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Microchemical Journal 145 (2019) 428–434

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Voltammetric method for simultaneous determination of ascorbic acid, T

paracetamol and guaifenesin using a sequential experimentation strategy
Hassan A.M. Hendawya, Ahmed M. Ibrahima, , Wafaa S. Hassanb, Abdalla Shalabyb,

Heba M. El-sayedb
National Organization for Drug Control and Research, P.O. Box 29, Cairo, Egypt
Department of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of pharmacy, Zagazig University, Zagazig, Egypt


Keywords: Cold is a leading cause of school and work absenteeism. Most cold over-the-counter medicines (OTC) contain
Dual response surface method paracetamol (PA), guaifenesin (GU) and other active ingredients. Ascorbic acid (AS) in pharmaceutical pre-
Fractional factorial design parations is designed for preventing and treating respiratory viral infections. Thus, we report a robust voltam-
Graphene oxide metric method for simultaneous determination of AS, PA and GU in their effervescent dosage form. The ad-
Multi-walled carbon nanotubes
vantages of nanotechnology and chemometrics were combined to enhance the performance of electroanalysis.
Square wave voltammetry
Fractional factorial design (FrFD) and dual response surface method (DRSM) were sequentially conducted. The
method was validated in agreement with ICH guidelines; it showed accuracy over the concentration range of
11.3–108.9, 14.6–140.3, 4.6–43.9 μg ml−1 for AS, PA and GU, respectively. Based on findings, a robust and not
time-consuming procedure was applied.

1. Introduction reached the United States around 1980 [23]; it reduces the effects of
input variation on outputs to improve quality [24]. DRSM is used to
Voltammetry is a technique utilized for the analysis of compounds make robust process [25–27].
which undergo oxidation or reduction [1,2]. The electroanalysis de- Over-the-counter cold products are widely used. AS is used for
pends on the type of electrode material. The carbon nanotubes (CNTs) common cold. PA is used for its antipyretic actions [28]. GU is used as
have good conductivity, and chemical stability [3]. A plethora of ap- expectorant. It reduces the viscosity of bronchial secretions [29,30].
plications are developed based on CNTs such as electron field emission Fig. 1 shows the chemical structure of investigated drugs. A review of
sources, batteries, nanoelectronic devices and, biosensor [3–5]. Gra- the literature revealed that various instrument techniques could be used
phene or graphene oxide (GO) has significant importance in recent to analyze them [31–35].
years because of its superior mechanical strength, low density and high Considering the electrochemical properties of the analytes and the
heat conductance [6–9]. A plethora of applications are developed based technical simplicity, we intended to perform a robust voltammetric
on graphene-polymer composites such as biosensors, drug delivery, fuel method for simultaneous determination of AS, PA and GU in their
cell, and batteries [10–12]. Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) pharmaceutical dosage form and to combine the advantages of nano-
increase the surface areas of the electrodes, facilitate the electron technology and chemometrics to enhance the performance of electro-
transfers and decrease surface fouling [13–15]. Graphene oxide (GO) is analysis. For best of our knowledge, no voltammetric method was op-
applied due to its low costs, and its amphiphilic nature [16,17]. The timized using DRSM to achieve robustness. The electrochemical
signal amplification properties of GO and the antifouling properties of characterizations of the modified electrode were investigated using
MWCNTs were investigated [18]. various techniques. The described method was validated by ICH
Chemometrics are utilized in electroanalysis because of the com- guidelines, and the assay results were in good accordance with HPLC
plexity of the optimization process [19,20]. Experimental factors can be method [36].
screened by FrFD. Then, response surface methodology (RSM) begins to
optimize experimental conditions [21,22]. Robust design has become a
natural element in process development that emerged in Japan and

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (A.M. Ibrahim).
Received 10 October 2018; Received in revised form 29 October 2018; Accepted 5 November 2018
Available online 06 November 2018
0026-265X/ © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
H.A.M. Hendawy et al. Microchemical Journal 145 (2019) 428–434

Fig. 1. Chemical structure of A) AS, B) PA, and C) GU.

