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THE EXEMPT DECREES No. 163 OF 2020 AND No. 83 OF 2021,


May 2021
Santiago of Chile
1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................................................... 9
2. ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................................................................................................................ 10
STANDARDS ....................................................................................................................................................................... 11
3.1. Converter Stations .................................................................................................................................................. 11
3.1.1. General Standards .................................................................................................................................................... 11
3.1.2. Transformers ............................................................................................................................................................. 11
3.1.3. Bushings ................................................................................................................................................................... 11
3.1.4. Surge Arrestors ......................................................................................................................................................... 11
3.1.5. Disconnect Switches ................................................................................................................................................. 12
3.1.6. Capacitors ................................................................................................................................................................. 12
3.1.7. Converter Valves ....................................................................................................................................................... 12
3.1.8. AC Harmonic Filters .................................................................................................................................................. 12
3.1.9. Reliability and Availability .......................................................................................................................................... 12
3.1.10. Cyber Security ........................................................................................................................................................... 12
3.1.11. HVDC System Studies .............................................................................................................................................. 12
3.2. DC Transmission Line ............................................................................................................................................ 12
3.2.1. General Standards .................................................................................................................................................... 12
3.2.2. CNE – Technical Norms ............................................................................................................................................ 13
3.2.3. SEC – Technical Norms ............................................................................................................................................ 13
3.2.4. Guides and Technical References ............................................................................................................................ 13
4. SCOPE OF WORK............................................................................................................................................................... 14
5. PROJECT STUDIES ............................................................................................................................................................ 15
5.1. Converter Stations .................................................................................................................................................. 15
5.2. DC Transmission Line ............................................................................................................................................ 17
5.3. Studies During the Project Interconnection Phase .............................................................................................. 18
6. SITE AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS ..................................................................................................................... 19
6.1. Location of Sites ..................................................................................................................................................... 19
6.2. Environmental Conditions and Site Data .............................................................................................................. 20
6.3. Soil Resistivity ......................................................................................................................................................... 22
7. SYSYTEM DATA AND REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................................................................... 23
7.1. AC System Description........................................................................................................................................... 23
7.2. System Single Line Diagram .................................................................................................................................. 24
7.3. System Voltages...................................................................................................................................................... 24
7.3.1. Steady State Operation ............................................................................................................................................. 24
7.3.2. Overvoltages ............................................................................................................................................................. 25
7.3.3. Undervoltages ........................................................................................................................................................... 25
7.3.4. Negative Sequence Voltage ...................................................................................................................................... 25
7.4. Background Harmonics .......................................................................................................................................... 25
7.5. System Frequency .................................................................................................................................................. 28
7.6. Fault Currents and Short Circuit Levels................................................................................................................ 29

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7.6.1. Maximum Fault Current for Rating ............................................................................................................................ 29
7.6.2. Short Circuit Levels ................................................................................................................................................... 29
7.7. Fault Clearing Times ............................................................................................................................................... 30
7.8. AC System Harmonic Impedances ........................................................................................................................ 30
7.9. Harmonic Distortion Limits .................................................................................................................................... 33
7.10. Flicker Performance ................................................................................................................................................ 34
7.11. Reactive Power Exchange Limits .......................................................................................................................... 34
7.12. System Oscillations Damping ................................................................................................................................ 34
7.13. Seismic Requirements ............................................................................................................................................ 34
8. SYSTEM MODELS .............................................................................................................................................................. 36
8.1. Digital Models .......................................................................................................................................................... 36
8.2. Replica of Control System...................................................................................................................................... 36
9. PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS.................................................................................................................................... 38
9.1. HVDC System Rating .............................................................................................................................................. 38
9.2. DC Power Circuit Requirements ............................................................................................................................ 39
9.3. Nominal Continuous Ratings ................................................................................................................................. 39
9.4. Direct Voltage .......................................................................................................................................................... 40
9.5. Direction of Power Flow ......................................................................................................................................... 40
9.6. Operating Modes ..................................................................................................................................................... 40
9.6.1. Normal Operating Modes .......................................................................................................................................... 40
9.6.2. Islanding Operation ................................................................................................................................................... 40
9.7. Power Transmission Requirements ...................................................................................................................... 41
9.7.1. Minimum Current Requirements ............................................................................................................................... 41
9.7.2. Overload Requirements ............................................................................................................................................ 41
9.7.3. Reduced Voltage Operation ...................................................................................................................................... 42
9.7.4. Increased Reactive Power Absorption ...................................................................................................................... 42
9.7.5. Converters Unbalanced Operation ............................................................................................................................ 42
9.8. Dynamic Performance ............................................................................................................................................ 43
9.8.1. Control System Stability ............................................................................................................................................ 43
9.8.2. Response Times ....................................................................................................................................................... 43
9.8.3. Response Requirements ........................................................................................................................................... 44
9.9. Reactive Compensation.......................................................................................................................................... 51
9.9.1. Reactive Power and Switching of Elements .............................................................................................................. 52
9.9.2. Voltage Change on Switching ................................................................................................................................... 53
9.10. AC Harmonic Filters ................................................................................................................................................ 53
9.10.1. General ..................................................................................................................................................................... 53
9.10.2. Design Requirements ................................................................................................................................................ 53
9.10.3. Performance Requirements ...................................................................................................................................... 54
9.10.4. Rating Requirements................................................................................................................................................. 56
9.11. Fundamental frequency-blocking filter ................................................................................................................. 58
9.12. DC Harmonic Filters ................................................................................................................................................ 58
9.12.1. Design Requirements ................................................................................................................................................ 59
9.12.2. Performance Requirements ...................................................................................................................................... 59
19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 3
9.12.3. Rating Requirements................................................................................................................................................. 62
9.13. Dynamic Performance Demonstration .................................................................................................................. 63
9.14. Reactive Power Controls ........................................................................................................................................ 64
9.14.1. Reactive Power Control Objectives ........................................................................................................................... 64
9.15. Insulation Coordination .......................................................................................................................................... 65
9.15.1. Limitation of Overvoltage........................................................................................................................................... 65
9.15.2. Determination of Overvoltages .................................................................................................................................. 66
9.15.3. Selection of Insulation Level...................................................................................................................................... 68
9.15.4. Air Clearances ........................................................................................................................................................... 70
9.15.5. Creepage Distances .................................................................................................................................................. 71
9.16. Interference Communication and Control Systems ............................................................................................. 71
9.16.1. Radio Interference ..................................................................................................................................................... 72
9.16.2. Television Interference .............................................................................................................................................. 72
9.17. Audible Noise .......................................................................................................................................................... 72
9.17.1. Site measurements and Performance Verification .................................................................................................... 73
10. METERING........................................................................................................................................................................... 74
11. OPERATIONS SUPERVISION AND CONTROL ................................................................................................................. 75
11.1. Alarm and Status Monitoring ................................................................................................................................. 76
11.1.1. Sequential Event Recording ...................................................................................................................................... 76
11.1.2. Data Logging and Trend Recording .......................................................................................................................... 76
11.1.3. Communications Requirements ................................................................................................................................ 77
11.1.4. Transient Fault Recorders (TFR) .............................................................................................................................. 77
11.1.5. System Indications and Power Measuring Facilities ................................................................................................. 78
11.1.6. Historian Requirements ............................................................................................................................................. 78
12. EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS ......................................................................................................................................... 79
12.1. Thyristor Valves and Associated Equipment ....................................................................................................... 79
12.1.1. General Requirements .............................................................................................................................................. 79
12.1.2. Maintenance .............................................................................................................................................................. 80
12.1.3. Valve Overvoltage Capability .................................................................................................................................... 80
12.1.4. Valve Transient Overcurrent Capability ..................................................................................................................... 80
12.1.5. Redundancy .............................................................................................................................................................. 81
12.1.6. Valve Firing Circuits and Light Guides ...................................................................................................................... 81
12.1.7. Valve Seismic Design................................................................................................................................................ 81
12.2. Valve Cooling Systems ........................................................................................................................................... 81
12.3. HVDC Controls and Protection System................................................................................................................. 82
12.3.1. Design Objectives ..................................................................................................................................................... 83
12.3.2. Separation ................................................................................................................................................................. 83
12.3.3. Control Functions ...................................................................................................................................................... 84
12.3.4. Protections System Requirements ............................................................................................................................ 85
12.3.5. DC Line Fault Location Equipment ............................................................................................................................ 86
12.3.6. DMR Fault locator Equipment ................................................................................................................................... 86
12.3.7. Equipment Interlocking .............................................................................................................................................. 86

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12.3.8. Control and Protection Test Facilities ........................................................................................................................ 86
12.3.9. AC System Strength Calculator ................................................................................................................................. 86
12.4. Converter Transformers ......................................................................................................................................... 87
12.4.1. General Requirements .............................................................................................................................................. 87
12.4.2. Transformer Characteristics ...................................................................................................................................... 88
12.5. Smoothing Reactor ................................................................................................................................................. 89
13. HVDC STUDIES DURING BIDDING STAGE ...................................................................................................................... 90
13.1. Main Components Design and Performance ........................................................................................................ 90
13.2. System Interaction Studies .................................................................................................................................... 91
13.3. Studies for Guaranteed Performance Verification ............................................................................................... 92
14. PERFORMANCE GUARANTEES ....................................................................................................................................... 93
14.1. Reliability and Availability ...................................................................................................................................... 93
14.1.1. Definitions ................................................................................................................................................................. 93
14.1.2. Scope of Requirements ............................................................................................................................................. 93
14.1.3. Guarantee Required .................................................................................................................................................. 94
14.1.4. Availability Requirements .......................................................................................................................................... 94
14.1.5. Reliability Requirements............................................................................................................................................ 96
14.2. Guaranteed Converter Station Losses .................................................................................................................. 96
15. CYBERSECURIRTY ............................................................................................................................................................ 98
16. SPARE PARTS .................................................................................................................................................................... 99
16.1. Mandatory Spares ................................................................................................................................................... 99
16.2. Availability Spares ................................................................................................................................................ 100
17. COMISSIONING AND START OF OPERATION ............................................................................................................... 101
18. DOCUMENTATION ............................................................................................................................................................ 103
19. TRAINING .......................................................................................................................................................................... 104
20. DC TRANSMISSION LINE ................................................................................................................................................. 105
20.1. General Conditions ............................................................................................................................................... 105
20.1.1. Nominal Voltage ...................................................................................................................................................... 105
20.1.2. Maximum Continuous Voltage ................................................................................................................................ 105
20.1.3. Line Configuration ................................................................................................................................................... 105
20.1.4. Line Capacity .......................................................................................................................................................... 105
20.1.5. Overload Requirement ............................................................................................................................................ 105
20.2. Siting ...................................................................................................................................................................... 105
20.3. Insulation ............................................................................................................................................................... 106
20.3.1. Insulation Solicitations ............................................................................................................................................. 106
20.3.2. Insulation in the Structure........................................................................................................................................ 106
20.3.3. Distance between the Conductor and the Ground Wire Cable ................................................................................ 107
20.4. Safety Distances.................................................................................................................................................... 107
20.4.1. Distance Between Poles ......................................................................................................................................... 107
20.4.2. Distance between Pole and DMR ........................................................................................................................... 107

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20.4.3. Distance between Conductor and Ground .............................................................................................................. 107
20.4.4. Minimum Vertical Distances at Line Crossings ....................................................................................................... 108
20.4.5. Minimum Horizontal Distances to Transmission Lines ............................................................................................ 108
20.4.6. Safety Right of Way (ROW) .................................................................................................................................... 108
20.5. Pole Conductors.................................................................................................................................................... 109
20.5.1. Conductor Material .................................................................................................................................................. 109
20.5.2. Thermal Limit........................................................................................................................................................... 109
20.5.3. Surface Voltage Gradient ........................................................................................................................................ 109
20.5.4. Power Losses .......................................................................................................................................................... 109
20.5.5. Voltage Drop ........................................................................................................................................................... 110
20.5.6. Conductors Bundle .................................................................................................................................................. 110
20.6. Ground Wire Cables .............................................................................................................................................. 110
20.7. Dedicated Metallic Return .................................................................................................................................... 110
20.7.1. Conductor Material .................................................................................................................................................. 110
20.7.2. Thermal Limit........................................................................................................................................................... 110
20.7.3. Power Losses .......................................................................................................................................................... 111
20.7.4. Conductor Insulation ............................................................................................................................................... 111
20.8. Mechanical Calculation of Conductors ............................................................................................................... 111
20.9. Admissible Stresses in Service ........................................................................................................................... 111
20.9.1. Normal Mechanical Stresses of Conductors ........................................................................................................... 111
20.9.2. Maximum Mechanical Stress of Conductors ........................................................................................................... 112
20.9.3. Maximum Conductor Sag ........................................................................................................................................ 112
20.9.4. Minimum Conductor Sag ......................................................................................................................................... 112
20.9.5. Final Normal Conductor Sag ................................................................................................................................... 112
20.9.6. Initial and Final Conditions of Conductors ............................................................................................................... 112
20.10. Insulators ............................................................................................................................................................... 112
20.11. Accessories and Hardware .................................................................................................................................. 113
20.12. Distribution of Structures ..................................................................................................................................... 114
20.12.1. Line Angle ............................................................................................................................................................... 114
20.12.2. Angle of Deflection .................................................................................................................................................. 114
20.12.3. Angle Structures ...................................................................................................................................................... 114
20.12.4. Suspension Structures ............................................................................................................................................ 114
20.12.5. Anchor Structure ..................................................................................................................................................... 114
20.12.6. Dead-end Structure ................................................................................................................................................. 115
20.13. Tower Grounding .................................................................................................................................................. 115
20.14. Structures Design ................................................................................................................................................. 115
20.15. Foundations ........................................................................................................................................................... 116
20.16. DC Line Studies During Bidding Stage ............................................................................................................... 116

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 6

Figure 1: Location of Kimal Substation ........................................................................................................................................................... 19
Figure 2: Location of Lo Aguirre Substation ................................................................................................................................................... 20
Figure 3: Simplified SEN Network .................................................................................................................................................................. 24
Figure 4: Harmonic Impedance Diagram ........................................................................................................................................................ 31
Figure 5: Definition of Step Response (Increase) ........................................................................................................................................... 45
Figure 6: Definition of Step Response (Decrease) ......................................................................................................................................... 46
Figure 7: Equivalent Network for AC Filter Rating Calculations ..................................................................................................................... 58

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 7

Table 1: Environmental and Site Data ............................................................................................................................................................ 20
Table 2: Soil Resistivity ................................................................................................................................................................................... 22
Table 3: Steady-State Voltages ...................................................................................................................................................................... 24
Table 4: Overvoltage Limits ............................................................................................................................................................................ 25
Table 5: Maximum Negative Sequence Voltage ............................................................................................................................................. 25
Table 6: Background Harmonic Voltages at Lo Aguirre .................................................................................................................................. 26
Table 7: Background Harmonic Voltages at Kimal ......................................................................................................................................... 27
Table 8: AC System Frequency ...................................................................................................................................................................... 28
Table 9: AC System Frequency and Time Limits ........................................................................................................................................... 29
Table 10: Fault Current for Rating .................................................................................................................................................................. 29
Table 11: Short Circuit Levels at each Converter Station AC Bus .................................................................................................................. 30
Table 12: Normal and Backup Clearing Times ............................................................................................................................................... 30
Table 13: Harmonic Impedances in Kimal 220 kV .......................................................................................................................................... 31
Table 14: Harmonic Impedances in Lo Aguirre 500 kV .................................................................................................................................. 32
Table 15: Individual Voltage Harmonic Distortion for 220 kV and 500 kV ...................................................................................................... 33
Table 16: Reactive Power Exchange Limits ................................................................................................................................................... 34
Table 17: Nominal Continuous Rating ............................................................................................................................................................ 40
Table 18: Minimum Current ............................................................................................................................................................................ 41
Table 19: AC Filter Performance Criteria ........................................................................................................................................................ 54
Table 20: Minimum Creepage Distances ........................................................................................................................................................ 71
Table 21: Audible Noise Limits ....................................................................................................................................................................... 73
Table 22: Temperature Rise Design for the Converter Transformer .............................................................................................................. 88
Table 23: Maximum Impedance Variations .................................................................................................................................................... 88
Table 24: Mandatory Spare Parts ................................................................................................................................................................... 99
Table 25: Maximum Limits for Electric Field ................................................................................................................................................. 107
Table 26: Minimum Breaking Load in Assembly Elements ........................................................................................................................... 113

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 8


Pursuant to the regulations applicable to the Tendering Process referred to in this document, the Independent Coordinator of
the National Electric System shall be responsible for conducting an international public Tendering Process to award The Kimal
– Lo Aguirre HVDC New Transmission Line Project, included in Exempt Decree No. 231 of 2019, as amended by Exempt
Decree No. 163 of 2020, both of the Ministry of Energy, and for preparing the Bidding Terms and Conditions for such purpose.

The Project considers the construction of a bipolar HVDC transmission line in LCC technology with a nominal capacity of 3000
MW at ± 600 kV, approximately 1500 kilometers long, with dedicated metallic return and two AC/DC Converter Stations, located
in the surrounding areas of the existing Kimal substation and Lo Aguirre sectioning substation (hereinafter Lo Aguirre substation,
connecting the northern and central regions of the SEN. The nominal capacity of each Converter Station will be 1500 MW per

Additionally, the Project considers the Alternating Current lines between the Converter Stations and the existing Kimal (at 220
kV) and Lo Aguirre (at 500 kV) substations, with the respective connection bays in these substations, including all the civil works
and tasks necessary for the Execution and commissioning of the Project, such as adjustments of the protections and grounding
mesh, among others.

Likewise, regarding the coordination of the works, it will be the responsibility of the owners of the different generation and/or
transmission facilities to carry out the adaptations that are required in their own facilities, as a result of this Project. In this sense,
it is the responsibility and cost of the owners of existing facilities to make the adjustments that are required in them, as a result
of the Project, and that are not incorporated into the scope of this Project.

The conditions required for the AC facilities, regarding the preparation of the Bid and general design criteria that contain the
minimum acceptable technical requirements that must be considered for the design and engineering of the facilities, particularly
the DUFs, DEEs and the technical specifications of the primary equipment and its design, are specified in Annex 4 of the Bidding
Terms and Conditions.

The conditions required for the DC facilities, regarding the preparation of the Bid and general design criteria that contain the
minimum acceptable technical requirements that must be considered for the design and engineering of the facilities, are
specified in the present document.

All relevant technical information available for the preparation of the Bid, related to the SEN facilities associated to the
development of the Project, will be made available to the Participants in the Coordinator's website.

It is the responsibility of the Bidder to validate the available information of the existing facilities involved, and to update them
according to the actual site conditions for which it will have to carry out the necessary surveys.

This Functional Technical Specification (ETF HVDC) covers the performance and design requirements of the HVDC Project.

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 9


For the purposes of the Tendring Process and the documents that comprise them, the terms defined in the Bidding Terms and
Conditions also apply to this ETF HVDC, which are used indistinctly in singular or plural, or in male or female gender, and will
have the meaning defined in those Bidding Terms. For the purposes of this document, the following abbreviations will
additionally be used:

• AC: Alternating Current

• DC: Direct Current
• DEE: Acronym in Spanish for Diagram of Disposition of Equipment
• DUF: Acronym in Spanish for Functional Single Line Diagram
• DMR: Dedicated Metallic Return
• DPT: Dynamic Performance Tests
• EMT: Electromagnetic Transient
• ESCR: Effective Short-Circuit Ratio
• FAT: Factory Acceptance Tests
• FPT: Factory Performance Tests
• HVAC: High Voltage Alternating Current
• HMI: Human Machine Interface
• HVDC: High Voltage Direct Current
• LAN: Local Area Network
• LCC: Line Commutated Converter
• NBS: Neutral Bus Switch
• NGBS: Neutral Ground Bus Switch
• NTSyCS: Acronym in Spanish for Technical Standard for Safety and Quality of Service
• PMR: Permanent Metallic Return (using one of the Poles)
• RPC: Reactive Power Control
• RPTD: Acronym in Spanish for Technical Normative Specifications from SEC
• RTDS: Real-Time Digital Simulator
• SCADA: Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
• SE or S/E: Acronym in Spanish for Electrical Substation
• Superintendency or SEC: Acronym in Spanish for Fuels and Electricity Superintendency
• SEN: Acronym in Spanish for National Electric System
• SLD: Single-Line Diagram
• VDCOL: Voltage Dependent Current Order Limit

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 10


The project work to be undertaken here shall be in accordance with the performance parameters defined in this ETF HVDC and
all the applicable national, in particular the NTSyCS and RPTD from SEC, and international standards that apply to HVDC
facilities. It shall also comply with all the Coordinator applicable technical guides.

The order of precedence of application of standards will be firstly the NTSyCS and its annexes, the RPTD norms from SEC and
all current national normative and regulation applicable to the Project and to the HVDC technology in particular. In cases where
there is no national norm or standard, then international norms, standards and references explicitly specified in these ETF HVDC
shall apply. Lastly, in cases where there is no applicable national norms and international standards or references are not
specified, then the IEC, IEEE, NESC, CIGRE, and other applicable standards and references shall apply, in this order of priority.

Unless otherwise specified, the applicable standards and norms shall be to the most recent and current version to the date of
publication of the final bidding terms and conditions, that is, on February 1st, 2021.

The following sections present a non-comprehensive list of applicable standards for HVDC systems that shall be considered by
the Bidders.


3.1.1. General Standards

IEC-60060 High Voltage Test Techniques
IEC-60071-5 Insulation Co-ordination - Part 5 is for HVDC converter stations
IEC-60156 Method for the Determination of the Electric Strength of Insulating Liquids
IEC-60865 Short Circuit Currents
IEC 63014-1 High voltage direct current (HVDC) power transmission – System requirements for DC-
side equipment Part 1: Using line-commutated converters
IEC-61803-2020 Determination of losses in HVDC converter stations with line commutated converters

3.1.2. Transformers
IEC-60076-1 to 5 Power Transformers
IEC/IEEE 60076- Transformers for HVDC Applications
IEC- 60076-6 Power Transformers – Part 6: Reactors
IEC 60214-2 Tap Changers: Application Guidelines
IEC-60076-10 Power Transformers – Part 10: Determination of Sound Levels

3.1.3. Bushings
IEC-65700 19 03 Bushings for DC Applications

3.1.4. Surge Arrestors

IEC 60099-9 Metal Oxide Surge Arresters without Gaps for HVDC Stations

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 11

3.1.5. Disconnect Switches
IEC 62271-1 High-Voltage Switchgear and Control gear Part1: Common Specifications
IEC-62271-102 High Voltage Alternating Current Disconnectors and Earthing Switches

3.1.6. Capacitors
IEC 60871-1-5 Shunt Capacitors for AC Power Systems having a Rated Voltage above 1000 V
IEC 60931-1 Shunt Power Capacitors

3.1.7. Converter Valves

IEC-60700-1 Testing of Semiconductor Valves for High Voltage dc Power Transmission part Electrical
CIGRE TB 136 Fire aspects of HVDC thyristor valves and valve halls
IEEE 857-1996 Recommended Practice for Test Procedures for High-Voltage Direct-Current Thyristor
Valves (Wet Testing)

3.1.8. AC Harmonic Filters

IEC 61000-3-6 Harmonic Emission limits for customers connected to MV-HV and EHV
IEC TR 62001-1-4 High Voltage Direct Current Systems-Guide to the specifications and design evaluation of
AC Filters

3.1.9. Reliability and Availability

IEC TR 62672 Reliability and availability evaluation of HVDC systems
CIGRE TB 590 Protocol for reporting the operational performance of HVDC Transmission systems

3.1.10. Cyber Security

IEC-27001 Information security management
IEC-27002 Information Technology - Security Techniques - Code of practice for information controls
NERC-CIP North American Electric Reliability Corporation – Critical Infrastructure Protection

3.1.11. HVDC System Studies

CIGRE TB 563 Modelling and Simulation Studies to be performed during the lifecycle of HVDC Systems.


3.2.1. General Standards

ANSI C2/2002 National Electrical Safety Code
IEC 60826 Design Criteria of Overhead Transmission Lines
IEEE Std. 738 Standard for Calculating the Current-Temperature Relationship of Bare Overhead

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 12

NESC National Electrical Safety Code – 2017

3.2.2. CNE – Technical Norms

NTSyCS Technical Standard for Safety and Quality of Service

3.2.3. SEC – Technical Norms

RPTD N°01 Voltages and Frequencies.
RPTD N°03 Projects and Studies.
RPTD N°04 Conductors.
RPTD N°05 Insulation.
RPTD N°06 Earth grounding.
RPTD N°07 Safety right of way.
RPTD N°09 Safety and facility signaling.
RPTD N°11 High Voltage Transmission Lines.

3.2.4. Guides and Technical References

CIGRE TB 388 Impacts of HVDC Lines on the Economics of HVDC Projects.
CIGRE TB 273 Overhead Conductor Safe Design Tension with Respect to Aeolian Vibrations.
CIGRE TB 61 Interferences Produced by Corona Effect of Electric Systems.
CIGRE TB 684 Recommended Voltages for HVDC Grids.
CIGRE TB 473 Electric Field and Ion Current Environment of HVDC Overhead Transmission Line.
CIGRE TB 52 Insulation Requirements for DC Transmission Lines.
CIGRE TB 518 Outdoor Insulation in Polluted Conditions - Part 2: The DC Line.
EPRI HVDC Transmission Line Reference Book, 1993.

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 13


The Bidder that is awarded the Project, must comply with all the requirements established in the Exempt Decree of New Works
No. 231 of 2019, the Exempt Decree No. 163 of 2020, the Exempt Decree No. 83 of 2021, the Bidding Terms and Conditions,
its Proposal and the Award Decree.

The Bidder shall be responsible for delivering fully integrated and operational HVDC Project including the Converter Stations,
the DC transmission line, and interconnection to existing AC facilities at Lo Aguirre and Kimal substations. This means the
Successful Bidder will be fully responsible and accountable for all the detailed engineering, all the necessary system and design
studies, design, manufacture and supply of all equipment and facilities, both AC and DC required for the project, all civil works,
mechanical and electrical construction, AC links and connection to the existing AC substations, testing, commissioning and Start
of Operation, supply of all the spare parts to meet the availability and reliability requirements defined in this ETF HVDC. Further
the Successful Bidder will be responsible for land or land-use acquisition, siting, applicable regulatory approvals and any
permitting requirements for the Project.

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 14


The Successful Bidder shall be responsible for the development of all the studies to prove the performance as well as the rating
of the HVDC Project are met. The Bidder shall submit all the study reports required in the NTSyCS and specified in this section
to the Coordinator for review during the design stage within the deadline for Milestone N°1 or N°2, according to Section 8.3.1
of the Bidding Terms and Conditions. The Coordinator reserves the right to request additional studies which shall be discussed
and agreed with the Successful Bidder.

The Successful Bidder shall carry out, and inform to the Coordinator, on any additional studies which are determined to be
necessary for the design of the HVDC Project.

The Successful Bidder shall keep the digital models and studies tools specified herein, some of which shall be made available
to the Coordinator and shall develop a schedule for the delivery of the reports required at the design stage that is consistent
with the overall project schedule and milestones N°1 or N°2, accordingly.


The Successful Bibber shall carry out, and submit to the Coordinator for its approval during the design stage as a minimum, the
studies listed below:

a. Main Components and Circuits Calculation.

b. Valves Design Study
c. Power Circuit Arrangement.
d. AC/DC Insulation Coordination Study.
e. Seismic studies for all AC and DC supplied equipment.
f. Lightning Performance Study.
g. Switching Sequences and Interlocking Study.
h. Converter Block/Deblock Strategy Study.
i. Thermal Rating Study for Key Equipment and Busbars.
j. Load Flow and Stability (transient and small signal) Studies.
k. Islanding study (Isolated operation).
l. AC/DC Interaction study.
m. Impact of parallel AC lines study.
n. Studies for Reactive Power Compensation and Balance.
o. Temporary Overvoltage and Ferro-resonance Overvoltage.
p. Studies on Overvoltage Protection.
q. AC Filter Design, Performance and Ratings, including measurements of initial and final harmonics.
r. DC Filter Design Performance and Ratings.
s. Study of DC terminal overvoltages resulting from line fault with and without DC filter.
t. AC Breaker Requirement Study for any new and existing breakers (including TRV).
u. DC Switch Requirements Studies, including the MRTB and GRTS.
v. Availability, Reliability and spare parts.
w. Loss Verification Study and Measurements.
x. Sub-synchronous Resonance, torsional interactions and Oscillations.
y. Studies of DC Current Flowing through Windings of Converter Transformers.
z. Bushing Flashover.
aa. Study of DC system resonance and amplification factors (as function of frequency).
bb. Control System Coordination Studies.
cc. Short-circuit and Protection Coordination Studies (AC and DC).

