people in technology-driven organisations

Humans and machines in healthcare

There are few instances in our lives when we place Creativity plus efficiency
greater trust in the abilities of our fellow humans than Robots in surgery are a dramatic example of how
in surgery. Even in relatively safe procedures, invasive technology can help healthcare professionals become
surgery carries an inherent degree of risk. From a more creative as well as efficient in the effort to
doctor’s perspective, there are specific challenges to improve patient care. And much more efficient
overcome in trying to minimise the degree of they will need to become if healthcare systems are
invasiveness, not the least of which is our basic to meet the daunting challenges facing them. In
biological makeup. “The advantage of open surgery is Europe, for example, the costs of providing care to
that you [the surgeon] have full use of your wrists and ageing populations are soaring, while governments
fingers, which means a large degree of freedom and remain intent on maintaining near-universal levels
potential articulation,” explains Dr Michael Hsieh, a of provision. To achieve this amidst tight public
professor at Stanford University School of Medicine in financing will require vast improvements in efficiency
California and an expert in robot-enhanced surgery. in all facets of healthcare operations. Making better
“Another advantage is that you have a three- use of the myriad technologies coming available—in
dimensional view, with depth perception,” he adds. areas ranging from diagnostics to telehealth and
others—is central to this objective. Nearly nine in ten
It is here that advances in robotics are creating health executives surveyed for this study agree that
striking new possibilities that augment the there remains enormous room for technology-led
capabilities of humans. Dr Hsieh has been conducting efficiency gains in their organisations.
so-called multi-port robotic surgery for some time:
guiding robotic arms into a patient’s body through Unfortunately, the ease with which surgeons like Dr
several tiny incisions about the size of a keyhole. This Hsieh are interacting with new technologies is less
accelerates recovery times and reduces scarring. The visible elsewhere in the sector. IT—and particularly
next frontier is the potential for single-port surgery. the types of systems which connect the back office to
In certain cases this may enable surgeons to avoid any the hospital floor or doctor’s surgery, or provide the
scarring at all, by entering via the navel, while further information necessary for effective patient care—has
speeding recovery. made slow inroads in healthcare. The reasons are
varied, but human resistance to change and difficulty
Such technologies are not supplanting the role, in adapting to new technologies are prominent among
skills or creativity of surgeons; instead, they are them. Six of ten healthcare respondents—more than
augmenting surgeons’ abilities, freeing them to in other sectors—say their organisations have become
make advances that humans cannot accomplish on heavily reliant on technology in just the past three
their own. “Robotic technology is not inhibiting years, an indication of how recent significant technology
human creativity,” agrees Dr Hsieh. “If anything, it penetration has been in some parts of the sector.
has perhaps expanded our horizons by allowing us to Two-thirds report one or more instances of employee
conceive of new ways to conduct old operations, or failure to learn a new technology in the past six months,
ways to take completely new approaches to disorders. suggesting that health employees’ interaction with new
I would say that creativity has been enhanced.” technologies remains anything but smooth.

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The role of people in technology-driven organisations

Failure to overcome difficulties in how doctors, What’s my problem, Watson?

nurses, administrative and other staff interact with A look at medical diagnostics may help explain such
technology can have expensive consequences. A optimism. It is an area where technology promises
salutary lesson was the 2011 scrapping of the UK’s to enhance the abilities of health professionals,
£12.7bn effort to introduce electronic patient records. improving efficiency in the process. Diagnosis relies
A range of factors plagued the implementation, but on the fundamental human capacity to draw on
the thorniest was trying to convince doctors to accept diverse pieces of information about patients—from
and adopt new processes. (Germany, France and how they describe their symptoms, to their prior
the Netherlands have experienced similar failures, medical history, to how they physically appear—and
although in Denmark such problems appear to have make an assessment of their likely condition. The
been surmounted.1) Beyond resistance to change, lion’s share of our survey respondents (43%) point
problems in connecting systems in different parts to diagnostics as the area of healthcare where the
of the health service also undoubtedly play a role in retention of human intuition is most critical.
such episodes. In our survey, sector executives point
to such system disconnects as among the toughest Much work is under way to bring machine learning
challenges they face with technology. Another major and computing power to bear in diagnosis, in order
to maximise the power of data. The potential is clear:

systems such as IBM’s Watson supercomputer can “read”
a million medical textbooks in just three seconds,
while also sucking in diverse other information, from
insurance claims to electronic medical records, to
There will always be the need for a human to decide enhance its diagnostics calculations. Rick Robinson,
and act in more complex situations.” an executive architect at IBM, notes that as many as
Mark Coeckelbergh, assistant professor, University of Twente and managing director,
50,000 papers are published each year in the field of
3TU Centre for Ethics and Technology diabetes alone. “No human clinician can keep up with
that,” he says. The result is inevitable errors. Studies
suggest that doctors misdiagnose conditions as much as
challenge, according to the respondents, is that 10-15% of the time.2
processes are not being written quickly enough to keep
pace with technology advances. There is no suggestion, however, that such systems
would fully replace the role of humans in diagnosis.
Employees’ adaptation to new technology will likely “I think there will always be the need for a human
improve, and operational and cost efficiency along to decide and act in more complex situations,”
with it, but will there be a sacrifice in the types says Mark Coeckelbergh, an assistant professor
of human creativity and imagination needed for at the University of Twente (Netherlands) and
truly effective patient care? Our survey-takers are managing director of the 3TU Centre for Ethics and
optimistic on this score. Close to 70% believe that Technology. More fundamentally, there are wide-
increasing technology intensity has made their ranging challenges to overcome, ranging from issues
employees more, not less, creative in developing ideas of accountability to rethinking the fundamental
for new health services and products, and 65% say the processes of healthcare.
same about conceiving ideas to improve processes.

1 Future-proofing Western Europe’s healthcare: A study of five countries,

Economist Intelligence Unit, September 2011. 2 How doctors think, Jerome Groopman, 2007.

Which statements best characterise the challenges you face in dealing with technology?
(top responses; % of respondents from healthcare, biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries)

45 38 20 20 15
Technology is evolving Systems are not connected It results in a loss of More of my time is spent It makes too much
more quickly than our to each other in the work-life balance and free with technology than with information available
processes business mental space people
Source: Economist Intelligence Unit survey, December 2012.

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The role of people in technology-driven organisations

In which of the following activities is the need for retaining a role for human
imagination or intuition most critical?
(top responses; % of respondents from healthcare, biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries)

Diagnosing patients’ illnesses/injuries 36

Developing new treatments and/or medicines 32
Instructing other medical staff on patient treatment 28
Monitoring patients 20
Evaluating medical practitioners 20
Evaluating hospitals or care centres 16
Administering medicines 12
Managing patient records 8
Improving administrative processes 8
Source: Economist Intelligence Unit survey, December 2012.

Pressure to automate recruit from overseas.”
While technology may augment human potential
in some healthcare domains, in others it is being It is also an area where many see less need for human
viewed as a means to free up people to perform imagination or intuition: less than one-fifth of
The other activities. In this context, the case for those polled in the sector think monitoring patients
demographic remote patient monitoring and other elements of requires these capacities; and only 9% think the
“telehealth” is clear. The aim is to free clinicians from same of administering medicines. Both areas are ripe
challenge is the basic and time-consuming manual processing prospects for technology: from scales that monitor
such that the of information so that they can focus on where they patients’ weight and fl ag up possible risk conditions to
current way of are needed most—patient care. “This is not just a automated alerts reminding people to take their pills.
financial challenge,” explains George MacGinnis, a
working ... is not telehealth expert at PA Consulting, speaking about Such technologies hold clear potential not only
sustainable.” healthcare organisations in the UK. “The current way to free up personnel, but also to improve patient
George MacGinnis, telehealth
of working is not sustainable from a future workforce outcomes and quality of life. Mr MacGinnis cites the
expert, PA Consulting perspective; there simply aren’t going to be enough example of patients with certain heart conditions who
doctors and nurses either domestically or available to must weigh themselves daily to look for early signs of

The newly digital doctor Q. Will a traditional physical exam be replaced?