2. Material and methods 2.3. Preliminary experiment

2.1. Instrumentation 2.3.1. Fabrication of GO/MWCNTs/CPE

GO was synthesized by Hummer's method [37], and then MWCNTs
Metrohm electroanalyzer Model 797VA Computrace was used for were dispersed with GO in ultrapure water by adding 50 mg MWCNTs
voltammetric experiments. Three electrodes consisted of a GO/ and 50 mg GO in 100 mL volumetric flask (1:1) [38]. The percentage
MWCNTs/CPE, an Ag/AgCl, and a platinum wire electrodes. Scanning composition of GO/MWCNTs was studied. The modified GO/MWCNTs/
electron microscopy (SEM) was performed using a JSM-6700F scanning CPE electrode was prepared by mixing graphite powder (60%), modi-
electron microscope (Electro Co.). Electrochemical impedance spec- fier (10%) and paraffin oil (30%). The paste surface was smoothed with
troscopy was performed using a Gamry-750 system and a lock-in-am- a weighing paper, and then rinsed carefully with ultrapure water.
plifier between 0.1 Hz and 100 kHz with amplitude of 5 mV in 0.1 M
KCL containing 5 mM K4Fe(CN)6. HPLC analysis was performed using A 2.3.2. Effect of solution pH value and supporting electrolytes
Dionex UltiMate 3000 HPLC system (ThermoScientific) equipped with a The SWV experiments were conducted in 0.04 M Britton-Robinson
MWD-30000 (RS) detector, a TCC-3X00(RS) column compartment (BR) buffer over the pH range 2–8. Five supporting electrolytes: PBS,
oven, a LPG-3400SD Quaternary pump, and remote injector. acetate, BR, citrate and glycine buffer were studied for selection of the
Chromatographic experiment was isocratic mode on a C18 column, most appropriate supporting electrolyte.
ThermoHypersil (250 mm × 4.6 mm I.D., 5 μ m). A JENWAY 3510 pH
meter was used for pH measurements. 2.4. The sequential strategy

FrFDs are subset of the experimental runs of a full factorial design

2.2. Reagents and solutions that enable the goals of the experiment to be met with the most ef-
fective use of resources [21,39]. Fractional designs are expressed using
Ultrapure water was obtained from a Milli-Q® system. All other the notation 2k–p k is the number of factors investigated, and p describes
reagents used were of analytical grade. AS (99.8%), PA (99.7%) and GU the size of the fraction of the full factorial used [39]. Myers emphasized
(99.5%) were supplied by NODCAR.A graphite powder (particle di- the goal of optimizing the mean and the variance simultaneously could
mension 20 μm) and MWCNTs (O.D. × I.D. × L 10–20 nm × 5–10 nm be achieved by DRSM [27,40].The following steps are proposed for
× 0.5–200 μm, ≥95% carbon content) were purchased from DRSM [40,41]:
Sigma–Aldrich. Glycine, sodium chloride, potassium chloride, hydro-
chloric acid, anhydrous sodium acetate, glacial acetic acid, citric acid, 1. Developing the experimental design, conducting the experiments,
sodium hydroxide, sodium dihydrogen orthophosphate, disodium hy- and collecting data.
drogen orthophosphate, methanol (HPLC grade), orthophosphoric acid 2. Fitting response surfaces for the mean (μ) and standard deviation (σ)
85%, boric acid, low density paraffin (99%), aspartame, povidone K25, responses separately.
sodium bicarbonate, disodium edetate and potassium ferrocyanide tri-
hydrate were purchased from Merck. Citric acid anhydrous and tartaric The critical method parameters (CMPs) and the critical method at-
acid anhydrous were purchased from ADWIC. tributes (CMAs) were studied. FrFD was initially applied to investigate
G.C.MOL sachets containing 250 mg of AS, 325 mg of PA and the effects of eight CMPs (Table 1S) on the CMA (No of resolved peaks).
100 mg GU were purchased from the local market. The experimental matrix is composed of 32 runs (Table 2S).
A blank solution was prepared by dissolving sodium bicarbonate, After the selection of CMPs (Tables 3S), DRSM was conducted
citric acid anhydrous, tartaric acid anhydrous, povidone K25, aspar- through CCD (Table 4S). The CMAs for DRSM are presented in Table 5S.
tame, and disodium edetate in methanol in order to obtain 24.2, 9.6, We collected repeated samples for each run (n = 3), where the mean
12.3, 1.2, 0.7 and 0.03 mg ml−1, respectively. This solution contains an and the standard deviation were entered as responses.
equivalent amount of the major excipients as compared to G.C.MOL
sachets for which the method was developed for. Stock solutions were 2.5. Recommended procedure
prepared in methanol containing 2.5, 3.25, 1.0 mg ml−1 of AS, PA and
GU, respectively. All stock solutions were protected from light. The solutions were purged with nitrogen for 5 min. A 10 mL volume
Calibration standards were prepared by dilution of the stock standard of PBS (pH 3.0) was added to the sample cell. We applied cleaning
solutions with phosphate buffer solutions PBS (0.1 M, pH 3.0). potential 0.5 V for 10 s. The GO/MWCNTs/CPE was kept at the

