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Phuong Bui

Professor Anthony M Vercillo

IBM 3001.01

12 Feb. 2021

● Must be Unique: I would rate this trait a 5. The reason is that this product contains a lot

of good ingredients for the skin. Besides, it is suitable for all types of skin.

● Must have Mass Appeal: I would rate this trait a 5. I had seen advertisements for this

product on every social media platform. In addition, there are many stores that carry this

product such as Walgreens, Target, Walmart, etc.

● Must Deliver on a Promise: I would rate this trait a 5. On the bottle, it said this product is

not only for cleansing but also can hydrate, and restore the barrier of the skin.

● Must Fulfill a Dream or Desire: I would rate this trait a 5. Because this product is

fulfilling a dream of good and healthy skin.

● Must Solve a Problem and have effective positioning (USP): I would rate this trait a 5.

Because this product could help consumers improve the texture of their skin.
● Instant Gratification: I would rate this trait a 4. Similarly, with other skincare products,

consumers need to be patient in order to receive a good result.

● Must have Perceived Value (Quality & Pricing): I would rate this trait a 5. Many people

inside my household are using this product, and it worked amazingly. Indeed, one bottle

of this product will only cost you $18 but could last for more than 4 months.

● Should illicit emotions from the consumer: I would rate this trait a 5. The advertisement

for this product was portraying the fear of most women. It was showing an example of

skin with a weak barrier and then telling how using this product could help them solve

this fearful problem.

● Should have a Powerful Presentation (Packaging): I would rate this trait a 3. Personally,

I think the package looks very casual and not unique.

● Would benefit from compelling testimonials: I would rate this trait a 5. Because not

only influencers are promoting and living good reviews of this product but also regular

people that are using this product.

● Would benefit from celebrity endorsement: I would rate this trait a 4. There are many

celebrities who are using and promoting this product such as Olivia Wilde and Blake


● Must have Irresistible Offer (Gift with Purchase, Bonus): I would rate this trait a 5.

Stores that carry this brand usually have coupons and BOGO every 2-3 months.

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