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 15

dd. Dynamic Performance Study.
ee. Hierarchical Structure of the Control and Protection.
ff. Redundancy of the Control and Protection Systems.
gg. DC Power and Current Control Modes and Features.
hh. Design, type and requirements for telecommunication interfaces.
ii. Control for Converter Transformer Tap changer.
jj. Fault Location study.
kk. Commutation failure and reduced AC voltage operation performance study.
ll. Converter start-up/shut-down philosophy and sequence
mm. Measurement, monitoring and SCADA system
nn. HVDC supplementary controls
oo. HVDC system runbacks
pp. HVDC power reversal strategy
qq. Reactive power control principles, description, and operation criteria
rr. RPC demonstration study
ss. Audible Noise Study
tt. Radio and electromagnetic interference study
uu. Fundamental frequency blocking filter location, and design principles
vv. Ground mesh design and capacity
ww. Burden calculation and magnetic saturation of CTs
xx. AC/DC Equipment technical datasheets (HCTE)

The studies required above that are interrelated might be included in one single report or document, but all the aspect described
must be included and reported by the Successful Bidder.

In addition, the Successful Bidder shall perform and submit for the Coordinator’s approval, as a minimum, the following design

a. Single-line diagram of the Converter Stations showing all the main components and equipment in the AC and DC yards
and their corresponding protection, control and communication schemes. The SLD shall show as a minimum the
following components:

i. Disconnects
ii. AC Circuit breakers and dc switches
iii. AC current and AC voltage measuring devices
iv. Ground switches
v. DC current and DC voltage measuring devices
vi. AC and DC filters
vii. Reactive power equipment
viii. Dynamic voltage control device
ix. Surge Arresters
x. Converter valves
xi. Converter transformers
xii. Smoothing reactor
xiii. Neutral surge capacitor
xiv. Auxiliary transformers
xv. AC and DC busbars
xvi. Fundamental Frequency Blocking Filter

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 16

b. Disposition of equipment showing the plant layout and sections of the technical solution offered. The DEE shall show
as a minimum the following components:

i. Disconnects
ii. AC Circuit breakers and dc switches
iii. AC current and AC voltage measuring devices
iv. Ground switches
v. DC current and DC voltage measuring devices
vi. AC and DC filters
vii. Reactive power equipment
viii. Dynamic voltage control device
ix. Surge Arresters
x. Converter valves and valves room
xi. Converter transformers
xii. Smoothing reactor
xiii. Neutral surge capacitor
xiv. Auxiliary transformers and services
xv. AC and DC busbars
xvi. Control room
xvii. Valves cooling system
xviii. Fundamental Frequency Blocking Filter

c. General Location Map of the site (UGT), this map must contain the location of the geographical area where the
Converting Station will be located (includes vertices of the sites), it must contain the arrival of the transmission lines.

d. Diagrams associated with the protection system against atmospheric discharges (indicating methodology and standard
to be used).


The Successful Bibber shall carry out, and submit to the Coordinator for its approval during the design stage as a minimum, the
analyses, studies and documents listed below:

a. General description and design criteria.

b. Analysis of geographic and climatological conditions in the areas crossed by the line.
c. Determination of the route of the line.
d. Soil study.
e. Determination of Pole conductor.
f. Determination of DMR conductor.
g. Determination of the ground wire cable.
h. Insulation coordination study.
i. DC corona effects and associated phenomena.
j. PLSCAD model of the line.
k. Distribution of the structures study and routing (KMZ).
l. Determination of the safety right of way (ROW).
m. Electromechanics design and load schedules of the structures.
n. List of HV line and main roads crossings.
o. Foundation and grounding studies.

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 17

In addition, the Successful Bidder shall perform and submit for the Coordinator’s approval, as a minimum, the following design

a. Pole conductor suspension and angle (anchor) set drawings.

b. Dedicated metallic return suspension and angle (anchor) set drawings.
c. Ground wire cable set drawings.
d. Grounding system drawing.
e. Safety ROW and easements drawings.
f. Suspension tower silhouettes and electrical clearances drawings.
g. Angle (anchor) tower silhouettes and electrical clearances drawings.
h. Dead-end tower silhouettes and electrical clearances drawings.
i. Atmospheric discharge protection drawings
j. Suspension, anchoring and dead-end structures drawings, both for design and for manufacturing and assembly.
k. Foundations by type drawings.


During the connection phase of the Project and prior to the start of commissioning, the Successful Bidder shall submit to the
Coordinator the system studies established in the NTSyCS for its review and approval. These studies must be carried out, or
updated if they have been already prepared during the design phase, in accordance with the requirements established in
NTSyCS and its annexes, the Coordinator's Connection Guide and the most updated PF DIgSILENT database of the SEN
available from the Coordinator. These studies shall include, at a minimum, the following:

a. Load Flow study

b. Short circuit study
c. Transient stability study
d. Protection and coordination study
e. Harmonics and filter performance study
f. Sub-synchronous resonances and torsional interaction study.

Additionally, the Successful Bidder must provide to the Coordinator for its review and approval all the documentation (technical
specifications, calculations reports, etc.) and the drawings described in sections 5.1 and 5.2, developed during the detail
engineering phase for the Converter Stations and the DC transmission line, including the corresponding as-built drawings,
according to the requirement and in the format defined by the Coordinator.

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 18



Kimal Substation

East 450.371,00 m E
North 7.533.829,00 m S
Zone (Time) 19 K

Figure 1 shows the georeferenced location of the existing Kimal substation.

Figure 1: Location of Kimal Substation

Lo Aguirre Substation

East 323.591,93 m E
North 6.298.233,82 m S
Zone (Time) 19 H

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 19

Figure 2 shows a layout of the existing Lo Aguirre substation.

Figure 2: Location of Lo Aguirre Substation


Table 1 provides environmental data, logistic and site information at the location of the Kimal and Lo Aguirre substations.

Table 1: Environmental and Site Data

Item Kimal Lo Aguirre Unit

Region Antofagasta Metropolitana

City Calama Santiago

Nearest major international seaport. Mejillones Valparaíso

Approximate distance from seaport above to existing km
270 130
Road transport constraints (*)
Quad-axle double-rolled weight 29 29
Height 5.5 5.5
Width 6 6

Maximum ambient dry bulb temperature 40 40

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 20

Item Kimal Lo Aguirre Unit
Minimum ambient dry bulb temperature -10 -5
Maximum rate of change of temperature 2.5 1.05

Relative Humidity
Maximum wet bulb temperature 99 95
Corresponding dry bulb temperature 15 29
430 av 315 av W/m2
Solar radiation
1000 max 1000 max
Wind Velocity
Maximum 100 100

Precipitation and snow

Maximum precipitation per year 0.1 100
Snow accumulation/loading for design 5 5
Isokeraunic level (average number of lightning Nº/km2/year
5 5
e c mg/cm2
Air Pollution
IEC-60815 IEC-60815
Altitude above sea level 1300 500

(*) Referential values only that must be verified by the successful Bidder by means of studies of the routes during the design
phase considering the following documents: D.S. MOP N°158 of 1980, DS MOP N°19 of 1984, Resolution N°1 of 1995 of the
Ministry of Transport and Telecommunications, that establishes maximum dimensions of vehicles, with or without load, to
circulate on public roads. For the transport of loads over 100 tons, a specialized study and an authorization from the Direction
of Roads is required, as specified in the Manual of Authorizations for Special Transports, from the Direction of Roads of the
Ministry of Public Works.

The information provided in Table 1 corresponds to environmental conditions in the area where the existing facilities are located.
This information, which shall be verified by the Proponents, does not necessarily correspond to design conditions. The design
environmental conditions are specified in the local regulations applicable to the Project and in the corresponding sections of the
present ETF HVDC.

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 21


The soil resistivity measurements for the Kimal and Lo Aguirre substations are given in Table 2. The values were obtained from
the Technical Information System from the Coordinator based on the information provided by the facilities owners and shall be
reviewed and verified by the Successful Bidder.

Table 2: Soil Resistivity

Layer Thickness (m) Resistivity (Ωm)
Kimal 1 1.26 4403.82
2 infinite 176152.4
Layer Thickness (m) Resistivity (Ωm)
Lo Aguirre 1 1.907 90
2 infinite 154.7

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 22


This section summarizes the system information and minimum technical requirements for the Kimal - Lo Aguirre HVDC Project.
It considers the standard requirements defined in the Chilean grid code (NTSyCS) and additional requirements needed for the
correct design of the Project. In the case of any difference or contradiction between this Specification and the NTSyCS, the
latter shall prevail.

The minimum technical requirements established in this section correspond to the main elements to be considered in the Project
design; nevertheless, the Bidders must comply with all the additional requirements established in the NTSyCS and not explicitly
mentioned in this Specification.


The SEN consists of a transmission system that interconnects generation, transmission and distribution facilities owned by
coordinated companies (Coordinates). The SEN consists mainly of 500 kV, 220 kV, 154 kV and 110 kV AC transmission lines.

The system peak load in 2019 was approximately 11,000 MW and the generation installed capacity 26,000 MW. The energy
mix includes hydro, coal, natural gas and renewable resources, mainly wind and solar.

The national (bulk) 500 kV transmission grid extends for more than 3,000 km from north to south with parallel 220 kV corridors
in most parts of the grid, including the segment from Lo Aguirre to Kimal.

The future NKI Converter Station will connect to the 220 kV AC busbar in Kimal substation, and NLA Converter Station to the
500 kV AC busbar in Lo Aguirre substation.

Kimal area is near to the second largest load center in the country where the mining industry is located, and the generation
resources in the area are mostly thermal (coal & natural gas) and solar renewable.

Lo Aguirre area is near to Santiago city which is the largest and main load center in the country. The generation resources in
the area are mostly thermal (coal & natural gas), but much of the energy supply to this area comes from the southern region
where most of the hydro and wind renewable resources are located.

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 23


A simplified diagram of the SEN network around the project area is presented in Figure 3.

Figure 3: Simplified SEN Network


7.3.1. Steady State Operation

Table 3 provides the continuous operating AC voltage ranges for normal, alert and emergency conditions for 500kV
and 220kV in the SEN. Within the ranges provided, no over or under voltage protection shall operate.

Table 3: Steady-State Voltages

Item Lo Aguirre (kV) Kimal (kV)

Nominal Voltage 500 220
Maximum Continuous Voltage – Normal Operation 515 231
Minimum Continuous Voltage – Normal Operation 485 209
Maximum Continuous Voltage – Alert Operation 525 235.4
Minimum Continuous Voltage – Alert Operation 475 204.6
Maximum Continuous Voltage – Emergency Operation 525 242
Minimum Continuous Voltage – Emergency Operation 465 198

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 24

7.3.2. Overvoltages

If an event occurs that causes a system disturbance, then all equipment within the scope of the Project shall not trip and shall
continue operation if the temporary and short duration overvoltages at fundamental frequency stay within the values shown in
Table 4. The overvoltage limits shall apply to both converter stations.

Table 4: Overvoltage Limits

Duration (seconds) Maximum Voltage (p.u.)
0.0-0.1 1.50
0.1-0.5 1.30
0.5-3.0 1.25
3.0-60 1.20

7.3.3. Undervoltages

If the system is initially in a normal state, when a contingency or fault up to severity 7 occurs (according to NTSyCS), the voltage
in the AC busbars shall not temporarily drop below 0.70p.u. after 50ms the fault is cleared, in any bus of the AC system, and
allowing the use of general and additional contingency control resources, if needed. In addition, the voltage shall not remain
below 0.80p.u., for a period greater than 1.0 second.

The voltage in the AC busbars of the system must settle to its final value, entering within a tolerance band of ±10% around it,
in a time not greater 20 seconds, measured from the moment of occurrence of the fault.

7.3.4. Negative Sequence Voltage

The maximum background negative sequence voltage at fundamental frequency allowed in the system is provided in Table 5
as a percent of the positive sequence voltage.

Table 5: Maximum Negative Sequence Voltage

Item Kimal (%) Lo Aguirre (%)
Maximum 50 Hz negative phase sequence voltage
1.0 1.0
for achievement of performance limits
Maximum 50 Hz negative phase sequence voltage
2.0 2.0
for determination of component ratings

The background negative sequence fundamental frequency voltage shall be treated as a Thevenin equivalent voltage. The
actual negative sequence voltage at the converter AC bus will be equal to the vector sum of the background negative sequence
voltage and the negative sequence fundamental frequency voltage drop through the AC system impedance due to negative
sequence currents produced by the converter. The phase angle of the background negative sequence voltage, relative to the
phase angle of the positive sequence fundamental frequency component shall be assumed to be that value which maximizes
the magnitude of the negative sequence fundamental frequency voltage at the converter AC bus.


For the purpose of the design of the Project, the background harmonics given in Table 6 and Table 7 on the high voltage AC
bus at each converter station shall be considered.

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 25

Table 6: Background Harmonic Voltages at Lo Aguirre

Percent of Nominal (50 Hz) Voltage – Lo Aguirre

Harmonic Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3
Average Max 95% Average Max 95% Average Max 95%

2 0.02% 0.14% 0.07% 0.02% 0.17% 0.07% 0.02% 0.15% 0.07%

3 0.19% 0.67% 0.56% 0.23% 0.45% 0.33% 0.51% 0.72% 0.65%
4 0.00% 0.07% 0.00% 0.00% 0.13% 0.00% 0.00% 0.13% 0.00%
5 0.27% 1.18% 0.63% 0.25% 1.19% 0.59% 0.26% 1.17% 0.62%
6 0.00% 0.16% 0.03% 0.00% 0.11% 0.03% 0.00% 0.19% 0.03%
7 0.19% 0.67% 0.48% 0.19% 0.66% 0.50% 0.18% 0.58% 0.43%
8 0.00% 0.08% 0.00% 0.00% 0.05% 0.00% 0.00% 0.06% 0.00%
9 0.00% 0.07% 0.03% 0.00% 0.07% 0.00% 0.00% 0.07% 0.03%
10 0.00% 0.06% 0.00% 0.00% 0.08% 0.00% 0.00% 0.06% 0.00%
11 0.03% 0.20% 0.13% 0.03% 0.16% 0.10% 0.04% 0.22% 0.11%
12 0.00% 0.10% 0.00% 0.00% 0.05% 0.00% 0.00% 0.08% 0.00%
13 0.02% 0.14% 0.09% 0.02% 0.15% 0.09% 0.01% 0.11% 0.06%
14 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
15 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
16 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
17 0.00% 0.05% 0.00% 0.00% 0.06% 0.03% 0.00% 0.07% 0.03%
18 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
19 0.00% 0.05% 0.00% 0.00% 0.03% 0.00% 0.00% 0.03% 0.00%
20 0.00% 0.06% 0.00% 0.00% 0.03% 0.00% 0.00% 0.09% 0.00%
21 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
22 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
23 0.00% 0.05% 0.03% 0.00% 0.05% 0.03% 0.00% 0.05% 0.03%
24 0.00% 0.03% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.03% 0.00%
25 0.00% 0.08% 0.06% 0.01% 0.11% 0.09% 0.00% 0.08% 0.06%
26 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
27 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
28 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
29 0.00% 0.03% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.05% 0.03%
30 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
31 0.00% 0.03% 0.00% 0.00% 0.03% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
32 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
33 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
34 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
35 0.00% 0.03% 0.00% 0.00% 0.03% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
36 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
37 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
38 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 26

Percent of Nominal (50 Hz) Voltage – Lo Aguirre
Harmonic Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3
Average Max 95% Average Max 95% Average Max 95%

39 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%

40 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
41 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
42 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
43 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
44 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
45 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
46 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
47 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.03% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
48 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
49 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
50 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%

The values indicated in Table 6 correspond to the maximum, average, and average values of the 95% of the measurements per
phase measured at Lo Aguirre substation for the period between 29-10-2020 and 14-01-2021.

Table 7: Background Harmonic Voltages at Kimal

Percent of Nominal (50 Hz) Voltage – Kimal

Harmonic Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3
Average Max 95% Average Max 95% Average Max 95%

2 0.04% 1.85% 0.12% 0.05% 1.65% 0.12% 0.05% 1.72% 0.12%

3 0.26% 1.42% 0.40% 0.27% 2.13% 0.34% 0.17% 1.48% 0.31%
4 0.03% 0.86% 0.14% 0.03% 0.87% 0.13% 0.03% 1.07% 0.13%
5 0.29% 2.19% 0.60% 0.29% 2.03% 0.61% 0.30% 1.77% 0.67%
6 0.02% 0.92% 0.08% 0.03% 0.61% 0.10% 0.02% 1.17% 0.10%
7 0.18% 0.85% 0.43% 0.16% 0.73% 0.38% 0.18% 0.77% 0.41%
8 0.02% 0.57% 0.14% 0.03% 0.51% 0.17% 0.02% 0.50% 0.14%
9 0.09% 0.45% 0.13% 0.08% 0.42% 0.13% 0.07% 0.42% 0.11%
10 0.03% 0.76% 0.16% 0.02% 0.68% 0.14% 0.02% 0.56% 0.12%
11 0.16% 1.11% 0.38% 0.18% 1.04% 0.44% 0.14% 1.22% 0.37%
12 0.00% 0.71% 0.06% 0.00% 0.74% 0.05% 0.00% 0.59% 0.04%
13 0.37% 1.35% 0.88% 0.36% 1.25% 0.62% 0.20% 1.15% 0.46%
14 0.06% 0.96% 0.16% 0.06% 0.88% 0.17% 0.05% 1.18% 0.13%
15 0.03% 0.48% 0.07% 0.05% 0.54% 0.09% 0.05% 0.68% 0.09%
16 0.01% 0.38% 0.05% 0.00% 0.41% 0.03% 0.01% 0.40% 0.07%
17 0.02% 0.57% 0.10% 0.03% 0.57% 0.11% 0.03% 0.75% 0.10%
18 0.00% 0.33% 0.00% 0.00% 0.32% 0.00% 0.00% 0.32% 0.00%
19 0.00% 0.34% 0.03% 0.00% 0.34% 0.06% 0.00% 0.25% 0.05%

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 27

20 0.00% 0.27% 0.00% 0.00% 0.20% 0.00% 0.00% 0.22% 0.00%
21 0.00% 0.25% 0.00% 0.00% 0.17% 0.00% 0.00% 0.20% 0.00%
22 0.00% 0.23% 0.00% 0.00% 0.19% 0.00% 0.00% 0.20% 0.00%
23 0.00% 0.21% 0.03% 0.00% 0.20% 0.03% 0.00% 0.20% 0.03%
24 0.00% 0.20% 0.00% 0.00% 0.19% 0.00% 0.00% 0.22% 0.00%
25 0.00% 0.19% 0.00% 0.00% 0.17% 0.03% 0.00% 0.17% 0.03%
26 0.00% 0.16% 0.00% 0.00% 0.14% 0.00% 0.00% 0.15% 0.00%
27 0.00% 0.15% 0.00% 0.00% 0.14% 0.00% 0.00% 0.15% 0.00%
28 0.00% 0.09% 0.00% 0.00% 0.09% 0.00% 0.00% 0.11% 0.00%
29 0.00% 0.07% 0.00% 0.00% 0.10% 0.00% 0.00% 0.08% 0.00%
30 0.00% 0.07% 0.00% 0.00% 0.06% 0.00% 0.00% 0.08% 0.00%
31 0.00% 0.07% 0.00% 0.00% 0.07% 0.00% 0.00% 0.05% 0.00%
32 0.00% 0.06% 0.00% 0.00% 0.06% 0.00% 0.00% 0.05% 0.00%
33 0.00% 0.06% 0.00% 0.00% 0.06% 0.00% 0.00% 0.03% 0.00%
34 0.00% 0.06% 0.00% 0.00% 0.06% 0.00% 0.00% 0.05% 0.00%
35 0.00% 0.06% 0.00% 0.00% 0.06% 0.00% 0.00% 0.03% 0.00%
36 0.00% 0.05% 0.00% 0.00% 0.06% 0.00% 0.00% 0.03% 0.00%
37 0.00% 0.05% 0.00% 0.00% 0.06% 0.00% 0.00% 0.03% 0.00%
38 0.00% 0.05% 0.00% 0.00% 0.05% 0.00% 0.00% 0.03% 0.00%
39 0.00% 0.05% 0.00% 0.00% 0.05% 0.00% 0.00% 0.03% 0.00%
40 0.00% 0.05% 0.00% 0.00% 0.05% 0.00% 0.00% 0.03% 0.00%
41 0.00% 0.05% 0.00% 0.00% 0.05% 0.00% 0.00% 0.03% 0.00%
42 0.00% 0.03% 0.00% 0.00% 0.05% 0.00% 0.00% 0.03% 0.00%
43 0.00% 0.03% 0.00% 0.00% 0.05% 0.00% 0.00% 0.03% 0.00%
44 0.00% 0.03% 0.00% 0.00% 0.05% 0.00% 0.00% 0.03% 0.00%
45 0.00% 0.03% 0.00% 0.00% 0.05% 0.00% 0.00% 0.03% 0.00%
46 0.00% 0.03% 0.00% 0.00% 0.05% 0.00% 0.00% 0.03% 0.00%
47 0.00% 0.03% 0.00% 0.00% 0.03% 0.00% 0.00% 0.03% 0.00%
48 0.00% 0.03% 0.00% 0.00% 0.03% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
49 0.00% 0.03% 0.00% 0.00% 0.03% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
50 0.00% 0.03% 0.00% 0.00% 0.03% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%

The values indicated in Table 7 correspond to the maximum, average, and average values of the 95% of the measurements per
phase measured at the Kimal substation for the period between 11-2020 and 14-01-2021.


The AC system frequency requirements are provided in Table 8.

Table 8: AC System Frequency

Item Frequency Values (Hz)
Nominal System Frequency 50
Normal Continuous Frequency Range 49.0 – 51.0

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 28

Item Frequency Values (Hz)
Maximum Rate of Change of Frequency 2.0 Hz/s

For a simple contingency (N-1), the minimum frequency allowed is 48.3Hz. A transient deviation below this threshold is allowed
as long as it last for less than 200ms.

For frequencies below 49.0 Hz, the DC power can be reduced by 2.5%/Hz.

According to the NTSyCS Article 3-10, every generating unit or wind or photovoltaic park must continue to operate in a stable
manner connected to the SEN and delivering active power under the action of its load/Speed or frequency/power controls for
frequency variations within the over and underfrequency limits and, at least, during the times indicated in the Table 9, after which
the facilities can optionally disconnect (except in cases where the Coordinator demand forced disconnection).

The HVDC system shall remain in service and continue to operate without blocking for all frequencies values within the limits
and times stablished in Table 9. Further the AC and DC filter performance requirements in sections 9.10.3 and 9.12.2
respectively shall be met for these frequency limits.

Table 9: AC System Frequency and Time Limits

Lower Limit Higher Limit Minimum Operation Time
Higher than (>) Lower or equal than (<) Duration
49.0 Hz 50.0 Hz Permanent
48.0 Hz 49.0 Hz 90 minutes
47.5 Hz 48.0 Hz 30 minutes
47.0 Hz 47.5 Hz 5 seconds
50.0 Hz 51.0 Hz Permanent
51.0 Hz 51.5 Hz 90 minutes
51.5 Hz 52.0 Hz 90 seconds
52.0 Hz 52.5 Hz 15 seconds


7.6.1. Maximum Fault Current for Rating

All converter station AC equipment shall be rated for the maximum fault levels given in Table 10.

Table 10: Fault Current for Rating

Item Kimal (kA) Lo Aguirre (kA)
Maximum Fault Current 50 50

7.6.2. Short Circuit Levels

The maximum and minimum contributions from the AC system to the three-phase fault levels at each of the Converter Station
buses expressed in MVA, calculated according to the methodology stablished in the Technical Annex: “Maximum Short Circuit
Level Calculation” in the NTSyCS, are given in Table 11. The fault levels do not include any contribution from the Converter

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 29

Table 11: Short Circuit Levels at each Converter Station AC Bus
Item Kimal 220 kV Lo Aguirre 500 kV
Maximum 9,267 15,043
Three-Phase Fault (MVA)
Minimum 7,506 12,438
Maximum 16.50 14.33
X/R ratio
Minimum 13.19 12.50

According to the NTSyCS, the power transmitted by the HVDC Project, must be compatible, at all times, with the short-circuit
levels on the AC side at both ends of the system. For this, it must be foreseen that the effective short-circuit ratio (ESCR) at the
AC connection bus is greater than 2.5 for all effective dispatch conditions, taking into account the effect of an increased
equivalent short-circuit impedance due to the displacement of non-economic generation in the system.

The calculation of the short-circuit level must consider all the equipment that is connected on the AC side due to the connection
of the HVDC Project, such as filters and compensation equipment.

The Successful Bidder that will operate the HVDC Project may request authorization from the Coordinator to reduce the
minimum ESCR requirement to a value of 2.0. For this, the Successful Bidder shall submit to the Coordinator a report justifying
his request in which it demonstrates that the characteristics of the HVDC Project and its control system have the technology
and design for an efficient fault control. The real-time monitoring and measurement of the ESCR shall be the responsibility of
the Successful Bidder.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Successful Bidder shall ensure that the HVDC system will satisfactorily operate at all the
short circuit levels provided in Table 11, without any limitation.


Normal and backup fault clearing times for the 500 kV and 220 kV AC systems are stated below in Table 12.

Table 12: Normal and Backup Clearing Times

Item 500 kV (ms) 220 kV (ms)
Normal clearing time 120 120
Backup clearing time 300 300

The maximum fault clearing time indicated in Table 12 is required in the event of simple contingencies and with the teleprotection
schemes under normal operating conditions.

The HVDC System must remain connected in service (should not trip or block) when, as a result of a fault, a voltage drop is
produced, and it should continue to operate in a stable manner after the fault has been cleared within the times established in
the Table 12 for both normal and backup clearing, and respecting the undervoltage requirements established in Section 7.3.3.


The harmonic impedances of the AC system for the design and performance of AC filters shall include all possible points within
the maximum and minimum limits provided in Table 13 and Table 14, according to the harmonic impedance diagrams in Figure
4, unless otherwise specified.

The harmonic impedances in the tables correspond to the AC bus of each Converter Station and exclude the influence of the
new AC filters in said facilities. The use of this data for AC filter design and performance calculations is specified in section 9.10.