H.A.M. Hendawy et al. Microchemical Journal 145 (2019) 428–434

Table 1
CMAs models and statistical parameters after AICc forward model selection.
CMAs Regression equation in terms of coded factorsa Adjusted R2 Predicted R2 Adequate precision

M_Ip(AS) M_Ip(AS) = 16.91 + 4.21B – 3.15B 0.92 0.90 18.47
S_Ip(AS) S_Ip(AS) = 1.90 + 0.54B 0.87 0.85 23.46
M_Ip(PA) M_Ip(PA) = 54.59–4.06B + 1.45C 0.74 0.70 12.83
S_Ip(PA) S_Ip(PA) = 6.86 + 0.81B 0.65 0.62 12.57
M_Ip(GU) M_Ip(GU) = 5.4 – 0.15A + 0.65B + 0.34C + 0.31AC – 0.31A2 0.82 0.74 11.30
S_Ip(GU) S_Ip(GU) = 0.81 + 0.68B + 0.54B2 0.64 0.59 10.42
Wp(AS) Wp(AS) = 594.8 + 46.94B – 31.11C 0.46 0.38 6.74

Significant factors; M_Ip = mean of the oxidation peak current; S_Ip = standard deviation of the oxidation peak current; Wp = width of the oxidation peak
current; A = deposition time; B = frequency; C = deposition potential.

accumulation potential of −0.12 V for 126 s, while the solution was

stirred at about 2000 rpm. The stirring was then stopped and the so-
lution was allowed to rest for 3 s (equilibrium time), after which a scan
was carried out towards positive potentials over the range –0.2 to 1.4 V,
and the SW voltammograms were recorded. The experimental condi-
tions for SWV were amplitude, 0.02 V; frequency, 8.0 Hz; voltage step,
0.005 V; and sweep rate, 0.04 V s−1. All experiments were performed at
25 ± 1 °C.

