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Submitted by: Malik Ihtisham khan

Submitted to: Sir Faheem Khan
Subject: Public Administration in Pakistan
Department of Political Science, University of Peshawar
Q1. Explain the organization of federal and provincial governments in
                                                                                                   The Prime Minister of Pakistan is the Head
of Government of Pakistan and assigned as the Chief Executive of the Republic, who drives the
presidential part of the public authority, administers the efficient development, heads the Council of
Common Interests just as the Cabinet, and is vested with the order authority over the atomic munititions
stockpiles. He is likewise a head of the country who has command over all issue of inward and
international strategy. The Prime Minister is designated by the individuals from the National Assembly
through a vote. The Prime Minister is helped by the Federal Cabinet, a Council of Ministers whose
individuals are named by the President on the counsel of the Prime Minister. The Federal Cabinet
includes the priests, pastors of state, and
guides.                                                                                                                                                   THE
The bicameral government lawmaking body comprises of the Senate (upper house) and National
Assembly (lower house). As indicated by Article 50 of the Constitution, the National Assembly, the
Senate and the President together make up a body known as the Majlis-I-Shoora (Council of
Pakistan                                                                                                                                               The
President of Pakistan is the formal Head of the State and a nonentity who is a regular citizen Commander-
in-Chief of the Pakistan Armed Forces according to the Constitution of Pakistan and a head of the
country. . Constitution of Pakistan vest the President the forces of giving the exculpations, respites, and
the control of the military; notwithstanding, all arrangements at higher orders of the military should be
made by President on a "required and essential" on interview and endorsement from the Prime Minister.                              
The SENATE                                                                                                                                                                              
The Senate is a lasting authoritative body with equivalent portrayal from every one of the four areas,
chosen by the individuals from their separate commonplace congregations. There are delegates from the
Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) and from Islamabad Capital Territory. The Chairman of the
Senate, under the constitution, is next to go about as President should the workplace become empty and
until such time as another president can be officially chosen.
Both the Senate and the National Assembly can start and pass enactment with the exception of money
bills. Just the National Assembly can endorse the government financial plan and all account bills. On
account of different bills, the President may forestall section except if the assembly in joint sitting
overrules the President by a larger part of individuals from the two houses present and casting a ballot. In
contrast to the National Assembly, the Senate can't be broken down by the
President.                                                                                                                       NATIONAL
Assembly of Pakistan                                                                                                                      
Individuals from the National Assembly are chosen by all inclusive grown-up testimonial (eighteen years
old). Seats are allotted to every one of the four territories, the Federally Administered Tribal Areas, and
Islamabad Capital Territory based on populace. Public Assembly individuals serve for the parliamentary
term, which is five years, except if they kick the bucket or leave sooner, or except if the National
Assembly is broken up. Albeit by far most of the individuals are Muslim, about 5% of the seats are held
for minorities, including Christians, Hindus, and Sikhs. There are likewise 50+ extraordinary seats for
ladies now, and ladies are chosen by their separate gathering heads.                                                                                         
SUPREME Court                                                                                                                                                                    
The Supreme Court has unique, re-appraising, and warning purview. The Chief Justice of the Supreme
Court is named by the President; the other Supreme Court judges are named by the President after
meeting with the Chief Justice. The Chief Justice and different Judges of the Supreme Court may stay in
office until age of 68 years.                                                                                                                                                         
Federal Shariat Court of Pakistan
The Federal Shariat Court (FSC) of Pakistan is a court which has the ability to analyze and decide if the
laws of the nation consent to Shari'a law. It comprises of 8 Muslim adjudicators selected by the President
of Pakistan subsequent to counseling the Chief Justice of this Court. Of the 8 appointed authorities, 3 are
needed to be Ulema who are knowledgeable in Islamic law. The adjudicators hold office for a time of 3
years, which may at last be reached out by the
                                                     PROVINCIAL and High Courts
As of now each of the four territories; Punjab, Sindh, Khyber Pakhtun Khwah and Baluchistan have High
Courts. After the endorsement of eighteenth Constitutional Amendment in April 2010, another High
Court is set up at Federal Capital Islamabad with the name of Islamabad High Court. Judges arrangements
are proposed by a Parliamentary
The Attorney-General for
Pakistan                                                                                                                                              The
Attorney-General for Pakistan  is the Chief Legal Advisor to the Government of Pakistan HE is delegated
by the President of Pakistan as far as Article 100 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan
and holds office during the delight of the President. He should be an individual qualified to be selected as
a Judge of the Supreme Court.  The Attorney-General has the privilege of crowd in all Courts in Pakistan
just as the option to take an interest in the procedures of the Parliament, yet not the option to cast a ballot.