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 30

Figure 4: Harmonic Impedance Diagram

Table 13: Harmonic Impedances in Kimal 220 kV

Impedance Impedance
Harmonic Resistance Reactance Circle Radius
Magnitude Angle
Order (Ω) (Ω) (Ω)
(Ω) (degrees)
Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max
2 6.50 11.26 4.28 8.57 8.18 13.58 26.10 43.64 4.95 8.62
3 0.95 19.47 -5.64 11.54 1.14 20.75 -48.35 73.22 0.58 11.82
4 4.81 17.87 3.74 14.55 8.11 19.54 15.47 60.00 5.11 14.70
5 11.12 37.85 -7.12 19.97 11.23 40.02 -23.24 50.07 5.62 21.27
6 7.37 23.62 -13.85 10.00 7.38 24.30 -37.48 33.03 3.69 14.79
7 6.33 28.49 -10.87 7.05 6.81 28.86 -40.25 24.27 3.66 14.84
8 7.04 23.99 -13.57 1.90 7.64 25.41 -50.27 11.43 3.90 14.17
9 4.02 13.99 -9.47 5.27 5.62 14.07 -53.58 31.80 3.26 9.47
10 3.08 32.51 -17.47 10.13 3.21 32.84 -54.25 38.03 1.62 17.50
11 0.94 14.51 -16.62 2.27 2.03 21.16 -74.81 14.31 1.17 17.27
12 0.44 4.80 -4.95 4.99 0.45 5.41 -74.71 74.56 0.22 8.65
13 0.82 10.19 1.29 8.21 2.31 12.51 10.83 74.41 1.79 9.26
14 3.07 15.87 -1.72 11.93 3.50 16.86 -11.53 64.73 1.83 12.89
15 2.87 16.84 -3.88 11.93 3.48 17.11 -21.99 58.98 1.83 12.89
16 3.17 17.84 -3.88 11.01 4.66 19.10 -23.35 55.90 2.39 11.05
17 3.59 18.13 -4.10 11.01 4.68 19.10 -18.79 64.52 2.39 11.05
18 2.32 17.06 -4.10 11.10 2.74 17.06 -22.58 66.16 1.42 15.02
19 2.32 23.30 -7.15 21.85 2.74 24.93 -30.39 70.96 1.42 25.87
20 2.60 43.14 -18.21 25.76 5.02 44.09 -52.10 70.96 2.73 26.19

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 31

21 2.98 43.14 -18.21 25.76 3.63 44.09 -55.54 65.37 1.89 26.19
22 0.86 34.40 -16.18 22.90 0.94 36.02 -57.38 60.18 0.47 23.57
23 0.79 27.08 -6.98 11.98 0.94 27.52 -57.38 79.15 0.47 20.01
24 0.77 15.98 -2.97 15.83 0.94 21.17 -23.24 81.36 0.47 23.71
25 0.77 19.34 -6.36 17.31 3.54 21.53 -24.46 81.37 6.10 27.46
26 0.90 29.31 -6.36 18.37 4.24 30.42 -24.46 81.37 2.18 44.49
27 1.31 29.31 -6.36 23.08 4.24 30.42 -24.46 81.04 2.18 67.76
28 1.84 29.31 -6.36 30.66 4.24 31.33 -24.46 80.09 2.18 76.11
29 1.75 19.32 -2.55 40.81 5.32 43.13 -30.59 82.89 3.01 76.12
30 1.75 27.37 -2.55 52.24 5.56 58.98 -30.59 82.89 3.01 76.12
31 1.75 81.72 -2.55 64.25 7.04 101.80 -30.59 82.89 4.40 76.10
32 2.30 116.30 -41.59 64.25 7.42 117.22 -30.59 82.22 4.40 66.95
33 2.30 116.30 -41.98 64.25 7.42 117.22 -42.99 82.28 4.40 87.26
34 2.30 116.30 -41.98 64.25 8.13 117.22 -42.99 82.70 4.82 98.49
35 2.33 103.67 -41.98 47.81 8.13 106.31 -54.33 82.70 4.82 98.49
36 2.33 72.82 -29.40 52.73 8.13 80.73 -59.91 82.70 4.82 98.49
37 2.49 80.29 -29.40 56.48 7.66 87.35 -59.91 82.70 4.74 98.49
38 2.62 103.89 -39.54 56.48 3.50 105.00 -59.91 81.13 1.75 94.88
39 3.46 103.89 -39.54 56.48 3.50 105.00 -59.91 78.32 1.75 75.81
40 1.93 103.89 -39.54 56.48 1.93 105.00 -64.44 73.43 0.96 64.15
41 1.93 103.89 -39.54 55.94 1.93 105.00 -64.44 75.18 0.96 56.21
42 1.93 68.24 -31.42 32.58 1.93 70.86 -64.44 79.41 0.96 36.88
43 1.43 38.22 -23.02 26.76 1.93 38.79 -64.44 83.12 0.96 62.66
44 1.41 36.21 -5.93 26.91 1.93 38.79 -50.40 84.59 0.96 90.01
45 1.41 47.19 -5.93 34.89 5.30 52.25 -19.32 85.18 2.94 116.72
46 1.41 56.81 -5.93 40.21 5.30 60.84 -19.32 85.43 2.94 144.26
47 1.41 58.41 -13.29 43.55 9.77 61.13 -26.44 85.61 5.53 173.94
48 1.48 58.41 -13.29 54.53 10.69 61.13 -26.44 85.77 5.53 205.59
49 1.54 58.41 -13.29 63.20 10.69 63.90 -26.44 85.83 5.53 226.23
50 1.65 58.41 -13.29 63.20 10.69 63.90 -26.44 85.83 5.53 226.23

Table 14: Harmonic Impedances in Lo Aguirre 500 kV

Impedance Impedance
Harmonic Resistance Reactance Circle Radius
Magnitude Angle
Order (Ω) (Ω) (Ω)
(Ω) (degrees)
Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max
2 22.47 51.03 1.47 25.71 25.78 54.31 2.15 40.29 14.07 28.90
3 11.01 45.49 -20.08 23.46 11.02 45.95 -42.60 42.67 5.51 24.91
4 14.59 97.65 -23.18 60.61 15.67 100.07 -25.83 66.64 8.00 63.63
5 4.59 58.80 -14.22 36.17 5.21 62.51 -46.02 68.56 2.61 42.59
6 9.90 65.71 -6.02 29.57 12.79 66.66 -10.43 64.83 7.08 33.81
7 9.06 29.39 12.62 38.60 21.26 45.29 29.28 68.55 13.71 54.87
8 9.35 91.38 11.52 75.18 31.31 112.09 11.50 73.89 20.21 80.05
9 13.96 135.76 -43.65 83.02 18.82 137.89 -43.92 69.16 10.45 86.97
10 11.52 103.17 -33.17 76.76 12.23 107.69 -41.42 72.00 6.18 85.75
11 11.74 92.38 4.70 78.44 26.61 109.32 5.75 71.77 18.82 96.57
12 20.94 98.86 -6.27 82.58 29.93 111.16 -6.99 60.71 16.58 85.58
13 16.18 122.08 -10.42 95.42 27.71 130.21 -9.11 75.87 14.96 178.72
14 17.14 330.40 -138.23 197.03 33.64 331.08 -56.67 75.87 18.40 220.79
15 21.80 330.40 -138.23 197.03 22.54 331.08 -62.04 65.09 11.30 220.18
16 15.24 338.94 -174.76 149.64 22.54 339.16 -74.31 56.95 11.30 174.80
17 2.16 217.21 -174.76 49.94 5.99 271.92 -76.38 71.78 4.73 174.80

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 32

18 1.31 87.23 -63.91 71.14 1.46 96.24 -78.04 81.99 0.73 153.79
19 1.18 72.93 -49.80 109.14 1.27 118.87 -79.41 86.51 0.64 204.24
20 1.12 143.95 -22.01 123.68 1.21 164.84 -79.41 86.58 0.61 275.47
21 1.12 143.95 -1.22 200.51 1.21 216.17 -43.33 87.02 0.61 485.18
22 1.61 323.83 -74.46 235.43 13.81 345.43 -30.20 87.02 15.01 485.18
23 2.02 517.15 -208.31 296.94 11.34 521.09 -61.37 87.02 5.73 485.18
24 1.81 517.15 -208.31 296.94 8.77 521.09 -69.36 88.13 4.48 940.04
25 1.51 517.15 -208.31 259.42 7.33 521.09 -69.36 88.79 3.68 2074.24
26 1.30 43.21 -83.10 106.30 7.33 106.32 -69.36 89.06 3.68 3250.49
27 1.16 37.27 -83.10 140.51 17.88 140.66 -69.36 89.25 22.29 3851.96
28 1.16 114.82 -83.10 177.88 42.61 185.77 -69.36 89.25 68.12 3851.96
29 1.16 114.82 -83.10 278.45 58.56 287.03 -74.47 89.25 68.12 3885.97
30 1.39 165.10 -3025.09 339.50 72.24 341.04 -74.47 89.16 68.12 3885.97
31 2.16 565.34 -3025.09 761.13 77.68 897.21 -74.47 88.96 77.19 3956.28
32 2.54 5905.63 -3025.09 2897.75 89.71 5936.53 -74.47 89.14 131.77 6537.80
33 2.54 8397.41 -4215.94 4297.31 114.24 8418.53 -85.91 89.14 135.85 7135.51
34 2.68 8500.49 -4259.11 4297.31 146.60 8535.61 -87.14 89.14 135.20 7137.40
35 2.76 9779.35 -4436.94 5275.70 183.22 9795.78 -87.92 89.14 135.20 7137.40
36 4.46 13386.15 -6620.28 6741.89 141.49 13392.24 -87.99 88.87 135.20 7137.40
37 3.79 13386.15 -6620.28 6741.89 103.15 13392.24 -88.73 88.76 135.20 7039.26
38 2.47 13386.15 -6620.28 6741.89 83.64 13392.24 -88.96 87.73 63.19 6786.55
39 2.27 8500.44 -6620.28 2262.36 76.86 10627.23 -88.98 85.90 63.19 6663.78
40 1.46 3382.51 -2136.50 2262.36 60.12 3511.24 -89.11 85.49 63.19 6663.78
41 1.29 3382.51 -2136.50 2262.36 44.10 3511.24 -89.12 67.78 63.19 6663.78
42 1.10 1247.28 -1972.63 33.46 25.91 2333.88 -89.12 67.78 77.41 6390.74
43 1.06 632.98 -839.89 33.46 3.27 969.04 -89.12 82.26 1.70 4887.22
44 1.06 64.09 -521.67 33.46 2.06 525.59 -89.12 82.26 1.03 4744.38
45 0.98 177.94 -296.94 73.75 1.91 298.78 -89.10 86.09 0.95 3626.73
46 0.98 177.94 -202.73 559.79 1.91 581.32 -89.05 86.83 0.95 2456.80
47 0.98 4380.43 -1971.68 2065.70 1.91 4384.26 -88.98 87.35 0.95 2500.82
48 0.98 4380.43 -2317.30 2480.76 1.91 4384.26 -88.57 87.48 0.95 3329.11
49 0.98 5031.29 -2569.92 2503.78 1.91 5035.63 -88.57 87.48 0.95 3781.22
50 0.98 5031.29 -2569.92 2503.78 1.95 5035.63 -88.22 87.48 0.98 3781.22


AC filters shall provide sufficient filtering to meet the minimum performance requirements for individual harmonic voltage
distortion specified in Table 15. Harmonic voltage values in the table are expressed as a percentage of the nominal system

Under normal operating conditions, for a measurement recording period of any one week of the year or seven consecutive days,
95% of the statistical values of voltage harmonics and their total distortion index, shall comply with what is indicated in Table

Table 15: Individual Voltage Harmonic Distortion for 220 kV and 500 kV
Odd (non-multiple of 3) Odd (multiple of 3) Even
Order H Tension (%) Order H Tension (%) Order H Tension (%)
5 2.0 3 2.0 2 1.5
7 2.0 9 1.0 4 1.0
11 1.5 15 0.3 6 0.5
13 1.5 21 0.2 8 0.4

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 33

Odd (non-multiple of 3) Odd (multiple of 3) Even
Order H Tension (%) Order H Tension (%) Order H Tension (%)
17 1.0 >21 0.2 10 0.4
19 1.0 12 0.2
23 0.7 >12 0.2
25 0.7
>25 0.2+0.5*25/H

According to the NTSyCS Article 5-69, the maximum total harmonic distortion value to be considered for the design of AC filters,
must be 3.0% as a percentage of the nominal voltage, for both 500kV and 220 kV.

The requirements specified in Article 5-68 of the NTSyCS shall be considered, where applicable to the Project.


The Project design must comply with the flicker requirements specified in the NTSyCS Article 5-68, letter c).


The reactive power exchange limits with the system for the Converter Stations are specified in Table 16.

Table 16: Reactive Power Exchange Limits

Description Kimal Lo Aguirre
Reactive Power Exchange Limit (MVar) ± 150 ± 150


According to the NTSyCS, when the SEN is operating in a normal state or state of alert, the value of the damping factor for
electromechanical oscillations of small signal in steady state must be at least 10%. The damping factor after the occurrence of
a simple contingency, measured on the active power oscillations in the transmission line that carries the greatest power and
whose location is the closest to the place of occurrence of the contingency, must have a minimum value of 5%. The damping
factor shall be calculated as indicated in the NTSyCS Article 5-39.


The Bidder must comply with the most current edition of the NTSyCS and its Technical Annex "Minimum Requirements for the
Design of Transmission Facilities", Title V, article 13 of the NTSyCS it is established that, to ensure the seismic quality of
transmission facilities, current Chilean standards shall be applied in their design. In cases where there is no applicable Chilean
standard, ENDESA's technical specification ETG-1020 or IEEE Std 693-2005 shall be used, in the condition of “High Seismic
Level” with a “Projected performance” factor greater than or equal to 2.0.

The design of the primary equipment shall be carried out using the Allowable Stress Method with the following safety factors:

a. 2.0 with respect to rupture for brittle materials such as porcelain and/or cast aluminum alloys.
b. 1.25 with respect to yield stress for ductile materials such as steel.
c. 2.0 with respect to the SML (Specified Mechanical Load) value for polymeric materials.

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 34

The breakdown value shall be demonstrated in accordance with ETG 1.020, and the SML value shall be demonstrated in
accordance with IEEE 693-2005.

The design of the support structures and foundations of electrical equipment must comply with the design criteria indicated in
the CIGRE Chile publication “Lessons and recommendations for the electricity sector derived from the earthquake of February
27, 2010 in Chile”.

Likewise, the Successful Bidder must include in its design criteria the seismic specifications that experience recommend,

a. Hire at least one professional with at least 10 years of experience in Chile, in the seismic design of civil works for
b. Hire a professional specialist in the seismic qualification of substation equipment, with extensive experience in this
matter, responsible for issuing for each equipment, a report certifying that it qualifies to be installed in Chile and where
the need to perform or not vibrating table tests is justified.
c. Comply with the recommendations, both for design and construction, outlined in the document "Lessons and
recommendations for the electricity sector derived from the earthquake of February 27, 2010 in Chile" prepared by
CIGRE Chile.

For civil works that do not correspond to support structures or foundations for equipment, the Successful Bidder must comply
with the Chilean standards NCH 433 seismic design of buildings and NCH 2369 Seismic design of industrial facilities.

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 35


The Successful Bidder shall develop digital models of the HVDC System suitable for representation of the system in load-flow,
stability, and short-circuit program, and in electromagnetic transient programs. These digital models shall be provided to the
Coordinator prior to the Start of Operation (Milestone N°11) according to the NTSyCS.

As there might be model adequacy issues with standard models, the Successful Bidder shall develop and provide non-
proprietary user-defined models to the Coordinator. For the models, all source codes are to be provided, alternatively a validated
“Black Box” and generic models shall be provided. The generic model shall be validated against the detailed “Black Box” model
and the validation procedure and the results shall be approved by the Coordinator prior to the Start of Operation, according to
the NTSyCS.

The Successful Bidder shall use proven software/hardware tools in the system studies for this HVDC Project. The Coordinator
will accept study results generated with tools and commercial software known to the Coordinator, such as Power Factory
DIgSILENT, PSS/E, PSCAD, EMTP-RV, etc., which have demonstrated application experience.

The whole power system model shall be used, if possible, for the applicable studies. For studies where it may be difficult or
unnecessary to use the whole system model, equivalent models can be utilized. These equivalents shall be developed from the
whole system data. The procedures and assumptions taken while developing such equivalents shall be documented and
submitted to Coordinator for review and approval. The newly developed equivalents shall have similar strength and damping as
the equivalents given in this Specification.

The full system model for steady-state and transient stability studies required during the design stage will be provided by the
Coordinator in Power Factory DIgSILENT format. The system model provided shall be used only for the purposes for which it
was designed and must be reviewed, verified and, if necessary adjusted, by the Successful Bidder, if needed. The system model
in Power Factory DIgSILENT format provided by the Coordinator will not include the HVDC model, which shall be developed
and integrated by the Successful Bidder.


The Successful Bidder shall provide to the Coordinator, prior to Milestone N°11, the following models of all supplied circuit
components and control and protection of the HVDC Systems. The models shall be up to date with all the design features
implemented in the Project.

a. PSCAD and EMTP-RV for time domain (or EMT) simulations in their most current version at the delivery date.
b. PF DIgSILENT and PSS/E for phasor domain (or RMS) simulations in their most current version at the delivery date.


The Successful Bidder shall provide the Coordinator with a replica of the fully functional control and protection system of the
HVDC Project to be implemented in the Coordinator’s RTDS laboratory. The Successful Bidder shall be responsible for the
integration, testing, and commissioning of the replica in the Coordinator’s laboratory prior to the Project’s Start of Operation.
The Coordinator will be responsible for providing the RTDS real time simulator and the interfaces required for the integration of
the control and protection cubicles of the replica.

The layout and specifications of cubicles shall be submitted in advance by the Successful Bidder to allow the Coordinator
assessing the capacity of their facilities to host and integrate the replica. The design of the replica shall not include redundancy,
auxiliary control systems or other interface components, preserving only the control and protection functionality to perform real-

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 36

time simulations in a reduced equivalent system of the SEN. The replica shall follow the same supplier testing process as the
actual control system. Training of Coordinator Lab’s engineers must be included in the training program described in section 19.

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 37


This section describes the minimum performance requirements to be fulfilled by the HVDC Project.


This section defines the ratings for a bipolar HVDC System with a nominal DC voltage of ±600 kV and an overhead transmission
line with a distance of approximately 1500 km with a dedicated metallic return (DMR).

The Converter Stations ratings are:

i. New Kimal (NKI) Converter Station rated for 3000 MW at the DC side terminals.
ii. New Lo Aguirre (NLA) Converter Station rated for 3000 MW at the DC side terminal.

All components of the HVDC System supplied as part of the scope of the Project shall be rated to meet the requirements given
in this section.

Performance and ratings shall be determined taking into account simultaneous occurrence of extreme values of environmental
and AC and DC system parameters and extreme values of manufacturing and measuring tolerances. There shall be no limitation
of rating or de-rating of any equipment supplied due to failure to take into account the worst combination of system conditions
including environmental conditions, voltage, frequency variation, voltage unbalance, or any tolerances and measuring
uncertainties which shall be assumed to occur simultaneously.

When determining ratings that are impacted by environmental variables such as temperature, it should be noted that extreme
variation above the quoted values may occasionally occur. In such event, the equipment shall not trip but shall continue to
operate within its inherent rating but possibly at reduced capacity.

The performance criteria shall be achieved for the normal and alert continuous ranges for AC bus voltages specified in Table 3
and the frequency variation range between 48.0 and 51.5 Hz (permanent and 90-minutes ranges in Table 9). The rating of the
equipment shall be achieved for all AC bus voltages stated in Table 3 and all frequency ranges specified in Table 9. In addition,
the Converter Stations shall be available under all specified fault level conditions and all specified ambient temperature
conditions as stated in section 6.2 with all redundant cooling equipment out of service.

Operation shall be possible and there shall be no restriction on connecting, starting and remaining in operation within the extreme
maximum continuous and extreme minimum continuous of the AC bus voltages, meaning up to the emergency voltages levels
specified in Table 3. Any restrictions or limitations due to such variations shall be stated. There shall be no reduction in the
power transfer capability of the DC transmission system due to frequency disturbances within the limits stablished in Section
7.5. The converter valves and cooling, converter transformers and all associated auxiliary equipment shall continue to operate
without tripping during the frequency disturbances.

The power rating levels and power transmission capabilities due to but not limited to extreme environmental conditions or
reduced voltage operation, under the specified conditions quoted by the Bidder shall not be less than the rating levels specified
in this section.

The design of the Pole DC terminal equipment on the HV side shall avoid resonance with the DC line and the terminal equipment
at both Converter Stations at fundamental and second harmonic frequencies and shall not excite low order frequencies. This
means that the smoothing reactor sizing and DC filter design shall consider such resonance conditions. Similarly, the design of
the neutral equipment shall avoid resonance with the DMR.

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 38


The Successful Bidder shall provide all DC switching devices as may be necessary to meet the requirements of this Specification
or that are necessary to enable the operation of the HVDC system and the Converter Stations in a straight forward and efficient

All switches, disconnects and ground switches used as part of the automatic DMR or any other automatic switching sequence
shall be motor operated. All other ground switches shall be motor operated, but the initiation shall be local at the switch and not

All switches and disconnects and grounding switches in the valve halls are to be remotely controlled in addition to being locally
controlled. Position indicators as required for interlocking, as well as remote and local indication shall be provided.

All disconnects or isolators which are used to provide isolation for maintenance on any equipment shall have visible breaks. If
a visible break is not inherent then an additional separate isolator having a visible break shall be provided.

The equipment arrangement shall be designed to ensure that no single contingency, fault or loss of any piece of equipment can
cause or result in a bipolar shutdown or transient reduction in power transfer to less than the rating of one Pole.

The DC power circuit arrangement shall provide at least the following functions:

a. Isolating and grounding either Converter Station Pole for maintenance.

b. Isolating and grounding either, or both DC transmission line Poles for maintenance.
c. During bipolar balanced operation, and in the event of an open circuit in the DMR, the bipolar system shall continue in
operation without interruption, by applying a ground also at the ungrounded Converter Station.
d. Disconnect switches to allow open-line tests.
e. Clearing of a Pole for maintenance without affecting the power flow on the other Pole.
f. Switching from DMR to DMR in parallel with PMR mode of operation during monopolar operation. All the necessary
equipment shall be provided to achieve this configuration without impacting the operation of the healthy Pole.
g. Switching from DMR in parallel with PMR to PMR alone mode of operation during monopolar operation. All the
necessary equipment shall be provided to achieve this configuration without impacting the operation of the healthy
h. Connecting, isolating and grounding of the DC filter branch for maintenance without interrupting or reducing the DC
power transfer of the other Pole.
i. Grounding of the neutral bus through a high-speed switch (NBGS) during bipolar operation balanced current mode.
j. Clearing neutral bus fault on one Pole with no impact on the healthy Pole.

All the high-speed switches necessary to achieve the requirements listed above shall be included in the design, for instance:
neutral bus switches (NBS), neutral bus ground switches (NBGS), metallic return transfer breaker (MRTB), metallic return
transfer switch (MRTS), or other high speed switches, accordingly. At the same time, all control, protection and measuring
equipment necessary to achieve these functions shall be provided. The Successful Bidder shall perform all the studies and
design engineering necessary for the HVDC system to properly operate in all the indicated operating modes.


The HVDC System shall have a nominal continuous rating measured at the DC terminals of the rectifier Converter Stations as
specified in Table 17.

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 39

Table 17: Nominal Continuous Rating
Item Kimal Lo Aguirre
Rated DC Voltage ±600 kV ±600 kV
Rated Current 2500 A DC 2500 A DC
Rated Power 3000 MW 3000 MW

The above ratings shall be achieved at maximum ambient temperature specified in section 6.2 with all redundant AC filters out
of service and with all redundant thyristors short circuited, for system short-circuit conditions specified in Table 11 and the AC
bus voltages ranges specified in section 7.3.1.


The ultimate nominal direct voltage at the DC line terminal shall be ±600 kV relative to neutral when the station is operating in
the rectifier mode. The maximum DC voltage shall be maintained within +15kV of the voltage setpoint at the rectifier by the
converter transformer tap changer and the firing angle control for all power flows up to rated value and for all normal and alert
AC bus bar voltages and AC system frequency ranges specified in section 7.


The HVDC System shall be capable of transmitting full rated power in both directions.


9.6.1. Normal Operating Modes

The Converter station shall be designed to operate in bipolar operation both in balanced and unbalanced DC current as well as
balanced or unbalanced DC voltages.

The Converter Station shall be designed to operate in mono-polar operation with either the DMR only, the PMR and DMR in
parallel, or with PMR only. The switching between these modes shall be done in such a way that it does not impact the Pole in
operation. Additionally, in an emergency situation in bipolar balanced mode of operation due a DMR open circuit fault, it shall
be possible to continue the operation by applying ground at both Converter Stations.

The Converter Stations shall be designed and rated to operate in balanced bipolar mode in which the unbalance current between
the two Poles shall not exceed 20 amperes.

The above configurations shall be available for transmitting power in both directions. In all of the above configurations, the
neutral point shall be grounded at one of the Converter Stations, with the exception of the emergency condition stated above,
however, both of them should have the capability to ground the neutral point.

The necessary DC switching equipment shall be provided to allow all the operating configurations described above.

9.6.2. Islanding Operation

Islanding operation could result from restoration of the SEN following a major system disturbance or extreme contingency, such
as an outage of the 500 kV AC line between Los Changos and Cumbre substations.

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 40

The HVDC system shall operate satisfactorily during sustained islanding operation and during the transition from full system to
an islanded state and vice versa. Scenarios where the HVDC system may be required to continue operation when the main AC
system is separated in islands are as follows:

a. Loss of double circuit Kimal-Los Changos 2x500 kV AC.

b. Loss of double circuit Los Changos-Parinas 2x500 kV AC.
c. Loss of double circuit Parinas-Cumbres 2x500 kV AC.
d. Loss of double circuit Cumbres-Nueva Cardones 2x500 kV AC.
e. Loss of double circuit Nueva Cardones-Nueva Maitencillo 2x500 kV AC.
f. Loss of double circuit Nueva Maitencillo-Nueva Pan de Azúcar 2x500 kV AC.
g. Loss of double circuit Nueva Pan de Azúcar-Polpaico 2x500 kV AC.
h. Loss of double circuit Polpaico-Lo Aguirre 2x500 kV AC

Satisfactory operation in island may be achieved with the use of general and special contingency control resources from the
system, as well as with automatisms and/or defense plans according to the specified in the NTSyCS.


The power transmission requirements given below shall be achieved with all redundant equipment out of service and redundant
thyristors short circuited. The power transmission requirements specified shall be met for the stated frequency range specified
in section 7.5 and throughout the entire range of ambient temperatures as specified in section 6.2, and at all the AC bus voltages
stated in section 7.3.1.

In addition, the power transmission requirements shall be met within the limits of reactive power exchange specified in section
7.11, AC harmonic filter performance specified in section 9.10.3, DC harmonic filter performance specified in section 9.12.2,
and all other relevant performance parameters defined in this Specification.

9.7.1. Minimum Current Requirements

The Converter Station shall be designed for a minimum current as given in the Table 18. The minimum DC power per Pole shall
correspond to this minimum current times the corresponding DC voltage. It shall be possible to deblock the first Pole at minimum
current after a bipole outage and operate at minimum current with no restrictions.

Table 18: Minimum Current

Item Kimal Lo Aguirre
Rated DC Voltage 600 kV 600 kV
Minimum Current per Pole 250 A DC 250 A DC

9.7.2. Overload Requirements

The following overload requirements at maximum ambient temperature and without redundant cooling shall be provided on a
per pole basis. The overload requirements specified below shall only apply for monopolar operation:

i. Continuous (or permanent) overload of 10% (OL1).

ii. Temporary short-term duration overload of 20% for 20 minutes repeated once every 8 hours (OL2).
iii. Transient overload of 33.33% for 10 seconds repeated once every 8 hours (OL3).

The following sequences shall be possible to apply, as a minimum:

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 41

i. Apply OL2 when operating at OL1 and back to OL1.
ii. Apply OL3 when operating at OL1 and back to OL1.
iii. Apply OL3 when operating at OL2 and back to OL2 to complete the 20-minute interval.

Further, when operating at nominal power or at OL1, the HVDC control system shall provide allowance for AC system damping
overload control based on system studies to be conducted by the Successful Bidder during design phase.

In addition, the Bidder shall indicate the inherent overload capacity and its duration, with and without redundant cooling system,
and how often this can be applied in a 24-hour period, indicating if such an inherent overload is on a per pole or bipole basis.
The Bidder shall provide a curve indicating overload versus ambient temperature, with and without redundant cooling.

9.7.3. Reduced Voltage Operation

The HVDC System shall be capable of operating continuously at a settable nominal Pole to neutral voltage of at least 480 kV
as a rectifier in bipolar as well as in monopolar. The system shall be capable of transmitting not less than 80% rated bipolar
power in bipolar, and not less than 80% rated monopolar power in monopolar operation during the reduced dc voltage operation
of 480 kV. The Pole voltage shall be within 15 kV of the above provided that the AC bus voltage is within the limits specified in
section 7.3.1.

The reduced DC voltage operation can be initiated by the DC line restart sequence or by the operator.

The transmitted power rating at 480 kV reduced DC line voltage shall be achieved for all ambient temperatures specified in
section 6.2.

The minimum current with reduced Pole voltage shall be not more than the values stated in the Table 18 above.

It shall also be possible to set the DC voltage reference between 420 kV to 600 kV in one Pole in steps of 1.0 kV by the operator,
while the other Pole is operating at 600 kV. Power levels below 480 kV DC voltage shall be as permitted by the main circuit
rating of the equipment. The reduced voltage may be achieved by a combination of tap changer and firing angle control.

It should be noted that AC harmonic filter performance and reactive power balance requirements as specified are to be met
during reduced voltage operation, but it may be assumed that all filters are available for service, if required.

It shall be possible to start the power transmission in reduced voltage mode by the operator.

9.7.4. Increased Reactive Power Absorption

The use of higher than normal firing and extinction angles temporarily at any Converter Station to assist in reactive power
management and/or voltage control of the AC system may be utilized by the Bidder provided that all equipment is adequately
rated and that all the requirements of this Specification are met.

9.7.5. Converters Unbalanced Operation

The HVDC equipment at both Converter Stations shall be designed and rated to operate with different DC current orders.
Necessary facilities shall be provided to permit these modes of operation and to allow the individual Pole power and/or current
orders and/or voltage to be set independently.

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 42

Each Pole shall be capable of transmitting its full rated power including overloads specified in section 9.7.2 and for the system
short circuit levels stated in Table 11.


The HVDC System shall conform to the dynamic performance requirements specified herein. It shall be designed to optimally
coordinate all aspects of its controls to ensure safe and reliable operation without adversely affecting the connected AC system
and shall assist the latter, following disturbances. The performance requirements shall be met under all specified ambient
conditions, modes of operation, operating configurations, power flow directions, AC system conditions, and other parameters
as given in this Specification.

The principal objectives of the design shall include:

a. Optimal response of HVDC controls following step change in ordered parameters such as current, power, DC voltage
and firing angles.
b. Stable operation of the DC system following major disturbances.
c. Stabilization of the AC system following major disturbances.
d. Control of power levels depending on the system configuration. Such a control may require Run Back control features.

The Successful Bidder shall determine the necessary control modes to be implemented at each Converter Station including but
not limited to DC power control, DC current control, DC voltage control and extinction angle control. The Successful Bidder shall
also include converter transformer tap changer control as required.

The operation of control and protection functions such as voltage dependent current limits (VDCOL), commutation failure
protection, and circuits provided to enhance commutation during disturbed AC voltage conditions shall be optimized to assist in
meeting the specified responses.

9.8.1. Control System Stability

The Successful Bidder shall demonstrate that the HVDC control system is stable under all operating conditions and cannot
excite oscillations, such as sub-synchronous oscillations, between the HVDC and AC system. The control system shall be tuned
for optimal overall performance for all conditions and configurations of the AC system.

The Successful Bidder shall also demonstrate that the as-built control system does not excite low order harmonic resonance(s)
in the AC system and/or between HVDC and AC systems for any system configuration. The Bidder shall demonstrate this by
applying system faults and step responses in current order and power order during the factory acceptance testing (FAT) and
factory performance tests (FPT) in a real-time simulation environment.

The performance of the integrated DC and AC systems shall also be demonstrated using an EMT-type program (such as PSCAD
or EMTP-RV) in order to validate the system performance requirements.

9.8.2. Response Times

The controls of the HVDC System shall be capable of stable operation, while meeting all the response time requirements, for
various system parameter step changes and changes in the system conditions as stated in Table 11.

