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Should, ought to and had better

You should study for tomorrow's exam
You had better have the car fixed.


1. Deborah is overweight.
 She should exercise.
 She should see a
 She should go on a
 She shouldn’t eat
junk food.

2. Alex wants to marry Maki.

 He should be special to her.
 He should take her to a fancy
 He'd better buy her a bunch of
 He should be loving to her.

3. Bella caught the flu.

 She shouldn't have contact with well
 She ought to drink water and other clear
 She'd better stay home.
 She shouldn't leave home.

 My car is broken.
 You should go to the mechanic to repair
 I want to learn English.
 You should visit Shakespeare Academy.
 My computer is giving me trouble.
 You should buy a new computer.
 I want to give my best friend a surprise party.
 You should call her family and friends
and organize it.
 She has a spliting headache.
 She could take an analgesic or visit the
 We’re going to the beach. What should we
 You should take sunglasses, beach
games, hat, and sunscreen.
 I have a date this coming Saturday. What
should and what shouldn’t I do?
 You should invite to her to dinner and
you shouldn’t be late.

A. Match the situation in column A with the advice in column B.

1. Marco’s dog doesn’t want to eat. She shouldn’t drink any alcohol.

2. Danna has a toothache. She’d better go to the dentist.

3. I’m going to the beach. You should consider buying a new one.

4. We have to buy a new blender. He’d better try a different one. (Esta respuesta no me cuadra mucho).

5. Mrs. Smith is expecting a baby. You’d better put some sun screen.

6. Lucas is not doing well at school. He shouldn’t watch so much TV.

7. My car is giving me too much trouble. You’d better buy a good one.

B: Provide an advice for the following situations:

1. Agnes wants to learn English.

Agnes should to listen songs and movies in English.
2. Alex wants to Marian to be his girlfriend.
He should be special with her.
3. Leo wants to quit smoking.
Leo should find an activity that relaxes and lets him forget about smoking.
4. Brenda wants to lose some weight.
Brenda should go on a diet.
5. Randy dreams about traveling the world.
Randy should study languages.
6. I want to be rich.
I should work.

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