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PEOPLE Someone/ Anyone/ Everyone/ No one/

Somebody Anybody Everybody Nobody

THINGS Something Anything Everything Nothing

PLACES Somewhere Anywhere Everywhere Nowhere

-In positive
-In negative -They mean “all -With positive
sentences. people”, “all verbs.
-When you ask for
things”, “all
or offer -In most
-When you questions.

* We use a singular verb with all these pronouns.

1- Choose the correct words in italics.

A- I’m thirsty. I need anything/ something to drink.
B- Everybody on my course has/ have a university degree.
C- We don’t have something/anything in the fridge.
D- The shop was expensive so I didn’t buy nothing/ anything.
E- She looked anywhere/ everywhere but she couldn’t find her key.
F- Be quiet! Everyone are/ is asleep.
G- They’re on holiday so nobody is/ isn’t at home.
H- No one like/ likes unfriendly people.
I- We don’t know somebody/ anybody who speaks Turkish.

2- Complete the conversation with indefinite pronouns.

A- I’m hungry. I haven’t eaten __________ today. Let’s find ___________ for lunch.
B- But there’s _________________ to et near here.
A- I’m sure there is. Let’s ask ___________________
B- Excuse me. Is there _________________ to eat around here- a café or a
C- There’s a hotel on Grange Street, but it’s quite expensive.
B- Oh. Are there any cheaper places to eat?
C- Mmm, not really. I’m afraid ________________ in this town is expensive.
A- What about _______________ like a sandwich?
C- Well, there is a supermarket near here. I think it sells sandwiches.

Trav. San Fernando, 8

942 58 16 00
3- Write the sentences again. Change the underlined words.
A- There is no food in the fridge. ________________________________________
B- All the students in my class are friendly. ________________________________
C- There are no students in the classroom. ________________________________
D- I didn’t eat any food yesterday. ______________________________________
E- All the things are dirty. _____________________________________________
F- I’ve got no clothes to wear to the wedding. _____________________________
G- There isn’t a place to sit on this train. __________________________________

4- Translate the sentences.

A- Alguien ha estado en mi habitación porque la ventana está abierta.
B- ¿Puedes darme algo de beber, por favor?
C- Esa palabra la puedes encontrar en cualquier diccionario.
D- ¿Puede alguien ir conmigo a la fiesta de Juan?
E- Tengo algo que decirte, es importante.
F- He visto a ese electricista en alguna parte.
G- ¿Dijo algo cuando vino? No, no dijo nada.
H- ¿Te gustaría comer algo? No gracias, no quiero nada.
I- ¿Ha visto alguien a Roberto? No, nadie le ha visto.
J- Cualquiera puede tocar el piano así.
K- Hay algo escrito en esa pared.
L- No entendí nada porque hablaban muy rápido.
M- Entré en unas cuantas tiendas, pero no compré nada.

Trav. San Fernando, 8

942 58 16 00

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