2.6. Validation

The method was validated according to ICH guidelines. The oxi-

dation peak current (Ip) was the analytical response. The evaluation of
selectivity was done by checking the lack of interference from effer-
vescent granules matrix. The precision was assessed by ANOVA test (six
independent measurements in three successive days). Different regres- Fig. 2. SW voltammograms of blank (…) and spiked ananalytes (−).
sion models were assessed (three independent measurements for six
calibration standards). The accuracy was assessed by applying the 3.1.1. Optimization of the percentage of modifier in CPE
standard addition technique. The assay results that obtained by de- The percentage of modifier up to 10% intensified the oxidation
scribed method were compared with HPLC method [36]. peaks current (Fig. 1S); therefore, it was selected as the optimum per-
centage for preparation of GO/MWCNTs/CPE.
2.7. Sample preparation
3.1.2. Characterizations of the GO/MWCNTS/CPE
Six sachets of G.C.MOL effervescent granules were mixed; three The SEM image of GO/MWCNTS/CPE exhibits large surface area
portions were weighed (containing 250 mg of AS, 325 mg of PA, and (Fig. 2S) when compared with graphite flakes [42].
100 mg of GU), and they dissolved in methanol. The excipients were Cyclic voltammetry measurements of Fe(CN)6–3/−4 redox couple in
separated by filtration; further appropriate dilutions were done with 0.1 M HCL solution were performed (Fig. 3S). CPE showed a redox
PBS. couple at the potential values of +0.393 V and +0.298 V corre-
sponding to oxidation of Fe(CN)64− and reduction of Fe(CN)63−, re-
2.8. Computations spectively. These peaks were seen at the potential values of +0.375 V
and +0.309 V at GO/MWCNTS/CPE. Peak separation value of Fe
VA Computrace version 1.3.1 was used to control the voltammetric (CN)63−/4– redox couple decreased to (0.066 V) in the presence of GO/
experiments and to acquire data. Design-Expert® trial version 10.0 was MWCNTS/CPE compared to the value (0.095 V) obtained with CPE.
used to experimental designs and statistical data analysis. Statgraphics Moreover, oxidation and reduction peak currents of Fe (CN)63−/4–
Centurion XVII was used to perform Regression analysis. redox couple increased with GO/MWCNTS/CPE according to CPE (two
fold); the results indicate that the modification increases the electron
3. Result and discussion transfer rate of redox couple. The difference between the oxidation and
reduction baseline currents was another different behavior of GO/
The voltammetric results showed well defined oxidation peaks at MWCNTS/CPE from CPE. This indicates that the modification increases
potentials of 0.175, 0.59 and 1.17 V, corresponding to the oxidation of the capacitive character of CPE. This situation may arise from the high
AS, PA and GU, respectively (Fig. 2). surface area of GO/MWCNTS/CPE compared to CPE.
The active area of the electrode was obtained by cyclic voltammetry
3.1. Preliminary experiments measurements at different scan rates (Fig. 4S). For a reversible process,
the following Randles–Sevcik equation can be used [43,44].
Preliminary experiments were focused on the percentage composi-
IP = (2.69 × 105) A n3/2 DR1/2 C0 v1/2
tion of modifier, pH value of buffer solutions and type of supporting
electrolyte. Due to the signal amplification properties of GO and the The active area was calculated to be 0.013, 0.032 cm2 for CPE, and
antifouling properties of MWCNTs were chosen as modifier for CPE GO/MWCNTs/CPE respectively (2.5 fold increment).
[18]. SWV measurements were also evaluated in buffer solution (PBS,