There will certainly be more data analysis, but a
physical exam will still be useful. My physical exam,
Dr Eric Topol is an American cardiologist, geneticist however, has changed dramatically. Since December
and researcher. Named “Doctor of the Decade” by the 2009 I have not used a stethoscope to listen to a
Institute for Scientific Information for his research heart. Why would I bother when I can use a high-
contributions, he is the author of “The Creative resolution ultrasound, which is a pocket device in
Destruction of Medicine: How the Digital Revolution my coat? So the stethoscope will eventually go, but
Will Create Better Health Care”. I don’t believe technology could ever replace the
doctor-patient relationship in terms of empathy,
Q. How will technology change the role of doctors? compassion and understanding.
Today doctors control everything. They order in
the data, the scans and any tests required. But Q. Can technology reduce the pressure on
tomorrow, the individual will drive that. Individuals overburdened health systems?
will come to doctors—whether physically or I think so. We are going to level the playing field, and
virtually—with information in hand seeking their this should mean the demand for doctors lessens.
guidance. Individuals will also have information More and more things can be done remotely, or by
well beyond what was formally obtainable today— individuals on their own, as long as there is Internet
for example, blood pressure readings for every coverage. There will be times where you need a
minute of the last two weeks, or glucose levels for hospital and the physical presence of a physician,
every minute of the last month. Those prospects are but that need—which puts pressure on health
exciting. systems—will be dramatically reduced over time.

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The role of people in technology-driven organisations

excess fluid retention. This can be automated with the patients may get the headlines, but less exotic data
help of an Internet-enabled scale that alerts doctors analysis, knowledge sharing, website management
of any worrying changes. and other systems will be at least as instrumental
in creating the efficiencies that must be gained
Encouragingly, there is little fear in the industry that across under-pressure health systems. Technology
telehealth would somehow curtail the role of carers disruption is part of almost any conceivable scenario
or nurses, or lessen their societal value. “There are for healthcare reform in the coming years.3
certain things where you need emotions and where
you need improvisation, imagination,” explains Mr Pressure on healthcare professionals to adapt to
Coeckelbergh. This is borne out in a variety of specific technology change will thus remain relentless. How
healthcare implementations, such as wide-ranging well they adapt will rely to some extent on the skill
work at University Hospital Birmingham (UHB) in the (and speed) with which processes are written to guide
UK to use technology to improve clinical decision the interaction. The views of the health practitioners
support and increase process automation. “Contrary and experts, and the examples, presented in this
to negative perceptions, we’ve seen individuals article, provide grounds for optimism that the
empowered, obtain greater autonomy and achieve frictions which have plagued interaction between
greater job satisfaction,” says Steve Chilton, UHB’s people and technology in this sector will be smoothed
ICT director. He argues that such developments have out, and that human creativity will not be sacrificed
pushed the role of human workers up the value chain, in the process. Which is a good thing, because health
while new roles have emerged as a result, such as organisations will need all the creativity their
within process analytics. “Technology-led automation employees can muster to deliver the effective and
and development have freed up creativity,” he says. cost-efficient care their patients will require and their
stakeholders will demand.
The pain of disruption
Much of the wrenching change that healthcare
organisations are destined to undergo over the next
several years will be driven by technology. Robotics in 3 A variety of scenarios for how healthcare reform may play out in Europe are
presented in The future of healthcare in Europe, Economist Intelligence Unit,
surgery or video consultations between doctors and March 2011.

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The role of people in technology-driven organisations


Humans and machines in the financial services industry

August 1st 2012 began as a relatively peaceful day on outage of Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) customers’
the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) trading floor. The online access to their accounts, costing the bank an
latest monetary policy statement from the Federal estimated £175m in compensation payments.3
Reserve was due later that morning, and much of
the market was quiet ahead of the news. Then, in a When it comes to suffering material losses, they
matter of seconds, a surge in trading volume started are not alone. Over one-third (37%) of the financial
affecting stock prices. Violent swings of more than industry executives surveyed for this report—who
10% within a five-minute period saw many stocks include retail bankers, commercial bankers, insurers
halted by the exchange’s circuit breakers. “Stocks and others—say that an automated decision made by
are moving all over the place,” noted one investor a computer programme cost their organisation money
at the time; “it is weird, they are trading millions of at least once in the past six months. Nearly one in
shares, 100 shares at a time; something went haywire three (30%) report that such issues have resulted in a
somewhere.”1 loss of customers.

The source of the chaos was Knight Capital Group, a Industry executives are largely positive when asked
large trading firm that uses automated high-speed about the present and future nature of human and
trading to buy and sell shares. The firm told clients it technology interaction in their firms, but many
was dealing with a “technical issue” and was forced to nevertheless voice concerns. For example, 43%—more
turn away customers. It took just 45 minutes for the than other sectors in our survey—feel that technology
glitch to wipe out much of the company’s capital base, is complicating person-to-person communication
causing a pre-tax loss of US$440m and forcing it to more than it is facilitating it. (The substantial
seek new funding to avoid bankruptcy.2 increase in time spent using e-mail in the last three
years, reported by 45% of respondents, may be partly
For many, the event was yet more evidence of an to blame for this.) And little more than one-quarter
over-reliance on technology in the financial markets. believe that technology has freed up people’s time
It is also a dramatic manifestation of what occurs in to be more innovative. Disconnected systems (for
many parts of the financial sector, including banks example, between front and back-office functions),
and insurers, when something goes wrong in the and technologies evolving faster than the processes
interaction between information technology and the developed to use them, are seen as especially
humans who operate it. Within banks, for example, significant challenges finance industry firms face in
missed payments, incorrect statements or inefficient dealing with technology.
responsiveness to customer requests are some of
the more everyday problems caused by human- Trading, for example, was a very social, people-driven
technology mishaps. Others are more consequential: activity. “Whether it happens upstairs on trading
a programming error in June 2012 caused a lengthy desks or on the floors of exchanges, there has always
been human-to-human interaction,” explains Jose
1 “New York Stock Exchange’s ‘weird’ glitch causes volatility; some trading
halted”, Huffington Post Business, August 1st 2012. 3 “Cost of RBS IT glitch grows to £175 million”, Information Age,
2 Knight Capital Group Press Release, August 2nd 2012. November 2nd 2012.

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The role of people in technology-driven organisations

Have you encountered these situations in the past 6 months?

(% of respondents from financial sector)

An automated decision made by a computer An automated decision made by a computer

programme has cost the organisation money programme has resulted in the loss of customers

6 5 11 5
several times
Yes, 25
once or twice
32 No
Don’t know/
Not applicable

Source: Economist Intelligence Unit survey, December 2012.

