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Instructions: The following questions are about the feelings that one may experience at different stage
of dealing with academic tasks. It is important that you answer these questions based on what you have
actually felt or experienced at similar situations in recent semesters, NOT what you believe that you
should ideally feel in the future

Response options:

2= Almost never
5=Very often


__1. Whenever I am about to start working on academic tasks, I feel anxious.

__2. Whenever I am about to start working on academic tasks, I feel hopeless.
__3. Whenever I am about to start working on academic tasks, I feel bored.
__4. Whenever I am about to start working on academic tasks, I feel guilty.
__5. Whenever I am about to start working on academic tasks, I feel sluggish or sleepy.
__6. Whenever I am about to start working on academic tasks, I feel emotional distress.
__7. Whenever I am about to start working on academic tasks, I feel one or more of the following
emotions: relaxed, content or calm.
__8. Whenever I am about to start working on academic tasks, I feel one or more of the following
emotions: attentive, active, joy, excited, hopeful or enthusiastic.
__9. While I am needlessly delaying on an academic task despite my initial plan, I feel anxious.
__10. While I am needlessly delaying on an academic task despite my initial plan, I feel angry.
__11. While I am needlessly delaying on an academic task despite my initial plan, I feel hopeless.
__12. While I am needlessly delaying on an academic task despite my initial plan, I feel bored.
__13. While I am needlessly delaying on an academic task despite my initial plan, I feel guilty.
__14. While I am needlessly delaying on an academic task despite my initial plan, I feel sluggish or
__ 15. While I am needlessly delaying on an academic task despite my initial plan, I feel emotional
__16. While I am needlessly delaying on an academic task despite my initial plan, I feel one or more of
the following emotions: relaxed, content or calm.
__17. While I am needlessly delaying on an academic task despite my initial plan, I feel one or more of
the following emotions: attentive, active, joy, excited, hopeful or enthusiastic.

Instructions: Please choose the appropriate response for each item:

Response options:
2= Almost never
5=Very often

__ 1. When academic tasks are assigned, I tell myself that I will not start them late, but I end up delaying
them without a good reason.
__2. I don’t intend or plan to work on academic tasks, and I do other fun things instead.
__3. I keep putting off academic tasks until later without any rational reason.
__4. I am not interested in starting academic tasks ahead of time because I would rather do more
enjoyable things instead.
__5. I needlessly delay working on academic tasks despite the fact that I know I will not be happy about
doing so later.
__6. I intentionally fill my time with a lot of fun and exciting activities as opposed to planning and
working on school tasks on time.
__7. Despite my intention to start and finish academic tasks on time, I engage in other unnecessary
activities instead.
__8. I choose to do academic tasks at the last minute so I leave more time for fun stuff instead.
__9. When I receive academic tasks, I plan to work on them ahead of time, but I needlessly delay
starting them.
__10. I am focused on fun and enjoyable activities and do not bother myself with academic tasks until
the last minute.
General Procrastination Scale

On a scale of 1 (False of me) to 5 (True of me) please indicate to what extent each of the items
below describes you. No two statements are exactly alike, so please consider each statement carefully
before responding. Answer as honestly as possible.

1 2 3 4 5
False of me Not usually true Sometimes Mostly true for me True of me
for me true/false for me

__1. I often find myself performing tasks that I had intended to do days before.
__2. I often miss concerts, sporting events, or the like, because I don’t get around to buying tickets on
__3. When planning a party, I make the necessary arrangements well in advance.
__4. When it is time to get up in the morning, I often get right out of bed.
__5. A letter may sit for days after I write it before I mail it.
__6. I generally return phone calls promptly.
__ 7. Even with jobs that require little else except sitting down and doing them, I find they seldom get
done for days.
__8. I usually make decisions as soon as possible.
__9. I generally delay before starting on work I have to do.
__10. When travelling, I usually have to rush in preparing to arrive at the airport or station at the
appropriate time.
__11. When preparing to go out, I am seldom caught having to do something at the last minute.
__12. In preparing for some deadlines, I often waste time by doing other things.
__13. If a bill for a small amount comes, I pay it right away.
__14. I usually return an “R.S.V.P.” request shortly after receiving it.
__15. I often have a task finished sooner than necessary.
__16. I always seem to end up shopping for birthday gifts at the last minute.
__17. I usually buy even an essential item at the last minute.
__18. I usually accomplish all things I plan to do in a day.
__19. I am continually saying “I’ll do it tomorrow”.
__20. I usually take care of all the tasks I have to do before I settle down and relax for the evening.

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