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Five (5) Topics

1. Resilience of hospitality companies during the Covid-19 pandemic

2. Tourism’s contribution to poverty reduction and development
3. The impact of inadequate food supply on the tourism and hospitality industry
4. Hospitality and Customer Satisfaction
5. Catering to millennials, hospitality industry
Five (5) reasons (Examining the resilience of hospitality companies during the Covid-19
1. This issue is relevant now that is why I want to make research about it and as the
COVID-19 pandemic greatly affect the operation ang growth of the hospitality industry .
COVID-19 is a significant threat not only to human health but also to business. For many
businesses, the government takes measures to cover the public health risks of the virus,
such as restricting the movement of people so it means that people cannot travel easier
and avail the products and services offered by the hospitality business which led to
business to fall.
2. To see if the hospitality companies can handle the sudden impact of problems in their
business, to know if they can cope up and recover faster and to see if they can make
sudden changes in their operation and the strategy to still have guests even there is a
pandemic. As reported in the news COVID-19 impact a lot of business especially the
tourism and hospitality industry because government implement a lot of rules which stop
people in going outside.
3. To know if the hospitality business can adopt easily to new normal, as almost all industry
slowly implementing the new normal. To see if they can make innovative ideas and
technologies to adapt faster to the new normal that the government implement.
4. The hotel industry is expected to have long-term adverse effects from the COVID 19
epidemic, at least until a COVID19 treatment or vaccine is invented. Experts believe that
long-term lockdowns and the resulting psychological effects will lead to permanent
changes in the way people travel, do business, and spend their free time so it means we
need to examine on what to do in that case.
5. To be prepared, make plans, and see the range of action that company can be done to
manage the business through the COVID-19 pandemic to ensure not only its survival and
but also to place it in the best possible position to take advantage of the recovery.

BROAD: Resilience of hospitality companies during the Covid-19 pandemic

LIMITED: Resilience of hospitality companies in Manila during the Covid-19 pandemic
MORE LIMITED: Resilience of Shangri-La Group during the Covid-19 pandemic
BSHM 2-1

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