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CAPE Unit 2 – Some notes


Tips for Unit 2 - Paper 3 (Prepared by L. Barnaby, Former HOD at Kgn. College)

 Read the questions carefully before deciding which book to use for which section.
 You are required to answer one question from Section A, and one from Section B
 Do not use the same book to answer both questions.

Section A
 Use the dictionary carefully – much time can be lost looking up words.
 Answer all the questions on the extract, paying attention to the requirements – En citant
l’extrait…; citez DEUX / TROIS raisons… Sometimes a specific paragraph is mentioned. Note
also some instructions that are used for essay-writing as well – Commentez (‘give an informed
explanation, including your personal opinion’), Identifiez, Analysez (‘Identify the components that
make up the whole and explain the relationships), Discutez (‘present arguments and evidence to
support both sides of an issue’)… Answers should not be too long.
 If you are asked to say to what extent (dans quelle mesure…?) something is accurate, give a direct
 Pay attention to your expression in French – verbs must be conjugated properly, adjectives should
agree with the nouns or pronouns they describe. Use que (‘that’) in expressions such as Je pense
que… On voit que… On peut dire que…
 Note the number of points for each question [Usually 4]. If you are asked to identify themes,
indicate how the themes are illustrated in the extract, by quoting from the text.
 Note that there is much use of ironyin both stories, and of satire, as well.

Useful expressions :

– On peut dire que…

– Dans cet extrait, on est conscient de deux thèmes importants : …
– Le roman traite du thème des rapports familiaux… (traiter de = to deal with/ to be about)
– L’un des thèmes importants est celui de…
– On est conscient de…
– On peut parler de…
– On souligne …
– On présente…
– Le narrateur emploie des termes tels que…/des expressions telles que...

Have adjectives ready to describe the characters.

Be able to refer to literary devices such as la comparaison, la répétition, l’ironie, le contraste, le

retour en arrière (a flashback).
Possible extracts ?

Chapitre 5 J’en arrive à présent ….comme un bata-kouli

[Chapter 6 les grandes vacances de 1981]
Chapter 7 : Le 25 décembre 1981, ‘Ned’ Réhat est assassiné…
Chapter 3 –Bélia
Chapter 1 – Tout cela finit, on le sait déjà par la mort de Sandrine.

 Try to plan your essay before writing. If you are writing about one character, list his or her strong
points, weak points, or the relevant events in his /her life, or features of his/her relationship with
other characters.
 Make sure that you know and understand the plot. You need to be able to discuss your own
response to the issues and characters.
 Remember that quotations are necessary, but they must be in French.
 Always remember the mark scheme provided in the syllabus, and note how the essays are marked.
 Bear the general theme in mind (L’engagement politique et social or La vie moderne) as well as
other themes in each novel or play.For example, what are the elements of modern, post-slavery
days? What social and political commitment is presented in Les mains sales and Une saison au
 Citations should be relevant, accurate and concise.
 Spell the characters’ names properly. Normally, you have the text there with you, so there is no
 When writing your essay, try not to make extreme statements. Aim for objectivity, especially
when asked to discuss a character.
 Essays should be planned, with close attention paid to instructions.
 Make sure that you apply your knowledge by linking the points you make to the question you are
 Read the schools’ report (available on-line) for each year.

Possible topics:
The role of women
The family (There are (a few) examples of happy traditional families – Martha-yeux-noirs et
Marcius; the reference to Charles Emmanuel Maheux de la Folieand Emma Devarieux [Chapter
The development of the country
Relationships between the classes

Pays mêlé is a novel, a récit told by a doctor trying to piece together the story of the lives of two people.
The title is a play on words, in which the word ‘mêlé’ means ‘mixed’ – a reference to the different races
in the island, and ‘mixed up, confused’ referring to the existing political and social turmoil.

The doctor informs the reader from the start, and at the end, that he is also telling his story,by the clever
play on words in ‘En tout cas, voici mon histoire [l’histoire que je vais raconter/mon histoire personnelle].
Je veux dire, leur histoire.’// ‘J’ai fini mon histoire, je veux dire leur histoire.’

Many of his comments are ironic. He has his own views on the country – he is for the independence of
Guadeloupe, very aware of colour, satirizes certain aspects of society – snobbery, hypocrisy, the attitude
towards women, prejudice…Can be cynical about life (‘Pendant de nombreuses années, Jean Larose
donna du bonheur à Berthe et à son fils. La vie est comme cela, elle accorde des trêves.’) There is a
certain fatalism in the novel.

The main theme is, for CAPE purposes, la vie moderne. Other themes include:
 La condition de la femme moderne antillaise
 L’image de la femme moderne antillaise
 Les relations humaines dans la société post esclavagiste
 L’ascension sociale dans la société post-esclavagiste
 Le conflit de classes
 Le couple
(CAPE Specimen Papers)
 L’errance
 L’exil et la migration
 Les rapports mère/enfant (surtout avec les filles)/les rapports familiaux
 La tristesse et la souffrance/le bonheur
 La sexualité
 La religion
 Le racisme/la discrimination
 La quête de l’identité/la recherche du passé / la généalogie
 L’amitié (la générosité)
 La politique
 L’éducation
 La ville
 L’anti-héroïsme
 La tradition
 Le changement (l’urbanisation/le développement du tourisme / les conflits politiques / le
mouvement indépendantiste)
 L’urbanisation
 L’amour

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