H.A.M. Hendawy et al. Microchemical Journal 145 (2019) 428–434

pH 3.0) containing the analytes (Fig. 5S).Table 6S shows oxidation The F-value of 13.93 indicates that the model was significant
peaks potential and currents of three analytes at GO/MWCNTS/CPE (Table 7S). The one factor effects plots show the linear effect of chan-
and CPE (n = 3). The anodic overpotential of the electrode process ging the level of a single factor (Fig. 3). It was revealed that the sur-
decreased due to the improvement of kinetics of electron transfer for factant, the cleaning potential, the deposition time, the voltage step,
the analytes at the GO/MWCNTs/CPE. Modification also increased the and the amplitude were statistically significant. Voltage step, amplitude
oxidation peaks current of the analytes compared to CPE because of the and surfactant had a significant negative effect and as anticipated de-
increase of surface area and high electrical conductivity of GO/ creasing its value resulted in the improvement of resolution. Equili-
MWCNTS/CPE (statistically significant difference at p = 0.05). brium time, deposition potential and frequency did not have a sig-
Moreover, modification increased reproducibility of the results (low nificant effect, while deposition time and applying cleaning potential
variance); this is due to antifouling properties of MWCNTs as shown in had significant positive effect. Frequency, deposition time and deposi-
Table 6S (statistically significant difference at p = 0.05 for AS and PA). tion potential were further investigated using DRSM.
EIS was applied for further characterization of the different mod-
ified electrodes. The typical Nyquist plots of EIS were shown in Fig. 6S.
3.2.2. Dual response approach
The values of charge transfer resistance (Rct) were obtained from the
DRSM can find settings robust to unidentified sources of noise. The
semicircle diameters according to an equivalent circuit (inset in
optimization using DRSM through CCD was performed. CCD is often
Fig. 6S). The Rct were of 207.7 Ω, 98.4 Ω, 30.43 Ω and 38.4 Ω for CPE,
formed in this way.
5%, 10% and 15% of added modifier, respectively. The smallest Rct
value showed the excellent electrical properties of the 10% modifica- = b0 + b1 x1 + b2 x2 + b11 x12 + b22 x 22 + b12 x1 x2.
The modeling of three CMPs using a CCD was generated. The data
3.1.3. Influence of buffer pH and supporting electrolytes were fitted to a first-order or a quadratic equation to produce predictive
Buffer pH and type of supporting electrolytes are key parameters in models relating the CMPs and CMAs as shown in Table 1. The insig-
voltammetry. The number of resolved peaks decreased above pH 8 nificant terms were eliminated from the model through a corrected
because the oxidation of PA became less due to the presence of the Akaike Information Criterion (AICc) with forward model selection ap-
phenoxide [45], and electrostatic repulsion between AS anions with the proach to obtain realistic model [49]. The models terms of CMAs were
surface of GO/MWCNTS/CPE could be anticipated [46,47]. The max- statistically significant (p-value < 0.05) and lack of fit (LoF) values
imum peaks current were at pH 3; therefore, it was the optimal buffer were statistically insignificant (p-value > 0.05) indicating good
pH (Fig. 7S). The maximum peaks current were in PBS (Fig. 8S). models.
Statistical parameters such as adjusted R2, predicted R2, adequate
3.2. Sequential strategy for the optimization precision are presented in Table 1. Predicted R2 measures the variation
in new data explained by the model [49], and their values were in
It is convenient to choose screening design to reduce the number of agreement with the adjusted R2 values. Adequate precision measures
tests [48]. RSM begins when the important factors are identified. This the experimental signal to noise ratio [49]. In this study, the ratio was
sequential strategy obtained the desired conditions. found to be > 6.74 in all cases indicating the significance of the models.
Diagnostic plots such as the normal probability plot, the plot of re-
3.2.1. Screening design siduals against to the predicted values, residuals against run, and the
FrFD finds out the significant factors on the studied response [48]. predicted values against the actual values are shown in Figs. 9S to 15S.

Fig. 3. One factor effects plots for CMPs of FrFD.

H.A.M. Hendawy et al. Microchemical Journal 145 (2019) 428–434

Fig. 4. Contour plots of CMAs of DRSM.

The diagnostic plots indicate that the models were appropriately fitting 3σ (σ is the standard deviation of the blank, n = 6).
the data. The limit of quantification (LOQ) was estimated to be 10.16, 13.3,
In the presence of multiple response processes, Derringer's desir- and 4.26 μg ml−1 for AS, PA and GU, respectively at a signal to noise
ability function (D) was used; it was based on a scale of desirability ratio of 10σ (n = 6).
function ranging from 0 to 1 [50]. Fig. 4 shows the contour plots of The precision is evaluated intra-day (repeatability) and interday
CMAs of DRSM. ANOVA results for reduced models are presented in (intermediate precision) through relative standard deviations (RSD).
Table 8S. The optimization of D led to the following optimum vol- ANOVA test was used to assess precision [54]. The repeatability RSD
tammetric conditions: frequency 8 Hz, deposition time 126 s, and de- values were 1.6, 1.62, and 2.2 for AS, PA and GU, respectively; the
position potential −0.12 V (see Fig. 4). intermediate precision RSD values were 1.61, 167, and 2.2 for AS, PA
Finally, five voltammetric measurements were analyzed to confirm and GU, respectively (Table 9S). The accuracy of the proposed vol-
the optimum conditions; the differences between the experimental and tammetric method was determined by its recovery during spiked ex-
the predicted values were < 3.8%. periments. The results demonstrate the validity of the proposed
methods for the simultaneous determination of AS, PA and GU in ef-
3.3. Validation fervescent granules (Table 3).