Marques, Deutsche Bank’s global head of equity, a UK firm which provides short-term loans
electronic trading. But over the past ten years this has online, not only promises loan decisions in less than
changed dramatically. Today, 73% of all equity orders half an hour but will also deposit the funds within the
(by volume) in the US and 40% in Europe are handled customer’s account in that time.
by high-frequency trading firms.4
One reason why online firms can automate the
Such speed and efficiency have opened up myriad process of credit checking is that the nature of how
new strategies for traders to exploit, leading to an applicants’ reputations are established and enhanced
explosion in market activity. But they have also is fundamentally changing. Where credit managers
given rise to the types of risks highlighted at the have traditionally determined whether an individual
start of this article. In other parts of the sector, the is creditworthy or not, a host of new variables are
challenges that arise as technology advances at a now coming into play. These include information
rapid pace manifest themselves in different ways. aggregated and sold by online data brokers relating to
customers’ purchasing activities on the web. eBureau,
A matter of trust for example, a predictive analytics firm, gathers masses
Retail banking was once a people-centric business of data about consumers which it uses to calculate
but has become increasingly automated. Systems “e-scores” of some 20m people each month for banks,
now make rapid decisions on numerous aspects of insurers and other financial services firms.5 Another
personal finance, such as whether customers qualify online firm, Movenbank, now even tracks consumers’
for a loan or a new credit card. Some start-ups within activity on various social media platforms as an
the sector use this speed as a means of competing element in determining their financial credibility.6
against slower, more traditional banks. For example,
According to Rick Robinson, an executive architect at
4 “Regulators globally seek to curb supercomputer trading glitches”, Reuters, IBM, the importance of online trust and reputation
August 31st 2012.
has risen rapidly in parallel with the growth of peer-
to-peer activities, such as choosing to buy from a
stranger online. “There has been an evolution in

both business models and technologies that aim to
provide trust within that online context,” says Mr
Robinson. “Take the peer-to-peer personal loans
Disconnected systems (for example, between front and market. There are traditional banking processes to
give loan providers a reason to trust that their money
back-office functions), and technologies evolving faster is reasonably safe. But there are also things like
than the processes developed to use them, are seen as reputation systems, which use online networks to

especially significant challenges finance industry firms 5 “Secret e-scores chart consumers’ buying power”, New York Times,

face in dealing with technology. 18 August 2012

6 “Is the world ready for social media credit scores”, The Financial Brand,
14 August 2012

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The role of people in technology-driven organisations

Machine processors and human processes

In which of the following activities has the role of human In general, the positive impact of smart technology
imagination or intuition declined most rapidly in the past five years? on financial services is clearly evident in our study.
(top responses; % of respondents from financial sector) Nine in ten executives surveyed for this report
emphatically deny that technology is usually the
Inputting data 37 single point of failure when things go wrong in their
Managing risk 28 organisations. Indeed, technology is typically at
Interacting with customers 22 the heart of many of the innovations being made:
Making strategic investment decisions 16 41% of financial sector respondents say their team’s
Developing new financial products/services 14 best innovations of the past three years could not
Auditing financial results
have been delivered without it, and three in ten say
they could not even have been conceived without
Making tactical investment decisions 12 technology. About eight in ten (78%) say it makes
Ensuring information security 12 them more productive, while three-quarters deny
Evaluating employee performance 12 that technology is making it more difficult to be
Ensuring regulatory compliance 10 imaginative and creative in their work.
Source: Economist Intelligence Unit survey, December 2012.
The caveat to this optimism is that the vast majority
of those we spoke to believe that human-technology
see who applicants are friends with and how they’re interaction will only add value if humans are more
connected, all of which provide additional reasons to creative with the processes developed to connect
trust [or not to trust] the applicant.” the two. Ultimately such innovation should lead to
machines and humans working in symphony, but at
As is often the case in the financial industry, such the moment a large minority (40%) are not confident
technology-based services are developing much that the difficulties involved in human-technology
faster than the rules governing them, resulting in new interaction will all be ironed out. It is yet another
risks. When an online credit scoring agency gets it reminder that, in as transaction-intensive an industry
wrong, the lender may not have much recourse when a as financial services, technology will only be as good
loan goes bad. (By the same token, borrowers can find as the processes that people develop to guide it.
it difficult to repair one’s reputation.) Fortunately,
technology is also allowing third parties to step in and A case in point is how banks are beginning to use
help borrowers and lenders retain some control over artificial intelligence to gain a better understanding
these processes. Services such as can of customers. BBVA Compass, a retail bank, uses
help borrowers, for example, to take better control of web ‘robots’ to scour the Internet for paragraphs
their online profiles. and sentences relating to the bank and its major
competitors. The process, known as sentiment
Back in the trading sector, banks themselves are analysis, interprets what it finds to give decision-
developing process improvements and risk controls to makers insights that would take traditional focus
help redress imbalances caused by rapid technology groups and surveys months to uncover.
advances. Deutsche Bank, for instance, is developing
a system to help visualise the logic being deployed To properly benefit from this technology banks have
within its automated trading systems. “Very few to change the way they work, in particular re-thinking
people feel comfortable handing off a very large, their traditional sales, marketing and product
important trade to a machine when it’s not doing development processes. The norm has been a gradual
something entirely transparent to the human,” and linear process of research, followed by product
explains Mr Marques. development, then annual sales and marketing
planning. Today banks like BBVA Compass operate
in a more dynamic, fluid and adaptive environment.

They can respond in days to new trends, customer
concerns and the competition; bad decisions
can be immediately identified and reversed, and
opportunities can be taken faster than ever before.
Very few people feel comfortable handing off a very Without this shift in approach and processes, daily
large, important trade to a machine when it’s not doing web sentiment analysis has limited value.

something entirely transparent to the human.”

Jose Marques, global head of equity electronic trading, Deutsche Bank

11 | © Economist Intelligence Unit 2013

The role of people in technology-driven organisations

Still a place for the human touch the inflection of the voice, which cannot be captured
Beyond making changes to business processes, within a quarterly filing or the annual accounts.”
there is still a vital role to be played by humans in
this sphere. Gauging the feelings and emotions of Free to think creatively and brainstorm, humans
customers from what they write on the Internet is can add value by shaping and optimising whatever
a massive challenge for machines. Here as in loan technology is helping to enable. “At the end of the
approvals and credit checking, while the technologies day,” believes Mr Marques, “we’ll end up in a place
continue to develop from infancy, the information where man and machine are working together as an
gathered and interpreted by people—such as branch integrated system to achieve far better outcomes
staff talking face-to-face with customers—will remain than we can today.”
vital in banking for the foreseeable future.
Technology has revolutionised many aspects of how
This is also the case in the investment sector. Says banks and other financial institutions deal with their
Deutsche Bank’s Mr Marques: “One of the things we customers, and has likewise enabled enormous leaps
miss when we are automating social human processes in their operating efficiency. But as the examples
is subtlety. In constructing an asset portfolio, an in this article suggest, technology change in this
analyst might meet with the senior management of a industry is likely to continue at a relentless pace. The
portfolio company. They have a conversation, and the risk of sacrificing a degree of human imagination and
firm’s management disclose the information that they intuition at the altar of technological progress will
are legally allowed to disclose. But there are additional thus remain ever present. In finance as everywhere
data in that conversation, in the body language or else, that would be an irretrievable loss.

