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The Movement Control Order (MCO) saw operations in various sectors affected and ordered to close,
including schools and institutions of higher learning (IPT). As a result, the teaching and learning process
(PdP) in schools is conducted virtually through the e-learning system. BH Journalists, Ahmad Naim Tahir
and Ihsan Noorzali shared the views and experiences of the Chairman of the Malaysian Education
Technology Association (PTPM) cum Senior Lecturer of the Department of Education, Faculty of Human
Development, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI), Associate Prof Dr Mahizer Hamzah and Ministry
Outstanding Teacher Award Recipient Pendidikan Malaysia (KPM), Anuar Ahmad on the advantages and
constraints of e-learning that may be made a new life habit or 'new normal' for educators and students
after this.

In fact, the development of online learning in schools has already started when the MOE introduced
Smart Schools starting with 88 schools. It was later extended to all schools through School
Enhancement, further introducing the use of the Frog Virtual Learning Environment and now the Digital
Learning Platform. Previously, teachers used this online learning as support for conventional learning
conducted in the classroom at school. However, in the early stages of its use, it is very limited and not all
teachers use it. Most teachers use the online learning platform as a repository for students to obtain
learning materials in the form of ‘power point’ presentations and notes in PDF format. However, the
implementation of usage monitoring in every school conducted by the MOE has to some extent affected
the improvement of online learning also recommended for you
• Full e-Learning at university 2020
• School opening guidelines: Private educational institutions
• COVID-19: Education through the virtual world is a new challenge for teachers
• COVID-19: PdP transformation shift in IPT

The disaster that befell the country to some extent has impacted the use of online learning systems in
schools. Starting with the closure of schools due to the haze that hit several states in the Peninsula and
most recently, the spread of COVID 19 that hit the world has shown a sharp increase in the use of online
learning to replace learning in the classroom. Based on this scenario, it can be concluded that most
teachers and students are already exposed to online learning, but to ensure overall use, some key issues
are often raised, including infrastructure facilities including adequate equipment and access to internet
access should be noted

MOE has implemented many initiatives, including online learning to put the country's education system
on par with developed countries. This is translated into the Malaysian Education Development Plan
2013-2025 by making equality of access to international quality education as well as utilizing
communication and information technology (ICT) to improve the quality of learning in Malaysia.
However, this plan needs to be strengthened by creating a clear online learning policy to ensure that
each party plays their respective roles to ensure that this goal is achieved. The curriculum developed
should also be adapted to online learning, including student-cantered taking into account lesson
content, learning approaches and assessment methods that are different from conventional methods.
There is no doubt that there are various trainings already organized by the ministry, aimed at improving
teachers' skills in building digital teaching materials, but emphasis should also be given to skills training,
how to conduct online teaching differently from classroom teaching in separate situations between
teachers and students. The existing school system will also undergo changes as teacher teaching
scheduling methods will also take into account teacher preparation time (conventional and online),
classroom teaching, including internships and online teaching.

MOE conducts various courses to provide teachers with the skills to use digital learning platforms and
build teaching materials. This positive development can also be seen when many teachers are able to
provide their own digital learning materials for students to use and share with other teachers. This can
be seen through the special interest group (SIG) created to help colleagues by expert teachers, including
CikgooTube, Google Classroom Malaysia Telegram group and Facebook Library and Media Teachers.
However, there is no doubt that there are still a few teachers who need guidance and it is hoped that
the role played by these skilled teacher friends as well as the coaches who have been appointed can
help them. Compared to students, mobile devices and the internet are not new, in fact they are already
exposed to a variety of more interactive online applications. Therefore, it is not difficult for them to use
the online learning platform and this is a challenge for teachers in producing more interesting learning
materials. For students who cannot afford and do not have internet access, teachers who implement
online teaching need to think of alternative methods to help the students continue to learn
Infrastructure facilities are among the things that are often talked about throughout the implementation
of online learning in the past. The MOE has also taken various measures to ensure that facilities in
schools are improved from time to time, but there are still teachers' complaints about internet access
problems. Therefore, to ensure the smooth running of online learning, the ministry needs to identify
truly competent service providers to provide these facilities nationwide. MOE has also moved to a new
digital learning platform to replace the Frog Virtual Learning Environment effective July 2019. The new
platform allows teachers to access Google Classroom, Microsoft Teams, online training applications and
EduwebTV. However, whatever learning platform is used, it must support among other learning
approaches, has easy-to-use, easily accessible features, technical support services, evaluation and
reporting, can be integrated with other applications, security and privacy as well as mobile compatibility.
These infrastructures and infostructure facilities need each other, one failure will make the online
learning process impossible

