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Tyre treasures is one of the few enterprises with such an eccentric

uptake and is, without a shred of doubt, really good at what it does. But
despite of the uniqueness of its work and despite being under the care
of such capable hands, it still has room for improvements.

Some of the ways tyre treasures can be more efficient in the near
future are listed below:

1. Focusing more on reducing the cost of preparing their products

can lead to increased customers.
2. Tyre treasures should try to diversify their product range and give
meaningful names to their products. Until now they are doing a
good job on giving names, but they can do better.
3. In our opinion, if possible they should promote their products
through valley or nation wide advertisement campaigns.
4. If ad campaign are too expensive they should be more active in
social medias like Instagram and provide information to their
5. Collaboration with other companies on producing unique
products could also allow them to grow in the future.
6. Forming a research team to study specifically on how there
products are being viewed by the public could lead to better
decision on their product development.
7. Signing contracts with big workshops where tyre may go to waste
could lead to easy supply of raw materials for them.

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