He shows up for the benefit of the Government of Pakistan in the entirety of its cases (counting suits, bids
and different procedures) in the Supreme Court. He additionally addresses the Government of Pakistan in
any reference made by the President to the Supreme Court. Ombudsman/Mohtasib
·         A further element of the legal framework is the workplace of Mohtasib (Ombudsman), which is
accommodated in the constitution. The workplace of Mohtasib was set up in numerous early Muslim
states to guarantee that no wrongs were done to residents. Selected by the president, the Mohtasib holds
office for a very long time; the term can't be broadened or
        The governor is the representative of the president in their province and is the ceremonial head of the
province whereas the chief minister is the head of the provincial government. The governor exercises
powers similar to the president's, in their respective province.   The chief minister is the top of the
commonplace government, while interestingly, the lead representative is the ostensible head, or the ""de
jure executive"" and does everything under the direction of the central pastor. The chief minister is
elected by the provincIAl assembly, and is the leader of the provincial Legislature. The Governor may
request that the Chief Minister keep on holding office until his replacement enters upon the workplace of
Chief Minister. The Chief Minister will keep on holding office until his replacement enters upon the
workplace of Chief Minister. After the disintegration of the common get together, nothing in Article 131
or Article 132 can be understood to exclude the Chief Minister or a Provincial Minister from proceeding
in the workplace.                                                                                                                                                                         
JUDICIAL SETUP IN PROVINCE                                                                                                                                            
There is a high court for the Islamabad Capital Territory and four provincial high courts. A high court is
the principal court of its province. The high court of each province has appellate jurisdiction over the
lower courts.
District judiciary; district courts exist in every district of each province, and
have civil and criminal jurisdiction ordinarily governed by Civil Procedure Code,1908 for civil cases and
by Code of Criminal Procedure in criminal cases. The administrative head of the 'district and sessions
judge .                                                                                                                                       Civil judge
cum judicial magistrates' courts  Judges are selected by the Provincial and government High Courts, from
a pool of Lawyers and subordinate adjudicators. To be qualified for arrangement, Lawyers should have
ten years' experience as a backer with great remaining in the individual locale. They should likewise
breeze through an assessment led by the High Courts. Subordinate appointed authorities are additionally
advanced from senior common adjudicator to the permises rank.    

Q2. Accountability and control are the essential aspects of Public Administration in
Democratic government. Explain, also suggest means of strengthening the system of
administrative accountability in Pakistan.

Accountability is essential to the development of Pakistan:
In ethics and governance, accountability is answerability, blameworthiness, liability, and the expectation
of account-giving. As an aspect of governance, it has been central to discussions related to problems in
the public sector, nonprofit and private (corporate) and individual contexts. In leadership roles,
accountability is the acknowledgment and assumption of responsibility for actions, products, decisions,
and policies including the administration, governance, and implementation within the scope of the role or
employment position and encompassing the obligation to report, explain and be answerable for resulting
But in present world governmental machinery has expanded so much and the bureaucratic apparatus has
become so much powerful that if they are left unchecked, they become despotic and endangering to usurp
the rights of citizens. Owing to this danger democratic government provide several methods to control
this menace through weapon of administrative accountability, which has two objectives.
