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Reinforcement Learning

• Control learning
• Control policies that choose optimal actions
• Q learning
• Convergence

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Updated lecture slides of Machine Learning textbook, Tom M. Mitchell, McGraw Hill, 1997
Control Learning

A computaional approach to learning from

interactions with the environment.
• The learner is not told which actions to take.
• Delayed reward
• Instead must discover which actions yield
the most reward by trying them.
• Supervised learning is learning from
examples provided by an external
• In interactive environments, it is often
impossible to obtain examples that are
representative for all of the situations.
• Trade-off between exploration and
• The agent has to exploit what it already
knows to obtain reward.

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• But it also has to explore to make better
selections in the future.
• Agents should have explicit goals.
• Should be able to observe state at least
• Should be able to chose actions to influence
their environments.
Consider learning to choose actions, e.g.,
• Robot operating in an environment
• Learning to play Backgammon

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Updated lecture slides of Machine Learning textbook, Tom M. Mitchell, McGraw Hill, 1997
One Example: TD-Gammon

[Tesauro, 1995]
Learn to play Backgammon
Immediate reward
• +100 if win
• -100 if lose
• 0 for all other states
Trained by playing 1.5 million games against
Now approximately equal to best human player

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Updated lecture slides of Machine Learning textbook, Tom M. Mitchell, McGraw Hill, 1997
Reinforcement Learning Problem


State Reward Action


a0 a1 a2
s0 s1 s2 ...
r0 r1 r2

Goal: Learn to choose actions that maximize

r + γ r + γ 2 r + ... , where 0 < γ <1

0 1 2

Future rewards are discounted exponentially

due to their delay.

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Markov Decision Processes

• finite set of states S
• set of actions A
• at each discrete time agent observes state
st ∈ S and chooses action at ∈ A
• then receives immediate reward rt
• and state changes to st+1
• Markov assumption: st+1 = δ(st, at) and
rt = r(st, at)
– i.e., rt and st+1 depend only on current
state and action
– functions δ and r may be nondeterministic
– functions δ and r not necessarily known
to agent

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Updated lecture slides of Machine Learning textbook, Tom M. Mitchell, McGraw Hill, 1997
Agent’s Learning Task

Execute actions in environment, observe

results, and
• learn action policy π : S → A that
E[rt + γrt+1 + γ 2rt+2 + . . .]
from any starting state in S
• here 0 ≤ γ < 1 is the discount factor for
future rewards
Note something new:
• Target function is π : S → A
• but we have no training examples of form
hs, ai
• training examples are of form hhs, ai, ri

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Updated lecture slides of Machine Learning textbook, Tom M. Mitchell, McGraw Hill, 1997
Value Function

To begin, consider deterministic worlds...

For each possible policy π the agent might
adopt, we can define an evaluation function
over states

V π (s) ≡ rt + γrt+1 + γ 2rt+2 + ...

≡ γ irt+i

where rt, rt+1, . . . are generated by following
policy π starting at state s
Restated, the task is to learn the optimal
policy π ∗
π ∗ ≡ argmax V π (s), (∀s)

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Updated lecture slides of Machine Learning textbook, Tom M. Mitchell, McGraw Hill, 1997
0 100
0 0
0 0 100
0 0

0 0

r(s, a) (immediate reward) values

90 100
G 90 100
72 81
81 90 100
81 90
81 90 100
72 81

Q(s, a) values V ∗(s) values

One optimal policy

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Updated lecture slides of Machine Learning textbook, Tom M. Mitchell, McGraw Hill, 1997
What to Learn

We might try to have agent learn the

π ∗
evaluation function V (which we write as
V ∗)
It could then do a lookahead search to choose
best action from any state s because
π ∗(s) = argmax[r(s, a) + γV ∗(δ(s, a))]
A problem:
• This works well if agent knows
δ : S × A → S, and r : S × A → ℜ
• But when it doesn’t, it can’t choose actions
this way

10 Updated lecture slides of Machine Learning textbook, Tom M. Mitchell, McGraw Hill, 1997
Q Function

Define new function very similar to V ∗

Q(s, a) ≡ r(s, a) + γV ∗(δ(s, a))
If agent learns Q, it can choose optimal action
even without knowing δ!
π ∗(s) = argmax[r(s, a) + γV ∗(δ(s, a))]

π ∗(s) = argmax Q(s, a)

Q is the evaluation function the agent will

11 Updated lecture slides of Machine Learning textbook, Tom M. Mitchell, McGraw Hill, 1997
Training Rule to Learn Q

Note Q and V ∗ closely related:

V ∗(s) = max

Q(s, a′)
Which allows us to write Q recursively as

Q(st, at) = r(st, at) + γV ∗(δ(st, at)))

