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1.1 Developing a mindset Interest based negotiation : relies on discovery and attempts to meet all
parties priorities , needs and preferences.

- Negotiation is conversation in which you are trying to get something

you want.
- Goal is to find a way to agreement good for both.
- Getting to good agreement requires curiosity and creativity.

Asking vs Negotiation :
- Become a daily asker.
- Make 10 asks everyday for a work.
- Have no fear of No.

1.2. The three core negotiation practice Negotiations should be slow and relational instead of fast and transactional.

Core negotiation practice :

1. Check in with you conversation partner to receive their full attention.
2. Get connected.
3. Ask diagnostic questions > open ended question > begin with who,
what, when, where , how and why to unlock your partner’s interest.

The benefits of NO
- Allows the real issues to arise.
- Protects people from making ineffective decisions.
- Slows things down.
- Helps people feel safe, secure and in control.
- Moves everyone’s effort forward.
1.3. Anchoring and Framing for mutual benefit Anchoring> landing an idea or request.
Framing > is building a perspective

When anchoring and framing :

- Tie requests to quantifiable , business case reasons.
- Finish with diagnostic question.
- Resist negotiating against yourself.

“Now that I’ve been given responsibility for managing three new projects,
I’m really concerned about meeting deliverables on time. What I’d like to
propose is working remotely on Fridays so I can dot all the I’s and cross all
the T’s without interruption. How can you help me work that out ?”

Check exercise file: Opening statement pdf.

1.4. Listening and building tactical empathy Remember, Negotiation needs to be slow and relational instead of fast and
Once you anchor or frame request, it is likely that you will get resistance.
Goal is generate more possibility rather than winning and pushing down
your agendas. This needs impeccable listening.

Listening > Tactical empathy > Using body language and what’s being said
or not said.

Tactical listening skills

1. Labelling > naming your conversation partner’s perspective
2. Mirroring > repeating last few words or critical words in your
conversation partner’s request.
3. Silence > silence as white space to nudge the agreement
1.5. Trading things of value

Concession creates some goodwill. When both parties experience little give
and take, they are likely to be more happier.

any time you are stuck ...ask diagnostic question

1.6. The wrong and Right way to negotiate Wrong way

- Speeding through his proposal
- Defending idea instead of getting curious about other person’s


1.4. Researching and preparing Preparation Steps :
1. Define what you want . (also what u want benefits another party)
2. Research
3. Write an opening statement. (establishes anchor and frames)
4. List of potential pushbacks ( list of every possible no , you anticipate
hearing, with every no ask diagnostic question)

1.5 Identifying priorities and designing - What are your priorities ?

options - What is the benefit to your conversation partner ?
- What is the cost or impact of your request ?


3.1 Understanding how influence works Six principles of influence

1. Reciprocity : responding to a positive action you are going to do.
2. Consistency : doing what we say we are going to do.
3. Social Proof : conforming to custom or group behaviour.
4. Liking : being influenced by those who are like us.
5. Authority : obeying or believing people in position of power.
6. Scarcity : having a limited supply will create demand.

3.2 Creating your influence plan I. How can you stay engaged and happy in your career over the next
few years?
II. What are your top three goals ?
III. What kind of learning and resources to accomplish your goals ?
IV. What relationships do you need on your radar ?

Take time to continually foster relationship with people who need to be in

your influential posse…..plan it and reach out.

Using people to get ahead > you’re in charge of career, if you are out of
sight , you are out of mind. It is important to be seen, heard and valued.

4.1 Understanding conflict styles

4.2. A template for getting past no. - Be ready for no
- No signals beginning of negotiations.
- Reframe and reinchor
- Use diagnostic question to engage.

4.3 A template for saying no 8 ways to say NO!

a. The curious NO ( how m i supposed to say yes )
b. Helpful No
c. Appreciative NO ( I think your idea is favolous but wont be able to )
d. No with the possible future.
e. No with the specific future.
f. No when you don’t know ( sounds interesting but i need to check)
g. No with the values.
h. The positive NO

Stop talking after no.



5.1. Dealing with contentious tactics. a. Ingratiation (getting what we want through charm and flattery).
b. Promises (future benefits)
c. Shaming (expressing shock and disapproval, bring morality).
d. Persuasive argumentation. (reason and logic)
e. Making threats ( intention of doing harm)

Focus on problem, not the person.

Get at the root of the issue by asking question , listening and paraphasing.
5.2 Negotiation hacks. 1. Schedule your conversation in the morning.
. 2. Find a Neutral space.
3. Bring some warmth.
4. Express your disappointment.
5. Anchor with a specific number or give a range.


6.1 Telephone and video conference. a. Plan the sequence of your conversation
b. Print out your opening statement.
c. Minimize any potential distractions.
d. Have a good connection.
e. Spend time clarifying and summarizing.
f. Takes notes during conversation.

Video conferencing
1. Set the camera at eye level.
2. Look into the camera to make eye contact.
3. Find a background that isn't distracting.
4. Be mindful of lighting (in front of you)
5. Make sure you are in correct distance from the camera.

6.2 Email and text. 1. Set a stage and bring feeling into the conversation.
. 2. Express empathy and get to the topic or issue.
3. Be differential.
4. Mention feelings.
5. Stress your confidence that you can find a solution.
6. Unpack your ideas and solutions.
7. Don’t be afraid to mention your own doubts.
8. Close with appreciation and confidence.
Make list of everything you need to negotiate
Deepen your knowledge

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