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Wordlist 3

A la carte you choose from a list of dishes that have separate prices, rather than having a complete meal at a fixed price
baker’s(plural bakers)a shop that sells bread and cakes
Batter to hit somebody/something hard many times, especially in a way that causes serious damage
Bay leaf the dried leaf of the bay tree that is used in cooking as a herb
Beetroot a plant with a round dark red root that is cooked and eaten as a vegetable
Bitter having a strong, unpleasant taste; not sweet Bowl тарілка
Bread bin a wooden, metal or plastic container for keeping bread in so that it stays fresh
Brussels sprouts – качан, росток a small round green vegetable like a very small cabbage
Buckwheat гречиха small dark seed that is grown as food for animals and for making flour
Butcher”s - butcher’sa shop that sells meat
Cauliflower - цвітна капуста - a vegetable with green leaves around a large hard white head of flowers
Check-out person – обслуговуючий персоналсршддн
Chilly - холодний - (especially of the weather or a place, but also of people) too cold to be comfortable? Unfriendly
Clove of garlic – зубчик Coffee (ground/ instant)
Cod – треска a large sea fish that is white inside and used for food
confectionery sweets, chocolate, etc.
Cottage cheese soft white cheese with small thick pieces in it
Crash diet
Curd a thick soft substance that is formed when milk turns sour (= not fresh)
Cutlery knives, forks and spoons, used for eating and serving food
Dairy products
Delicatessen a shop or part of one that sells cooked meats and cheeses, and special or unusual foods that come from
other countries
Dill укроп a plant with yellow flowers whose leaves and seeds have a strong taste and are used in cooking and
medicines. Dill is often added to vegetables kept in vinegar.
dill pickles – солені огірочки
Dough тісто, гроші - a mixture of flour, water, etc. that is made into bread and pastry
Egg-nog - an alcoholic drink made by mixing eggs, milk and sugar with alcohol such as rum or brandy
Etiquette the formal rules of correct or polite behaviour in society
Famine a lack of food during a long period of time in a region
Fattening (of food) likely to make you fat
Fishmonger”s - a person whose job is to sell fish in a shop
fishmonger’s a shop that sells fish
Lamb a young sheep meat from a young sheep
Lard - a solid white substance made from the melted fat of pigs that is used in cooking
Leftovers food that has not been eaten at the end of a meal 2) an object, a custom or a way of behaving that remains
from an earlier time
Lettuce a plant with large green leaves that are eaten raw, especially in salad. There are many types of lettuce.
Liver печінка a large organ in the body that cleans the blood and produces bile
Mashed potato made into a soft mass пюре
Oysters устриці a large flat shellfish.
Parsley петрушка зелень a plant with curly green leaves that are used in cooking as a herb and to decorate food
Pastry a mixture of flour, fat and water or milk that is rolled out flat to be a base or cover for a pie,
Potluck  meal to which each guest brings some food, which is then shared out among the guests
Poultry meat from chickens, ducks and geese
Prawn - a shellfish that can be eaten, with ten legs and a long tail. Prawns turn pink when cooked.
Processed food переработанные продукты питания
Rotten of food that has decayed and cannot be eaten or used the smell of rotten vegetables informal) very bad - I've
had a rotten day!
Salesperson - a person whose job is to sell goods, for example, in a shop
Scrambled eggs яэчня
Seasoning – приправа a substance used to add taste to food, especially salt and pepper
Shoplifting – крадіжка в магазині
Shopper покупець
Skim(med) milk обезжирене milk that contains less fat than normal because the cream has been removed from it
Soft drinks безалкогольні напої
Sour having a taste like that of a lemon or of fruit that is not ready to eat кислий
Sponge-cake бисквит a light cake made from eggs, sugar and flour, with or without fat
Stale bread (of food, especially bread and cake) no longer fresh and therefore unpleasant to eat
Submarine (also submarine sandwich, hero) (all North American English) a long bread roll split open along its length and
filled with various types of food
Sweet tooth солодкоїжка
Tablecloth cкатертина
Tart пиріг
Tender (of food) easy to bite through and cut
to get a bite перекусити
to blend to mix two or more substances together
to casserole a hot dish made with meat, vegetables, etc. that are cooked slowly in liquid in an oven
(also casserole dish) a container with a lid (= cover) used for cooking meat, etc. in liquid in an oven
to chew to bite food into small pieces in your mouth with your teeth to make it easier to swallow
to chop to cut something into pieces with a sharp tool such as a knife
to dice кубиками to dine to eat dinner
to drain to make something empty or dry by removing the liquid from it; to become empty or dry in this way 2) to make
liquid flow away from 3) drain something to empty a cup or glass by drinking everything in it
to stuff наповнювати to grate натерти
to have a second helping
to mash a mash (of something) any food that has been pressed hard so that it becomes a soft mass
to mince mince something to cut food, especially meat, into very small pieces using a special machine (called a mincer)
to peel peel something to take the outer layer off fruit, vegetables, etc., o remove a layer, etc. from the surface of
something; to come off the surface of something
peel (off) (of a layer that covers something) to come off in narrow or small pieces
to roast to cook food, especially meat, without liquid in an oven or over a fire; to be cooked in this way
to shell
to simmer simmer (something) to cook something by keeping it almost at boiling point; to be cooked in this way
to soak to put something in liquid for a time so that it becomes completely wet; to become completely wet in this way
to sprinkle to shake small pieces of something or drops of a liquid on something
sprinkle something with something to include a few of something in something else
to stew a dish of meat and/or vegetables cooked slowly in liquid in a container that has a lid (= cover)
to stir to move a liquid or substance around, using a spoon or something similar, in order to mix it completely
to tip давати чайові
to whip взбивати to move, or make something move, quickly and suddenly or violently in a particular direction
ginger імбир the root of the ginger plant used in cooking as a spice
gluttony the habit of eating and drinking too much
gravy соус підливка a brown sauce made by adding flour to the juices that come out of meat while it is cooking
greengrocer продавец овощей и фруктов
ham ветчина шинка meat from the top part of a pig’s leg that has been cured (= preserved using salt or smoke)
herring a N Atlantic fish that swims in very large groups and is used for food (оселедець)
high tea a meal consisting of cooked food, bread and butter and cakes, usually with tea to drink, eaten in the late
afternoon or early evening instead of dinner (ранний ужин с чаем, полдник)
jacket potatoes картопля в мундирі
tough having or causing problems or difficulties 2) difficult to cut or bite on
trout форель a common freshwater fish that is used for food.
tuna тунець a large sea fish that is used for food veal телятина
wok a large pan like a bowl in shape, used for cooking food, especially Chinese food котелок

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