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Voremberg 1

Gil Voremberg

Ms. DeWinne & Mrs. Stoller

English Writing & Research

15 January 2021

Diagon Alley Dumpster Adventures.

My friends Frank, Jeff and myself went into a telephone booth all at the same time

because all of us wanted to talk to our friend who was in a different country, we all came inside

at the same time. By accident I typed the phone number wrong and the telephone booth shot us

down into an alley with mystical items and we had no money and didn’t know what we could

find because there was so many cool mystical foods and items, so we tried to looked in the

dumpsters for any cool items like what we saw in the alley shops. While we were jumping into

the dumpsters behind food stores and wand stores for some reason and a few candy places and

broom stores (why do people need to make a shop for just brooms, like who needs to use a

broom when we have vacuum cleaners). When we all gathered in-between a few of the shops we

looked at all the not that interesting things at first glance and were wondering why there is

normal food, normal brooms, and a wooden sticks in these dumpsters in a wonderful alley. When

we thought about it, we wondered what would happen if we were to eat one of the foods and on a

bet Frank, Jeff, and myself did rock, paper, scissors.

The loser was Jeff and he tried the bubble gum and after chewing it we didn’t see a

difference in Jeff, but when he got up and jumped, he flew up so high like a spring. When we

saw what the food could do to us, we waited until Jeff came down to eat and see what some of

this food can do. Next Frank tried a cup cake and then started to get bigger and bigger and then

after a few minutes he deflated which made him go around the whole alley and luckily didn’t
Voremberg 2

cause any trouble and then I tried an apple and I was able to breath fire, which didn’t go away.

After trying a few of the amazing foods we tried to figure out how to use the many sticks and

asked a few people what these sticks do and all they say is “they are magical wands”. When we

heard this we needed to know how to use it, but a few of the wands turned to ashes from my

flames, after Jeff tried swinging the wand’s around, it began to glow and then instantly exploded

in his face and burned off his eyebrows, so we stopped using the wands because we don’t want

that to happen again.

Next we tried out the broom and first thing we did was to see how good at cleaning it was

but it was just a normal broom and then we tried to ride it and see what happens all together and

then the broom just went out of control and crashed and knocked us out and when we woke up

we ended up back at the telephone booth. After, we woke up we still had a lot of food from there

and wands and brooms. We decided to make a shop where we sell all these amazing things for a

significant price and we remembered the phone number to get there and one day we will be back

for a new adventure.

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