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Programming Exercises 2

Create an algorithm, either using pseudocode or using flowchart that will output your name, course, and
motto in life. Write the equivalent Python program for this algorithm. As your guide, see the sample
output below.

Sample Program Output:

Name : Bella Swan-Cullen

College: Engineering

Motto : Live life to the fullest

Your Program:

Algorithm Program Code

2 Output message “Name: May Artemisia Awa Sumangil” print(“Name : May Artemisia Awa Sumangil\n”)
3 Output message “Course: Bachelor of Science in print(“Course : Bachelor of Science in Agricultural and
Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering” Biosystems Engineering\n”)
4 Output message “Motto : This too shall pass” print(“Motto : This too shall pass\n”)

Program Output

Name : May Artemisia Awa Sumangil

Course : Bachelor of Science in Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering

Motto : This too shall pass

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