Online learning requires high student discipline as well as strong support and encouragement from
teachers and parents. Among the factors that contribute to the loss of students' focus are the home
environment that is not suitable for learning, unattractive learning materials, internet access problems,
failure of technology equipment used, inappropriate scheduling, lack of parental and poor student
support in the subject. To increase students' attention and attendance during online learning, teachers
can provide interesting and appropriate learning materials, whether in the form of videos, worksheets,
animations and so on. Much of the lesson content can also be broken down into small pieces to make it
easier for students to process information and reduce their learning time. Online game activities can
also increase student focus and rewarding for each activity or question that students can answer can
increase motivation to learn. Teachers should also be ready to record lessons that are implemented
synchronously to prevent students from dropping out. Parents are no exception to play an important
role in supporting children's learning by providing basic facilities for them to study at home such as
internet line, computer or smartphone and comfortable learning space. In addition to physical facilities,
parents also need to be prepared to play a role as facilitators as well as give encouragement and
motivation to children, create a specific learning schedule at home as well as help children manage their
learning activities, either online or in person.
A change to be made cannot happen overnight. It takes time, strong support and encouragement from
various parties. Every decision made will have a huge impact on the education system. Despite the fact
that online learning has been implemented by most teachers, especially during the PKP period due to
the COVID 19 outbreak, the situation will be very different when the situation recovers. Teachers return
to the daily routine in school to perform face-to-face teaching in addition to other tasks. The same goes
for the lives of students and parents. Therefore, more careful planning needs to be done to ensure that
online learning can continue. Teachers need to continue to use online teaching approaches to support
classroom teaching. Continuous monitoring by schools and ministries can ensure that this digital
learning platform continues to be used by teachers and students. Special awards of encouragement to
teachers and students skilled in online learning can be diversified through different categories by making
it one of the annual events, whether at the school, district, state or national level. In addition to online
learning that supports conventional learning, I think it is time for MOE to move forward by
implementing blended learning, which is a combination of face-to-face and online or online learning
entirely. This aims to help students who drop out as a result of being involved in extracurricular
activities, following their families abroad for long periods, sick, long time leaving school, taking elective
subjects that are not offered at their school and weak students who need more time to master lessons

Online learning has actually started before MCO again. We have Cikgootube run by a group of teachers
from all over the country who share their teaching materials by subject via YouTube. There is also the
MOE-DL.EDU.MY portal which provides a variety of information that can be used for free. KPM also
provides a Technology Integration Support Program in the Teaching and Learning Division of KPM
Resource and Educational Technology organized by Digital Classroom. Many more that KPM provides for
free. I am one of the teachers who are actively involved in the program. In the absence of this option, I
think this method is best to ensure that learning sessions are continued using various online platforms,
especially during MCO. E-learning is the safest step so that students do not drop out and do unprofitable
activities. This method is very good, let alone in a situation where students cannot attend school. Pupils
and teachers only need to interact from home and teaching and facilitation (PdPc) still run according to
the syllabus set by MOE

This method also has some constraints, especially for students in the village and inland. As a result of the
study by the MOE, 36.9 percent of students nationwide do not have any electronic devices. In addition,
internet speed is one of the main issues faced by students during the PdPc process at home after MCO
came into force since March 18. This definitely makes the learning objectives can only be achieved by
certain groups. What about the poor? This matter needs to be considered if e-learning is to be
maintained and made the main medium of student learning in Malaysia
For more than a decade, the world has entered the new millennium, seeing the learning and education
environment in Malaysia also change. The e-learning system is actually not something new in Malaysia
which is already in line with developed countries, only it is a bit less popular before and only a necessity
during the PKP. From the MOE survey, it was found that the ownership of electronic devices such as
computers and smartphones to enable PdPc to be implemented at home is quite limited. Only six
percent of students have personal computers, tablets (5.67 percent), laptops (9 percent) and
smartphones (46 percent). To ensure that the objectives are achieved and reach the target group,
namely students, KPM needs to examine the best methods in facing the constraints. Teachers also need
to set the best method that is more suitable to be used in ensuring that the learning process continues
and can be achieved well by the target group.

E-learning theory argues that students can better control their learning through collaborative,
interactive and private learning opportunities. E-learning provides a learning environment based on the
principle of ‘-just-intime’, with the competency of ‘anywhere, anytime, anyone’. The e-learning system is
like a new dimensional learning environment. Most students have fun and they really like this learning
environment compared to studying in a classroom that they consider limited and confined. They are
very happy to have the opportunity to actively participate in online discussions and activities
The important thing that parents need to understand in this e-learning is that the teacher only helps the
student and serves as a facilitator. Parents need to be diligent and wise in preparing the learning process
for their children at home. The e-learning process not only changes the role of teachers, but also
changes the role of parents at home, especially the role of parents whose children are still in Year One
to Year Three. This student is definitely not able to do online assignments on their own. Parents need to
help and monitor the child's activities. So, this will be a new challenge for parents to create a learning
environment at home

Physically, the problem of facilities such as the internet and the ownership of electronic devices such as
computers for each student needs to be addressed first. However, e-learning also presents new
challenges to educators and students. The challenge for educators is to provide e-learning space to
successfully transform the learning experience from real environment to virtual learning environment.
The challenge for students, on the other hand, is that they should be more disciplined and ready to learn
independently, should be more responsible for their own learning experience. Overall, students need to
attend the program consistently, focus while learning and be fully committed. If the students themselves
are not committed, then e-learning will fail to improve the quality of student learning itself.
This virtual classroom method also indirectly denies the accusation of teachers shaking their legs
throughout the PKP. In a recent search for the phrase Google Classroom, Malaysia ranked second in the
world. These are facts, statistics that prove the real efforts of teachers in Malaysia that many do not
know and certainly do not see. For everyone's information, Google Classroom is an online teaching and
learning software operated by Google which is a platform used by MOE. This approach has been used by
teachers in Malaysia in e-learning during MCO

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