• On one hand the check should fully safeguard the individual’s rights.
• On the other hand, there should not hampered the normal activities of the administrator.
One of the features of democratic government is rule of law and accountability of those who are in power
by the people who elect them..
Broadly speaking there are two main systems of administrative control i.e. internal and external.
i) Internal control is that which is fitted into the administrative machinery and operates from within
the administrative organization. It is exercised either by perior over the subordinates within the chain of
administrative hierarchy or by other parallel agencies in the executive branch of government, It consists
of directing regulating supervising advising. Inspecting and evaluating. It is constant and invisible.t is also
positive in results.
ii) External control is fitted outside the administrative machinery and works within the general
constutional framework of the system. It is exercised by the external bodies such as legislature and
Internal control over administration is exercised through the following mechanism
i) Administrative process:-
The first important mechanism of internal control is the administrative process itself. In a parliamentary
system cabinet stands at the apex of the executive. Prime Minister directs the ministers; who are in-charge
of their respective department and are responsible for the efficient working to the cabinet and Prime
Minister, The whole working of the departments are reviewed by the Prime Minister or Cabinet. The
minister further control the actions of civil administrators, Thus the civil administrators are controlled by
the political administrators, In the presidential system. The President controls his ministers, who further
control their respective departments and subordinate civil administrators.
ii) Hierarchical order:-
Every administrative department is arranged on scalar pattern and executives are organized In hierarchical
order. The executives are linked with superior-subordinate- relationship with clear authority and
responsibility. They are accountable to their respective superiors for their actions and dealings. Thus
hierarchy itself a powerful accountability instrument for monitoring subordinates behavior and for
enforcing bottom and a retime line of responsibility and accountability from bottom to the top.
iii) Annual confidential Reports:-
Tie superior officers Prepare annual confidential reports of their subordinates every year. The work of the
whole year of each public servant is assessed by a reporting officer and are reported in ACRs . which
affect the future career of civil servants. Hence ACRs are important instruments for holding public
servants accountable
Iv ) Budgetary control:-
The budgetary system is not only allocating the resources among various branches of administration. But
also a means of keeping the administration on a settled track. A budget is not only a rough estimate of
expenditure and income, but it is the complete policy statement of the total activities of the government.
The Ministry of Finance prepares a budget ,and gets it approved by the parliament, and supervises the
operations of the budgetary sanctions and appropriations. The Ministry allocates grants to the heads of
department; who are also controlling officers of their respective department. They get approval of the
Finance Ministry before incurring any expenditure of their department. Thus this check is a control over
administrative operations.
V) Professional Ethics: -
Professional ethics constitute another means of internal control. Every profession develops a code of
conduct for its members. Civil service has become a\’professional career. Public service in many
countries has developed its own code of ethics. A code of ethics is….a statement of acceptable standard
of behavior for government officials and employees. It serves the purpose of clearly stating to the public
officials and to the public what is acceptable behavior. A code too may carry with it sanctions.
Vi) Efficiency Survey:-
It is another effective method of internal control. Inspection always plays vital role in the control of
public business, particularly in wide-rage organization, Top executives go on inspection to ensure to
maintain standard of efficiency of the ed management. There is a body of experts in each organization to
make periodical visits. They should be men of knowledge skill, experience and integrity, to achieve the
good results through investigation and enquiry during inspections. Efficiency audit is comparatively new
technique of control. By it is meant the application of standards of performance to administrative activity
in order to judge its effectiveness in terms of economy and efficiency
Vii) Administrative leadership:-
It is another means of internal control. Leadership motivates ,and inspires the employees for efficiency.
Thus the morale and motivation of employees depends upon the leadership. The effective leader sets
examples of high standards of integrity and performance for his followers. He inspires them for work and
instills in them a pride in work. A good leader is objective-oriented and always tries his subordinates to
achieve those objective, He does not coerce his followers but pursues them, to achieve the goals. He is
efficiency and economy oriented. Thus he controls his subordinates in a better way, for the betterment of
the organization.