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 43

The Successful Bidder shall optimize the recovery of the DC system following faults with the objective of obtaining the fastest
practical power transfer recovery with the minimum energy loss to the receiving AC system while at the same time maintaining
the stability of the AC system.

9.8.3. Response Requirements General

The controls of the HVDC System shall be capable of stable operation, while meeting all the response time requirements, for
various system parameter step changes and changes in the system conditions as stated in Table 11.

The Successful Bidder shall optimize the recovery of the DC system following faults with the objective of obtaining the fastest
practical power transfer recovery with the minimum energy loss to the receiving AC system while at the same time maintaining
the stability of the AC system. Dynamic Response Definitions

Figure 5 shows the response definition described herein as interpreted for a step increase, while Figure 6 shows the response
definition as interpreted for a step decrease.

For an underdamped system, the response time (tr1) is defined as the time from the initiation of the ordered change to the time
when 90% of the ordered change has been accomplished, subject to the condition that the measured value remains or settles
at the new order within a range of ±10% of the ordered change, after the first overshoot.

The first overshoot shall not exceed 20% of the ordered change and the measured value shall settle at the new order, within a
±10% range, with a tolerance of ±2% by the second overshoot.

If the measured value exceeds the range of ±10% of the ordered change after the first overshoot, then the response time (tr2)
shall be defined to be the interval from the initiation of the order change to the time when the measured value returns to the new
order within a range of 10% of the ordered change.

For an overdamped system, the response time (tr3) is defined as the time from initiation of the order change to the time when
90% of the ordered change has been accomplished. The measured value shall settle at the new order within a tolerance of ±2%
by four times tr3.

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 44

New Order

Ordered Value
Δ C = Ordered Change

Previous Order

to Time
tr1 3
New Value
(Underdamped Response)

2 1 First Overshoot
0.1 x Δ C
Measured Value

2 First Underershoot

0.9 x Δ C 3 Second Overshoot

Response time = tr1
or = tr2

Previous Value

to t1 Time

New Value
(Overdamped Response)
Measured Value

0.9 x Δ C
Response time = tr3

Previous Value

to t2 Time

Figure 5: Definition of Step Response (Increase)

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 45

Previous Order

Ordered Value
Δ C = Ordered Change

New Order

tr1 Time
Previous Value
(Underdamped Response)

1 First Overshoot
Measured Value

2 First Undershoot
0.9 x Δ C
3 Second Overshoot

Response time = tr1

2 0.1 x Δ C or = tr2

New Value
1 3

to t1 Time

Previous Value
(Overdamped Response)
Measured Value

0.9 x Δ C

Response time = tr3

New Value

to t2 Time

Figure 6: Definition of Step Response (Decrease) Power Order Step Response

The HVDC controls, when in power control mode or any other mode where the DC power transfer is controlled, shall respond
to maintain the power transfer of the Poles at the ordered or desired level at any power level between minimum and the overload
rating of the HVDC system.

When operating at any power order between the minimum and rated power transfer, the DC power controller shall respond to
either a step increase or a step decrease in DC power order such that 90% of the ordered change is achieved within 200
milliseconds of the power order change at the rectifier. Longer response times shall be duly justified by studies demonstrating
that no negative impact to the system nor breach of the NTSyCS will occur, which shall be reviewed and approved by the
Coordinator during design phase.

The specified DC power order step response shall be demonstrated for a step change in bipolar and in monopolar operation for
the following cases:
19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 46
a. Power transfer order step from 1.0 pu to 0.5 pu
b. Power transfer order step from 0.5 pu to 1.0 pu applied immediately 500ms after step (a).
c. Power transfer order step from 0.5 pu to 1.0 pu
d. Power transfer order step from 1.0 pu to 0.5 pu applied 500 milliseconds after step (cg). Response to AC Bus Voltage Change

The Successful Bidder shall demonstrate the response of the power controls to sudden changes in AC bus voltages of -5.0%
to + 2.0% from its nominal value. DC Current Order Response

When operating at any DC power transfer level between the minimum and maximum rated power levels, the DC Pole current
shall respond to either a step increase, or a step decrease in current order.

The following current order steps test will be applied in the different modes of operation and with different magnitudes to
demonstrate stable operation.

a. Test 1: Step response time shall be within 30 milliseconds for current order changes not exceeding the current margin.

The specified DC current order step response shall be demonstrated for a step change on one pole, with and without
the other pole operating at a DC power level of 1.0pu, for the following cases:

i. Current order step from (1.0 - x) pu to 1.0 pu

ii. Current order step from 1.0 pu to (1.0 - x) pu, applied immediately after the step of i) has settled.
iii. Current order step from 1.0 pu to (1.0 - x) pu
iv. Current order step from (1.0 - x) pu to 1.0 pu applied immediately after the step of iii) has settled.

Where 'x' is a value equal to the current margin less the tolerance of the measuring and control circuits.

b. Test 2: Step response time shall be within 70 milliseconds for current order changes exceeding the current margin.

The specified dc current order step response in this case shall be demonstrated for a step change on one pole, with
and without the other pole operating at a dc power level of 1.0 pu, for the cases i), ii), iii) and iv) defined in the previous
paragraph with 'x' replaced by 0.5.

Longer response times to those specified in this Section, shall be duly justified by studies demonstrating that no negative impact
to the system nor breach of the NTSyCS will occur, which shall be reviewed and approved by the Coordinator during design
phase. DC Voltage Order Response

The Successful Bidder shall demonstrate that while the station in rectifier mode of operation at nominal DC voltage of 600 kV,
if a step decrease, in the DC voltage reference from 600 kV to 480 kV lasting 500 milliseconds is applied in one Pole and back
to 600 kV, the operation is stable.

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 47 Power Voltage Instability

HVDC links operating in constant DC power control and weak AC system conditions can lead to power voltage instability under
certain disturbances. To prevent such power voltage instability, the Successful Bidder shall provide control measures to prevent
AC system collapse during AC system disturbance due to the action of the HVDC control. The Successful Bidder may adopt a
power reduction or a dynamic gain supervision function in the control system to avoid such instability if the short circuit MVA
changes during a particular power transmission level. Pole Blocking

The HVDC System shall be designed such that the power transfer loss of a faulted Pole due to Pole blocking or during DC line
fault clearing is transferred to the remaining Pole. The power transfer on the remaining Pole shall be increased up to its rated
short-time power transfer capability to compensate for the power transfer loss on the faulted Pole and to minimize AC network

When an increase in power transfer of the healthy Pole is required due to blocking of the other Pole, 90 % of the increase in DC
power transfer required shall be achieved within 100 milliseconds of the faulted Pole blocking.

For the case where a Pole blocks while communications are not in-service, 90 % of the required DC power transfer to the other
Pole shall be achieved within 100 milliseconds of the rectifier blocking.

The response for a pole blocking (with and without communications in service) shall be demonstrated by the Successful Bidder
for the following cases:

a. with the bipole in operation at 3000 MW bipolar power transfer, and one of the poles permanently blocking.
b. with the bipole in operation at 3000 MW bipolar power transfer and one of the poles has a line fault with successful

Longer response times to those specified in this Section, shall be duly justified by studies demonstrating that no negative impact
to the system nor breach of the NTSyCS will occur, which shall be reviewed and approved by the Coordinator during design
phase. Pole Deblocking and Converter Startup

A coordinated sequence of starting an HVDC Pole shall be established and demonstrated during FAT. The sequence shall be
in a such a manner that it will not impact the connected AC system. It shall be possible to start and deblock at minimum current
specified in Table 18 earlier while maintaining all the AC and DC filter performance requirements. AC Faults

The Bidder shall demonstrate the response of the HVDC System to AC voltage changes or faults at both Converter Stations AC
systems. The performance shall be demonstrated for both rectifier as well as inverter operation. The response shall be
demonstrated for the following faults:

a. Single phase-to-ground fault, for 7 cycles and 16 cycles followed by fault clearing and with fault levels resulting in
voltage reduction to 90%, 70%, 50%, 20%, and 0% of nominal converter AC bus voltage.
b. Phase-to-phase fault, for 7cycles and 16 cycles followed by fault clearing and with fault levels resulting in voltage
reduction to 90%, 70%, 50%, 20%, and 0%, of nominal converter AC bus voltage.

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 48

c. Phase-to-phase-to-ground fault, for 7cycles and 16 cycles followed by fault clearing and with fault levels resulting in
voltage reduction to 90%, 70%, 50%, 20%, and 0% of nominal converter AC bus voltage.
d. Three phase-to-ground faults, for 7 cycles and 16 cycles fault followed by fault clearing, with fault levels resulting in
voltage reduction to 90%, 70%, 50%, 20%, and 0% of nominal converter AC bus voltage.
e. Zero impedance three phase fault on the AC busbar followed by clearing and results in the loss of one DC Pole.

AC fault response for the aforementioned faults shall be demonstrated for the following operating conditions prior to the fault

a. Bipolar operation at 25%, 50 %, 75% and 100% of maximum power in northward and southward transfer.
b. Monopolar operation at 25%, 50%, 75 % and 100% of maximum power in northward and southward transfer.

The HVDC System shall recover to 90% of the pre-fault DC power transfer level consistently within 200 milliseconds from the
instant of fault clearing, without subsequent commutation failure on the faulted or healthy Pole or sustained oscillation for all
inverter system fault conditions. For all rectifier AC system fault conditions, the recovery time, to 90% pre-fault power level, shall
be within 200 milliseconds from the instant of fault clearing. This recovery time shall be achieved for all short circuit levels as
defined in Table 11. Longer response times to those specified in this Section, shall be duly justified by studies demonstrating
that no negative impact to the system nor breach of the NTSyCS will occur, which shall be reviewed and approved by the
Coordinator during design phase.

The recovery shall be in a controlled and stable manner without commutation failures during the inverter operation following AC
system faults. The post fault power order shall be equal to the pre-fault power order unless AC/DC systems dictate otherwise.
Any such conditions shall be discussed mutually and agreed to during detailed engineering with the Coordinator.

The converter equipment shall be designed such that no delay is required between the clearance of the fault and the start of
power transmission.

The control equipment shall however be provided with the facility to adjust the delay between fault clearance and the start of
recovery and the rate of recovery. The selectable range of settings will be discussed during the engineering studies and agreed
upon by the Coordinator.

During recovery from AC faults at the rectifier, minimum firing angle limit shall not be increased at the rectifier to prevent fast
recovery (or prevent commutation failures). Instead a current order limit may be applied for a short period of time.

The capability for recovery, in a stable manner, specified above shall be demonstrated during the FAT and FPT. DC Line Faults

The DC line fault protection sequence shall detect the fault, de-energize the faulted line Pole by control action, allow a time
period for fault deionization, and then automatically attempt restoration of the DC power transfer on the Pole.

The number of restarts and the voltage level it recovers to shall be discussed with the Coordinator. However, the protection
shall have a capability to program a minimum number of up to 5 restarts for different DC voltage levels.

The minimum total time to restore the DC power to 90% of the pre-fault DC power from the end of the deionization period shall
not exceed 200 milliseconds. Longer response times shall be duly justified by studies demonstrating that no negative impact to
the system nor breach of the NTSyCS will occur, which shall be reviewed and approved by the Coordinator during design phase.

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 49

The system shall be designed and capable of the following:

a. During the DC line fault and deionization interval the power transfer on the non-faulted Pole shall be rapidly increased
to the extent possible in order to minimize the impact on the DC power transfer.
b. On recovery of the faulted Pole the power transfer on both Poles shall resume the pre-fault values.
c. The transfer of power to the non-faulted Pole during the line fault clearing and recovery sequence shall occur even
when the HVDC telecommunications are not in service.
d. The healthy Pole shall not fail commutation when a DC line faults occurs on the other Pole or any time there after until
the faulty Pole is back to normal operation.

The clearing and recovery of a DC line Pole fault shall be demonstrated in bipolar and monopolar mode at 1.0 pu power transfer
prior to the fault for the particular mode. Faults shall be applied at the line ends and at the line midpoint in both power directions.
The demonstration shall include the influence of the function provided to transfer power from the faulted Pole to the other Pole.

Suitable modeling of the DC line, which takes into account the electro-magnetic coupling between the Poles, shall be considered
in the above studies.

The restart of one Pole at reduced DC voltage of 420-480 kV following a DC line fault while the other Pole is at 1.0 pu DC
voltage shall be demonstrated. Operation During Reduced AC Voltage Conditions

To assist in the recovery of the network, the Converter Stations shall be able to continue operation with reduced AC bus bar

In addition to the requirements in section 7.3.2 and section 7.7, the converter equipment shall be able to continue operating
without blocking of converters with AC bus voltage reduced to 30% of nominal during three phase faults, and to zero on one
phase during single line to ground faults, for a period of 1 second followed by voltage recovery to 80%. The gate control units
shall be able to trigger the thyristor valve even after the AC bus voltage has dropped to zero for 1 second. The converters shall
continue to transmit power to the extent possible under the above reduced voltage conditions. The valve firing system as well
as all the cooling equipment shall be rated for these conditions. The cooling system shall not trip during AC system faults.

During AC faults at the rectifier the minimum firing angle limit shall not be increased. The minimum firing angle limit shall remain
at 5 degrees. Application of current limits is acceptable. Operation During Temporary Over-Voltages

The Successful Bidder shall demonstrate that the converter valves are capable of continuing to operate under the temporary
overvoltage conditions specified in section 7.3.2, which could occur with the valves deblocked and also that the valves are
capable of deblocking under the highest temporary over voltage conditions within 5 (five) cycles of the initiation of a fault or
disturbance. Controlled Shutdown

Each Pole shall be able to be shut down in a controlled manner by the automatic reduction in the power order accompanied by
appropriate AC harmonic filter bank switching. The block and isolation of a converter Pole shall be done without the block or
shutdown of other Pole converters.

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 50 Power Runback and Fast Power Reversal

The controls shall be capable of achieving 90% of any step change requested by run-back modulation signals including fast
power reversal within 200 milliseconds of receipt of the run-back signal.

Fast power reversal is assumed to ramp-down from maximum DC power transfer and then ramp-up to maximum DC power
transfer in the reverse direction, which is accomplished by ramping current up after voltage reversal. The actual ramp rate to be
used for each run-back signal shall be determined from the system interaction studies and approved by the Coordinator. Commutation Failure Performance

There shall be no commutation failures for the disturbances described below:

a. Disturbances resulting in AC voltage drops of 10% or less compared to the voltage prior to the disturbance.
b. Dynamic AC voltage swings of less than ±10% with an oscillation period of one second or longer.
c. Switching of any reactive element in the Converter Stations.
d. Energization of the converter transformer on the other Pole or any other AC transformer in the switchyard.
e. Sympathetic commutation failures shall not occur on the healthy Pole for faults on the other Pole.
f. The control system shall be designed to prevent multiple commutation failures after one commutation failure is
g. The healthy Pole shall not fail commutation when a DC line faults occurs on the other Pole or any time there after until
the faulty Pole is back to normal operation.


The Converter Stations shall be self-sufficient in terms of reactive power at all operating conditions. The reactive power
interchange between the Converter Stations and the AC system shall be guaranteed and shall be maintained within the limits
stated in Table 16 for voltages in the normal and alert operating ranges, as well as frequency variations in the continuous normal
range in Table 8 and the 90-minute duration range in Table 9.

The reactive power control shall be designed for switching and controlling reactive power elements installed.

The Bidder shall design the reactive compensation systems and determine, by system studies, if a dynamic compensation
device is required at either of the Converter Stations (such as SVC, STATCOM, or any other device). The specification and
design of any dynamic compensation equipment shall be responsibility of the Successful Bidder. The rating and type of such
devices shall be determined through the system studies performed by the Bidder. The rating and type shall be selected by the
Bidder to achieve the dynamic performance at the Converter Stations defined in these Specifications. The supply of the dynamic
compensation device and its controls is in the scope of supply of the Bidder. The results of the studies and the need and the
type of device, shall be submitted to the Coordinator for its review and approval during design stage.

All the necessary studies of reactive compensation and voltage control shall be performed, and its performance demonstrated
to the satisfaction of the Coordinator. The calculations of reactive power interchange and of voltage control shall be based on
the most unfavorable combination of tolerances on equipment, connected system configuration and of changes in operating

The reactive compensation equipment shall be the optimum combination of components that will satisfy the requirements of the
DC converters, the AC systems and the switching and overvoltage limits.

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 51

All reactive compensation ratings are required to meet this specification and the equipment shall be rated to operate at least
within all the AC converter bus voltage ranges specified in Table 3, the AC system frequency rate of change specified in Table
8 and all frequency ranges specified in Table 9, as well as the ambient temperature variations specified in Table 1.

The reactive compensation equipment shall be connected to the 500 kV and 220 kV AC switchyards of NLA and NKI Converter
Stations, respectively.

9.9.1. Reactive Power and Switching of Elements

Reactive power control shall be implemented by switching shunt connected linear reactive elements which may include reactors,
capacitors or harmonic filter banks. In addition, the converter valve groups may, if so designed and rated, be operated at
increased delay or extinction angle to control reactive power interchange; however, the requirements regarding Pole DC voltage,
transmitted power, harmonic performance, and component outage shall still be met when operating in this mode of increased
extinction angle.

All switching for reactive power control shall be performed on load by suitably rated circuit breakers. Isolating disconnects shall
only be used for maintenance.

The control of reactive power interchange shall be fully automatic and shall be continuously monitored. The control equipment,
however, shall allow both automatic and operator-initiated switching. In the former case, adequate annunciation shall be
provided to the operator. The reactive power control system shall not require any element switching for DC power flow changes
of 200 MW in either direction since the last switching operation had taken place. Switching necessary to maintain the AC bus
voltage within the ranges specified is permissible for power order changes of less than 200 MW.

All filter and capacitor banks shall be capable of being re-energized no longer than 5 minutes of being switched off. The Bidder
shall provide any necessary discharge devices.

Each breaker used for switching shunt reactive elements shall have point-on-wave switching control for energizing its branch,
to minimize voltage disturbances while switching capacitors and filters and minimize DC offset current while switching shunt

Breakers used for switching shunt reactive and filter elements must be capable of de-energizing their branch at the temporary
overvoltage conditions specified in section 7.3.2, or as determined by the Bidder’s studies, including full load rejection studies,
whichever is greater.

The reactive compensation and overvoltage limiting equipment shall be designed such that at any power transfer level up to
rated power in either direction, a complete or partial interruption of DC power transfer shall not result in a fundamental frequency
over voltage beyond the values specified in section 7.3.2.

The fundamental frequency voltage shall be reduced to a value of 1.2 p.u. or less within 150 cycles and to within 5% of pre-
disturbance voltage or the AC bus voltage that is present after all the capacitive banks have been switched off, whichever is
greater, within 2 seconds from initiation of the disturbance that resulted in the interruption of DC power transfer.

Switching of any reactive power device (shunt or filter) shall not result in a commutation failure on either Pole.

Switching of any reactive power device (shunt or filter) shall not result in a DC control mode change or alter the DC power
transfer level. This requirement shall be met after the DC controls have responded but before transformer tap changers or
machine exciters have responded.

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 52

The size and capacity of the reactive power elements shall be such that switching of any reactive power element (filter, capacitor
or reactor) shall not result in steady state AC voltage change of more than 2.0%.

Each reactive power element shall be controlled by its own AC breaker which will allow it to be switched under all load conditions
for controlling the reactive power exchange with the system and be able to be removed from service either temporarily or
permanently by any single contingency, fault or outage condition.

If a dynamic compensation device is supplied at either of the Converter Stations, it shall be included in the overall reactive
compensation control strategy.

The reactive power sources shall be split such that the following conditions are met:

a. The reactive power interchange requirements specified shall be met with the largest element not available for service
up to the rated capacity of the HVDC System. For powers over the rated capacity and up to the overload limits all
reactive power sources may be assumed to be available to meet reactive power exchange with the AC system.
b. The design of the station shall be such that the system recovers from faults, without any reduction in power up to the
rated capacity, when the fault results in the outage of a bank with one bank already out of service. The reactive power
exchange limits may be relaxed following the fault.
c. It shall be possible to deblock the first Pole at minimum current and operate at that level with no time restriction.

9.9.2. Voltage Change on Switching

The switching in and out or a tripping due to faults of a filter bank at the Converter Station shall not result in a commutation
failure. Such switching shall not alter the DC power transmitted when operating in power control or the Pole current when
operating in current reference control, after the initial transient.

Switching of an individual AC filter or shunt capacitor bank shall not cause voltage step changes exceeding 2.0% of nominal
system voltage at any short circuit level condition.


9.10.1. General

The Bidder shall provide AC harmonic filters for both Converter Stations. AC harmonic filters are to be connected at the AC bus
of the respective Converter Station. Active filters are not acceptable for the Project.

The maximum sizes of AC filter banks to be supplied shall conform to the requirements of sections 9.9.1 and 9.9.2.

9.10.2. Design Requirements

There shall be no limitation on the energization of any filter bank by reason of temperature, frequency, initial mistuning, AC bus
voltage within the ranges applicable for converter operation or switching time between de-energized and energized states.

The AC filter components shall not become overloaded due to detuning or resonance within the filters or between the filters, the
generators, and the AC system for any combination of AC system voltage and/or frequency and configuration, or for any
operating condition of the converters, or combination thereof, for which the converter valves are capable of continuous operation,
or switching time between de-energized and energized states.

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 53

The performance of the AC harmonic filters shall be determined by calculation and shall be based on either as-tested parameters
of components or the extreme values of manufacturing tolerances if as-tested values are not available. Operating Conditions

Harmonic performance shall be achieved for all possible steady-state operating conditions including:

a. Deviation of fundamental frequency over the maximum normal range per Table 8 and the 90 minutes duration range
in Table 9.
b. Filter detuning.

The Bidder shall investigate AC filter performance and determine any operational limitations due to AC filter rating.

Performance requirements are to be met for all operating modes, including the permanent overload (OL1) established in section
9.7.2, as well as the operation with reduced DC voltage established in section 9.7.3. Rating requirements shall be met for all
operating modes, including bipole operation and monopole operation. The components of the harmonic filters supplied shall be
rated for all operating conditions of the Converter Station with one complete bank out of service. Short-time and transient
conditions as well as operation with discontinuous DC current must be fully taken into account.

There shall be no limitation on the energization and continuation of service of the filters within the extremes of bus voltage and
frequency specified in section 7 for which the Converter Station is expected to remain in operation.

9.10.3. Performance Requirements

For the purpose of determining harmonic performance, the Bidder shall calculate the Converter Station harmonic voltages by
injecting harmonic currents from the new converters into the worst-case parallel combination of the harmonic filters and the AC
network impedances.

Assumptions to be made in the assessment of the AC harmonic filters, filter detuning requirements, calculation methods and
formal definitions of specific quantities are provided in this section.

AC filters shall be capable of providing sufficient filtering of harmonics to meet the filter performance requirements for individual
voltage distortion level given in Table 15. In addition, AC filter shall meet the performance requirements specified in Table 19

Table 19: AC Filter Performance Criteria

Parameter 500kV and 220kV Converter Station AC Bus

THD - Total Harmonic Distortion (%) < 3,0
TIF - Telephone Influence Factor 60
Balanced I·T product 30.000

In addition to the performance criteria in Table 19, the AC filter design shall comply with the Flicker requirements specified in
Section 7.10.

Performance requirements shall be met at the AC bus of the Converter Station. The performance of the AC harmonic filters
shall be determined by calculation and shall take into account simultaneous occurrence of extreme values of component
variation, firing angles and any other measurable physical quantities relevant to the calculation of harmonic currents and

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 54

voltages. Balanced operation means that the power transfer and DC voltage have equal magnitude in each Pole. Unbalanced
operation means that the DC voltage, DC power transfer or power direction may not be equal in the two Poles. Assumptions

In calculations of harmonic current from the new converters, the Bidder shall assume:

a. Maximum AC bus voltage according to section 7.3.1.

b. Negative sequence voltage specified in section 7.3.4.
c. Extreme variations in tolerance of commutating reactance and firing angle unbalance.

The network impedance at each harmonic order shall be selected from within the harmonic impedance loci given in section 7.8.

Harmonic currents due to the new converters shall be assumed to add arithmetically at each harmonic order for a balanced
condition and geometrically (RSS) at each harmonic order for an unbalanced condition.

For the calculation of performance parameters, it shall be assumed that all AC filters are available for service with the actual
configuration being as required for reactive power management for steady-state conditions. Filter Detuning

Detuning of filter branches shall be taken into account for any branch in the calculation of AC filter performance. The condition
of detuning which gives the maximum voltage distortion shall be assumed. The detuning shall include full allowance for the
following effects which shall be assumed to occur simultaneously:

a. Normal power frequency variation as given in Table 8 and for the 90-minute duration rages in Table 9.
b. Ambient temperature conditions as specified in Table 1, and variation in component values for temperature rise above
ambient due to loading.
c. Initial mistuning to the maximum extent possible in the design.
d. Capacitor unit or element failure to the maximum extent possible prior to the second stage alarm being generated.
e. Detuning due to component aging.

To reduce the impact of unidirectional effects due to all of the above tolerances adding simultaneously, it is permitted to
deliberately initially detune a filter arm provided the extreme range of detuning which can then occur is fully taken into account.
Seasonal tuning of filter banks is not acceptable. Calculation Method

At each individual harmonic order n, the proportion of the harmonic voltage Ucn attributable to the new converters shall be
calculated as:

𝑈𝑐𝑛 = 𝑍𝑠𝑛 ∗ 𝐼𝑐𝑛


• 𝑈𝑐𝑛 is the individual nth harmonic line-to-ground voltage (kV rms) attributable to the new converters.
• 𝑍𝑠𝑛 is the worst-case combined impedance of the AC network and AC harmonic filters at the nth harmonic (ohms), and
• 𝐼𝑐𝑛 is the individual nth harmonic current injection (kA) associated with the converters.

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 55

Assumptions associated with selection of 𝑍𝑠𝑛 and 𝐼𝑐𝑛 are given in section

The limits identified shall be expressed in percentages of the nominal fundamental frequency voltage according to the following

𝑈𝑐𝑛𝑓 = ∗ 100


• 𝑈𝑐𝑛𝑓 (individual harmonic distortion) is the nth harmonic line-to-ground voltage (% of nominal fundamental frequency
voltage) attributable to the converters.
• 𝑈50 is the rated line-to-ground voltage (kV rms) at the 50Hz fundamental frequency.

The proportion of total harmonic voltage distortion in bipolar, and monopolar operation (𝑈𝑐𝑡 ) shall be calculated as:

𝑈𝑐𝑡 = √[∑ 𝑈𝑐𝑛𝑓 ]


• 𝑈𝑐𝑛𝑓 is the line-to-ground voltage at the harmonic order n, expressed as a percentage of nominal fundamental
frequency voltage.

When calculating the total harmonic distortion and equivalent disturbing voltage, the Bidder may use either a consistent set of
harmonic currents calculated at a given DC power transfer level or the maximum harmonic currents over the full power transfer
range. If consistent sets of harmonic currents are used, the currents chosen shall be that consistent set which maximizes the
total harmonic distortion.

The Bidder shall also determine the individual harmonic voltage amplification factors (𝐴𝐹𝑛 ) for the AC system background
harmonics at the AC bus. The individual harmonic amplification factor is defined as the ratio of the individual voltage magnitude
at the bus (𝑈𝑐𝑛 ) to the magnitude of the AC system background Thévenin voltage (𝑈𝑡ℎ𝑛 ) at that harmonic order as follows:

𝐴𝐹𝑛 =

9.10.4. Rating Requirements

The AC filter components shall be rated for the combination of AC system background and converter-generated harmonic
voltages for an indefinite time. The combined voltages shall be calculated using the assumptions and calculation method in this

The AC filters shall be rated for all operating conditions of the Converter Stations with one complete AC filter bank out of service.
Short-time and transient conditions shall be fully taken into account.

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 56

The Bidder shall ensure that the AC filter capacitor units are rated for the peak voltage based on the arithmetic addition of
fundamental and harmonic voltages. The capacitor units may be rated for current and power based on rms addition of
fundamental and harmonic voltages.

The AC filters shall not become overloaded due to detuning or resonance within the extremes of bus voltage and frequency
specified in section 7 for which the Converter Stations are expected to remain in operation.

All components forming part of a low order AC harmonic filter shall be adequately rated for the duty resulting from transient
events, such as unbalanced faults, and or system frequency deviations which may result in high short-time stresses on the

The rating of the components shall be sufficient to withstand the resulting stresses for at least triple the duration that such faults
or conditions can exist in accordance with the system information provided in section 7. If the protection is provided by arresters,
the energy capability of the arresters shall be sufficient to withstand two back-to-back events with no delay between events.
There shall be adequate margin between the equipment withstand capability and the arrester discharge voltage to ensure that
the life of equipment will not be affected. Assumptions

For the purpose of determining rating, in calculations of harmonic current injection from the Poles converters the Bidder shall

a. Maximum continuous AC bus voltages as specified in Table 3.

b. 2.0% negative sequence voltage.
c. Extreme variations in commutating reactance and firing angle unbalance.
d. Deviation of fundamental frequency within the extreme range and durations given in Table 8 and Table 9.
e. Filter detuning as specified in section, with two additional requirements:

i. Frequency variation to the extreme values as specified in Table 8 and Table 9 as applicable for the duration
of the frequency excursion, and
ii. capacitor unit or element failure to the maximum extent possible prior to immediate tripping of the filter.

f. Individual background harmonic voltages up to the 50th harmonic with magnitude according to the referential values
stated in section 7.4. Background harmonics shall be added in the form of a Thévenin voltage source behind the AC
impedance selected from within the harmonic impedance loci defined in section 7.8 so as to result in the highest
individual harmonic voltage amplification factor.