= r(st, at) + γ max Q(s , a′)
′ t+1
Nice! Let Q̂ denote learner’s current
approximation to Q. Consider training rule
Q̂(s, a) ← r + γ max Q̂(s′, a′ )
′ a
where s′ is the state resulting from applying
action a in state s

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Q Learning for Deterministic Worlds

For each s, a initialize table entry Q̂(s, a) ← 0

Observe current state s
Do forever:
• Select an action a and execute it
• Receive immediate reward r
• Observe the new state s′
• Update the table entry for Q̂(s, a) as
Q̂(s, a) ← r + γ max Q̂(s′, a′)
′ a
• s ← s′

13 Updated lecture slides of Machine Learning textbook, Tom M. Mitchell, McGraw Hill, 1997
Updating Q̂

72 100 90 100
63 63
81 81

a right

Initial state: s1 Next state: s2

Q̂(s1, aright) ← r + γ max Q̂(s , a′)

′ 2
← 0 + 0.9 max{63, 81, 100}
← 90
notice if rewards non-negative, then
(∀s, a, n) Q̂n+1(s, a) ≥ Q̂n(s, a)
(∀s, a, n) 0 ≤ Q̂n(s, a) ≤ Q(s, a)

14 Updated lecture slides of Machine Learning textbook, Tom M. Mitchell, McGraw Hill, 1997
Q̂ converges to Q. Consider case of
deterministic world where see each hs, ai
visited infinitely often.
Proof: Define a full interval to be an interval
during which each hs, ai is visited. During
each full interval the largest error in Q̂ table is
reduced by factor of γ
Let Q̂n be table after n updates, and ∆n be
the maximum error in Q̂n; that is
∆n = max
|Q̂n(s, a) − Q(s, a)|

For any table entry Q̂n(s, a) updated on

iteration n + 1, the error in the revised
estimate Q̂n+1(s, a) is
|Q̂n+1(s, a) − Q(s, a)| = |(r + γ max Q̂n (s′, a′ ))
′ a
−(r + γ max Q(s′, a′ ))|
′ a
= γ| max Q̂n (s , a′) − max

Q(s′, a′ )|
′ a ′ a
≤ γ max |Q̂n (s , a ) − Q(s′, a′ )|
′ ′
′ a
≤ γ max |Q̂n (s′′, a′ ) − Q(s′′, a′ )|
s ,a
′′ ′

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|Q̂n+1(s, a) − Q(s, a)| ≤ γ∆n

Note we used general fact that

| max
f1(a) − max
f2(a)| ≤ max
|f1(a) − f2(a)|

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Nondeterministic Case

What if reward and next state are

We redefine V, Q by taking expected values

V π (s) ≡ E[rt + γrt+1 + γ 2rt+2 + . . .]

≡ E[ γ irt+i]


Q(s, a) ≡ E[r(s, a) + γV ∗(δ(s, a))]

17 Updated lecture slides of Machine Learning textbook, Tom M. Mitchell, McGraw Hill, 1997
Nondeterministic Case

Q learning generalizes to nondeterministic

Alter training rule to
Q̂n(s, a) ← (1 − αn )Q̂n−1(s, a) + αn [r + max Q̂n−1(s′ , a′ )]
′ a

αn =
1 + visitsn (s, a)

Can still prove convergence of Q̂ to Q

[Watkins and Dayan, 1992]

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Temporal Difference Learning

Q learning: reduce discrepancy between

successive Q estimates
One step time difference:
Q(1)(st, at) ≡ rt + γ max
Q̂(st+1, a)
Why not two steps?
Q(2)(st, at) ≡ rt + γrt+1 + γ 2 max
Q̂(st+2, a)
Or n?
Q(n) (st , at ) ≡ rt + γrt+1 + · · · + γ (n−1)rt+n−1 + γ n max
Q̂(st+n, a)

Blend all of these:

Qλ (st , at ) ≡ (1 − λ) Q(1) (st , at ) + λQ(2) (st , at ) + λ2 Q(3) (st , at ) + · · ·
h i

19 Updated lecture slides of Machine Learning textbook, Tom M. Mitchell, McGraw Hill, 1997
Temporal Difference Learning

Qλ (st , at ) ≡ (1 − λ) Q(1) (st , at ) + λQ(2) (st , at ) + λ2 Q(3) (st , at ) + · · ·

h i

Equivalent expression:
Qλ(st, at) = rt + γ[ (1 − λ) max a
Q̂(st, at)
+λ Qλ(st+1, at+1)]
TD(λ) algorithm uses above training rule
• Sometimes converges faster than Q learning
• converges for learning V ∗ for any 0 ≤ λ ≤ 1
(Dayan, 1992)
• Tesauro’s TD-Gammon uses this algorithm

20 Updated lecture slides of Machine Learning textbook, Tom M. Mitchell, McGraw Hill, 1997

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