External control is exercised by the agencies which operate outside the administrative machinery. It may
be considered from four main standpoints namely: of the legislature ,of the executive of the judiciary and
of the public.
The major instrument of public accountability is the authority of the legislature to empower, limit,
investigate and censure the executive branch. The legislature enacts laws, authorizes administrators to
engage in quasi-legislative and quasi-judicial activities, appropriates funds for all administrative
programs, and determines the general outlines of administrative organization and procedure. When the
executive branch seems to be getting out of hand, therefore, the legislature has many ways to put
administrators in their place, if it has the will and wit to do so. Legislatures, of course, have a vital role in
setting the main objectives of administration. That the chief executive and the bureaucracy participate in
policy making does not alter the fact that legislatures pass the laws and appropriate the money which
make administration responsible. They also determine the structure of agencies and sometimes concern
themselves with the minutiae of their internal operation and organization. Legislatures have at their
disposal several tools and opportunities to exercise control over administration.
I. Questions: -
The first hour of every day sitting of legislature is known as the question hour due notice, are entitled to
put questions and supplementary questions to the minute about the state of public administration. The
ministers are bound to answer her questions. The purpose of questions is to elicit information on the
working of administrative departmentsQuestions are also used to expose the failures and pitfalls of the
administration and to redress the grievances of citizens. The questions exercise a very healthy check on
administration. Due to these questions. Administration is carried against a background of awareness of
responsibility to legislature and the public. This keeps the administration open.
ii) Resolutions and Motions: -
Resolutions and motions are of two kinds i.e., firstly, those whose object is to censure a particular
minister or government as a whole secondly those, which recommend some course of action to be
adopted. The former leads to dismissal of the government or ministry. The latter is recommendatory
,hence it may or may not be accepted by the government. Members of parliament are entitled to pass
resolutions on matter of public interest. In the case motions of censure and no-confidence is passed the
government or the ministry must resign.
iii) Debates and Discussions: -
Debates or discussions in the House constitute another important means for controlling the executive.
Houses perpetually go on debating one thing or other. Discussions take place over every point of a bill or
budget. Every motion come under ·discussion in the house. The inaugural address of the President, the
budget speech. Introduction of bill for amendment, introduction of new law or introduction of motion for
adjournment motion or resolution provide opportunity for debates and discussions. Every member of
parliament is entitled to participate in debates and discussion. The members of the treasury or opposition
can take part in these debates and discussions. They are at liberty with what they want to discuss.
However there is limitation of time of each member he debates and discussion are useful to point out
loopholes of administer at conch
Iv ) Passing Laws:-
By detailed legislation, the legislature can control the activities of the administration. Law-making is the
primary function of the legislature, Various bills for the better administration are introduced, discussed
and passed as laws by the leglabe of administration has to work within the frame-work of the laws passed
by the legislature has laws also act as a controlled mechanism, In France legislature exercises still more
cdha onifc control over government ,than Great Britain,
V) Control of Appropriations: -
Legislatures exercise the most decisive control over administration through their elf legislature.
Legislature exercises control over the executive by controlling the purse. In democratic state, legislature
is the ultimate authority to sanction the raising and spending of public fund. No tax can be imposed, or
money can be spent without the approval of legislature. It reviews the past work, sets up fresh aims, gives
new directions and corrects the government. Thus, administration becomes more alert and responsible.