The background harmonics provided in section 7.4 correspond to measured values, the bidder must include all the necessary
safety design margins to ensure that no filter component is overstressed, overloaded or damaged due to changes in the
background harmonic levels.

At each Converter Station, the system impedances shall be selected from within the loci of harmonic impedances considered at
each harmonic order that results in maximum AC filter component ratings. AC network harmonic impedance data is provided in
section 7.8. Calculation Method

At each harmonic order, the Bidder shall determine the maximum harmonic current injection Icn by the converters.

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 57

The Bidder shall determine the harmonic voltages due to the combined effect of the current injection Icn together with the
background harmonics in the form of a background Thévenin voltage source behind the AC impedance selected from within the
loci of harmonic impedances, included in section 7.8, that results in maximum component ratings as shown conceptually in the
Figure 7 below.

Figure 7: Equivalent Network for AC Filter Rating Calculations

Harmonic currents and voltages on each AC filter component due respectively to the converters and the AC system background
harmonics shall be added according to the standard IEC 62001 1 to 4 2016.

The Bidder may use consistent sets of converter harmonic currents (i.e. those applicable to a particular power transfer or
operating condition) or the set of maximum harmonic currents over the full range from minimum to maximum continuous power
transfer, or maximum 15-minute or 30-minute overload ratings, as applicable, when calculating the continuous and short-time
ratings of AC filter components.

If consistent sets of converter harmonic currents are used, then the rating of each AC filter component shall be determined and
presented over the full range of power transfer so that the condition which maximizes the rating of each component can be
readily identified.

The Bidder shall submit calculations of AC filter component duty for each component of the filters for continuous and short-time

The Bidder is fully responsible for and shall guarantee the ratings of the AC filters.


In order to minimize the risk of converter transformer saturation due to possible induced fundamental frequency current from
parallel AC lines, a fundamental frequency blocking filter shall be installed, if required, in the neutral bus of each Pole. The need
of a blocking filter shall be justified and demonstrated by studies. Space for fundamental frequency blocking filter shall be
provided, even if the filter is not deemed necessary at this Tender stage.


DC filters are required to reduce the harmonic currents on the DC side of the transmission lines and keep the induced noise on
the nearby telephone lines or communications circuits within acceptable limits specified in this section.

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 58

9.12.1. Design Requirements

The goal of the design is to achieve the performance values stated in this section.

The performance shall be met with all DC filters in service at either Converter Station. During outages of any of the DC filters at
either Converter Station, the Successful Bidder is not required to meet the performance specified in this Section, therefore no
redundant filters are required due to performance.

The design shall be based on passive DC filters. The required switches shall be provided by the Successful Bidder. It shall be
possible to connect and isolate a single DC filter arm without causing any reduction in transmitted power on the affected Pole.

The calculation of DC filter performance and rating shall be based on values of components, detuning, and harmonic voltages
and currents.

There shall be no limitation on the energization of the DC filter arms by reason of either ambient temperature, frequency, initial
mistuning or DC voltage within the ranges defined in this Specification.

The DC filter components shall not become overloaded due to detuning or resonance within the DC filter or between the DC
filter arms and the HVDC circuit, or the DMR, for any combination of conditions for which the converters are capable of continued

The design of the DC filter and the supplied smoothing reactor together with the DC line and the DC converter equipment shall
not introduce resonance at fundamental or second harmonic frequency.

9.12.2. Performance Requirements

The DC filters will be designed to meet the performance requirements for any DC power transfer from minimum to maximum
rated power in monopolar operation and in bipolar operation.

The equivalent disturbing current at any location along the DC line corridor specified will not exceed 5000 mA for monopolar or
bipolar operation.

The performance criteria shall apply under at least the following conditions:

a. Monopolar operation with DMR up to the short-time overload rating.

b. Bipolar operation with increased reactive power absorption and with increased firing and extinction angles.
c. Reduced DC voltage operation on one Pole, with the other Pole at nominal voltage.
d. Bipolar operation at the inherent overload capabilities. Calculation of Performance

The performance of the DC filter design shall be based on calculated values of equivalent disturbing current. The requirements
shall be met at all points along the route of the DC lines and DMR lines and at all power levels and operating modes.

The equivalent disturbing current method is based on a concept whereby the total, composite interfering effect of all harmonic
frequencies on a power line can be represented by a current at a single frequency which would produce the same interfering
effect on adjacent or crossing wire line communication circuits.

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 59

The equivalent disturbing current includes not only the harmonics which flow in the DC Pole conductors and DMR lines but also
the harmonics which are induced into the ground wires of the DC transmission line.

Mutual impedance calculation algorithms require that the ground wires be “eliminated” for this configuration to be used; however,
as specified herein, the current flow in the ground wires must be eventually taken into account in the calculation of equivalent
disturbing current.

In Bipolar operation, the equivalent disturbing current shall be the psophometric weighted residual current of all harmonics of
fundamental frequency from the 2nd to the 60th (i.e. 50-3000 Hz) according to the following formula:

𝐼𝑒𝑞 (𝑥) = √[𝐼𝑒𝐶 (𝑥)2 + 𝐼𝑒𝑆 (𝑥)2 ] (mA𝑝 )


• 𝐼𝑒𝑞 (𝑥) is the 800 Hz equivalent disturbing current in milliamps (mAp) psophometrically weighted at any point along the
transmission corridors specified herein.
• 𝐼𝑒𝐶 (𝑥) is the magnitude of the RSS equivalent disturbing current component due to harmonic voltage sources at Kimal
(NKI) Converter Station (mAp).
• 𝐼𝑒𝑆 (𝑥) is the magnitude of the RSS equivalent disturbing current component due to harmonic voltage sources at Lo
Aguirre (NLA) Converter Station (mAp).
• 𝑥 denotes the relative location along the transmission corridors.

The equivalent disturbing current at any point along the corridor due to harmonics from either Kimal or Lo Aguirre Converter
Stations shall be calculated as follows:


𝐼𝑒(𝑥) = √∑(𝐼𝑟(𝑛, 𝑥) × 𝑃(𝑛) × 𝐻𝑓 )2 (mAp )



• 𝐼𝑟(𝑛, 𝑥) is the magnitude of the equivalent residual rms current at each harmonic in milliamps,
• 𝑃(𝑛) is the psophometric weighting at harmonic "n"
• 𝐻𝑓 is the coupling factor which represents the normalized frequency dependent effects of typical coupling impedances
to open wire circuits. The coupling factor Hf will be assumed to be 1.0 for all frequencies.
• 𝑛 denotes the harmonic number.

The residual current at any point along the transmission corridor due to harmonics from either Kimal or Lo Aguirre Converter
Stations shall be calculated by the following vector summation:

𝐼𝑟 (𝑛, 𝑥) = ∑ 𝐼𝑝(𝑛,𝑖,𝑥)


• 𝐼𝑝 (𝑛, 𝑖, 𝑥) is the rms current vector in Amps at harmonic “n” flowing in conductor “i” at location “x”
• 𝑖 is the conductor number
• 𝑚𝑐 is the total number of conductors in the transmission corridor including ground wires and the DMR as applicable.

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 60

For the calculations, the DC transmission line and DMR line configurations shall be used.

The Bidder shall be responsible for obtaining the relevant earth resistivity used in the calculation as a function of frequency. The
internal impedance of the Converter Station shall be included in the calculation of the harmonic currents.

A full range of reactance of the DC smoothing reactor, including effects of current level and frequency, shall be considered and
that value giving the highest equivalent disturbing current shall be assumed. The stray capacitance of converter valves,
transformers and other components shall be modeled.

The calculation of harmonic driving voltage and the allowance to be made for DC filter detuning are described below. The
general principle is to determine the specific, practical combination of conditions for which the worst possible equivalent
disturbing current can occur during steady-state conditions. Harmonic Voltages

As defined above, all harmonics up to the 60th shall be included in the calculation of equivalent disturbing current. The equivalent
disturbing current shall be based on a “worst consistent set” of harmonic voltages at either end of the line.

The “worst consistent set” is defined as that set of harmonic driving voltages which could occur at any particular operating
condition which results in the highest value of equivalent disturbing current that could occur for a period of longer than ten

A particular operating condition is defined in terms of:

a. The mode of operation, i.e. bipolar or monopolar in any specified mode of operation.
b. The DC voltage anywhere within the normal range for the mode of operation.
c. Reduced DC voltage operation on both Poles and reduced DC voltage on one Pole with the other Pole at nominal DC
d. The commutating reactance anywhere within the guaranteed range.
e. The firing angle anywhere within the range applicable to the mode of operation as defined above which shall include
firing angles associated with reactive power control and AC filter and reactive power bank switching.
f. Worst case induced voltage from any parallel lines.
g. The converter AC bus voltages anywhere within the normal range specified in Table 3.
h. The maximum 50 Hz negative phase sequence voltage of 1.5% for achievement of performance limits.
i. The DC current anywhere within the range applicable to the mode of operation.
j. Ambient temperature as defined in Table 1.
k. Differences in the smoothing reactor harmonic impedances of the Poles

In bipolar operation, the angle between the harmonic voltages generated by the two Poles is of equal or greater importance
than the difference in magnitude when considering equivalent disturbing current.

In addition to the factors influencing the characteristic harmonic voltages listed above, the variations in commutating reactance
between phases and in firing angle between valves will be considered in the calculation of non-characteristic harmonic voltages.
Also, the negative phase sequence fundamental frequency AC busbar voltage will be assumed to be the appropriate value of
the positive sequence voltage for calculation of DC performance and DC rating.

The calculation of harmonic voltages and resultant harmonic currents will also take into account the stray capacitances of the
converter equipment, particularly at the triplen harmonics.

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 61

Statistical procedures may be used to calculate the non-characteristic harmonic driving voltages. The Bidder will demonstrate
that the probability that any single harmonic voltage will exceed the value used in the calculation of equivalent disturbing current
does not exceed one percent. Factors which can affect all valve groups equally (such as negative phase sequence voltage, AC
system harmonic distortion or differences in reactance or firing angle between 6-pulse bridges forming 12-pulse valve groups
which are also likely to be present in other groups) will not be assumed to be statistically distributed.

Statistical procedures will not be used in the calculation of the characteristic harmonic voltages. These must be calculated for
the absolute worst-case conditions.

The presence of ripple in the valve DC current and the 50 Hz current induced into the DC Poles from the parallel AC systems
must be considered in the calculation of all harmonic voltages. DC current flowing through the grounded high voltage AC winding
of the converter transformers shall also be taken into account when calculating the harmonic voltages.

Recognizing the practical difficulty of checking all possible combinations of individual phase and valve commutating reactances
and firing angles for each of the main circuit conditions, the highest value of individual harmonic voltage at each harmonic
possible for a particular mode of operation may be established. This set of individually maximized values may then be used for
calculation of the equivalent disturbing current. This approach may be applied to both characteristic and non-characteristic
harmonics or to any combination of harmonics, but the voltage to be used is that resulting in the largest equivalent disturbing
current at that particular harmonic. DC Filter Detuning

The performance requirements will be met with the DC filter arms detuned. The detuning will be up to the limits resulting from:

a. Normal power system frequency variation as given in Table 8 and Table 9.

b. Ambient temperature variations as given in Table 1 including capacitor unit temperature rise over all environmental
and loading conditions.
c. Initial mistuning of the capacitors and reactors to the maximum extent possible.
d. Capacitor unit or element failure up to the maximum possible prior to the level of unit or element failures which requires
that the filter arm be disconnected within two hours.
e. Component variation due to aging.

The smoothing reactor inductance and bipolar line impedance variation are to be taken into account and the worst combination
of parameter variations including detuning giving the highest equivalent disturbing current will be assumed. To minimize the
effects of capacitor unit or element failure it is permissible to deliberately detune the filter, provided the consequent full range of
detuning is taken into account.

9.12.3. Rating Requirements

The rating of the DC filter components shall be based on the assumption that the per Pole harmonic voltage is individually
maximized at each harmonic for any particular operating mode, and the filter component currents due to the harmonic voltages
at both terminals shall be assumed to add arithmetically at each harmonic.

For the rating of the DC filter components, it shall be assumed that any one DC filter arm can be out of service in any converter
Pole. The DC filters shall be rated for any loading up to the inherent continuous overload capability and short-time overload
capability for all operating modes. The Bidder shall also consider the possible impact of reduced voltage operation and increased
reactive absorption on the ratings of the DC filters.

Short time and transient conditions as well as operation with discontinuous DC current must be fully taken into account.

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 62

Due allowances shall be made for possible current amplification resulting from resonances between the arms of the DC filters.

In the calculation of the impedance of the DC transmission system when used for calculation of DC filter component rating, a
±5 % tolerance in the respective line length shall be included. AC system voltage and frequency variations as functions of
duration specified in section 7 shall be allowed for in the calculation of harmonic voltages and DC filter detuning. In addition,
capacitor unit or element failures appropriate to the duration for which the DC filter has to remain connected, shall be allowed
for in the calculation of DC filter detuning.

In addition to the above specific requirements, the DC filter components shall not become overloaded for any conditions for
which the converters valve groups are capable of continuing in operation.


The Successful Bidder shall carry out a detailed dynamic performance testing of the DC system and all its control and protection

Acceptable performance of the actual control hardware and software shall be demonstrated during the FAT and FPT testing of
the complete control and protection systems using an RTDS.

The Successful Bidder shall provide, for approval by Coordinator, detailed description of the overall DC simulator representation
prior to the start of the dynamic performance study during the design stage. The Coordinator reserves the right to participate
and witness both the FAT and FPT.

The Successful Bidder shall design the HVDC system control such that the specified performance is met with the communication
system in service and for a maximum communication system delay. The studies shall also address performance when the
communications are out of service.

The dynamic performance study shall include, but not be limited to, the following analyses:

a. Performance of DC system controls in response to power and current order changes.

b. Performance of the DC system for various rectifier and inverter AC system faults. The performance of the DC system
shall be demonstrated both during the fault and subsequent to fault clearing. The operation of all relevant control and
protection functions shall be shown.
c. Performance of the DC system for each protection operation, including DC line protection and Converter Stations
protections. The fault cases shall be selected to demonstrate clear coordination of protections, transient current and
voltage characteristics, fault clearing control action, and protection-initiated fault isolation sequences.
d. Performance of DC system during steady-state conditions for all specified DC operating modes and configurations,
including operation of the DC converter transformer tap changer controls and control mode switchover.
e. Performance during Pole start-up and shut-down sequences.
f. Performance of the supplementary DC controls.
g. Performance of the DC controls in the presence of a low order harmonic resonance between the AC filters and the AC
systems with the system negative sequence at the maximum value for rating.
h. Performance of the DC controls of the Converter Station for reduced short circuit levels down to an ESCR of 2.5 or
lower when operating as an inverter.
i. Performance of the DC controls for AC filter and shunt capacitor switching.
j. Demonstrate successful limitation of overvoltages.
k. Assess the interaction between the DC system controls and any dynamic compensation device at either Converter
Station if supplied.

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 63


The Successful Bidder shall design and supply reactive compensation systems including the reactive power controllers for both
Converter Stations.

Control of the reactive compensation equipment at any Converter Station shall be accomplished by the Reactive Power Control
(RPC). The RPC shall be located within the Converter Station controls and shall meet all redundancy requirements.

The RPC shall have two modes of operation: manual and automatic. In the manual mode of operation all outputs from the
controller will be disabled and voltage control and switching of reactive power devices will be carried out by the station operator.
In the automatic mode, all functions will be active with the operator tasks and input limited to the set-point and dead-band

It shall be possible to place individual equipment, comprising the reactive power supply and absorption, into manual mode for
maintenance purposes.

The reactive power controls shall to the extent possible, minimize operation of on load tap changers of the converter

If a dynamic compensation device is supplied at either of the Converter Stations, it shall be included in the overall reactive
compensation strategy.

9.14.1. Reactive Power Control Objectives

The RPC shall be designed with the following criteria and design objectives:

a. The RPC shall ensure that sufficient AC filters are in service to meet all harmonic filtering performance and rating
b. Switching of an AC filter to assist with control of the AC bus voltage is permitted if the AC filter performance and rating
requirements are met for all operating conditions.
c. The RPC shall determine the number of AC filters required for both bipolar and monopolar operation.
d. The RPC shall recognize the limitations of all equipment and shall not initiate control actions which will create an
overload condition for any piece of equipment. If limits on MVAr generation or absorption or tap position are
encountered, then the controlled quantities shall be allowed to deviate from the set points and the system operator
shall be informed that the active set point values are not attainable.
e. If any equipment becomes overloaded due to outages of equipment or changes in the AC system, the RPC shall take
action to relieve the overloaded equipment and shall inform the operator that the active set points should be changed.
f. In the event that the RPC cannot alleviate overloading of any component an alarm shall be given to the station operator
together with appropriate remedial measures which the operator may take.

Wherever possible, the RPC shall use a combination of voltage measuring to determine the bus voltage and to identify possible
transducer errors.

The RPC shall provide the facility to control the following quantities to an adjustable setpoint with adjustable dead bands:

a. The AC bus voltage

In voltage control mode the reactive power controller shall be able to maintain the AC voltage at the Converter Station
AC busbar, within its reactive power capacity, according to a setpoint dead-band and droop requested by the

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 64

b. The MVAr exchange between the converter bus and the AC system.

In reactive power (or MVAr) control mode the reactive power exchange to and from the AC system shall be regulated
according to a setpoint and dead band requested by the Coordinator for a scheduled exchange of reactive power at
the Converter Station AC busbar.


The Bidder shall be responsible for the overall insulation coordination of all supplied equipment.

The design shall be in accordance with the requirements of IEC 60071-1, IEC 60071-2, IEC TS 60071-5, the NTSyCS and this

The Bidder shall provide surge arresters, surge capacitors, and other devices as required to protect all the equipment within the
Bidder's scope of supply from DC, fundamental frequency, dynamic, harmonic, ferro-resonance, switching surge, steep front
and lightning impulse overvoltages under all steady state, dynamic, and transient conditions including AC/DC system
disturbances, converter valve or control mal-operation and/or malfunctions.

The insulation coordination shall be designed for all transmitted power levels operating conditions, and configurations as
specified in this section.

The arrester arrangement and protective levels shall be selected such that, generally, the overvoltages on the AC side are
protected by arresters on the AC side, and overvoltages on the DC side are adequately limited by an arrangement of arresters
on the DC side. Critical components of the supplied converter equipment shall be directly protected by arresters connected
closest to them. The arresters installed shall be rated such that these arresters are not overstressed.

The Bidder shall carryout insulation coordination studies for the Project. The Bidder shall perform all necessary HVDC digital
simulator studies and shall submit detailed report(s) on insulation coordination to the Coordinator. The Bidder shall carry out
insulation coordination studies for rating of all arresters supplied for the project, establishing the required insulation level for
supplied equipment and the clearances between energized parts and between energized parts and ground. The arresters
installed shall be rated such that these arresters are not overstressed for all operating modes and configurations. The studies
must show that any existing equipment including any existing surge arrestors will not be overstressed for all modes of operation
and configurations of either Converter Station.

The report(s) shall detail the characteristics of the surge arresters, energy ratings and shall demonstrate that the selected
insulation protective and withstand levels, discharge and coordinating currents, and arrester ratings and discharge capabilities
are adequately coordinated and comply with the requirements of this Specification. It shall also detail all insulation and air
clearances and leakage distances and shall justify the selected values based on the present Specifications. The report(s) shall
include all assumptions made for the study parameters and describe the types of events modeled (i.e. AC and DC faults, valve
hall faults, converter valve or control mis-operations, etc.) and identify the decisive cases that establish the insulation design.

9.15.1. Limitation of Overvoltage

Blocking of the converter valves to protect them and other DC side equipment from sustained over voltages appearing on the
AC system shall not be permitted. The Converter Station equipment shall be adequately rated to allow deblocking under the
maximum over voltage conditions including the dynamic over voltage and any ferro-resonant over voltages which may be

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 65

The use of converter valve group controls to limit temporary (dynamic) over voltages shall be permitted provided that the valves
and other converter equipment are adequately rated.

9.15.2. Determination of Overvoltages

The Bidder shall determine the highest transient and temporary over voltages, which can occur with the equipment parameters
selected and with the AC system and DC line as defined in this Specification.

The Bidder shall design the converter equipment to withstand a maximum continuous AC system voltage as stated in section
7.3.1. The calculations for determination of arrester energy requirement shall be based on a maximum pre-fault voltage of that
stated in section 7.3.1. A 15% increase in the arrester energy shall be allowed for as a safety margin. Temporary Overvoltages

The Successful Bidder shall provide and commission all equipment necessary to limit the temporary 50 Hz overvoltages on the
AC bus bars to the levels specified in section 7.3.2. The actual temporary over voltage shall be determined by the Bidder but
equipment shall be designed for temporary over voltage not less than the values given in section 7.3.2.

In the calculation of temporary over voltages on the AC side it shall allow for a bipole block from up to the highest steady state
transmission capability of the installation. On the DC side it shall allow for the maximum load rejection which could occur, and
which leaves any converter deblocked.

The connected AC harmonic filter shall be assumed to be that with the highest MVAr applicable to the mode of operation which
does not exceed the maximum reactive power exchange with the AC system as specified in section 7.11.

The converter equipment shall be rated for continued operation under the maximum over voltage conditions to be defined by
the Bidder taking into consideration the dynamic over voltage profiles as determined by the design studies to be performed by
the Bidder. Irrespective of the over voltage profile derived by the Bidder, the equipment shall be rated to withstand an over
voltage according to section 7.3.2 following deblocking.

Any switching equipment within the scope of supply of the Bidder which may be called upon to operate at this voltage in either
a main or backup role shall have the appropriate capability. Transient Overvoltages

The Bidder shall carry out detailed real time simulator and/or computer studies to determine the highest overvoltages which can
occur. The studies shall cover monopolar and bipolar operation as well as the different configurations to establish the worst-
case conditions.

The basis for determination of insulation withstand levels, arrester locations and arrester protective and energy rating
characteristics shall include, but not be limited to the temporary overvoltages given in section and the following

a. Switching and Temporary Overvoltages on the AC Side

The following switching and temporary overvoltages caused by switching operations and fault events on the AC side
shall be considered:

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 66

i. Overvoltages due to switching, either singly or in any combination of converter transformers, interconnecting
transformers, AC harmonic filters, shunt capacitors, AC lines, or other equipment.
ii. Overvoltages due to initiation and clearing of faults at or near the converter AC buses such as 3-phase, 3-
phase-to-earth, phase-to-phase, 2-phase-to-earth, or phase-to-earth faults which are cleared by breaker
iii. Ferro-resonance overvoltages resulting from transformer saturation during the switching operations in i) and
ii) above.
iv. Overvoltages resulting from sudden reduction of transmitted power or load rejection from power levels up to
the continuous and short time overload rating of the converters.
v. Overvoltages resulting from a sudden reduction of DC power due to tripping a portion of the AC network with
consequential reduction of the AC system short circuit level to 50 % of the normal minimum value.
vi. Overvoltages within the filter bank generated by flashover or short circuit at the AC filter bus with the system
charged to a voltage equal to the switching impulse protective level of the arrester protecting the filter banks.
vii. Overvoltages caused by forced isolation of the converter from the AC system while in operation, due to
inadvertent AC breaker operation.

b. Switching and Temporary Overvoltages on the DC Side

The following DC switching and temporary overvoltages resulting from fault events and switching operations on the DC
side as well as the AC side overvoltages transmitted through the converter transformer shall be considered:

i. Overvoltages resulting from DC line Pole resonance phenomena due, for example, to energizing the line Pole
with fundamental frequency voltages caused by the malfunctioning of the DC converters.
ii. Commutation overvoltages during periods of fundamental frequency overvoltage, particularly when operating
at maximum possible firing and extinction angles.
iii. Valve firing system malfunction including conditions causing current extinction in a conducting valve or valves
in a 6-pulse group.
iv. Blocking of all valves in a converter without initiating bypass pair operation.
v. Switching surge on healthy DC line Pole due to earth fault on the other Pole.
vi. Uncontrolled energization of an open-ended DC line.
vii. Continuous commutation failure at the inverter and rectifier valve misfire.
viii. Earth faults and short circuits within the valve halls and on DC filter bus.
ix. Induced overvoltages from the temporary, switching and lightning impulse overvoltages on the AC side.

c. Lightning and Steep-Front Surges.

The following lightning and steep front overvoltages resulting from lightning and faults on the AC and DC systems,
shall be considered:

i. Lightning surges due to both direct strikes and back flashover on the DC line or any of the AC lines connected
to the Converter Stations.
ii. Lightning surges due to direct strikes within the Converter Stations in the event of shielding failures.
iii. Steep-fronted surges, especially those resulting from flashover or faults occurring within the valve hall or to
earth from the valve windings of the converter transformers. Arrester Protective Levels

The transient overvoltages imposed across insulation shall be limited by surge arresters. Dynamic over voltages may also be
limited by surge arresters but only if the arresters are adequately rated for such duty.

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 67

The steep front, lightning impulse, and switching impulse protective levels of the arresters shall be based upon the highest
voltage which can appear across the arrester, or combination of arresters where appropriate, when the highest practical
discharge currents are flowing in the arresters.

The arrester protective levels shall allow for the possibility of flashovers which could cause high discharge currents in lower
rated arresters and unequal sharing of voltage between arresters connected in series. Where multi-column arresters are used,
or arresters are connected in parallel, unequal sharing of the discharge current shall be taken into account.

The coordinating current shall be determined by the Bidder appropriate to the arrester location and line and equipment
parameters. For arresters connected to the AC bus bars, the 8/20 microsecond wave coordinating current shall be 10 kA.

The arresters shall be capable of discharging without damage to the arrester the energy appropriate to the arrester point of
connection during any credible operating temporary and/or transient overvoltage condition. This includes flashovers which cause
operation of relatively lower rated arresters, and which result in a larger than normal discharge duty on the arrester. In particular,
the arresters mounted across the valve or valve group or valve windings of the converter transformers shall be capable of
discharging the DC line Pole and associated terminal equipment for the condition that results in maximum discharging duty on
the arresters, due to a DC line Pole fault on the opposite line Pole of the same bipole with consequent flashover to earth of the
upper transformer valve winding terminal.

The neutral bus arresters shall be capable of discharging without damage to the arrester, the energy from an AC phase to earth
fault on the valve side of the transformer for all conditions. The duration of the overvoltage for a non self-clearing fault shall be
limited by the protection. The protection time used in design shall not be shorter than the protection time credible in real

The discharge current used for arrester coordination at each arrester location shall be determined and justified by the Bidder
and stated in the insulation coordination design study report.

The discharge current in arresters on the DC side shall be limited to a value consistent with the inrush current capability of the
thyristor valves, taking into account the highest current commutation from the arresters into the valves being turned on.

Where multicolumn arresters are used or where arresters in separate housings are connected in parallel, unequal sharing of
the discharge current shall be taken into account.

Where arresters are connected in series, unequal sharing of voltage between these arresters shall be taken into account. When
calculating maximum protective levels for series connected arresters, maximum tolerance arrester characteristics shall be used,
whereas when maximum energy requirements are being determined for an arrester at a given location, this arrester shall be
represented with minimum tolerance characteristics while the rest of the arresters connected in series are represented with
maximum characteristics.

9.15.3. Selection of Insulation Level

The Front of Wave Withstand Level (FWWL), Lightning Impulse Withstand Level (LIWL), and Switching Impulse Withstand Level
(SIWL) shall be determined from the protective levels afforded by the surge arresters in the location being considered.

A correction factor for project site relative air density shall be included in the determination of the test voltage for air insulation.
The protective levels and withstand levels shall be as per sections below.

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 68 AC Side Equipment

All equipment connected to the AC bus, including insulators and air clearances shall have:

a. SIWL is at least 1.15 times the switching impulse protective level;

b. LIWL is at least 1.25 times the lightning impulse protective level;
c. FWWL which is at least 1.25 times the front of wave protective level.

In addition to the above basic requirement, for 500 kV the SIWL shall not, in any case, be below 1175 kV for all equipment. The
LIWL for circuit breakers, bushings and other equipment shall not be below 1550 kV dry and 1050 kV wet. The LIWL for the
internal insulation of transformers and reactors shall not be below 1550 kV.

Likewise, for 220 kV the SIWL shall not, in any case, be below 750 kV for all equipment. The LIWL for circuit breakers, bushings
and other equipment shall not be below 1050 kV dry and 950 kV wet. The LIWL for the internal insulation of transformers and
reactors shall not be below 1050 kV

The AC filter capacitors, and shunt capacitors shall have a switching impulse margin 5% higher than specified above, i.e. not
less than 1.20 times for SIWL, but retaining margin of 1.25 times for LIWL and FWWL.

