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MedicalVeda : the much-awaited medical revolution

MedicalVeda is a very promising company that is going to revolutionize the healthcare system in
such a way that it will create a much safer and productive environment in hospitals and clinics.
The main prospect of this company is to generally create a safe storage for all the important data
and files regarding patients with their total healthcare in such a way that it is easier to access.

This will not only help in securing the data at different storages but will also help in any hard
times when your storage system gets corrupted. Considering the fact that Covid-19 is still on the
uprise all over the world, this creates a perfect opportunity for healthcare systems to move their
heads in a much safer direction with the help of MedicalVeda which will sort out their
inadequacies exposed by the pandemic.

In the Healthcare systems all over the world there is a growing need of something safer when we
are dealing with the exchange of significant medical data regarding patients and their total

Many of the traditional medical databases and patient records often lack security and safety to it.
This can be very harmful if the storage gets corrupted or any type of virus attacks the storage
files that can destroy the important data. In order to relieve that sort of inconvenience, the
company will provide a cloud storage for all the data and files which can help doctors in
diagnosing the patient in a much more effective way by looking at their records easily.

Many of the hospitals still use outdated methods with the help of papers and files that can result
in a tragedy if any of the paper is lost which will not only the delay the patient healthcare
diagnosis but will also furthermore create more difficulties for healthcare workers to keep
general track of all of the records regarding patients and their health. Even though the databases
can be well secured and protected with the help of numerous encryptions but its not the worth the
risk that you put all of your eggs in one basket.

This is where MedicalVeda comes into the picture promising to solve these types of accessibility
and privacy of the files with the help of several AI technologies that is going to centralize all of
the database in a cloud making it more secure.
MedicalVeda and ExMarkets have reached a very successful partnership which resonates
effective strategy for both of them to reach their goals. Due to this partnership, MVEDA Initial
Exchange offering was scheduled for 7th September, 2020 which was a great success overall.
ExMarkets is representing MedicalVeda on a larger scale helping them get more healthcare
agencies to use their services. This is very helpful for both ExMarkets and MedicalVeda to
prosper at a significant rate publicly,


Amir H Neghabian is the CEO and founder of MedicalVeda who is highly expert in this field of
databases and cloud storage. He has over 22 years of experience in the IT and telecommunication
industry as project management executive and marketing product manager. He is a very
professional and dynamic leader with the revolutionary ideas behind this company that can not
only help the healthcare system but will also change the whole aspect of security and privacy of
medical data. He is dedicated and flexible enough which is suitable for the company to grow at a
good rate. He is also hardworking and always look in going the extra mile to get the job done.

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