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The role of people in technology-driven organisations

The challenge for human-machine relationships in manufacturing

In Roald Dahl’s classic children’s book, Charlie majority of manufacturers (57%) insist that increasing
and the Chocolate Factory, things go from bad to technology-intensity has enabled their employees
worse when Charlie Bucket’s father loses his job as to be more, rather than less, creative in areas such
a toothpaste cap-screwer. The story does not say as developing ideas for new products and services
whether a machine replaced Mr Bucket, but humans and improving business processes. At the same
have already been relieved of millions of equally time, many say that the scope for imagination has
torturous jobs thanks to industrial automation and declined rapidly not just in the more automated areas
robotics. Although there has been concern about the of monitoring production and quality control but
loss of jobs ever since the Industrial Revolution, the also in new product development and interaction
impact of automation has more often been positive. with customers, where the human touch is especially
In many sectors, people have evolved towards more desirous.
sophisticated roles, raising the average quality of
manufacturing jobs while driving down costs and Manufacturing employees’ ability to cope with the
improving both the quality and volume of output. strains posed by technology change are being put to
the test anew as the sector undergoes what some are
Technology has wrought enormous change over the calling a “third industrial revolution”. As explained
past few decades in many aspects of manufacturing, by The Economist (our sister company), driving this
posing tough challenges for the employees operating new phase of disruptive change are recent technology
the machines and devices or utilising the software. advances in areas such as engineered materials,
The manufacturing executives in our survey are collaboration software and 3D printing, not to
nonetheless positive about the effect that technology mention robotics.1 The result will be the enabling
has had on the scope for employees to utilise their
human aptitudes of creativity and imagination. A 1 “The third industrial revolution,” The Economist, April 21, 2012.

In which of the following activities has the role of human imagination or

intuition declined most rapidly in the past five years?
(top responses; % of respondents from manufacturing sector)

Monitoring production 29
Developing new, or improving existing, manufacturing processes 24
Quality control 24
Interacting with customers 24
Developing new, or improving existing, products 23
Managing stocks/inventory 18
Evaluating worker performance 15
Source: Economist Intelligence Unit survey, December 2012.

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The role of people in technology-driven organisations

of much more economical, smaller scale and more 2012 at about 9%, or 181,000 units, with growth of
flexible production. In turn this will open up new around 5% per year forecast between 2013 and 2015.2
vistas for efficiency improvement for manufacturers
of all sizes; it will create added pressures to boost While some of this growth is being driven by the
efficiency as well, as new, often smaller entrants modernisation of factories in developed markets,
emerge to challenge established producers. China is its main engine. Between 2006 and 2011
annual sales of robots quadrupled there. In a half-
Another effect of these combined developments, century history of industrial robots, no other country
The Economist maintains, will be that manufacturing has adopted automation on such a large scale in
jobs of the future will require more skills than they such a short period of time. This trend appears set
do now, as more jobs move away from the factory to continue, not least thanks to plans by Foxconn, a
floor into design, IT, marketing and other positions. major electronics manufacturer, to install more than
In the meantime, companies and employees will no 1m robots within just three years.
doubt struggle to find the right balance of human
and machine interaction as the new technologies The most frequently cited reason for China’s rapid
penetrate the sector. A closer look at robotics may automation is the pressure of rising labour costs.
provide some hints of how this might be done. But this is only part of the story. “The challenge with
hundreds of people [in a factory] is that it’s hard to
March of the machines get them to act consistently. That is where robot
Judging by the available statistics, 2011 was the most automation can add value,” explains Chun-yuan
successful year ever for industrial robots, with sales Gu, head of ABB’s discrete automation and motion
up by 38% to some 166,028 units, the highest ever division for North Asia and China. Foxconn, with
recorded. Estimates by the International Federation
of Robotics, an industry body, put the increase in 2 World Robotics 2012, IFR Statistical Department, August 2012.

Daimler’s new production-floor Q. What changes are taking place?

bosses and assistants Currently the job is either done by workers or by
robots. In the latter case, the job is totally separated

In early December 2012 Daimler, the global car from human workers, for safety reasons. Looking
manufacturer, started a pilot project, implementing a ahead, we believe the job will be done mainly by
new kind of lightweight robot in one of its production workers, but with robots assisting them. This is
processes, with a specific focus on allowing humans completely new. For example, tiring jobs such as
... workers will and robots to co-operate more closely on vehicle handling overhead parts or stepping into a vehicle
require the production. Michael Zürn, who oversees production to do assembly work will be done by these small
planning, and Oskar Heer, a human resources leader, lightweight robots, but guided by workers. We’ve
skills needed explain how this is setting a new path for human- called this concept “robot farming”: just like a farmer
to handle the machine interaction. tending sheep, but with workers tending their robots.
robots, to Q. What are the benefits you hope to obtain from Q. What is the reaction of human workers to this
adapt them this new approach? change?
to new tasks We see the potential to revolutionise our system We’re right at the beginning of this today, but
of production. We not only want greater flexibility, workers will require the skills needed to handle the
using learning but also more adaptable production systems. For robots, to adapt them to new tasks using learning
by guidance— example, when we improve a vehicle, we want to be by guidance—essentially to manage them. We don’t
able to quickly adapt our production line to launch want highly customised robots, but rather ones that
essentially to the necessary changes rapidly, or else to quickly can be adapted to a wide range of tasks, whether
manage them.” increase the volume of production. When you engine assembly or painting. The workers are very
Michael Zürn, head of look at today’s production systems, there are two proud of this. They co-operate with the robots, and
production and material directions—an automated system or a largely manual do not feel that this portends a kind of substitution
technology, Mercedes-Benz [human] workplace—and the industry fluctuates for them. Instead, the robots assume the most tiring
cars, Daimler; Oskar Heer,
head of labor relations, between the two. The automated system is highly jobs, and improve the workers’ productivity. Quite
Daimler efficient but rigid, while the manual system is simply, the worker is the boss, and the robot is his
perfectly flexible but in some areas requires greater assistant.
efficiency. We want to combine the strengths of these
approaches to get the benefits of both.

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The role of people in technology-driven organisations

Employees of manufacturing firms will, for example,

Do you agree or disagree? need to master new collaboration technologies, many
“Human-technology interaction will only add value if we are more of which are web-based and which require adapting
creative with the processes we create to connect the two.” to unfamiliar practices of sharing product design
(% of respondents from manufacturing sector)
details with interested third parties. Marketing,
design, finance and IT staff alike will be spending
considerably more time using sophisticated data
4 Strongly agree
analytics tools and manipulating ever larger volumes
9 Agree
of data emanating from customers, suppliers and
Disagree partners. The increasing use of social media will
Don’t know/ likewise pose new challenges to customer service,
Not applicable
marketing and other functions of the production
enterprise. Processes will need to be written, and
continuously updated, to ensure not only the efficient
and cost-effective use of these technologies but also
the safeguarding of the information communicated
over them.