The AC filter reactors and resistors and any VTs or PTs within the filter shall have increased margins of not less than 1.30 times
protective level for LIWL and FWWL, and of not less than 1.20 times protective level for SIWL. Oil Insulated Equipment

For all equipment with oil insulation and with arresters connected within 5 m of the terminals, the LIWL shall be an IEC standard
value. This value shall not, for the internal insulation, be less than:

a. 1.15 times the switching impulse protective level.

b. 1.20 times the lightning impulse protective level.
c. 1550 kV for equipment connected to the 500 kV AC bus.
d. 1050 kV for equipment connected to the 220 kV AC bus.

The SIWL shall not be less than 0.83 times the LIWL as determined above.

The SIWL shall not be less than 0.83 times the LIWL as determined above.

The FWWL shall not be less than 1.20 times the front of wave protective level. DC Side Equipment

The DC side air clearances, insulators, equipment, DC filter components, shall have a:

a. SIWL at least 1.20 times the switching impulse protective level.

b. LIWL at least 1.25 times the lightning impulse protective level.
c. FWWL at least 1.25 time the front of wave protective level.

The presence of harmonic voltages shall be taken into account.

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 69

9.15.4. Air Clearances

The air clearances shall be determined based on the required withstand levels for all waveforms from DC to steep front wave in
order to limit the probability of a flashover within the Converter Station (not in the DC line) to a target value of one (1) flashover
in 10 years on the AC side or one flashover in 10 years on the DC side.

a. AC Switchyards.

The air clearances in the AC yard will be determined according to the IEC Std. 60071. For this purpose, it is
recommended to use the IEC Std. 61936-1 or IEEE Std. 1427 standard, in its latest version in the case of outdoor

b. DC Switchyard and Valve Hall.

Air clearances in the DC switchyard and valve hall shall be determined in accordance with IEC Std. 60071. Atmospheric
correction factors shall be applied for non-standard atmospheric conditions in accordance with IEC 60060-1. The
correction factors for site altitudes above mean sea level shall be applied.

The appropriate voltage grading electrode shape and configuration shall be used for each piece of equipment.

The lightning impulse critical flashover voltage level (50% flashover level) used in the minimum air clearance calculations shall
be two standard deviations above the minimum lightning impulse withstand level. The switching surge critical flashover voltage
level (50% flashover level) used in the minimum air clearance calculations shall be two standard deviations above the minimum
switching surge withstand level. Atmospheric correction factors shall be applied for non-standard atmospheric conditions in
accordance with IEC Std. 60060-1.

The critical switching surge flashover voltage level (50% flashover level) used in the minimum air clearance calculations shall
be as follows:

𝑈50 =
1 − 2𝜎

• 𝑈50 is the 50 % flashover voltage (in kV) for the appropriate impulse voltage wave shape.
• 𝑈𝑆𝐼𝑊𝐿 is the lightning impulse or switching surge withstand level.
• 𝜎 is the standard deviation as defined in IEC 60071.

The minimum clearance shall be at least equal to the value calculated from the following formula:

𝑈50 = 𝑘 ⋅ 500 ⋅ 𝑑0.6 for switching impulse

𝑈50 = 𝑘 ⋅ 540 ⋅ 𝑑 for lightning impulse


• 𝑑 is the clearance distance in meters

• 𝑈50 is the 50% flashover voltage (in kV) for the appropriate impulse voltage wave shape
• 𝑘 is the gap factor characterizing the shape of the electrode

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 70

The selection of the gap factor "k" shall be based on the test results and on published data.

9.15.5. Creepage Distances

The creepage distance across the insulation shall be determined by the Bidder and shall be adequate to ensure that the
probability of flashover due to failure to withstand the applied steady state voltage shall not exceed one flashover in 75,000
hours of operation on the AC side or one flashover in 150,000 hours on the DC side. The specified probability for flashover shall
be considered on per insulator basis only. AC Side

The creepage distance for all AC insulators and bushings shall be calculated according to IEEE Std. C57.19.100-2012. DC Side

For all insulators and bushings which are subject to direct voltage stress including converter transformer valve winding bushings
and valve winding insulators and wall bushings, the minimum creepage distance (excluding tolerances) shall not be less than
the values shown in Table 20.

Table 20: Minimum Creepage Distances

Insulator Type Value
Indoor Porcelain/Silicone Rubber for Valve Hall other than valve 14 mm/kV
Outdoor Silicone Rubber insulators/Bushings 40 mm/kV

Outdoor bushings shall be only of silicone rubber type. The requirement of 14 mm/kV within the valve hall applies to all silicone
rubber/porcelain insulators and bushings external to the valve. The valve arrester or any arrester within the valve hall is not
considered part of the valve. No oil bushings are accepted in the valve hall. Lightning shield

The Bidder is responsible for the design of the lightning shield. The system shall also be designed to provide "effective shielding"
to ensure that no insulation flashover can result from atmospheric discharges striking the overhead shielding.

Effective and adequate lightning protection shall be provided to protect all converter equipment including wall bushings and the
Converter Station buildings from damage due to atmospheric discharges and shall ensure that any lightning strikes shall not
cause flashover or mal-operation of any equipment which can affect the power transmission capability of the Converter Station.


The Bidder shall take all the necessary precautions to ensure that there shall be no mal-operation, damage or danger to any
equipment, system or personnel due to electromagnetic or electrostatic interference effects. The Converter Station shall neither
damage or cause mal-operation of the DC control and protection system or the communication system.

The Bidder shall take all the necessary precautions in the form of noise suppression techniques, shielding and filtering devices
to prevent harmful interference which may be generated by the converter to the following systems over the specified frequency

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 71

a. Power line carrier (PLC):40 kHz to 500 KHz
b. Radio communication systems:0.15 MHz to 300 MHz
c. Television systems:30 MHz to 1000 MHz
d. VHF, UHF & microwave radio systems:100MHz to 8500 MHz

Any filtering required to mitigate interference to the specified levels shall be installed at the Converter Station itself.

9.16.1. Radio Interference

The Bidder shall take the necessary precautions in the form of valve hall and building shielding to meet their own requirements
plus the following:

a. With the bipole operating at any of the specified operating modes and power levels and within the design range of firing
angles, the Radio Interference Level (RIL) from electromagnetic radiation generated by the Converter Station shall not
exceed 100 microvolt/m under fair weather conditions at any point:

i. outside the Converter Station fence,

ii. 500 meters or more from the nearest bus connecting the valve to the converter transformers within the
Converter Station, and

This RIL criterion shall be achieved at all frequencies within the range of 150 kHz to 1000 MHz.

The design shall provide for quickly adding additional corrective measures at the Bidder’s cost.

b. Measurements of actual RIL at each station shall be made by the Bidder, at points along the above defined contour
and at other critical points.

Measurements shall be made with the AC switchyard and AC transmission lines energized and the HVDC System in

The method of measurement shall comply with IEC Standards 61000-4-6 and 61000-4-3 in the frequency range from
150 kHz to 1000 MHz.

9.16.2. Television Interference

The Television Interference Level (TVIL) generated by "gap type" or "defect" discharges shall not exceed 10 micro volts/m at
the Converter Station property limit.

The measurements shall be made by the Bidder when the installations are complete and are in operation, in accordance with
the measurement procedures defined for signals in IEC Standard 61000-4-3 in the frequency range from 30 to 1000 MHz.


The Successful Bidder shall limit the audible noise for the overall Converter Stations in the various areas of the Converter
Stations buildings to the values in Table 21, and for all operating conditions and demonstrate by calculation and site
measurement that the specified levels will not be exceeded.

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 72

Table 21: Audible Noise Limits
Facilities Limits (dBA)
Valve hall (in places where access is permitted during normal operation) 90

Mechanical equipment indoor areas (measured at 2 meter distance) 75

Equipment in outdoor areas (measured at 15 meter distance) except as

noted below for maximum noise level at the property boundary.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Bidder must limit the audible noise level at the Converter Stations to the maximum values
established in Decree No. 38 of 2012 that establishes the "Norm for Emission of Noise Generated by Indicated Sources",
prepared from the revision of Decree No. 146 of 1997 of the Chilean Ministry of Environment.

9.17.1. Site measurements and Performance Verification

Measurements and performance verification of audible noise levels shall also be carried out in accordance with the procedures
established in Decree No. 38 of the Ministry of the Environment.

These measurements shall demonstrate that the audible noise limits have been reached for the Converter Station and converter
building areas. If the general audible noise limits are not met for the Converter Station and converter building areas, mitigation
measures shall be applied to achieve the specified audible noise levels at the Bidder's cost.

The construction of new buildings, walls or barriers shall be considered in combination with known noise sources to minimize
the possibility of developing resonant nodes or beat frequencies near the property boundary or where workers are located.

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 73


Measuring and energy metering at the Converter Stations is the responsibility of the Bidder and shall comply with the
requirements in the NTSyCS.

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 74


The requirements for the supervision and control of the operation of the HVDC system must be in accordance with the NTSyCS.
In addition, the operations supervision and control facilities location and functionalities shall be as follows:

a. Local Control:

Control of the HVDC system shall be provided by the Successful Bidder and shall be located in the control room of
each Converter Station. Local control shall be used as follows:

• For commissioning
• For normal operation
• For maintenance

b. Remote Control:

Remote supervision and control must be carried out from the main and backup Control Centers specified and owned
by the Successful Bidder. Additionally, it must be possible to supervise and coordinate the operation of the HVDC
system from the Coordinator’s main and back-up Dispatch and Control Center. The Successful Bidder will be
responsible to integrate all the required supervision features of the HVDC system into the Coordinator’s main and
backup SCADA systems. The detailed level of signals and alarms shall be approved by the Coordinator at the time of
detailed engineering and design. Some functionalities and signals listed in this section may be restricted to the Local
Control locations only. These shall be agreed to between the Coordinator and the Successful Bidder during engineering
and design stage.

The HVDC control shall be at only one of the local control or remote control locations at any point in time. This shall be achieved
through a master/slave type of control. The slave control locations will be able to monitor the HVDC system operation, but only
the master location shall control the operation of the HVDC system.

The functionality of the supplied operator display, Human Machine Interface (HMI) and control system shall include, but not be
limited to:

a. Operator setting commands (start/stop, voltage set-point order, MVAR order, etc.) all operator commands shall be of
select execute type.
b. Analog parameters (voltages, currents, MVAR flows, temperatures, cooling system parameters, etc.).
c. Open-close control and indication for the HVAC circuit breakers.
d. Open-close control, and indication for the disconnect switches.
e. Selection between enabling/disabling the various HVDC automatic control functions.
f. Active alarms and annunciations.
g. All select and setting functions required for operation, maintenance, and testing of the HVDC protection and control
h. Indication of the status of the HVDC control and operational elements.
i. A date and time-tagged event list for all protective and control device operations for evaluation of test results. All digital
points to be time tagged to 1 millisecond accuracy.
j. The supplied operator display and control shall display an accurate representation of the HVDC System and
subsystems. As a minimum the following displays shall be included:

i. Overall single-line diagram (SLD) of the HVDC including all breakers, switches, control and monitoring points.
ii. SLD of Kimal Converter Station (NKI)
iii. SLD of Lo Aguirre Converter Station (NLA).
19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 75
iv. SLD of AC auxiliary services.
v. SLD of valve cooling systems.
vi. RPC Overview.

k. All screens shall contain a user defined “dashboard” that contains as a minimum:

i. Pole currents
ii. Pole voltages
iii. Pole power
iv. Power Order
v. Bipole power
vi. Neutral current
vii. Power flow directions
viii. Display of last three alarms


11.1.1. Sequential Event Recording

The Bidder shall provide a sequence of events recorder (SER) of which each protective circuit and all points in the complete
HVDC System which can change status are displayed.

As a minimum the system shall include:

a. Priority.
b. Identification number/component number and clear text.
c. Time (year, date, hour, minute, second, millisecond).
d. Condition (high-low, out-in).
e. Acknowledged/not acknowledged.

11.1.2. Data Logging and Trend Recording

The operator displays shall be supplied with an interactive trending system for operational users. It shall trend data for a duration
of up to 7 days at a minimum, with the capability of archiving the data offline. The trending system shall sample each monitored
point at least every 2 seconds. The trending system shall be capable of displaying 4 individual plots with up to 10 curves per
plot. As a minimum the following trends shall be included:

a. DC Power
b. AC RMS voltage at both Converter Stations
c. Reactive Power Consumption
d. Valve cooling system inlet and outlet Temperatures
e. Ambient Temperature
f. Valve Hall temperature
g. HVDC transfer capability
h. DC voltage
i. DC Current
j. DC neutral current

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 76

11.1.3. Communications Requirements

All communications shall ensure secured links and that cyber security standards specified in section 15 are adhered to.

The availability and latency of the communication systems shall comply with the requirements in the NTSyCS. Communications between Converter Stations

Redundancy shall be provided for the communication system between the Converter Stations, and the performance of the back-
up communication system shall not affect the performance of the control and protection systems. Notwithstanding the foregoing,
the HVDC system shall continue to operate in a stable manner without altering its transmission capacity when the communication
systems between the Converter Stations are out of service.

All the communication equipment, interface with the OPGW and terminal equipment necessary for the operation of the HVDC
system, including the back-up communication systems, are also part of the scope of the Project. Communication to Remote Control Centers

Main and back-up communication interfaces to the remote control centers are part of the scope of the Project, and shall comply
with the requirements in the NTSyCS.

11.1.4. Transient Fault Recorders (TFR)

In addition to any TFR capabilities that are internal to the HVDC controls, the Bidder shall supply per Pole converter, redundant
TFRs at each of the Converter Stations.

As a minimum the TFRs will be designed and installed to record the following:

a. Valve group firing pulses, delay angle response, and extinction angle response
b. Converter currents
c. Converter voltage
d. DC line voltages per Pole
e. DC neutral bus voltages per Pole
f. DC line currents per Pole
g. DC neutral bus currents per Pole
h. DMR DC current
i. DC power in each Pole
j. DC current order in each Pole
k. AC bus voltages (phase–ground, 3 Phases)
l. AC line currents (3 Phases)
m. AC transformer primary currents (3 Phases, Wye & Delta)
n. AC transformer secondary currents (3 Phases, Wye & Delta)
o. AC filter currents (3 Phases, each filter individually)

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 77

11.1.5. System Indications and Power Measuring Facilities

The Bidder shall provide DC and AC system measured parameters and variables to be displayed on the HMIs in the control
rooms of each Converter Station that shall include, but not be limited to, the following:

a. Bipole power order

b. Bipole power
c. Pole power
d. Pole DC voltage
e. Pole DC current
f. DMR line current
g. Pole neutral bus voltage
h. AC bus voltage
i. AC bus frequency
j. Converter reactive power Mvars
k. Each AC filter Mvars
l. Tap changer position
m. Rectifier and inverter firing angles
n. Control Mode

11.1.6. Historian Requirements

The Bidder shall supply the necessary equipment to interface with the Coordinator’s Control Center to provide historian logging
of information. The Coordinator shall provide a detailed list of the information to be logged at detailed engineering and design

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 78


In this section only the equipment specifications that affects performance are stated.

All equipment supplied as part of this Tender shall be type tested according to applicable standards. Previous type tests
performed to similar equipment within the last five (5) years will be accepted except for the thyristor valves, converter
transformers, smoothing reactors, control and protection, and dc switchgear (NBS, MRTB, MRTC, and NBGS).


12.1.1. General Requirements

The thyristor valves shall be designed and rated to meet the performance requirements stated within this Specification. The
valves shall be of the indoor air insulated type. They shall be of modular design for ease of maintenance. The proposed thyristor
valve shall be of a type in commercial production with fully proven characteristics.

The valves shall be based on deionized water-cooled design. The number of connections which have to be opened to change
modules, thyristors or components shall be minimized.

The Bidder shall ensure that while designing the structure for supporting the MVUs (Multiple Valve Unit), sufficient space
between valve sections is provided to reduce the risk of spread of fire. No oil immersed or filled part is permitted to be used
inside the valve. The electronic components located within the valve shall be designed to eliminate overheating and arcing. Only
components of high reliability and adequate ratings in margins can be used. All the materials employed in the valve shall be
non-flammable and shall follow CIGRE recommendations by WG14.01-04 TB 136.

Water leaks within the valve must be avoided. However, in the event of a water leak within the valve it shall be detected. Such
water leaks shall not result in a valve failure or degradation of equipment. Water leaks within the valve shall produce an alarm
and the protective action shall depend on the severity of the water leak.

The valve shall be designed to prevent corrosion of any component in the valve or valve structure. The corrosion or degradation
of any material surfaces in contact with the cooling liquid shall be minimized, and the rate of corrosion or degradation shall be
such as to ensure a long lifetime.

Platinum grading electrodes for control of voltage distribution within the valve shall be incorporated. Means of inspecting the
condition of the electrodes during maintenance without removing them shall be provided.

Status of each thyristor level in the valve while the equipment is in service shall be monitored. The equipment shall annunciate
individual thyristor failure in the control room and shall also initiate alarms in case of failure of redundant thyristors levels. An
HMI screen shall be provided showing the status of thyristors and thyristor level equipment.

As a minimum, the following events shall be detected and alarmed on the Converter Station event recorder:

a. Protective firing-turn on of individual thyristors

b. Loss of individual thyristor levels
c. Misfiring of individual thyristors
d. Loss of redundancy

If thyristor redundancy is exceeded, then appropriate action shall be taken.

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 79

12.1.2. Maintenance

The valve shall be designed so that it is easy to clean and change modules or components in the valve assembly. It shall be
possible to carry out replacement of one module or thyristor or component within two hours from shutdown to start-up excluding
time for switching and clearing the valve hall, but including the time required for identification of the faulty module or component.

The principal maintenance intervals shall not be less than twelve months. The Bidder shall state the recommended principal
maintenance periods.

12.1.3. Valve Overvoltage Capability

The valve transient over voltage capability shall have:

a. 15% margin over the arrester switching impulse protective level (SIPL)
b. 15% margin over the arrester lightning impulse protective level (LIPL)
c. 20% margin over the arrester front of wave protective level (FFPL) as determined during studies by the Bidder in line
with IEC-60071-5.

Where the valve has been provided with protective firing for over voltages in the forward direction it shall be based on the
following conditions:

a. The valve arrester shall be the main valve protection against over voltages of either polarity
b. The protective firing shall not be the main valve protection for over voltages of either polarity.
c. The protective firing action shall not cause the valve to turn on under dynamic over voltage conditions
d. The minimum protective firing level (PFL), taking into account all manufacturing and other tolerances shall be at a
voltage level of at least 2% above the minimum arrester switching impulse protective level (SIPL) plus tolerances for
internal valve voltage distribution
e. The protective firing shall not occur during lightning strikes on the connected DC and AC sides. This condition shall not
be applicable during fault clearing actions at the Converter Station.
f. The above restriction on protective firing action threshold level does not apply to forward recovery protection.

12.1.4. Valve Transient Overcurrent Capability

With respect to transient over currents due to faults, the valve shall have the following capabilities:

a. Complete fault suppression capability

b. Carrying three complete asymmetrical loops of the highest short circuit over current the valve shall experience due to
any fault without requiring to block any voltage in the forward direction but capable of withstanding, between short-
circuit current loops, an AC voltage in the reverse direction corresponding to a recovery voltage equal to the maximum
dynamic fundamental frequency over voltage, which can occur simultaneously with the highest value of short-circuit
over current, for which the valves remain conducting. The valve pre-fault loading shall be at the overload conditions.
c. After carrying full rated current for 200 milliseconds (or any other time and magnitude as verified from studies) in bypass
operation, the valve shall be able to withstand a positive polarity switching impulse voltage of peak value up to the
protective firing voltage level of the valve, occurring in the recovery period of an inverter valve which is recovering from
a commutation failure condition.
d. For these severe faults, the Bidder shall state the time for the converter protection to initiate a trip signal and the time
for the AC circuit breaker to clear the fault.

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 80

e. For calculation of valve fault currents, consideration shall be given, but not limited, to the following:
i. a flashover across another valve
ii. flashover across the bridge terminals
iii. neutral to ground fault of a Wye-connected valve winding transformer

These calculations and details of the cases considered, the assumptions made, and the method of calculation used in
determining the maximum over current used for dimensioning the valve for its transient over current capability, shall be given
by the Bidder.

The ratio between the short circuit current value and the thyristor surge current capability shall be stated by the Bidder.

Valve designs which do not allow for the faults mentioned above or use overcurrent diverters are not acceptable.

12.1.5. Redundancy

A number of extra thyristor levels shall be included in each valve to allow for failure of individual components between
maintenance cycles. Failure of the thyristor level means failure of a thyristor or any associated component in the valve, which
functionally reduces the number of thyristor levels in the valve.

The number of redundant thyristors shall be such that the redundancy as defined is not exhausted in any valve of the 12-pulse
converter during the operating period between scheduled maintenance intervals, assuming no failed thyristors at the beginning
of the period and continuous operation without replacement of any thyristors that fail during the period. The redundancy shall
be in accordance with the availability requirement established in section 14.1.4 but shall not be less than 3.0% of the total
number of thyristors in the valve.

The calculation of the number of failures of thyristors shall be based on guaranteed failure rate of thyristors and associated

12.1.6. Valve Firing Circuits and Light Guides

The light guides shall be arranged to allow easy access to disconnect or remove. The light guides shall be protected from
mechanical damage or abrasion once installed. The light guides shall be suitable for operation in high DC field environment. In
each valve, installed spare light guides shall be included.

The valves and associated protection shall be designed to tolerate complete loss of auxiliary power without valve damage.

12.1.7. Valve Seismic Design

The complete valve assembly shall be designed to comply with the seismic requirements established in section 7.13. The
Successful Bidder shall prepare a detailed report on the seismic design of the valve demonstrating a correct design.


The following general requirements shall apply to the design of the valve cooling system:

a. The primary valve cooling system including control and protection shall be designed and developed on a Pole basis.
Thus, each Pole shall have its own independent cooling system.

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 81

b. Evaporative cooling will not be accepted.
c. The system shall be so designed that in case of auxiliary power failure of the valve cooling up to three minutes, no
shutdown of the HVDC system or reduction in power transmission would be required.


The Successful Bidder shall provide a fully redundant control and protection system necessary for the Converter Station. The
control and protection system supplied shall be based on the most modern and proven, state of the art technology. Control of
the Converter Station shall be organized in a hierarchical fashion both in terms of its function and location in a logical manner.

The Successful Bidder shall also provide the equipment necessary for the control, protection and interlocking of all but not
limited to the equipment within scope of supply of the Project.

The Successful Bidder shall be responsible for complete coordination of controls, protections, interlocking and switching
sequences within the station. The control and protection equipment shall satisfy the reliability and availability requirements
specified in section 14.

All protection settings shall be properly coordinated with the discharge currents of arresters and capacitors located in the various
zones for all operating modes.

No single processor shall use more than 50% of its available processing power and have 50% memory remaining after being
programmed by the Bidder.

The general concepts of the control and protection systems shall be based on the following:

a. Wherever feasible, the controls are to be segregated to control the smallest unit or block of power.
b. It shall be possible to select local or a remote operating location as the Master Controlling station. Changes in power
order, current order, control mode selection and sequences, at each pole level at the Master control station, shall be
automatically executed at the slave station through the telecommunication link provided without operator assistance.
c. A manual converter trip function shall be provided for each converter that is independent of the operator control and
display system.
d. The converter controls shall automatically coordinate sequences for start and stop of the converter.
e. The controls shall automatically maintain ordered power flow, if reduction is made in any pole below the ordered value
due to the sudden loss of pole capability, by increasing power in the other pole within the capability of the converter
including the overload capability as specified in section 9.7.2. This shall take place even when one of the poles is
manually blocked when the system was in bipolar mode of operation. Conversely, when the second pole is brought in
manually in bipolar mode, the controls shall automatically ramp up the power in the incoming pole while ramping down
the power on the other pole until balanced bipolar mode of operation is achieved subject to any existing limits on pole
f. On failure of the telecommunication system(s), the controls shall ensure that power transmission is maintained at the
last ordered value prior to failure of telecommunication system(s).
g. Even during a telecom failure, it shall be possible to change power both in response to manual power order changes
and power modulation signals without any risk of current margin loss.
h. The controls shall be designed to provide power flow in both directions. Power flow limits shall be designed so that
different limits apply to each power direction.
i. The controls shall ensure smooth transition without any AC or dc system disturbance when transferring from any one
operating mode to another operating mode.
j. The power setting shall be adjustable by operator in selected steps, from the minimum operating limit to the maximum
overload rating of the pole. Such changes shall be applied at a linear rate defined by a settable ramp time. The ramp

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 82

time will be settable in 1 second increments from 0 to 3600 seconds. After any ramp is finished the ramp time will revert
to a settable default value.
k. Power shall be allowed to be transmitted under conditions of loss of or part of the AC filters and/or abnormal frequency
(within limits specified in section 7.5), resulting in higher than normal distortion. All measures necessary to prevent
instability caused by distortion in the AC waveform or by magnification of harmonics in the AC voltage waveform, shall
be provided.
l. The controls shall provide a high speed of response and accurate, stable and drift free operation over the complete
operating range.
m. The controls shall minimize generation of non-characteristic harmonics.
n. The controls shall be utilized for limiting fault current and to assist in smooth and rapid recovery from both AC and dc
system faults.
o. The controls shall provide protective limits including low voltage and current limits to protect the converter equipment
and properly coordinate all such limits between the two Converter Stations.
p. The controls provided shall be so arranged that testing and maintenance can be carried out on any pole without
affecting the operation of the other operating pole.
q. The controls shall minimize inverter commutation failure during system disturbances. The Bidder shall choose
appropriate commutation margin angle to minimize probability of commutation failures. The objective shall be to
achieve less than 10% probability of commutation failure for voltage reductions up to 10% on any of the phases of the
AC commutating voltage in inverter operation. The Bidder shall carry out necessary studies for minimizing commutation
failure due to switching of transformers, filter banks, shunt reactors, and transmission lines terminating at the Converter
Station. The control system shall prevent occurrence of commutation failure during switching of equipment including
converter transformer within the Converter Station.
r. The controls shall incorporate any other special features based on the Bidder’s experience that may be of significant
relevance or benefit to the overall control and protection of the HVDC system and converter equipment.
s. Redundancy and/or duplication shall be provided in Converter Station and Pole level controls, reactive power control,
pole control, valve control and valve cooling control, etc. At any time, one of the duplicated control systems shall be
active and other inactive or hot standby mode with automatic/manual change over selection facility which shall be
provided by the Bidder. Faulty measuring system or problems related to the control card/s in one control and protection
system shall not cause outage of the Converter Station and it shall be possible to disable the faulty control system.
This redundancy shall be required regardless of the performance calculations. Redundancy in power supply is a must.
t. The controls shall limit and protect against all DC line resonance phenomena.
u. A minimum of 10 additional inputs in the power order path shall be provided. A detailed design review of the use of
these inputs shall take place during design stage.

12.3.1. Design Objectives

The overall design of the control and protection systems shall meet the following objectives:

a. Redundancy and physical diversity.

b. Modular design and future proofing.
c. Configurability, maintainability and modification of control system software.

12.3.2. Separation

The HVDC control and protection equipment shall be physically separated as much as technically feasible and housed in
separate cubicles.

Redundant systems A and B shall be identical in all respects and physically, electrically and operationally independent such that
the proper operation of each system shall not be compromised in any respect by the shutdown of the other system.
19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 83
Maximum electrical and physical separation shall be maintained between systems A and B and between the protection systems
and control systems. Whenever integrated control and protection systems are provided, utmost care shall be taken in the design
to ensure that the systems meet high reliability and availability as required for HVDC Converter Stations and associated AC

Main and Back-up protection systems shall be fed by independent, separate devices. For example, separate CTs or separate
DCCTs and shall use different DC power supplies for each redundant device and system.

12.3.3. Control Functions

The following control functions shall be provided by the Bidder, as a minimum:

a. Energize and connect sequence

b. Deblock and Block sequence
c. Deenergize and disconnect sequence
d. Reactive power and filter branch control
e. Open line test
f. Open converter test
g. Power order and ramp time
h. Power direction selection
i. Return to full voltage following a reduced voltage restart
j. Power runback for remedial action schemes
k. DC and AC voltage dependent current limits
l. Reduced voltage restart
m. Damping control (input only)
n. Manual current order entry
o. Voltage set point
p. Reduced voltage operation parameters or return to normal voltage operation
q. Tap changer adjustments in all three phases or in a single phase or individual transformer
r. Perform fast ramping as needed in response to external inputs
s. Frequency regulation control Control Mode Change for AC Voltage Changes

The HVDC controls shall not change control modes during and following a 2.5% decrease in rectifier AC bus voltage, or a 2.5%
increase in inverter AC bus voltage, based on rated AC bus voltage values given in section 7.3.1. Control System Accuracy

The HVDC control system shall be designed to achieve stable drift-free operation, and maintain measured values accurate to
within ±1 % of the rated power order and within ±0.5 % of the rated current order, over the complete range of operation during
steady-state conditions. Stability of the Control System

The HVDC controls shall have the capability of maintaining stable DC power transfer and converter operation under conditions
of voltage and frequency variation of the AC systems defined in section 7.5.

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 84

Stable DC power transfer and converter operation shall be maintained under conditions of loss of an AC filter bank, even when
the remaining filters are operating at their maximum design loading.

