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Your world is your own creation. Good or bad, you have been
instrumental, most of the time unconsciously though, in creating such a world. I
am not saying anything new because our sages have told us that as you sow, so
shall you reap. Similarly, one can say, as you think, so shall you find. When you are
in the company of people who crib all the time without attempting to do anything
positive, you should make it a point that you do not parrot their negative views.

If you can’t stop them, then try to at least keep quiet. Though a sinner still,
you would be a lesser sinner! What I am saying is that one should always look at
the positive aspect of a thing or situation. True, there could be negative aspects
too but one can’t gain anything by repeating the ‘foul’ cries.

Just as you are what you think, your world too turns into what you think. If
you go on saying that honesty is the virtue of the past, then you will never reach
anywhere because you will never work hard enough to succeed.

By being dishonest, one can gain only once or twice, but life gives you
hundreds of opportunities in which only honesty works. Therefore, while dealing
with the world and in interaction on any kind of deal, it is honesty and sticking to
the values that pays in the long run. A good thought or good action never goes

Moreover, it is a good thought or good action that keeps you free of tension
and conflict. Happiness follows just as night follows day. Thus, one who has
hatred in mind will always find people around to be hated. It is only to a
prejudiced and unfair person that the world too seems unfair and uncivil. Be good
and find good.

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