Creative processes will certainly be necessary to allow

robots and humans to work more closely together
on the factory floor. Naturally, safety is one area
in need of attention. “Today, with machine-safety
Source: Economist Intelligence Unit survey, December 2012.
regulations, robots must be isolated by screening as
a basic requirement,” says Mr Gu. “We have to design
new safety concepts so that robots can be free to work
1.2m workers in China, understands this more than anywhere.”
most. Indeed, quality and consistency are often the
main reasons why companies choose robots. And as To this end, various companies are developing robots
costs have fallen, they have become more attractive. that can work better alongside humans. One example
Such systems also allow companies to react faster is Baxter, launched in October 2012 by Rethink
to changes in consumer tastes. “In the old days you Robotics.3 As a two-armed factory robot with a
had ‘hard automation’, where you had to rip out your humanoid appearance and an LCD screen “face” as a
machines if you wanted to build something else,” user interface, it is safe enough to work together with
says Jeff Burnstein, president of the Association for humans. Elastic actuators make it less dangerously
Advancing Automation, a trade group. “Now you can rigid than traditional robots, for example. In
reprogramme the robot, so it is much more flexible.” particular, it is designed to overcome two of the major
barriers to the adoption of industrial robots: usability
One example is Marlin Steel, a US manufacturer of and cost. Instead of hundreds of thousands of dollars,
wire products. It was about to go out of business the price tag is US$22,000.4 And rather than relying
until automation allowed it to create higher-quality on specialist programming, a person with no robotics
products and sell to a different customer base. “They experience can simply take hold of Baxter’s wrist and
were making very low-quality products, where the train it by moving its arms around to show it what to
only differentiator was price,” notes Mr Burnstein. do—a kind of learning by guidance.
“They couldn’t compete on price, but now they were
able to make high-quality products with consistency The interface issue is a key one. In our survey, the
and reliability. And by making them in the US, they lion’s share of manufacturing executives fl ag up
could ship them to their customers faster than the the need to design intuitive processes as the most
competitors could.” difficult issue for the future of human-technology
interaction, ahead of all others. “There are a lot
The learning process of small and medium-sized enterprises where
The manufacturing executives who took our survey manufacturing batches are not so big. If you use
are almost uniformly optimistic that human- traditional methods you would spend three days
technology interaction in areas such as this will programming and testing, run the system for one day
prove to be hugely productive for their business (the and then have to change it all again,” explains Mr Gu.
view of 85% of respondents from the sector). Just as 3 Rodney Brooks, founder and chairman of Rethink Robotics, is one of the
uniform, however, is the view (expressed by 87%) that world’s most famous “roboticists”. He is the former Panasonic Professor of
Robotics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and previously
such interaction will only deliver value if humans are founded iRobot, maker of the Roomba, one of the world’s first robot vacuum
more creative with the processes they write to guide
4 “How Rethink Robotics built its new Baxter robot worker”, IEEE Spectrum,
such interplay. This applies well beyond production. October 2012.

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The role of people in technology-driven organisations

In the future, he says, such systems will learn their they do best: ideas, designs and engineering. As Mr
tasks by themselves. Burstein puts it: “As robots do more of the dull and
dangerous jobs, they free up people to do more of the
Collectively, such developments have striking creative work.” They may even do more than this. Their
potential. Cheap, easy-to-implement robots could effect, when combined with those of 3D printing and
dramatically improve the efficiency of employees, such phenomena as collaborative online production
helping to rebalance the cost-effectiveness of and design communities, all of which are helping
manufacturing in the developed world (see box to make small-scale production economical and
on page 14). More importantly, it highlights the attractive again, may very well be the emergence of a
increased importance for humans to focus on what more “human face” to manufacturing.

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The role of people in technology-driven organisations

The democratisation of education?

Sebastian Thrun, until recently a professor of artificial Academy, which offers 3,400 online videos and
intelligence at Stanford University, has several major tutorials for some 10m students. A 12-year old in
achievements to his name. These include leading India whose parents cannot afford to send her to
the team that developed Google’s driverless car, an school but have some means of access to the Internet
invention which looks set to save many lives and can now educate herself online. Some go on to gain a
disrupt several industries. He is now at the forefront university place and obtain a further qualification.
of another revolution, this time in education. In 2011
Mr Thrun and a colleague decided to offer Stanford’s In essence, MOOCs provide a way of learning without
artificial intelligence course online. The response a teacher being physically present. As Donald
was staggering: 160,000 students in 190 countries Clark, a technology entrepreneur and blogger,
enrolled, with 23,000 ultimately completing the puts it: “We are witnessing the ‘Napsterisation’ of
course.1 learning—its democratisation, decentralisation and
Massive Open Online Courses, or MOOCs, have the
potential to change the face of tertiary and even Shaking the pillars of learning
secondary education. Mr Thrun is now running Internet-enabled disruption of the type described
Udacity, a start-up that offers MOOCs, and plans above is just one factor driving far-reaching, and
to make money by matching employers to qualified often unsettling, change across the education
students. This new model offers the appealing sector. Education systems in many parts of the world
vision of democratised education, bringing learning are coming under pressure from governments and
to millions of people who would never have the businesses, not to mention citizens, to better prepare
opportunity to attend a university such as Stanford. students for the workforce. Better performance
is being required of teachers in the classroom, of
The first hint of what was to come emerged in 2002, school leaders in teacher and student assessment,
when the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) of education system leaders in encouraging more
started to make its course materials freely available cost-efficient school administration, and of all system
on the web. Many other universities rapidly followed stakeholders in improving curriculum development
suit. These materials now range from text-based and new learning tools. In parallel, greater
lecture notes to podcasts and vidcasts. The UK’s effectiveness is also required of the “back office” of
Open University has a free OpenLearn platform that education—from administrators, IT professionals,
includes social media for students to discuss course bursaries, admissions staff and many others who
content with each other. together create the learning environment.

The best-known provider of MOOCs is the Khan “Whole system reform” is being pursued at primary,
secondary and tertiary levels across the developed
1 For more, see: “Instruction for masses knocks down campus walls”, New York
Times, March 4th 2012. and developing world in systems as diverse as those

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The role of people in technology-driven organisations

in Singapore, Shanghai, Rio de Janeiro, Ontario and Still, the spectre of classes without teachers,
New Orleans.2 As part of these initiatives, instructors, such as raised by the advent of MOOCs, generates
administrators and other staff working in educational opposition from some educators who argue that, in
institutions are being pressed to integrate new learning, there is no substitute for interaction with
technologies more tightly into the learning and a real human being. Indeed, in our survey “teaching
administrative practices they develop. Digitising classes” tops the list of activities where retaining a
the supporting business processes of education is role for human imagination and intuition is critical.
also an imperative as many educational institutions Developing new teaching materials and practices are
become more commercially-minded—partly due to also prominent in this list. However, the more likely
public funding constraints but also to due to greater scenario is that MOOCs, like the emergence of other
interest in private schooling. Half of education sector types of technology-enabled learning, will merely
respondents in our survey say their organisation has mean that the role of teachers in the classroom will
become heavily reliant on technology in just the past change rather than disappear.
three years—no doubt a reflection of the relatively
slow digitisation of schools and other institutions in One manifestation of this is the rise of “blended
comparison with that in other sectors. learning”, where students use online learning to
complement their formal education: if you don’t
Given the resistance to change that education systems understand what the physics teacher has told you,
tend to be famous for, concerns might be expected then you can probably find a Khan Academy video that
from educators that technology is constraining the explains it better. Some teachers now podcast their
scope for human creativity so necessary for effective own lectures, so that students can listen to them
learning. The survey suggests otherwise: only a small outside of class hours. This in turn is leading to a new
minority is concerned with a loss of creativity or model, dubbed the “flipped classroom”: instead of
imagination due to technological progress (although learning in a classroom or lecture hall, the student
a large number feel that technology stifles open watches or listens to a lecture online. The classroom
debate and discussion). When it comes to creativity- session is then used for what was previously homework:
inducing activities, such as thinking in isolation or putting what has been learnt into practice, but with the
brainstorming with colleagues, many more education teacher there to help and answer questions.
respondents say that their time spent in these
endeavours has increased in the past three years than Some educators are concerned that far from
those who say it has decreased. Almost half—48%, learning becoming more democratic, the opposite
substantially more than other sectors—report that is happening. Salman Khan, the founder of the
technology has actually freed up their employees’ eponymous academy, is a former hedge fund analyst,
time to be more innovative. not an educator, and some worry that the education
agenda in future will be set by large corporations, not
2 For a closer look at the extent of education reform efforts under way
in different parts of the world see How the world’s most improved school
teachers or experts in pedagogy. Indeed, what is to
systems keep getting better, McKinsey & Co, 2010, and The Learning Curve, a stop companies like Google offering qualifications to
Pearson website created by the Economist Intelligence Unit, http:// rival those offered by exam boards and universities?