The developed method was selective for simultaneous determina- 3.4. Reproducibility and stability of GO/MWCNTs/CPE
tion of AS, PA, and GU since no interfering oxidation peak was observed
at the potential of the well separated AS, PA, and GU as shown in Fig. 2. SWV measurements were performed with nine different GO/
Fig. 5 depicts the dependence of oxidation peak current on con- MWCNTs/CPEs to determine their reproducibility. The relative stan-
centration of each analyte (SW Voltammograms are shown in Fig. 16S). dard deviation values were 2.94%, 2.78%, and 2.98% for AS, PA, and
Different regression models were assessed for each analyte in our study GU, respectively.
because the Analytical Methods Committee dissuaded from using the Stability is a key factor in the development of electrochemical
correlation coefficient for linearity test [51,52]. The most appropriate sensor; it was examined by keeping the electrode in refrigerator at 4 °C
models were linear, squared Y and square root X transformation and for a definite period. SWV measurements were performed periodically
linear with double reciprocal transformation for AS, PA and GU re- for 3 weeks. The voltammetric response decreased only 4.8%, 5.4% and
spectively (Table 2) based on the lack of fit test (LoF) and residual plots. 4.3% for AS, PA, and GU, respectively. The results indicate that GO/
LoF test determines whether a model is adequate to describe the ob- MWCNts/CPE had long term stability.
served data or not [53]. The models were adequate because the F values
obtained from the LoF test were less than the Ftab at p = 0.05 (3.26) as 3.5. Application
presented in Table 2. The distribution of the residuals was random and
homogeneous, which proves that the selected models were appropriate The described method was applied for simultaneous determination
(Fig. 17S). of AS, PA and GU in effervescent granules (G.C.MOL). AS, PA and GU
The limit of detection (LOD) was estimated to be 3.08, 4.04, and contents were close to claimed contents (Table 4).
1.29 μg ml−1 for AS, PA and GU, respectively at a signal to noise ratio of The concentrations of three analytes were analyzed by HPLC [36]

H.A.M. Hendawy et al. Microchemical Journal 145 (2019) 428–434

Table 2
Calibration function of three analytes.
Parameters AS PA GU

Regression equation Ip = a + bC Ip = a+b C Ip =

a 2.49 −108.63 0.08
b 0.014 104.46 5.25
r 0.992 0.997 0.998
LoF test⁎⁎ 1.44 0.46 0.26

Where LoF = lack of fit; a = intercept; b = slope; r = correlation coefficient;

Ip = oxidation peak current; C = concentration of analytes.
Non significant values (p > 0.05).

Table 3
Application of the standard addition technique in the determination of AS, PA
and GU by the proposed voltammetric method in the pharmaceutical dosage
Parameter Claimed (μg ml−1) Added (μg ml−1) Recoverya

AS 15 15 98.33
50 100.45
90 101.84
Recovery 100.21
SD 1.77
CV 1.76
PA 20 20 101.08
60 99.03
110 98.67
Recovery 99.59
SD 1.3
CV 1.31
GU 5 5 102.12
20 100.06
35 99.02
Recovery 100.4
SD 1.58
CV 1.57

Where CV = coefficient of variation.

For five determinations;

Table 4
Statistical analysis of the results obtained by SWV method for AS, PA, GU
compared with HPLC method.
Parameter AS PA GU


Mean 101.3 100.5 99.1 100.2 100.9 99.8

SD 1.8 1.2 2.3 1.1 1.85 0.95
n 3
tcal −0.64 0.75 −0.92
Fcal 2.25 4.37 3.79

ttab at p = 0.05 (2.78).

Ftab at p = 0.05 (19).

of the study proved the benefit of applying nanotechnology and che-

mometrics in electroanalysis. A validation approach using ICH guide-
lines proved the reliability of the results. Finally, we applied the de-
Fig. 5. Dependence of oxidation peak current Ip on concentration of A) AS, B)
PA and C) GU.
scribed method to analyze the pharmaceutical dosage form.

for comparison; the results obtained by both methods showed a good Acknowledgement
agreement (statistically insignificant difference at p = 0.05).
The authors thank the Micro-analysis Lab in NODCAR. This research
did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public,
4. Conclusion
commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.

A robust voltammetric method for simultaneous determination of

AS, PA and GU in their effervescent dosage form is reported. The results

H.A.M. Hendawy et al. Microchemical Journal 145 (2019) 428–434

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