In the design of the controls, features shall be provided to prevent steady-state instability for any reason including instability
caused by distortion in the AC voltage waveform (such as transformer core saturation instability). Fast Ramp Capability

Inputs shall be provided to accommodate independent fast ramp-up and ramp-down controls. Further, inputs for AC system
damping controls shall be provided for future use.

12.3.4. Protections System Requirements

The minimum protection requirements for the Converter Stations are presented herein. The Bidder shall be responsible for
defining the actual protection requirements and schemes for the complete Converter Station, associated AC switchyard, DC
switchyard, and DC overhead line, including DMR line, in accordance with the NTSyCS.

All the protective devices shall be capable of responding correctly to all internal or external faults even in the presence of the
harmonic currents produced by the converters and during system frequency excursions.

Clear indication of the operation of each one of the protections shall be displayed by the operator control displays.

Main protection including redundancy shall be provided to ensure safe shutdown of equipment. Back-up protection shall also
be provided to protect equipment in the event of main protection failure.

The protection equipment shall be designed to be fail-safe and shall ensure high security and reliability, so as to prevent
unnecessary shutdowns or outage due to protection equipment failures. This shall be achieved by organizing all the protections,
into two systems A and B, where one system is active and the other inactive or hot standby mode at any given time. The
Automatic switchover from the main to the standby system shall take place where permissible, before tripping in order to ensure
highest stability against false trips. Each of the systems shall include the main and back up protections specified.

Systems A and B shall be identical in all respects and physically, electrically and operationally independent such that the proper
operation of each system shall not be compromised in any respect by the shutdown of the other system. Provisions shall be
included to isolate outputs from a protection system that is in maintenance mode.

System B cannot be considered the back-up for system A and vice versa and if one system is out of operation, the remaining
system must contain both main and back-up protections.

Generally, the main and back-up protections shall utilize different principles. Where utilization of different principles is not
possible, backup protections utilizing similar principle shall be employed.

The protection must be easy to maintain and have a monitoring system to make diagnostics and replacement easy for service
personnel. The monitoring system must issue an alarm in case of defects in the protection.

In the event of a trip, the protections must be manually reset. The Converter Station not suffering a fault shall go into blocked or
a stand-by mode ready for start-up.

The redundant protection systems A and B must be supplied from two separate power supplies to fulfill the redundancy
requirement throughout the complete protection system.

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 85 Dedicated Metallic Return Protection (DMR)

The Bidder shall provide DMR line detection and protection against:

a. Open Conductor
b. Grounded conductor

12.3.5. DC Line Fault Location Equipment

The Bidder shall supply DC line fault locators that continuously monitor the complete length of the HVDC transmission line. The
DC line fault locators shall detect transient and sustained faults on the HVDC line, calculate the location of each fault and display
the distance to each fault and the time of occurrence of each fault in the control room. The location of each DC line fault shall
be provided automatically for each and every fault. The accuracy of the detection shall be less than ±0.5 km.

All the equipment at the Converter Stations necessary for the DC line fault locator are included in the scope of supply of the

12.3.6. DMR Fault locator Equipment

Test equipment necessary to detect faults on the DMR conductor when de-energized shall be supplied.

12.3.7. Equipment Interlocking

A key interlock system shall be provided to permit entry into the restricted areas such as the valve hall only under safe conditions,
i.e., when the converter is stopped and AC and DC connections to the valves are isolated and grounded. This key interlock
system shall work in conjunction with electrical and control interlocking.

12.3.8. Control and Protection Test Facilities

The Successful Bidder shall provide test facility and test equipment to enable safe and comprehensive testing of the complete
control and protection system, without having to disable interlocks and without affecting the power flow.

12.3.9. AC System Strength Calculator

The Successful Bidder shall provide a mechanism to determine the AC system short-circuit level during steady-state operation
and provide the determined short-circuit value to the operator’s status displays. It is envisioned that this feature be triggered by
an AC filter switching or change in AC system conditions and is for indication only.

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 86


12.4.1. General Requirements

The converter transformers shall be designed electrically and mechanically for the following operating conditions suitable to
converter operation:

a. An electrical insulation system which accounts for the windings being subjected to an AC voltage of distorted sinusoidal
wave shape in combined with a DC voltage stress.
b. The cumulative effect of electrodynamics forces produced during valve commutation or other short-circuit condition
imposed by valve design limitation and valve group operation.
c. Harmonic currents due to converter operation, with particular reference to additional stray losses resulting from these
harmonic currents. The harmonic levels shall include those generated by the converter equipment and those present
in the system and provided in section 7.4. The background harmonics provided in section 7.4 correspond to measured
values, the bidder must include all the necessary safety design margins to ensure that the converter transformer is not
overstressed, overloaded or damaged due to changes in the background harmonic levels. The spectrum shall be used
to calculate the total harmonic losses after the winding, eddy, and stray components are determined from the
measurements. The effects of the total harmonic losses shall be used when performing the Heat Run Test.
d. Impedance matching between units to minimize the generation of non-characteristic harmonics.
e. DC magnetizing currents due to slight displacement in the timing of the valve firing or due to other DC sources such
as aluminum plants, pipeline cathodic protection, geo-magnetic disturbance etc.
f. The large number of tap changes which are associated with the transformer converter operation.
g. Stresses due to normal control system operation such as blocking, deblocking and polarity reversal.
h. Stresses due to transient faults on the DC Pole terminals and on the DC transmission line.
i. The transformer design and noise level shall account for DC residual currents and the DC current flowing in the station
ground during various operating modes. The minimum assumed DC current shall be 10 Amps per transformer entering
through the neutral.
j. The converter transformer shall be designed for worst case harmonic currents including 3rd harmonics. For the purpose
of designing the transformers, converter currents calculated for filter design, may be used.
k. The cooling system of the transformer shall be so designed that during total failure of power supply to cooling fans and
oil pumps, the transformer shall be able to operate at full rated load for at least five (5) minutes and the hot spot
temperature shall not exceed the calculated hot spot temperature.
l. The transformer shall be able to operate at 10% overvoltage for 220 kV and 5% overvoltage for 500 kV, or at 10%
over-current on every tap without harmful effects on the transformer
m. The maximum flux density shall not exceed 1.9 Tesla in any part of the core and yoke at the rated MVA, frequency,
including the maximum DC bias and 10% continuous over voltage condition.
n. The transformers shall be designed to suppress maximum harmonic voltage, especially the third and fifth so as to
minimize interference with communication circuits.
o. The transformers shall be capable of being loaded in accordance with IEC-60076-7 up to loads of 150%.
p. The transformer and all its accessories, including current transformer (CTs),shall be designed to withstand without
damage, the thermal and mechanical effects of any external short circuit to ground and of short circuits at the terminals
of any winding for a period of 2 seconds.
q. The transformers shall be capable of withstanding thermal and mechanical stresses caused by symmetrical or
asymmetrical faults on any winding.
r. The transformers shall withstand combined voltage and frequency fluctuations which produce the following over fluxing

a. 125 % for 1 minute

b. 140 % for 5 seconds

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 87

s. The Bidder shall submit over fluxing characteristics up to 170%.

12.4.2. Transformer Characteristics Temperature Rise

The Bidder shall provide thermally upgraded winding insulation. Thermally upgraded paper shall meet the life criteria defined in
ANSI/IEEE C57.100. The temperature rise shall be limited to the values in Table 22, after allowing for additional losses
associated with converter transformers, for maximum average ambient temperature according to Table 1.

Table 22: Temperature Rise Design for the Converter Transformer

Loading Rise Average Winding Temperature Rise Top Oil Temperature Rise
Nominal rating (Maximum Current),
45°C 40°C
without redundant cooling in service
At overload rating 50°C 45°C Impedance

The tolerances of the guaranteed value shall meet the performance requirements and shall apply to all tap changer positions.
The maximum impedance value variations are specified in Table 23.

Table 23: Maximum Impedance Variations

Variations Tolerance
Deviation from specified value ±5% on all taps
Variation between individual phases ±3% on the same tap position
Variation between transformer units ±3% on the same tap position
Variation between star and delta units ±3% on the same tap position On Load Taps

The Bidder shall be responsible for selecting the rating, the number of on load taps, the size of steps, as well as the voltage
range covered, so that the Converter Station and the entire HVDC system can operate at rated output throughout the voltage
range. The on-load taps shall comply with IEC 60214 and shall be suitable for bi-directional power flow.

The voltage range shall be sufficient to meet all the voltage combinations for all the working conditions and operating
configurations, including bipolar and monopolar operation with DMR line only. The transformer power at any tap shall be not
less than that corresponding to the principal tap. Manual and automatic control of the tap changers of the converter transformers
shall be provided in the control room.

All leads shall be sized such that the temperature rise of the leads shall not exceed the temperature rise limits of the winding to
which they are associated with. All tapping leads shall be adequately supported and neatly spaced to withstand short circuits

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 88 Sound Pressure Level

The maximum noise level for any power flow shall not exceed 75 dBA. The Bidder shall take the necessary measures to ensure
compliance with the maximum specified noise levels.

The Successful Bidder shall carry out audible noise level tests of the converter transformers in accordance with IEC/IEEE 60076-
57-129. On-Line Monitoring System

Each unit of the converter transformers, including the spare units, shall have dedicated online continuous monitoring of at least
the following fault gases in transformer oil:

a. Oxygen (O2)
b. Nitrogen (N2)
c. Hydrogen (H2)
d. Carbon Monoxide (CO)
e. Carbon Dioxide (Co2)
f. Methane (CH4)
g. Ethane (C2H5)
h. Ethylene (C2H4)
i. Acetylene (C2H2)
j. Moisture content

The integrated alarm function can be triggered on specific gas levels. Alarms from the On-Line Monitoring System shall
annunciate in the control room sequence of event recorders.


The Successful Bidder shall supply the smoothing reactor that is necessary for the satisfactory operation of the HVDC system.
Only air insulated type smoothing reactors shall be supplied. A design where the main smoothing reactor is located in the neutral
bus shall not be accepted.

The design of the smoothing reactor, similarly to all equipment at the Converter Stations, shall conform to the seismic
requirements established in section 7.13.

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 89


At Bidding stage, the Bidders shall perform studies to confirm the design, performance, and ratings of all equipment to be
supplied for the HVDC Project. This section describes the studies, drawings and documents to be submitted, as a minimum, by
the Bidders for the Converter Stations of the HVDC System. Specific studies required to demonstrate a suitable design and
performance of the DC transmission line are presented in section 20.16.

The verification of completion and delivery of the studies indicated in this section will be conducted by the Coordinator through
the Document T-3 "Technical Description of the Project and Preliminary Studies", contained in Annex 2 of the Bidding Terms
and Conditions, which shall be completed by the Bidders and submitted with their Technical Offer.


The preliminary design and performance studies shall include, but not be limited to the following:

a. Main components and circuits calculation.

b. Thermal rating study for key equipment.
c. Studies for reactive power compensation and balance.
d. Temporary overvoltage and ferro resonance overvoltage studies.
e. Studies on overvoltage protection and insulation co-ordination.
f. AC filter design, performance and ratings.
g. DC filter design performance and ratings.
h. Control and protection system strategy and philosophy.

The studies required above that are interrelated might be included in one single report or document, but all the aspect described
must be included and reported by the Bidder.

In addition, the Bidder shall submit the following design drawings:

a. Preliminary single-line diagram of the Converter Stations showing all the main components and equipment in the AC
and DC yards and their corresponding protection, control and communication schemes. The SLD shall show as a
minimum the following components:

i. Disconnects
ii. AC Circuit breakers and dc switches
iii. AC current and AC voltage measuring devices
iv. Ground switches
v. DC current and DC voltage measuring devices
vi. AC and DC filters
vii. Reactive power equipment
viii. Dynamic voltage control device
ix. Surge Arresters
x. Converter valves
xi. Converter transformers
xii. Smoothing reactor
xiii. Neutral surge capacitor
xiv. Auxiliary transformers
xv. AC and DC busbars
xvi. Fundamental Frequency Blocking Filter

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 90

b. Preliminary disposition of equipment showing the plant layout and sections of the technical solution offered. The DEE
shall show as a minimum the following components:

i. Disconnects
ii. AC Circuit breakers and dc switches
iii. AC current and AC voltage measuring devices
iv. Ground switches
v. DC current and DC voltage measuring devices
vi. AC and DC filters
vii. Reactive power equipment
viii. Dynamic voltage control device
ix. Surge Arresters
x. Converter valves and valves room
xi. Converter transformers
xii. Smoothing reactor
xiii. Neutral surge capacitor
xiv. Auxiliary transformers and services
xv. AC and DC busbars
xvi. Control room
xvii. Valves cooling system
xviii. Fundamental Frequency Blocking Filter

c. General Location Map of the site (UGT), this map must contain the location of the geographical area where the
Converting Station will be located (includes vertices of the sites), it must contain the arrival of the transmission lines.

d. Diagrams associated with the protection system against atmospheric discharges (indicating methodology and standard
to be used).


The systems studies shall include, but not be limited to the following:

a. Load Flow study

b. Transient stability study

For system interaction studies, the Coordinator will provide, along with the present Bidding Terms and Conditions, the official
database of the SEN in Power Factory DIgSILENT format. The studies shall be carried out with an HVDC model developed by
the Bidder that adequately represents the real behavior of the link to be designed and that complies with the specifications
defined in the Bidding Terms and Conditions and its annexes.

The database contains the future scenarios considered representative of the operating conditions of the HVDC system for the
development of the static and dynamic studies required in this Section. Along with the DIgSILENT database, the Coordinator
will provide a minimum list of contingencies to be simulated by the Bidders that have been identified as critical to verify the
correct operation and performance of the Project, as well as to verify compliance with the NTSyCS and the present
Specifications. The Bidders may perform additional contingencies and simulations as they deem appropriate for their Bid
preparation. The assumptions and description of the scenarios in the database and the list of contingencies to be simulated are
included in Annex 6 of the Bidding Terms and Conditions.

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 91

In addition to the software DIgSILENT, the Bidder may use the commercial software PSS/E to carry out the simulations as part
of the system studies specified in this Section for the bidding stage. The Bidder shall be responsible for converting and validating
the static and dynamic behavior of the PSS/E database for each scenario against the DIgSILENT database provided by the

The Coordinator is currently in the process of converting the DIgSILENT database to the PSS/E software format, and the
converted PSS/E database is expected to be finalized in the coming weeks. However, the system studies to be conducted by
the Bidder shall not be conditioned to the release of the PSS/E database by the Coordinator as DIgSILENT is the official software
for the Tender Process.


The studies for demonstration of guaranteed performance are the following:

a. Availability and reliability, including list of spare parts.

b. Loss verification study.

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 92


The guaranteed performance parameters to be established by the Bidder are the following:

a. Availability and Reliability

b. Losses

The performance guarantees listed above must be met by the Bidder in accordance with the requirements in this section, and
are guaranteed by the Guarantee for the Correct Operation of the Project in accordance with the Awarded Conditions, as
provided in section 14.3 of the Bidding Terms and Conditions. This Guarantee will ensure that the Bidder fully respects all the
conditions and levels of operation offered in its Proposal, the performance guaranteed in the Proposal, the requirements
demanded in the General Technical Specifications (ETG) and in these ETF HVDC during the first 36 months of operation.
Likewise, this Guarantee will ensure effective compliance, within the first 12 months after the Project's Start of Operation, of all
the obligations of the Successful Bidder that were pending at the time of approval of the Project's Start of Operation (punch list
or list of pending), as determined by the Coordinator. Compliance with the aforementioned and what is established in this section
will be verified by the Coordinator, following a report from the technical auditor. In case of non-compliance with the guaranteed
performances, the Coordinator will inform the Ministry, the Commission and the Superintendency of said non-compliance, and
will send the respective Guarantee to the Ministry, so that it can collect or execute it.


14.1.1. Definitions

All the reliability and availability definitions are according to CIGRE TB 590 “Protocol for reporting the operational performance
of HVDC transmission systems”.

14.1.2. Scope of Requirements

The Converter Stations and the HVDC System as a whole shall be engineered to meet "design target” values for availability and
reliability, as outlined herein. The Bidder shall also guarantee the availability and reliability of the system to the performance
levels specified herein.

The guarantees included in the Bidder’s Offer shall exclude the effect of certain outages and curtailment events described below
which are beyond the Bidder’s control. Hence these effects shall be excluded from the analysis. The outage and curtailment
events effecting station capacity that will be excluded are as follows:

a. Environmental conditions or AC system conditions outside the design criteria given in these Specifications.
b. External force majeure causes beyond the control of the Bidder such as landslides, earthquake shocks beyond
the seismic criteria of these Specifications, or fires arising from causes outside the Bidder’s control or scope of the

Circumstances that cause curtailment of the capacity that will be included in the availability and reliability assessment and which
can result in a forced outage include, but are not limited to:

a. Failure of equipment.
b. Failure or delay to start a Pole o Bipole.
c. Failure of interlocks that delay switching or restoration of equipment.

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 93

d. Failure to complete switching sequences.
e. Failure to recover within the times specified following AC or DC system faults.
f. Reduction in DC power transmission capacity.

Although outages and curtailment of the Converter Station capacity caused by failures in equipment outside the Project’s scope
of work, are not included in the availability and reliability assessment, the Bidder shall design the Converter Stations and the
HVDC System to function as set forth in the Specifications during any known fault or failure on the HVDC line, DMR lines, or
equipment which interfaces with the equipment within the Project's scope of work.

If the transfer capacity of the HVDC system is reduced due to the failure of equipment that is not within the Project’s scope of
work, then the event shall be treated as if the Converter Station had been operating at rated power for such period.

14.1.3. Guarantee Required

The reliability and availability of the HVDC Project, shall be guaranteed by the Bidder. The operation of the bipole shall be
monitored during the 36-month guarantee period as specified in the Bidding Terms and Conditions.

The Coordinator shall monitor the Forced Energy Unavailability (FEU), Energy Availability (EA) and number of outages to ensure
that the required performance is met.

Remedies for non-compliance of the guaranteed performance are specified tin the Bidding Terms and Conditions document.

14.1.4. Availability Requirements Requirements

The Bidder shall guarantee each of the following availability requirements for the HVDC System.

a. The annual Forced Energy Unavailability (FEU) of the complete HVDC system, not including the DC line, shall be equal
to or less than 0.5%.
b. The annual Energy Availability (EA) of the complete HVDC system, including the DC line, shall be equal to or more
than 98.0%

The availability requirements shall be calculated for the bipole, on a consecutive 12 month’s basis, utilizing the Bidder’s
recommended list of spare parts and equipment.

The Forced Energy Unavailability (FEU) of the complete HVDC System shall be calculated each year, for three consecutive
years. If the Forced Energy Unavailability (FEU) is ≤0.5% for each year, then the FEU guarantee shall be considered fulfilled.

Annual energy availability (including the recommended scheduled maintenance outages and any repair outages) shall be
calculated for each year for three consecutive years.

If energy availability of the complete HVDC System, including the DC line, is ≥ 98.0% for each year, then this energy availability
(EA) guarantee shall be considered fulfilled.

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 94 Fulfillment of Availability Guarantee

The fulfillment of the Availability Guarantees shall be as follows:

a. Forced Energy Unavailability (FEU):

For fulfillment of the Forced Energy Unavailability (FEU), the following shall apply:

i. If at the end of the first year of guarantee period, the FEU is ≤0.5%, the FEU guarantee shall be considered
fulfilled for the first year.
ii. If the FEU value is not fulfilled, the Successful Bidder shall correct all design deficiencies and equipment
defects at its sole expense.
iii. After correction of such deficiencies and defects, If the average annual FEU calculated over the second year
period is ≤0.5%, (excluding the previous years and the period for correcting the deficiencies), then the FEU
guarantee shall be considered fulfilled for the first two years.
iv. If at the end of the third year of guarantee period, the FEU is ≤0.5%, the FEU guarantee shall be considered
fulfilled. Otherwise, remedies shall apply at the end of the third year, according to the Bidding Terms and
v. If the FEU value is met for the first year, but not for the second, the Successful Bidder shall correct all design
deficiencies and equipment defects at its sole expense. After correcting such deficiencies and defects, if the
average annual FEU calculated for the third year period is ≤0.5% (excluding previous years and the period of
correction of deficiencies), the FEU guarantee shall be considered fulfilled. Otherwise, remedies shall apply
at the end of the third year, according to the Bidding Terms and Conditions.
vi. In the event that the FEU value is met for the first two years, but not for the third year, the guaranteed
performance for the FEU shall be considered fulfilled as long as the Successful Bidder corrects all design
deficiencies and equipment defects at its sole expense.

b. Energy Availability (EA) for the Complete HVDC System, including the DC line:

For fulfillment of the Energy Availability (EA), the following shall apply:

i. If at the end of the first year of guarantee period, the energy availability (EA) is ≥98.0%, the energy availability
(EA) guarantee for the first year shall be considered fulfilled.
ii. If the annual energy availability (EA) is not fulfilled, the Successful Bidder shall correct all design deficiencies
and equipment defects at its sole expense.
iii. After correction of such deficiencies and defects, if the average annual energy availability (EA) calculated over
the second year period is ≥98.0%, (excluding the previous years and the period for correcting the
deficiencies), then the energy availability guarantee shall be considered fulfilled for the first two years.
iv. If at the end of the third year of guarantee period, the annual energy availability (EA) is ≥98.0%, the EA
guarantee shall be considered fulfilled. Otherwise, remedies shall apply at the end of the third year, according
to the Bidding Terms and Conditions.
v. If the annual energy availability (EA) is met in the first year, but not the second, the Successful Bidder shall
correct all design deficiencies and equipment defects at its sole expense. After correcting such deficiencies
and defects, if the annual average energy availability (EA) calculated for the third year period is ≥98.0%
(excluding previous years and the period of correction of deficiencies), the energy availability guarantee shall
be considered fulfilled. Otherwise, remedies shall apply at the end of the third year, according to the Bidding
Terms and Conditions.
vi. In the event that the annual energy availability (EA) is met for the first two years, but not for the third, the
guaranteed performance for the EA shall be considered fulfilled as long as the Successful Bidder corrects all
design deficiencies and equipment defects at its sole expense.

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 95

Failure to comply with the guaranteed performance requirements for the FEU or for the EA for two annual periods, whether
consecutives or not, within the corresponding 36 months of guarantee, shall be considered as a breach of said obligation, and
remedies shall apply at the end of the third year, according to the Bidding Terms and Conditions.

14.1.5. Reliability Requirements Requirements

In assessing reliability, the following events in addition to those listed in section 14.1.2, shall constitute a bipole forced outage:

a. A bipole shutdown
b. A reduction of HVDC system capacity for any reason, that exceeds the capacity of one Pole
c. A Pole shutdown followed by unsuccessful metallic-return switching

The calculated reliability of the HVDC System, excluding the DC line, shall be equal to or shall exceed the design target values
specified in this section. In addition, the actual annual reliability shall be equal to or exceed the guaranteed values stated in the
Bidder’s Offer.

The number of forced outages and curtailment occurrences per year (12 months) for the for the HVDC System, excluding the
DC line, shall not exceed the following values:

a. Number of pole outages per year per Pole = 2.5

b. Number of bipole outages per year = 0.1

The above numbers shall be guaranteed by the Bidder. Fulfillment of Reliability Guarantee

The Coordinator shall monitor the operation of the Converter Stations during the three-year guarantee period for availability and
reliability. The Coordinator shall conduct an annual appraisal of reliability performance.

With respect to the guaranteed reliability values for curtailment in HVDC System capacity, the following shall apply at the end
of the guarantee period:

a. If the number of occurrences in the best of the three years is less than or equal to the guaranteed value, the reliability
guarantee shall be considered fulfilled.
b. If the reliability guarantee is not fulfilled in the first year the Bidder shall correct all design deficiencies and equipment
defects at its sole expense.
c. After correction of such deficiencies and defects, if the number of occurrences per year, averaged over the second
year period, (excluding the prior year(s) and the period for correcting such deficiencies) is below the guaranteed value,
the guarantee shall be considered fulfilled. Otherwise, remedies shall apply at the end of the third year, according to
the Bidding Terms and Conditions.


The Bidder shall submit a comprehensive loss calculation study report indicating losses derived in accordance with IEC Standard
61803 and utilizing, to the maximum extent possible, losses measured during type tests and routine tests of the various

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 96

Converter Station equipment. For each applicable class of equipment defined in section 5 of IEC Standard 61803 at rated full
load, the report shall show derivation details and identify where measured values have been used. The values of calculated
losses (where measurements are not possible) shall be indicated in the equipment specification and shall indicate tolerance
limits for individual items.

The total power losses at each Converter Station, excluding AC and DC transmission lines, evaluated on a bipole basis shall
not exceed more than 0.7% of the nominal load rating of the HVDC system.

The Bidder shall calculate and guarantee the total bipole system losses at rated nominal load.

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 97


Cyber security shall be incorporated in the overall design of the HVDC controls, protection, communications, HMI and SCADA
systems. Today’s use of digital controls and software introduces the vulnerability of the controls malfunctioning due to data loss
or data corruption and can seriously affect the reliability or even the safety of the equipment in the HVDC System.

Data loss is usually from inadequate backup hardware and lack of redundancy, and thus the threat can be eliminated or greatly
reduced with proper design of controls. Data corruption can occur un-intentionally or intentionally. The un-intentional corruption
is often human error and can usually be repaired with appropriate backups.

Intentional data corruption is a more serious issue and requires a more detailed consideration of the control and LAN design.
Due to the interconnectivity of the controls and protection, the intentional corruption can now occur from external sources. The
digital controls are connected between stations, to the Coordinator’s control center, and probably to the internet.

The Bidder shall propose a secure and robust design in the control and LAN systems, using at a minimum, next generation
firewalls, dual firewall communication designs, routers, gateways, data diodes, etc. that have built in cyber secure measures.
This design shall be presented to the Coordinator for approval.

The Bidder shall follow and adhere to NERC-CIP standard enforced by the Coordinator for the design of the protection,
communication and control of the HVDC system.

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 98


Spare parts and maintenance accessories required shall be provided by the Successful Bidder to meet the guaranteed
availability and reliability over the guarantee period as specified in section 14.

All spares shall be of the same materials and workmanship as the corresponding parts of the equipment furnished and shall be
fully interchangeable with those in service.

A spare part intended for use as a replacement for any one of several similar parts, for example a capacitor unit, shall be a
replacement to any one of those parts without resulting in a deterioration in the performance of the equipment or system.

The spares shall be available at site prior to the beginning of commissioning.


The following mandatory spares shall be supplied as a minimum by the Bidder for each Converter Station:

Table 24: Mandatory Spare Parts

N° Element Details

1 Converter Transformers 1 of each type and rating complete with all bushings and accessories

2 Thyristors One complete bridge arm worth of thyristors

One half of the number of all the components used at the thyristor level in a one bridge
3 Thyristor level components
arm including the electronics

4 Valve reactors One half of the numbers of the valve reactors used in one bridge arm

5 Wall bushings 1 of each type and rating

6 Smoothing Reactors 1 of each type and rating

7 Complete DC current measuring unit 1 of each type and rating

8 Complete DC Voltage Divider 1 of each type and rating

9 DC yard disconnects & switches 1 of each type and rating and two extra set of contacts

HVAC Circuit Breakers along with

operating mechanism
1 complete breaker of each type and rating

HVAC Isolators with one grounding 1 Pole of each type and rating along with operating mechanism and three extra set of
switch contacts

12 Connectors for DC yard and valve halls 2 of each type and rating

13 AC & DC Surge arresters 1 of each type and rating

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 99

N° Element Details

14 AC Current Transformers 1 of each type and rating

Capacitive and Inductive voltage

15 1 of each type and rating
Cards, relays for C&P, Communication
16 10% of each type, minimum of 2
interface cards

17 Capacitor units and grading resistors 5% of each type and ratings with a minimum of 2

18 Filter reactors and resisters 1 of each type and rating

19 Valve hall ground disconnects 1 of each type and rating

20 Control system 10% of each type of circuit card and power supplies with a minimum of 2

VBE fiber one complete Pole pre-terminated all others 10% of installed length with
21 Optical fiber cables
termination equipment provided of each type

23 Fault locator blocking capacitors Minimum one of each type and rating

24 Fault locator coupling capacitor One


The Bidder shall supply the spare parts required to meet the specified guaranteed availability and shall include such spare parts
in the scope of supply. If such spares are already included in the list of mandatory spares, it shall be indicated and identified.
The detailed lists of spare parts to meet the guaranteed reliability and availability requirements shall be part of the Offer.
However, if it is found during detailed engineering and/or reliability and availability prediction calculation that additional spares
are required to meet target values, the same shall be made available by the Bidder.

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 100


The Bidder shall coordinate with the Coordinator all testing and commissioning activities, system interruptions, security
procedures, system tests and any other matter related to commissioning during Milestone No. 11, according to the requirements
specified in article 72-17 of the LGSE, the NTSyCS, and in this section.

Prior to the commissioning of a project, the Successful Bidder must agree with the Coordinator on a commissioning schedule in
which the activities to be carried out and the deadlines associated with said activities will be established. Any modification of
said terms must be communicated to the Coordinator who may justifiably approve or reject said modification.

The Coordinator will reserve the right to assign personnel and/or its consultants to participate and/or witness the testing and
commissioning operations of the Project in the field.

It will be understood that the Project is in the commissioning stage if its interconnection and energization have been materialized
and until the end of the corresponding tests.