Share of respondents who disagree with the following statements:

(% of respondents from education sector)

90 72 60
Technology is making it more Technology has complicated Technology is stifling open debate
difficult for people to be imaginative human-to-human communication and discussion within the
and creative in their work more than it has facilitated it organisation

Source: Economist Intelligence Unit survey, December 2012.

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The role of people in technology-driven organisations

tasks and bridging theory and practice, which is one

Others believe such new models of learning are the of the biggest problems in education”. He argues that
best defence against “corporatisation”. Wim Westera, gaming is not a substitute for traditional learning but
a Dutch physicist and educational technologist at an improvement on it: “Serious gaming simulations
the Open University of the Netherlands, believes that are the richest environments that you can imagine
Serious gaming traditional universities are under threat: “If higher and provide all kinds of mechanisms for optimising
simulations education remains the way it is, with its 19th-century learning.”
model of lectures, then within ten years we will have
are the richest Google University and Walt Disney University taking Many educators await with anticipation the coming
environments it over.” on stream of other technology applications that will
complement the role of humans in learning as well as
that you can
Digital teachers in making educational institutions more efficient.
imagine and Is it possible to remove teachers from the equation Examples include cloud-computing-based software
provide all kinds even further? One apparent example of this are South to help schools reduce the administrative burden.
Korean schools that have piloted the use of robots Likewise, cloud-based servers and advanced analytics
of mechanisms to teach English to schoolchildren. However, the software can allow students, sited together or at
for optimising “robots” are really telepresence platforms—teachers different campuses, to collaboratively analyse large
based in the Philippines, who communicate via a small data sets or work on other complex projects.
learning.” screen, with microphones and speakers embedded in
Wim Westera, professor,
the robot. It is a clever, cheap way of hiring foreign All this points to a potential revolution in education.
Open Universiteit
teachers without paying their living costs, but it is not As technology takes centre stage, the power of
yet a genuine substitute for human initiative, and it is learners to control their own learning increases.
not entirely clear whether it adds educational value. In some areas, the direct role of the teacher may
be diminished. On the whole, however, teachers’
Technological development nevertheless has its impact on the lives of their students will remain
own momentum. There are some situations where undiminished, and that of the best teachers—who
teachers are being displaced because technology does can also master the technologies coming available—
it better— in gaming, for example. One advantage should be vastly amplified. Despite inevitable
of games is that they allow students to be active tensions, all signs point to the various forms of
learners rather than passive ones. Or, as Mr Westera teacher-technology-student interaction becoming
puts it, they can be used for “mimicking authentic enriched rather than diminished.

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The role of people in technology-driven organisations

Decision-making in a hyper-connected world

For data geeks, the world of Formula One is a glorious race-winning advantage in the coming seasons,” says
playground to explore. Fans have access to thousands Mr Williams.
of data points and statistics, accumulating in real-
time over the course of every lap. For a team’s race Big or not, data are changing decisions
manager, there is intense pressure to make strategic The F1 example is colourful, but its decision-making
race decisions, such as when to call in a pit stop, lessons can be applied to more traditional businesses
amid rapidly changing events. In this technology- as well. Most executives are now well aware that
rich world, there is already a wealth of data—not the volumes, forms and sources of data, and the
least from sensors all over the vehicle streaming the sophistication of data analysis, have changed
current status of things, from tyre pressure and heat dramatically in the past few years as machines
to fuel levels and engine performance. But as teams grow smarter, cheaper and more networked. Half
seek out any possible competitive edge, they are of our surveyed executives believe that increasing
drawing on technology to capture even more data. The technology-intensity, which incorporates new
aim: to track rivals more closely, gain a wider view of data collection and analysis tools, has made their
events and filter this back into strategic options—all employees better able to make good business
in real-time. decisions. (No more than 8% say it has weakened
decision-making.) And data analytics tops their list
One F1 team (which declined to be named), working of technologies believed most likely to widen the
with QuantumBlack, a specialist data analytics scope for human intuition and imagination in the work
agency, draws on a range of data inputs, such environment.
as timing feeds, GPS, in-car telematics and live
television broadcasts, and then uses algorithms For better or for worse, executives from many
to infer a wide range of race information: pit-stop industries are grappling with a profound change:
windows, the degree of wear on tyres, driver velocity from making key decisions with a paucity of data to
and so on. All this is fed into a live, visual dashboard instead dealing with an abundance of it. “Information
that allows the team to constantly review “what-ifs” overload is a challenge whether you work in a
and adapt its strategy. factory [or a services provider],” says Brian Holliday,
divisional director of industry automation at Siemens,
This works. Over the course of the 2012 race season an engineering firm. The challenge is more cognitive
the accuracy of pit-stop forecasting, for example, than technical: enabling humans to make sense of
improved by 25%. “Strategy can determine the it all. This in turn is raising questions about how
outcome of the race as much as the driver or the speed the nature of decision-making is changing, and the
of the vehicle, so that’s an advantage,” explains respective roles of humans and machines.
Simon Williams, QuantumBlack’s chief executive. In
preparing for the 2013 season the F1 team realised The good news is that systems are available to help
that even before coming up with a new race design, humans focus on the bigger, more critical questions
it needed to get its data strategy right. “It’s how which require more creative thinking. For example,
they manage data that they see themselves gaining a software applications can intelligently filter signals

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The role of people in technology-driven organisations

Thinking of the future of human-technology interaction, in what areas do you think the most difficult issues will lie?
(top responses; % of total respondents)

32 28 26 21 18 16
Data privacy Personal privacy Designing intuitive Ethics Accountability for Job displacement due
(eg, 24/7 accessibility) processes for human results of to technology
and machine to technology-driven
effectively actions
communicate with
each other
Source: Economist Intelligence Unit survey, December 2012.

amidst the noise. In an industrial environment, says strongly in all other stores in that region, so a given
Mr Holliday, it is feasible for hundreds of sensors to outlet may want to consider increasing its promotion
raise alarms at a given time, quickly overwhelming of this product.
a human operator; software programmes, however,
can easily categorise and prioritise these. He cites The decision on how to act is left to the store manager,
the Buncefield fire, a major 2005 incident at the UK’s but rather than being swamped with data, he or she
Hertfordshire oil storage terminal, as an example: gets a concise and filtered view of what matters to
“One of the findings [afterwards] was that operators that specific store. “We’re interested in empowering
were flooded with information, in excess of their non-technical people who are making decisions,”
ability to do anything about it,” he says. Much of the explains Narrative Science’s chief technology officer
machine emphasis today is on helping to provide only Kris Hammond. “We have a machine take care of the
the most relevant information, to the most relevant [underlying complexity] and then communicate the
person, at the best time. insight it’s found directly, in a very natural and human