Vi) Audit and Report:-
The Constitution provides for the Auditor General, who is appointed by the executive and he acts as an
agent of the legislature. He audits the accounts of administrative departments annually and reports to the
legislature. The Public Accounts Committee, which comprises of legislators, fully scrutinizes the report
and reviews the financial dealing of the various departments of the government. The legislature discusses
the report of the Auditor General and findings of the Public Accounts Committee. The Constitution of
Pakistan also provided for Auditor-General who is responsible to look after the proper utilization of funds
approved by the National Assembly.
vii) Committees of Legislature:-
Legislatures are unwieldy bodies and can not meet for the whole of year. Hence, hey appoint committees
of their own members, who are specialists in their sphere of activity and keep constant watch over
administration, Public Accounts Committee, Committee on Subordinate Legislation, Petitions Committee,
Committee on Public Service Personnel, and Committee on Administrative Management are the examples
of such committees. These committees gather a lot of material hear expert evidences and frame
conclusions, Such conclusion, which are formed in the form of recommendations, which correct the tone
of administration, by improving efficiency and quality of work civil service responds immediately to the
recommendations of such committees because they- know that their opinions are experts and backed by
the full house. Committees are, thus rightly efficient means of enforcing responsibility on the
This means the control exercised by the chief executive over administration. In parliamentary form of
government, the cabinet is responsible for the whole administration to parliament and its chief executive
is prime minister who has control over cabinet and all other departments and ministries and is responsible
to people through parliament. This system works in United Kingdom and Pakistan. While in Presidential
system the chief executive a president, who exercise executive power over all department and is
responsible to the electorates. This system is under practice in United States of America. An executive
exercise control over administration through following methods.
The executive exercises control over administration through the following methods: -
1: Policymaking: -
The chief executive, along with his cabinet, controls the administration through policymaking. All
important policy-decisions are taken by the cabinet in every country. The cabinet is also held responsible
for the proper implementation of policy; thus, it controls the administration.
2: Budgetary System:
Preparing budget is responsibility of executive and allocate it through allocation of funds among various
department in accordance with budgetary provisions along with finance minister.
3: Recruitment system:
The third system of executive control works through recruitments of public. Personnel. This is usually
placed in the hands of an independent recruiting, agency like
4: Public Service Commission.
The Public Service Commission works under the Constitution of the state or the general principles of the
government. The chief executive Is free to appoint the higher civil servants. Likewise, the ministers select
their own Secretaries deputy secretaries and other personal staff. Thus, they exercise full control Over
administration of their respective department through their appointees. In Pakistan, Federal Public Service
Commission is sole agency which recommends the names of Candidates for appointment as civil servants
in various departments. While the ultimate Authority of appointments rests in the chief executive, and he
controls the administration Through recruitments.
5: Staff agencies:-
Staff agencies are the most important means of executive control. They make Available trained and
specialized intelligence in solving the problems of management. In Pakistan, for example, such staff
agencies as Division of Service Management, Pakistan Planning Commission and Federal Public Service
Commission exercise influence and Indirect control over various line departments. They also play an
important role in Coordinating the policies and programs of other administrative agencies.
6 ) Executive orders:
Executive orders are the main sources of the executive control. The power of Chief executive of issuing
orders has been increased due to the delegated legislation. Most Of the laws made by the legislature are
skeletal in character and empower the chief Executive to apply themes to specific instances. This rule-
making power delegated by the Legislature enables the chief-executive to control administration. In
Pakistan, the Chief Executive is empowered to issue ordinances for a period of Three months, which are
extendable up-to to three months, when the legislature is not in Session. The ordinances issued by the
president or governors are the Bonafede legislation, which cannot be declared null & void by the courts.
In order to improve the situation of accountability in Pakistan, following steps can be taken:
• Availability of the budget information both at the time of allocation and consistently throughout the
spending process
• Opportunity for local communities to participate in the budgeting process
• Independent and effective oversight and audit institutions
• Assisting government institutions in establishing effective mechanisms for pre-budget consultations to
enhance public participation in the decision-making process.
• Supporting efforts for effective and timely dissemination of the budget information among local
• Supporting transition to output-based budgeting to enhance the efficiency of government spending by
delineating clear targets for improvements in service delivery based on public opinion.
• Continuous monitoring of the expenditure to analyze its impact on service delivery outcomes and on
people’s well-being.
The promise of this future lies in an entire generation standing-up for accountability and holding those in
power responsible for their actions. This is not easy, of course, but it is essential for the survival of our

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