The purpose of commissioning period is to demonstrate to the Coordinator’s satisfaction that the equipment is ready for its
purpose and it functions satisfactorily under normal operating conditions.

The testing commissioning period will have the necessary duration to demonstrate the proper functioning of all the Project
equipment and systems and its duration must be included by the Bidder in the Project schedule as specified in Milestone No.
11 of the Bidding Terms and Conditions.

The following will be considered for testing and commissioning:

a. A necessary pre-condition for commissioning is that all spare components are on-site and that all plant documentation
is on-site and has been revised to reflect any changes made prior to the start of commissioning. The spares that have
been used during commissioning shall be replaced and be available at site prior to the beginning of Start of Operation.
b. The Successful Bidder shall remain responsible for the equipment under test and will remain so until the equipment is
c. Testing and commissioning period will be carried out in such a way that the Converter Stations and the full HVDC
system will be ready for the Start of Operation.
d. In the event of a fault that is grounds for termination of commissioning, the Successful Bidder may request to continue
to operate the equipment for the purpose of testing or to obtain more information about the fault so that remedial
measures may be defined.

The following criteria will be used, as a minimum, to establish the success of the commissioning:

a. Stable operation for all system configurations and operation modes.

b. No failure to start or stop or to connect/disconnect reactive power banks as needed.
c. No main circuit equipment fault.
d. No auxiliary system fault.
e. No control system fault or unintended switchover to redundant control system.
f. No unintended switchover to redundant pump or fan.
g. No stall or malfunction of a control system device or input/output unit.
h. No communication equipment malfunctions for equipment provided by the Bidder.
i. No AC or DC protection malfunctions.
j. No emergency repair is required.

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 101

Once the tests and the commissioning period have been satisfactory completed, the Coordinator will consider the commissioning
phase as completed and will proceed with the approval the Start of Operation, once the terms indicated in article 72-17 of the
LGSE and the article 28 of the NTSyCS Technical Annex: "Minimum Technical Requirements of Facilities that are
Interconnected to the SEN", are fulfilled.

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 102


All the documentation shall be in Spanish language, with the exemption of catalogues of equipment and/or technical brochures.

For Bidding stage, in addition to catalogues of equipment and/or technical brochures, the documentation included in the
Technical Offer, such as the studies and documentation described in Section 13, may be submitted in English language,
according to what is specified in Section 8.1.2 of the Bidding Terms and Conditions.

All technical description, specifications, studies, correspondence, prints, drawings, instruction manuals, test reports (both factory
and site), schedules and all supplementary data or documents furnished in compliance with the requirements of this Specification
during both Bidding and design stages, shall become the property of Coordinator and the costs shall be considered as included
in the Economic Bid.

The Coordinator shall have the right to make copies of any documents, data, reports, information, etc. supplied by the Bidder in
connection with this Bidding Process.

The Coordinator shall not impart the information of these documents to any other manufacturer or competitor but is free to use
these for preparation of technical papers, reports, etc.

The Bidder shall submit a consolidated list of all symbols used in any drawing, data and information under three separate
headings namely Civil, Mechanical or Electrical. If symbols other than IEC are used, the Bidder shall submit a consolidated list
of these symbols and their significance under a separate section.

The Bidder is not required to supply detailed drawings whose purpose is manufacture, but in case such information is specifically
asked for by the Coordinator, it shall be provided.

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 103


As part of the Offer, the Bidder shall accommodate 10 personnel from the Coordinator in the training program, which shall be
dictated prior to the Start of Operation of the Project. The training shall include, as a minimum, the following topics:

a. System engineering and design including application

b. HVDC equipment training program:

i. Converter transformers
ii. AC/DC filters and smoothing reactors
iii. Thyristor Valves and associated components
iv. Valve Cooling System
v. AC/DC switching equipment
vi. Control and protection equipment
vii. Auxiliary power system
viii. Equipment nomenclature and documentation system

c. Operation and maintenance training program:

i. Operation and switching of converter transformers

ii. Operation and switching of AC/DC filters and smoothing reactors
iii. Operation, interlocking and switching of the AC/DC switchyards
iv. Thyristor Valves and associated components
v. AC and DC control and protection
vi. Valve cooling system control
vii. Telecom, control and protection strategy and philosophy
viii. Computer systems and networks
ix. Converter start/Stop and de-block/block sequences of the HVDC System
x. Power, current, and voltage and reduced voltage order setting
xi. Local and remote operation
xii. Alarm, Monitoring and Reporting System
xiii. Locating and troubleshooting faults.
xiv. HVDC Control development environment and control modification process
xv. RTDS simulator configuration and operation

The training shall have a minimum duration of two (2) weeks, and all the training materials shall be submitted in electronic

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 104


The objective of this section is to establish the design criteria, admissible values and the minimum acceptable safety levels for
the design of the DC transmission line of the HVDC Project.

Unless specifically stated otherwise, the design must comply with the latest version of the national and international regulations
indicated in section 3.2. In particular cases, where there is no national design regulation for DC transmission line projects,
international standards and recommendations in the pertinent matter shall be adopted as a reference.


20.1.1. Nominal Voltage

The DC transmission line shall have a nominal voltage of ± 600 kV.

20.1.2. Maximum Continuous Voltage

The maximum continuous DC voltage shall be according to the specified in section 9.4.

20.1.3. Line Configuration

The line shall have a Bipolar configuration with a dedicated metal return.

20.1.4. Line Capacity

The DC line shall have transmission capacity per Pole of, at least, 2,000 MW.

20.1.5. Overload Requirement

The DC line shall be designed allow the continuous (or permanent), temporary short-duration, and transient overload
requirements specified for the Converter Stations in Section 9.7.2 of these ETH HVDC.

20.2. SITING

For the purposes of calculating the mechanical stresses of the conductors and supports of the transmission line, the Bidder shall
consider what is indicated in subsection 5.8.1 of RPTD No. 11 depending on the location of the line.

19_231_HVDC_01 Bidding Terms and Conditions – Annex 5 ETF HVDC 105


20.3.1. Insulation Solicitations

In accordance with the requirements of the RPTD No. 5, at least the following requests on insulation must be analyzed,
considering the standards indicated in each case. The calculations must always be based on the maximum allowable stresses
as indicated in section 20.1.2.

a. Solicitations produced under continuous operating voltage conditions.

Insulation due to environmental contamination, according to the IEC Std. 60815-4. For this, the choice of the minimum
unit creepage distance(s) in mm/kV for direct current must be defined and supported.

b. System overvoltages

i. Overvoltage at fundamental frequency, being dimensioned to obtain at least a 50% probability of successfully
withstanding said overvoltage, both in the insulation assembly and in the air clearance. Additionally, the
particular environmental conditions of each region must be considered.
ii. Overvoltage in the event of a Pole failure considering a maximum value determined by the Bidder through
simulations for the worst expected failure condition at the midpoint of the DC line, being dimensioned to
withstand satisfactorily with a 50% probability.
iii. Overvoltage of atmospheric origin, the design must guarantee a probability of forced outflows lower than that
stipulated in Article 5-55 of the NTSyCS. The particular atmospheric conditions of each region shall be

The overvoltage levels shall not exceed the capacities of the equipment in the HVDC System.

20.3.2. Insulation in the Structure

According to RPTD N°5, the insulation in the structure must withstand the insulation stresses indicated in section 20.3.1, under
the conditions indicated for each stress.

The minimum air clearance distances must be met between the Pole conductors, Pole and DMR, and all the elements fixed to
them, and the structure or other elements connected to earth, including all possible accessories.

a. Distance to the structure due to normal operating overvoltage

For the application of this distance, the Pole conductor without ice deviated by the action of the most unfavorable wind
pressure shall be considered according to the project location zone and the temperature defined for said wind stress.

b. Distance to structure due to fault overvoltage

For the application of this distance, the conductors diverted by the action of a reduced wind pressure must be
considered, which will correspond to 1/4 of the most unfavorable wind pressure according to the project location area.

c. Distance to the structure due to overvoltage of atmospheric origin

For the application of this distance, the chain is considered in a vertical position without deviation due to the action of
the wind.

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20.3.3. Distance between the Conductor and the Ground Wire Cable

To verify the separation distance between the conductor and the ground wire cable, the distance indicated in point 20.3.2 must
be respected.


20.4.1. Distance Between Poles

The minimum distance between the Poles of the DC line shall be determined according to the recommendations of the Technical
Reference CIGRE N°388 of 2009 and the NESC: National Electrical Safety Code – 2017 in its rule 235B.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, distances between Poles less than those determined in accordance with subsection 5.4 of RPTD
N °07 will not be accepted.

20.4.2. Distance between Pole and DMR

The minimum distance between Pole and DMR of the DC line shall be determined considering the recommendations of the
Technical Brochure CIGRE N°388 of 2009 and the NESC: National Electrical Safety Code – 2017 in its rule 235E.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, distances between Pole and DMR less than those determined in accordance with subsection 5.4
of RPTD N ° 07 will not be accepted.

20.4.3. Distance between Conductor and Ground

The vertical safety distances of the DC line Pole to the ground shall be determined according to the recommendations of the
NESC: National Electrical Safety Code - 2017 in its rule 232D1.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, vertical safety distances less than those determined in accordance with subsection 5.7 of RPTD
No. 07 will not be accepted. The minimum distances indicated must be verified considering the maximum deflection according
to subsection 5.7 of RPTD No. 7 for the final condition corresponding to the transmission condition of maximum nominal power
of the line and an ambient temperature of 15°C.

Additionally, this distance must be verified for the deviation of the conductor due to the effect of the wind at angles between 0°
and 10° in mountainous areas or with slopes.

For electric field intensity, the provisions of IEEE C95.1-2019 "Standard for Safety Levels with respect to Human Exposure to
Electric, Magnetic, and Electromagnetic Fields, 0 Hz to 300 GHz" shall be considered. The maximum limits for electric filed
exposition shall be according to Table 25.

Table 25: Maximum Limits for Electric Field

Item General Public Authorized Personnel
Whole-body exposure (kV/m) at the limit of the
5.0 20.0
safety ROW

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In addition, and in accordance with the recommendation in reference CIGRE N°388, 2009, the ground-level electric field and
ion current densities for fair weather conditions and location in a horizontally plane below the DC line, shall not exceed the
values of 25 kV/m and 100 nA/m2, respectively.

20.4.4. Minimum Vertical Distances at Line Crossings

The minimum vertical distance for the crossing of two power transmission lines will be governed by the recommendations of the
NESC: National Electrical Safety Code - 2017 in its rule 233C3.

For altitudes greater than 1,000 meters above sea level, the values must be corrected by increasing by 3% for every 300 m over
1,000 meters above sea level.

Distances must be met for the following conditions:

a. Conductor of the lower line a temperature of 15°C, without overloads and for the upper line the final maximum
deflection, corresponding to the maximum design temperature of the transmission line.
b. For the conductors of both lines considering the minimum design temperature and considering the presence of ice if

In cases where the closest conductor is the guard cable of some of the lines, it will be evaluated considering said cable with a
voltage level of 0 kV.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, vertical safety distances at crossings of aerial transport lines lower than those determined in
accordance with of the RPTD No. 11 will not be accepted.

20.4.5. Minimum Horizontal Distances to Transmission Lines

The minimum horizontal distance with another power transmission line (parallelism) will be determined according to the
recommendations of the NESC: National Electrical Safety Code - 2017 in its rule 233B1.

Parallelisms shall be identified according to the line layout and the pertinent studies carried out to ensure that the interactions
between them do not cause systemic or safety problems for people in normal operating, failure or maintenance conditions.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, horizontal safety distances between parallel overhead transportation lines lower than those
determined according to the RPTD No. 11 will not be accepted.

20.4.6. Safety Right of Way (ROW)

The minimum horizontal distance with constructions or buildings must be calculated according to the recommendations of the
NESC: National Electrical Safety Code - 2017 in its rule 234H3.

The verification of this measurement must be carried out considering the balancing angles of the conductors at maximum wind
in the area.

Additionally, the security ROW must be verified, and if necessary adjusted, to comply with the levels required for Audible Noise
(RA) and the effects of Radio Interference (RI) described below:

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a. Audible Noise (AN)

The average Audible Noise for fair weather must comply with the recommendations made by the Technical Brochure
CIGRE N°388 of 2009, which recommends a maximum mean AN value at the edge of the safety ROW of 42 dBA.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Bidder must limit the audible noise level to the maximum values established in
Decree N° 38 of 2012 that establishes the "Norm for Emission of Noise Generated by Indicating Sources", elaborated
from the review Decree N° 146 of 1997 of the Ministry of the Environment.

b. Radio Interference (IR)

Considering that there is currently no standard that defines a maximum limit for the level of radio interference for DC
transmission lines, the Bidder must consider the recommendations made by the Technical Brochure CIGRE N°388 of
2009, which indicates that the average radio interference limit (above the reception level) for good weather at the edge
of the safety ROW shall not exceed 46 dB over 1.0 μV /m, and a reference frequency between 0.5 and 1 MHz.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, security (ROW) distances lower than those determined in accordance with RPTD No. 07 will not
be accepted.


20.5.1. Conductor Material

According to article 75 of the Technical Annex: “Minimum Transmission Installation Design Requirements” of the NTSyCS, the
choice of conductor material must be adequate for the meteorological and environmental conditions of the area and must
adequately withstand all mechanical stresses.

20.5.2. Thermal Limit

The thermal limit shall be determined according to IEEE std. 738, 2012 or its latest version. The maximum operating temperature
of the conductor must not exceed 80°C. The maximum admissible current shall be calculated for the maximum elevation of the
line considering the solar radiation of the area, with a wind of 0.61 m/s (2 ft/s), absorption factor of 0.8 and emissivity factor of
0.7 and a maximum ambient temperature of 35°C. Each pole conductor bundle shall have a minimum thermal capacity that
complies with the stablished in Section 20.1.4.

20.5.3. Surface Voltage Gradient

The surface voltage gradient of the conductor or bundle of conductors of the Poles must be such that, in their geometric
arrangement, they do not exceed the disruptive or corona initiation gradient. The climate conditions of the area and a driver’s
condition factor corresponding to their aging condition must be considered.

20.5.4. Power Losses

According to article 75 of the Technical Annex: “Minimum Transmission Installation Design Requirements” of the NTSyCS, the
Joule losses will be calculated for the transmission capacity of the line, and the electrical resistance of the conductors calculated
at maximum design temperature.

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The design of the conductor shall be such that the power loss for each Pole of the DC line, for the nominal capacity per Pole
defined for the Converter Stations and DC nominal voltage defined in Section 20.1.1, shall not exceed 5.0% of such capacity.

20.5.5. Voltage Drop

The voltage drop along the line must be such that the Converter Stations can transmit power in all operating conditions up to
their maximum overload levels, and for all operating configurations of the HVDC system, within the normal operating ranges of
the firing angle and tap changer of the converter transformer.

20.5.6. Conductors Bundle

The Bidder shall design and select the type and number of sub-conductors per Pole that optimizes the design of the HVDC
system and that allows meeting the loss requirement specified in Section 20.5.4 and voltage drop specified in Section 20.5.5,
respecting the maximum limits for both RA and RI at the safety ROW established in Section 20.4.6.


According to article 71 of the Technical Annex: "Minimum Transmission Installation Design Requirements", all high voltage lines
above 100 kV must have a ground wire cable.

In high voltage lines above 200 kV, at least one of them must have communications capacity. This cable must be of the OPGW
type, with 24 threads as a minimum, or of another technology that provides the same functionality and reliability. In no case will
the use of the ground wire cable be allowed as a metallic return. The ground cable must be determined and verified for transient
overvoltages, switching and lightning surges.


The conductor to be used as Dedicated Metallic Return (DMR) must be arranged in the same structure that supports the pole
conductors and must comply with the design criteria in this section.

20.7.1. Conductor Material

According to article 75 of the Technical Annex: “Minimum Transmission Installation Design Requirements” of the NTSyCS, the
choice of conductor material must be adequate for the meteorological and environmental conditions of the area and must
adequately withstand all mechanical stresses.

20.7.2. Thermal Limit

The thermal limit will be determined in such a way as to ensure that, under any operating condition up to its maximum overload
level, and for monopolar configuration with or without parallel PMR, the conductor will not suffer damage or permanent
deformation or loss of mechanical or electrical characteristics and shall be determined according to the IEEE Std. 738 of 2012
or its latest version.

The thermal limit shall be determined according to IEEE std. 738, 2012 or its latest version. The maximum operating temperature
of the conductor must not exceed 80°C. The maximum admissible current shall be calculated for the maximum elevation of the

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line considering the solar radiation of the area, with a wind of 0.61 m/s (2 ft/s), absorption factor of 0.8 and emissivity factor of
0.7 and a maximum ambient temperature of 35°C. The DMR bundle shall have a minimum thermal capacity that complies with
the stablished in Section 20.1.4.

20.7.3. Power Losses

According to article 75 of the Technical Annex: “Minimum Transmission Installation Design Requirements” of the NTSyCS, the
Joule losses will be calculated for the transmission capacity of the line, and the electrical resistance of the conductors calculated
at maximum design temperature.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, the design of the type and number of sub-conductors of the DMR must be such that the power
loss in the DMR, for the nominal capacity per Pole defined for the Converter Stations and DC nominal voltage defined in Section
20.1.1, shall not be greater than 10,0% of such capacity.

20.7.4. Conductor Insulation

The conductor or bundle of conductors to be used for the DMR must be isolated from ground in each of the structures. The
voltage level for its insulation coordination must be studied according to systemic analyzes, before atmospheric discharges and
induction before ground fault of a Pole or inductions by other lines in parallelism condition.

Additionally, it must be ensured that, in the event of any failure in the metallic return, this shall not cause the Bipole outage or
stop of operation. On the other hand, the insulation coordination of the DMR must guarantee that, in the event of an overvoltage
reflected from a fault on one of the Pole HV conductors, such overvoltage will not result in a DMR fault to ground, and if it does
the DMR fault must be cleared the time necessary restore the pole transmission, and must not delay the HVDC system recovery


The Bidder must evaluate the mechanical behavior of the conductor in accordance with the provisions of subsections 5.8 of
RPTD No. 11.


This section defines the maximum allowable stresses of the conductors and the ground wire cable.

20.9.1. Normal Mechanical Stresses of Conductors

To avoid damage to the conductors, due to the appearance of wind vibrations, the initial installation loads or stresses must not
exceed the value for the ratios set out in the Technical Brochure 273 “Overhead Conductor Safe Design Tension With Respect
To Aeolian Vibrations”.

Additionally, for the ground wire cable, its load will be such that, for the normal condition, the deflection must be between 90%
to 100% of the deflection of the conductive cable of the respective span, in EDS condition without overloads, to guarantee
electrical spacing between ground wire cable and Pole conductor in the middle of the span.

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20.9.2. Maximum Mechanical Stress of Conductors

According to RPTD N°11, the initial value of the maximum load at the highest fixing point must not exceed 50% of the respective
breaking stress.

20.9.3. Maximum Conductor Sag

The maximum deflection must be calculated according to what is indicated in point 20.5.2, for the power transmission line
condition of maximum overload.

20.9.4. Minimum Conductor Sag

The minimum deflection of the conductors and guard cable will be determined under the geographical and climatological
parameters for the design of the line.

20.9.5. Final Normal Conductor Sag

According to RPTD N7, the final normal sag of the conductor and ground wire cable shall be calculated at 15°C without

The normal deflection of the ground wire cable must be between 90% to 100% of the deflection of the conductors of the same
span at 15ºC without wind and in their final condition.

20.9.6. Initial and Final Conditions of Conductors

The initial stresses and deflections will be calculated considering the mechanical characteristics of the conductors and the
ground wire cable, resulting after having been subjected to the corresponding mechanical stress for 1 hour after its installation
for the first time. The final deflections and tensions will be calculated considering that the conductors and the guard cable have
suffered the most unfavorable of the following conditions after being installed with initial stress:

a. 10 years at 15°C, without wind.

b. Application of the maximum service mechanical stress defined in section 20.9.2, for one (1) hour.


The type of material for the insulators shall be defined by the Proponent and its electrical characteristics shall be verified to
comply with the requirements indicated in section 20.3. In addition, the insulators in their materiality and geometry shall be
suitable for work in HVDC systems.

The electromechanical resistance of the insulators must be equal to or greater than the resulting stresses indicated below for
each type of assembly, multiplied by the corresponding safety factor.

a. Anchor Set

According to article 77 of the Technical Annex: "Minimum Transmission Installation Design Requirements" of the
NTSyCS, the mechanical resistance that the anchor assembly must have will correspond to at least 90% of the

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conductor's breakdown stress, or it must be equal to triple the maximum load resulting from tensioning the conductor
under various conditions of the corresponding temperature, wind and ice.

The final maximum mechanical stress of the conductors shall be considered, calculated according to the conditions
indicated in 20.9.2 and a minimum safety factor of 2 according to RPTD No. 5.

b. Suspension Set

The result obtained from the vertical load per phase, the maximum pressure wind load on the conductor, considering
the load due to the effect of the angle, and a minimum safety factor of 2 according to RPTD No. 5, shall be considered.


The following design requirements shall be considered:

a. The staples and the conductor union joints may be of the compression type and/or preformed with a mechanical
capacity of at least 95% of the breaking load of the conductor, without causing slippage.
b. The anchoring clips for the conductors must be of the compression type, the guard cable clips will be of the preformed
c. Normally the conductors should be provided with preformed reinforcements at the suspension points, however, they
could be eliminated at the suspension points of the electric bridges in the angle or deadend structures.
d. The joining element of the hardware assemblies to the structures must be of the tilting support type for the anchoring
chains of the conductors and a shackle for the suspension chains of the ground wire cable.
e. The attachment of the anchor chain to the structures shall be done through one connection point only.
f. No welding will be allowed on any component of the suspension and anchor assemblies.
g. Inverted anchor chains will be installed at the departure and arrival of the line frames and in the structures with
departure angles greater than 15°, considering the EDS climate hypothesis and the conductor in final condition.
h. Shackles, links, connectors and other hardware elements must be made of hot-dip galvanized steel in accordance with
the ASTM A153 Standard, with sufficient mechanical strength to withstand the mechanical loads to which they will be
i. The counterweights used in the suspension structures will be of the suspended type, in case there are interferences in
the compliance with the electrical distances, compact counterweights will be used, which shall not protrude beyond the
suspension grass in order not to lengthen the set. The maximum counterweight weight will be 200 kg per phase.
j. All iron parts used in the project must comply with the IEC 61284, IEC 61854 and/or IEC 61897 standards.

The minimum breaking load of the metal parts that make up the chains applied along the axis of the chain must be equal to the
nominal mechanical or electromechanical load of the chain insulators. Except for the items listed in Table 26 below:

Table 26: Minimum Breaking Load in Assembly Elements

Description Minimum breaking load of each element or part of the assembly
Anchor clamps of the conductor and cable guard Equal to 95% of the breaking load of the conductor and cable OPGW
Conductor Suspension Clamps Equal to Suspension Insulator Mechanical Capacity

The fittings must have a mechanical safety factor of not less than 3 with respect to their nominal workload. When the minimum
breaking load is verified by tests, the safety factor may be reduced to 2.5.

Additionally, the installation of bird protection devices shall be considered where required, as well as beacons signaling as
defined by the General Direction of Civil Aeronautics (DGAC).

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Angle anchor structures shall be located such that the cross-axis of the structure's spreaders is aligned in the direction of the
bisector of the deflection angle of the DC transmission line. The design of the structures is based on the actual load trees that
they have to support depending on the distribution made in the PLS-CADD software.

20.12.1. Line Angle

The angle of the line, at the location of an anchored structure, will be understood as the angle formed by the vertical planes that
contain the openings adjacent to the structure in question. This angle shall be measured in such a way that the direction of the
span closest to the origin of the line (origin station) coincides with the indication of 0 Az (azimuth) of the surveying instrument.
This angle will be measured in the same clockwise direction.

20.12.2. Angle of Deflection

Deflection of the line, at the location of an anchored structure, shall be understood as the angle formed by the vertical plane that
contains the span adjacent to the structure in question, farther from the origin of the line, and from the vertical plane that contains
the extension of the other span adjacent to said structure beyond it. In general, structures will be named indicating their maximum
allowed deflection angle.

20.12.3. Angle Structures

Structures called "angle structures" are used at the deflection points of a line layout, for example: angled suspensions, angled
anchors, etc.

The "angled structures" are designed with capacity for a certain range of angle values that is related to the deflections of the
line defined in 20.12.2, in which they can be used.

Angled anchor structures shall be located (installed) so that the direction of the central axis of their crosspieces coincides with
the direction of the line angle bisector defined in 20.12.2.

20.12.4. Suspension Structures

The suspension structure is used in the straight sections of the line where there is no deflection angle or it is minimal, according
to RPTD N°11, a deflection of 1° will be considered at least.

20.12.5. Anchor Structure

The anchoring structure is intended to establish fixed points along the line to divide mechanically independent sectors, capable
of resisting mechanical stresses in the direction of the line or in different directions. The anchoring structure shall be used for
line deflection angles where conductor tensions to both spans adjacent to the structure are balanced or present an unbalance
of less than 50% of the maximum tension of the conductors.

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20.12.6. Dead-end Structure

The dead-end or termination structure is used at the ends of the line to terminate the conductors for connection with the line
frames, the maximum angle of deflection will be subject to the DC line routing.


According to article 81 of the Technical Annex: "Minimum Transmission Installation Design Requirements" of the NTSyCS, the
resistance at the foot of the tower must be such that it allows a correct operation of the HVDC System and safeguarding the
safety of people, for which the following shall be considered, as a minimum:

a. The correct operation of the control and protection system of the converters and the correct ground fault detection.
b. Compliance with step safety voltages.
c. Compliance with contact safety voltages.
d. The effect of atmospheric discharges, both on the ground wire cable and on the conductor.
e. The resistance considered for the line must be used for all system studies of the installation and reported to the

All structures must have at least one permanent ground connection. The value of the admissible resistance for earthing for each
structure must consider the limitations established in subsection 8.27 of RPTD No. 6.


The structures shall be made up of galvanized steel profiles, bolted, with reinforced concrete (or other material) foundations,
which must be designed for all extensions, both of the body and of the slope extensions (legs), considered for each type of
structure. The spreaders of the metallic structures must be designed so that they can be disassembled from the structure.

The design of the structures shall comply with the specifications in the RPTD N°11, and consider, at least, the following load

a. Vertical loads
b. Vertical overload
c. Wind loads
d. Angle effect
e. Longitudinal overload
f. Longitudinal imbalance
g. Dead ends
h. Laying
i. Assembly of the structure

In the design of the structures, the installation of the following elements shall be considered:

a. Device for fixing the suspension and anchoring chains of the conductors and the securing elements of the ground wire
b. Climbing ladders must be installed in two opposite corners of the metal structures up to approximately 1 m from the
location of the ground wire cable.
c. Number plates, danger of death and railroad crossings with their corresponding fixing devices to metallic structures.
d. Anti-climbing protection devices, including its device for fixing to structures located approximately 2.5 m above ground

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e. Perforations shall be left in the top of the metal structures for the connection of the ground wire cable.
f. Birds protection comb at the upper end of the suspension tower spreaders.
g. Perforations shall be left for the installation of the pulleys for the process of laying the DC line.


The foundations shall be designed in such a way that they can resist, without causing the foundation ground to break, or
permanent deformations in the foundation elements or inadmissible displacements in the foundations themselves, all the
stresses with their corresponding combined overload factors for each type of structure. The design of the foundations shall
consider the connection of the grounding through them. This detail shall be indicated in the calculation reports and drawings of
the foundations required in this ETF HVDC.


At Bidding stage, the Bidders shall perform studies to confirm the design and performance of the DC transmission line for the
HVDC Project. This section describes the studies, drawings and documents to be submitted, as a minimum, by the Bidders for
the DC line.

The verification of completion and delivery of the studies indicated in this section will be conducted by the Coordinator through
the Document T-3 "Technical Description of the Project and Preliminary Studies", contained in Annex 2 of the Bidding Terms
and Conditions, which shall be completed by the Bidders and submitted with their Technical Offer.

The preliminary design and performance studies shall include, but not be limited to the following:

a. General characteristics and preliminary design.

b. Safety Right of Way (ROW) design criteria
c. Description and types of structures, including distribution and estimated loading schedules.
d. Description and criteria for selection of insulation
e. Calculation design and memory / reports for Polo and DMR conductors, and for ground wire cables
f. Corona effects mitigation and limitation (Audible Noise and Radio Interference).

The study for the calculation of pole conductors shall include an electric field analysis that allows verifying that the selection of
the conductor selection, number of sub-conductors per pole, geometry of the structures, ground distances and span length,
among others, are suitable to meet the ground surface electric field and ionic current requirements specified in Section 20.4.3.

In addition, the Bidder shall submit the following design drawings:

a. Pole conductor suspension and angle (anchor) set drawings.

b. Dedicated metallic return suspension and angle (anchor) set drawings.
c. Ground wire cable set drawings.
d. Safety ROW and easements drawings.
e. Suspension tower silhouettes and electrical clearances drawings.
f. Angle (anchor) tower silhouettes and electrical clearances drawings.
g. Dead-end tower silhouettes and electrical clearances drawings.
h. Foundations by type drawings.

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