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“Watch Your Tongue!

Rueben Varner

Mrs. Blair HR teacher

Mrs. Peele, science teacher
The tongue is a muscle. The tongue is stuck in place with the
frenemy which is tissue in the back of your tongue and holds it
in place super glue. If you did not have tongue you would be
very sad. There would be many thing you cannot do.
The tongue has many muscles with many jobs. First, the tongue
moves the food around so the teeth can chew the food.
Second, the tongue helps makes sounds such as the sound “K”
and “G”. Third, after chew the food your tongue push the food
down to your esophagus.
The most important job of the tongue is to taste food. The
tongue has 10,000 taste buds. Each taste bud is made up of tiny
cells. Each cell has tiny hairs that helps taste foods. Taste buds
can taste salty, sweet, sour, and bitter. Different areas of the
tongue detect certain flavors. For example, the tip of tongue
can taste salty and sweet. Only the center of the tongue is
called the umami and does not have many taste buds.

Interesting facts about the tongue

The nose help taste buds by smelling food first. The tongue has
more nerve endings more than any other part of the body.
Some people can twist their tongue. Some people can curl their
tongue. But nobody can do both.
Tongue is mentioned 103 times in the Bible. The Bibles says we
can bless people with our tongue or curse them (James 3:5-9).
It is better to bless people, don’t you think?
Also, the man of wisdom holds his tongue. And even a fool is
thought wise is he keeps silent (Proverbs 10:19). The Bible also
say that “Someday every tongue will confess Jesus is Lord”
(Philippians 2:10). Do you believe Jesus is Lord?

Next time you eat, taste, talk, remember to thank God for your
tongue and happy life.

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