Software is also used to enable more visual or
informative decision-making, given the inherent The promise this picture holds for organisations
difficulties that people have in rapidly and accurately is extremely bright, but the use of data is also
I think interpreting large amounts of information. Visual among the thorniest issues relating to human and
creativity, dashboards are cropping up in areas ranging from technology interaction that business, governments
product development at engine manufacturers to and wider societies will face in the coming years.
especially control systems in airports. “What’s brilliant about Beyond concerns about how organisations use
business it is that managers are not being overwhelmed with consumers’ data, there are also ethical issues to be
data, but instead having the data presented to them addressed about the extent to which automated
creativity, in an incredibly simple way so that they can make the data drives decisions where humans have previously
comes out of big decisions needed,” says Brian Millar, director of been behind the wheel. Such dilemmas may perhaps
strategy at Sense Worldwide, a UK-based consultancy. be imagined most vividly in the field of healthcare,
great insight. “I think creativity, especially business creativity, where a mistaken computer-generated diagnosis
And obtaining comes out of great insight. And obtaining a different based on a faulty reading of data could feasibly result
a different level level of insights [from data] will be one of the truly in a patient’s death. But our discussion of human-
powerful opportunities of the next few years.” technology difficulties in financial institutions is also
of insights a reminder that monumentally bad decisions can also
[from data] will Narrative Science, the data start-up cited at the start be made by banks’ or traders’ computerised systems
of this report, provides a compelling example. It with equally monumental consequences.
be one of the works with a large fast-food chain to analyse minute-
truly powerful by-minute sales data from across 14,000 branches, Still the gut feel, at least for today
opportunities and in turn supplies entirely automated summaries Overall, when it comes to decision-making, the status
and recommendations that are specifically tailored quo still applies in most organisations. The vast
of the next few for each individual branch manager—something majority of executives that we surveyed acknowledge
years.” entirely unfeasible for human analysts. These some degree of help from technology in arriving at
alerts—automatically written in the style of a helpful their most important decisions, but also that human
Brian Millar, director of
strategy, Sense Worldwide management memo—might note, for instance, that intuition remains the core basis for this. This applies
sales of a specific chicken product have increased to 7 in 10 respondents, compared with the 3 in 10 who

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believe that the key decisions they are making would Indeed, the greater (and happier) likelihood is that in
be impossible without technology. The question is, decision-making, as in the various other dimensions
which of these two camps will ultimately win out over of organisational activity examined elsewhere in
time, as reliance on technology grows? this report, the role of humans will be enriched by
technology, and that humans and machines will
As the line between humans and machines becomes ultimately work out their optimal “division of labour”.
more blurred, some expect the role of human
imagination and intuition to continuously recede. But This will not come about of its own accord, however.
although companies have always upped their game by Lack of attention to the processes involved in
relying on what technology can do to improve their governing how employees interact with new systems
business, there is little suggestion today that they has frequently proven the latter’s graveyard. People
will seek to take humans out of the loop. will remain “in the loop”, and greater workplace
harmony between human and machine will be
“By commodifying a lot of business reasoning and achieved, when guidelines, rules, principles or other
turning it into something a machine can do, this forms of governance accompany the implementation
frees up people’s time to be able to do the deeper, of new technologies. When this becomes the norm,
richer, more creative thinking around business,” humans and the organisations they work in should
says Mr Hammond. “We think having humans in have nothing at all to fear from technology.
the loop isn’t going to go away in the near future.”

22 | © Economist Intelligence Unit 2013

The role of people in technology-driven organisations


The Economist Intelligence Unit conducted a global survey of 432 executives in November and December 2012.
Our sincere thanks go to all those who took part.
Please note that not all answers add up to 100%, either owing to rounding or because respondents were able to
provide multiple answers to some questions.

Please state the extent to which you agree with the following statements:
(% respondents)
Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Don’t know/Not applicable

I worry that my organisation will not be able to keep up with technology change and will lose its competitive edge
8 31 38 22 1
When it comes to improving operating efficiency, enterprise technology has reached a plateau—there is not much more room for achieving efficiency gains
1 15 52 31 1
When things go wrong in my organisation, technology is usually the single point of failure
1 11 60 27 1

How reliant would you say that your organisation has become on technology over the past three years?
(% respondents)

Heavily reliant
Fairly reliant
Only moderately reliant
Not very reliant
Don’t know/Not applicable

Please state the extent to which you agree with the following statements:
(% respondents)
Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Don’t know/Not applicable

Technology is making it more difficult for people to be imaginative and creative in their work
2 23 54 20 1
Technology is stifling open debate and discussion within the organisation
3 33 44 18 2
Technology has complicated human-to-human communication more than it has facilitated it
5 28 50 16
Technology in isolation (without a process to use it) brings little value
28 49 15 71

23 | © Economist Intelligence Unit 2013

The role of people in technology-driven organisations

Which statements best characterise the challenges you face in dealing with technology? Please select up to two.
(% respondents)

Systems are not connected to each other in the business

Technology is evolving more quickly than our processes (ways to use it)
It makes too much information available
It results in a loss of work-life balance and free mental space (it’s just too hard to turn off)
More of my time is spent with technology than with people
It makes previously simple processes overly complex
The time spent using it means there is less time to be creative
It is difficult to learn how to use it
It is not sufficiently empathetic (sensitive to the way I prefer to work)
None of the above / Don’t know

Are you personally more or less creative at work than you were ten years ago?
(% respondents)

No change
Don’t know/Not applicable

Has technology helped you personally to become more or less creative in the last ten years?
(% respondents)

No change
Don’t know/Not applicable

How has your time spent on these work activities changed in the past three years?
(% respondents)
Increased substantially Increased somewhat Remained unchanged Decreased somewhat Decreased substantially

23 37 23 14 3
Thinking in isolation
13 27 31 24 5
Talking with customers
15 25 39 19 3
Brainstorming with colleagues
15 35 28 18 3
Standing at the drawing board
7 24 38 22 9
Trying to find information/data
34 40 14 8 5
Using e-mail
52 31 15 3
Using social media
28 39 28 3 2

24 | © Economist Intelligence Unit 2013

The role of people in technology-driven organisations

Would you say that increasing technology intensity has made employees more or less...
(% respondents)
More so No change Less so

...Creative in terms of ideas for new products and services

58 30 12
...Creative in terms of ideas for defining or improving business processes
58 30 11
...Entrepreneurial in terms of conceiving ideas for new businesses
42 45 12
73 21 6
54 33 13
...Able to make good decisions
50 42 8

In your view, in which of the following activities has the role of human imagination or intuition declined most rapidly in the
past five years? Please select up to two. Education
(% respondents)

Coaching/tutoring students
Devising new teaching practices
Teaching classes
Checking homework
Developing new teaching materials
Evaluating teachers
Reviewing student applications
Delivering tests
Evaluating schools
Grading tests

In your view, in which of the following activities has the role of human imagination or intuition declined most rapidly in the
past five years? Please select up to two. Financial services
(% respondents)

Inputting data
Managing risk
Interacting with customers
Making strategic investment decisions
Auditing financial results
Making tactical investment decisions
Developing new financial products/services
Ensuring information security
Ensuring regulatory compliance
Evaluating employee performance

25 | © Economist Intelligence Unit 2013

The role of people in technology-driven organisations

In your view, in which of the following activities has the role of human imagination or intuition declined most rapidly in the
past five years? Please select up to two. Healthcare
(% respondents)

Diagnosing patients' illnesses/injuries

Monitoring patients
Managing patient records
Evaluating hospitals or care centres
Administering medicines
Developing new treatments and/or medicines
Improving administrative processes
Instructing other medical staff on patient treatment
Evaluating medical practitioners

