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Living Waters Lutheran College

Invasion Game Marking Key

Year 9
Moving Our Body: Individual Skills and Sequences (10%)
Performance is fluent with correct technique and control of the body and/or ball is maintained
18-20 throughout the execution of the skill. Can use non-dominant side with some control for some skills.
Appropriate force and pace used. Executes at an appropriate level of intensity.
Skill is usually performed with correct technique with some fluency. Control of the body and/or ball is
15-17 maintained. Usually demonstrates appropriate force and pace. Uses non-dominant side in selected
skills. Often executes skills at a level of intensity appropriate to the activity.
Skill is performed with mostly correct technique. The body and/or ball is controlled during the majority
12-14 of the performance. Often demonstrates appropriate force. Moderate pace. Attempts to use non-
dominant with some control. Executes skills but does not always perform at a level appropriate.
Performance is sometimes effective. Occasionally performing each skill with some fluency and control
9-11 during moderate intensity.
Achieves some success when performing a skill but commits a number of errors with respect to
6-8 execution and control. Technique is usually ineffective.
Performs with significant errors and minimal control. Rarely demonstrates an adequate skill level
Assessable skills include passing, catching, shooting, dribbling and footwork

Moving Our Body: Skills in Competitive Contexts (5%)

Consistently and effectively applies a range of appropriate offensive/defensive strategies while under
18-20 pressure - creating and denying space. Demonstrates the ability to control play and influence
opponent’s performance. Positions themselves for next move.
Selects appropriate offensive/defensive strategies to use and deny space under some pressure.
15-17 Movement patterns and decision making are often effective and achieve the intended outcome.
Mostly positions themselves for next move.
Uses offensive/defensive strategies under minimal pressure to defend and use space. Performance is
12-14 some-what effective while demonstrating most components with some success. Occasionally positions
themselves for next move.
Achieves some success when performing in a competitive situation but commits a number of errors
9-11 with respect to appropriate decision making. Uses basic defensive strategies to defend space and
attempts to use space in offense.
Rarely creates space. Follows opponent but rarely prevents an attack. Rarely demonstrates effective
decision making.
Performs with significant errors with respect to positioning and appropriate decision making. Rarely
1-5 demonstrates an adequate level of performance.
Assessable skills include creating or denying space, anticipating ball movement, evidence of strategic thinking
and reading play

Learning Through Movement: Attributes and Conduct (5%)

Applies a range of leadership skills to improve team work and motivation. Consistently displays
9-10 ethical behaviour in a variety of situations even when others demonstrate poor sportsmanship.

Applies leadership skills to improve team work and motivation. Usually displays ethical behaviour
7-8 even when others demonstrate poor sportsmanship.
Uses appropriate motivation, teamwork and leadership skills. Usually displays ethical behaviour.
Uses simple communication skills, however, they are not always used appropriately. Occasionally
1-4 displays fair play.
Assessable skills include communication skills, ethical behaviour and leadership qualities

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