In your view, in which of the following activities has the role of human imagination or intuition declined most rapidly in the
past five years? Please select up to two. Manufacturing
(% respondents)

Monitoring production
Developing new, or improving existing, products
Interacting with customers
Developing new, or improving existing, manufacturing processes
Quality control
Managing stocks/inventory
Evaluating worker performance
Interacting with suppliers
Monitoring health and safety
Don’t know/not applicable

26 | © Economist Intelligence Unit 2013

The role of people in technology-driven organisations

In your view, in which of the following activities is the need for retaining a role for human imagination or intuition most critical?
Please select up to two. Education
(% respondents)

Teaching classes
Coaching / tutoring students
Developing new teaching materials
Devising new teaching practices
Evaluating teachers
Reviewing student applications
Evaluating schools
Grading tests
Checking homework
Delivering tests

In your view, in which of the following activities is the need for retaining a role for human imagination or intuition most critical?
Please select up to two. Financial services
(% respondents)

Interacting with customers

Making strategic investment decisions
Managing risk
Developing new financial products/services
Making tactical investment decisions
Evaluating employee performance
Ensuring regulatory compliance
Auditing financial results
Ensuring information security
Inputting data

27 | © Economist Intelligence Unit 2013

The role of people in technology-driven organisations

In your view, in which of the following activities is the need for retaining a role for human imagination or intuition most critical?
Please select up to two. Healthcare
(% respondents)

Diagnosing patients’ illnesses/injuries

Developing new treatments and/or medicines
Instructing other medical staff on patient treatment
Monitoring patients
Evaluating hospitals or care centres
Managing patient records
Evaluating medical practitioners
Improving administrative processes
Administering medicines

In your view, in which of the following activities is the need for retaining a role for human imagination or intuition most critical?
Please select up to two. Manufacturing
(% respondents)

Developing new, or improving existing, products

Interacting with customers
Developing new, or improving existing, manufacturing processes
Interacting with suppliers
Evaluating worker performance
Monitoring production
Quality control
Monitoring health and safety
Managing stocks/inventory

28 | © Economist Intelligence Unit 2013

The role of people in technology-driven organisations

Have you encountered any of these situations in the past 6 months?

(% respondents)
Yes, several times Yes, once or twice No Don’t know/not applicable

An automated decision made by a computer programme has cost the organisation money
5 22 66 7
An automated decision made by a computer programme has resulted in the loss of customers
4 18 68 10
Individuals on your team were unable to learn how to use a particular technology
14 42 40 3
A decision was made by a computer programme, for which it was unclear who was accountable
7 24 62 7

Which one of the following statements best characterises the role that technology (eg, data, networks, devices, applications)
has played in your most important work decisions over the past year?
(% respondents)

Making the decisions would have been impossible without technology

Technology helped somewhat, but the decisions were based mainly on human intuition
Technology only played a minor role in the decisions; they were entirely based on intuition
Technology played no role at all
Don’t know/not applicable

Do you agree with the following statements? Please select all that apply.
(% respondents)

On balance, technology has made me more productive

Technology helps our organisation to run more smoothly and efficiently
Technology has helped our employees to communicate more effectively
Technology has freed up time to help our employees be more innovative
Technology has not freed up time; it requires more attention
On balance, technology has made me less productive

Which of these statements characterises your team’s best innovations of the past three years? Please select all that apply.
(% respondents)

Technology was helpful, but it was employees’ imagination that made the greatest contribution
It was the combination of technology and how we applied it that delivered the benefits
They could not have been brought to fruition without the use of technology
They could not have been conceived without the use of technology
It was technology that helped to bring out the employees’ imagination
Technology played little role at all; employee imagination was by far the paramount factor
Don’t know/not applicable

29 | © Economist Intelligence Unit 2013

The role of people in technology-driven organisations

In your view, which of these technologies are most likely to narrow the scope of human imagination and intuition in the work
environment? Please select up to two.
(% respondents)

Smart systems (machine-to-machine communications)

Data analytics
Social media
Mobile networks and devices
Instant messaging
Augmented reality
Cloud computing
None of the above/don’t know

In your view, which of these technologies are most likely to widen the scope of human imagination and intuition in the work
environment? Please select up to two.
(% respondents)

Data analytics
Mobile networks and devices
Social media
Augmented reality
Cloud computing
Smart systems (machine-to-machine communications)
Instant messaging
None of the above/don’t know

30 | © Economist Intelligence Unit 2013

The role of people in technology-driven organisations

Thinking of the future of human-technology interaction, in what areas do you think the most difficult issues will lie?
Please select up to two.
(% respondents)

Data privacy
Personal privacy (eg, 24/7 accessibility)
Designing intuitive processes for human and machine to effectively communicate with each other
Accountability for results of technology-driven actions
Job displacement due to technology
Technology complexity
Scope for human creativity
Limits of human skills
Scope for human intuition

Please state the extent to which you agree with the following statements:
(% respondents)
Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Don’t know/not applicable

Existing or potential difficulties involved in human and technology interaction will ultimately be ironed out
12 57 27 1 2
Human-technology interaction will prove to be hugely productive for business
21 67 10 1 1
Human-technology interaction will prove to be hugely productive for society
17 64 14 2 3
Human-technology interaction will present profound societal questions regarding the respective roles of humans and machines in the workplace
22 55 18 1 3
Human-technology interaction will only add value if we are more creative with the processes we create to connect the two
34 53 81 5

In which region are you personally located? In which country are you personally located?
(% respondents) (% respondents)

Asia-Pacific United States of America

31 26
North America India
29 10
Western Europe United Kingdom
26 7
Middle East and Africa Switzerland
6 5
Latin America Singapore, Australia, Canada, Malaysia
4 4
Eastern Europe China
3 3
Italy, South Africa, Germany, Brazil
Hong Kong, Pakistan, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Finland,
France, Mexico, United Arab Emirates, Austria, Belgium,
Kenya, Netherlands, Nigeria, Romania, Sweden

31 | © Economist Intelligence Unit 2013

The role of people in technology-driven organisations

What are your organisation’s global annual revenues What is your primary industry?
in US dollars? (% respondents)
(% respondents)
Financial services
$500m or less 15
47 Education
$500m to $1bn 12
12 Manufacturing
$1bn to $5bn 12
16 Technology
$5bn to $10bn 9
6 Government
$10bn or more 8
19 Professional services
What are your main functional roles? Telecommunications
Please select all that apply. 4
(% respondents)
Strategy and business development
37 Diversified industrial products
General management
35 Media & entertainment
23 Pharmaceuticals
23 Automotive
Marketing and sales
18 Biotechnology
Operations and production
14 Logistics & distribution
Information and research
14 Retail & wholesale
12 Aerospace & defence
Customer service
10 Agriculture & agribusiness
8 Construction
Human resources
5 Food
5 Beverages
4 Oil & gas
Supply-chain management
4 Power & utilities
Other transportation (inc. rail & truck)
Which of the following best describes your title?
(% respondents)

Board member
CEO/President/Managing director
CIO/Technology director
Other C-level executive
Head of business unit
Head of department

32 | © Economist Intelligence Unit 2013

About the sponsor

Ricoh provides technology and services that can

help organisations worldwide to optimise business
document processes. Offerings include managed
document services, production printing, office
solutions and IT services.

Whilst every effort has been taken to verify the accuracy

of this information, neither The Economist Intelligence
Unit Ltd. nor the sponsor of this report can accept any
responsibility or liability for reliance by any person on
this white paper or any of the information, opinions or
conclusions set out in the white paper.

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