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Course title =” Cloud

computing & IoT”
Submitted by WAQAR
Submitted to AHMAD ALI
Department information
Semester 6rd
Q.1. Please explain importance of cloud computing?
Ans: Cloud computing has rapidly developed throughout the
years and has demonstrated to be a boon for small entrepreneurs
as well as enormous aggregates. The term has been settling in
the market for 10 years, however, it picked up acknowledgment
and prominence as of late. Cloud computing has all the
information, messages, applications and considerably more in a
virtual software like Google Drive and Dropbox, which are
speedy and safe to access regardless of time and geological
Intel Security researched a sample universe of 1400 IT security
experts. This research report uncovered that out of this sample,
93% of experts utilize hybrid (Private/Public) cloud computing
services to operate their business operations. As per Gartner
research, the cloud service industry is anticipated to reach $411
Bn by 2020, which was $260 Bn in 2017.
Cloud computing can be deployed universally in practically no
time and offer the most extreme flexibility, agility and cost-
sparing IT operations to business for progressively profitable
and consistent development. This, thus, is making entrepreneurs
change to cloud computing for completing business activities.
Big Data and Cloud Computing
The term big data is usually heard, however, less frequently
comprehended. Basically, it is terabytes of information about
consumers, organizations, patterns, and substantially more that
is contextualized utilizing big data software. In raw structure,
data produced by customers is less valuable; yet when analysed
by big data software it uncovers insights that reveal insights and
lead to the making of better products and services.
Today smaller tech entrepreneurs can utilize big data to increase
sales, something just huge entities could before. This is on the
grounds that data can affordably be stored and controlled on the
cloud conceding much smaller organizations insights the biggest
ones underestimate. What in any case must be finished utilizing
supercomputers should be possible by information stored on the

Data Management
Information is really recovered from servers running in data
centers away from the user or client. The customer demands the
data on-demand (every minute of every day get to paying little
heed to the area) and the information is sent through powerful
and secure networks connected with the Internet from servers
that host it.
Users can take advantage of a server with the assistance of the
cloud network and work on a report or spreadsheet. The
advantage of this is they can team up all the while in various
areas of the world. The network records these states in a server
run by an organization like Google or Apple and they can spare
their work at the same time.
Early cloud services were an answer to users coming up short on
space on their hard drives and needing to offload storage without
obtaining extra hardware. They likewise gave solutions for
organizations that needed their information copied and verified
some place remotely in the event of a blackout or data loss.
A considerable lot of these services presently offer their own
collaboration tools permitting their users to chip away at an
assortment of record types across far-reaching geographical
zones. They additionally give users the ability to share
documents to whoever they need or keep them private for their
own access.
Low Cost and Secure
India’s startups depend on the cloud since it keeps data secure.
While a server may come up short, the cloud never does.
Information stored on the cloud is more secure than the
information put away anyplace else. Thus no business person
needs dread losing data or dread data theft. Most information put
away on the cloud is ensured behind various layers of safety
meaning business information and the data of clients is as
protected as could be possible. The cloud likewise spares costs
since it’s less expensive to store data on the cloud than on
servers. Subsequently, the upsides of a cloud are multiples of
that of servers.

Change is the only constant and organizations are persistently
evolving. They are migrating workplaces, contracting gig
laborers, adding permanent employees, combining and
unmerging on a quick pace to satisfy their business needs.
Conventional on-site networks burden business operations in
such a situation and demand a huge investment and
With the assistance of cloud telephony solutions, you neither
need to stress over persistently transforming IT needs nor about
switching the real infrastructure. It offers you complete
to upscale and downscale as required. All your business
communication can be taken care of over the cloud without
worrying about geographical boundaries.
You can keep and dispose of information of interns who work
for you for the short term. Users of your new office can be
added to the cloud network effectively to keep whole business
information at a similar spot securely. Cloud resembles a
flexible string that expands and contracts according to the
prerequisite of your business.
No business is an island since organizations work with providers
and clients with whom information must be regularly shared.
The cloud makes sharing data with customers easy in light of the
fact that it’s accessible whenever and can be shared in short
order. A client who needs to affirm the setup of another
application can be shared the vital data right away.
The cloud has been transformed past its maker’s creative mind.
What started as a trendy expression for another chance has
reshaped the web into a progressively cogent, friendly, and easy
to use technology. Its advantages and significance to business
visionaries are complex and multifaceted, those acquainted with
the innovation comprehend this well.

Q.2. what are the applications of cloud computing?

Ans: Cloud Computing Applications
Cloud Computing can run every programs and software as a
normal computer can run. It can also provide us with numerous
applications which are free of cost. So, let’s start elaborating
these Cloud Computing applications one by one:
i. Storing File Online
Cloud Computing provides a benefit to store and access the
software with the help of internet connection to the Cloud. The
interface provided is very easy to operate and is economical too.
ii. Video Making and Editing Software
There are many software available which can access with the
help of the cloud. This software helps to create and modify the
videos. The videos create or modify are stored in the cloud itself
and we can access anytime.
iii. File Converters
There are many applications which utilize to change to format of
the file such that from HTML to pdf and so on. This software is
available at cloud and access from anywhere with the help of
internet connection.
iv. Anti-Virus Applications
There is software which is stored in the cloud and from there
they fix the system. All the viruses and the malware are detected
and analyzed by the software and the system is fixed. They also
come up with a feature of downloading the software.
v. E-commerce Application
With the help of e-commerce application in the cloud, user and
e-business allow responding quickly to the opportunities which
are emerging. It also allows the user to respond quickly to the
market opportunities and the challenges.
Business tycoons focuse on the usage of cloud computing
without keeping time in the mind. Cloud-based e-commerce
applications allow the companies, business leaders to evaluate
new opportunities and making things done with the minimum
amount possible.

Q.3. Explain the main advantages of cloud computing?

1. Less Costs The services are free from capital expenditure.
There are no huge costs of hardware in cloud computing. You
just have to pay as you operate it and enjoy the model based on
your subscription plan.
2. 24 X 7 Availability Most of the cloud providers are truly
reliable in offering their services, with most of them maintaining
an uptime of 99.9%. The workers can get onto the applications
needed basically from anywhere. Some of the applications even
function off-line.
3. Flexibility in Capacity It offers flexible facility which could
be turned off, up or down as per the circumstances of the user.
For instance, a promotion of sales is very popular, capacity can
be immediately and quickly added to it for the avoidance of
losing sales and crashing servers. When those sales are done, the
capacity can also be shrunk for the reduction of costs.
4. All over Functioning Cloud computing offers yet another
advantage of working from anywhere across the globe, as long
as you have an internet connection. Even while using the critical
cloud services that offer mobile apps, there is no limitation of
the device used.
5. Automated Updates on Software In cloud computing, the
server suppliers regularly update your software including the
updates on security, so that you do not need to agonize on
wasting your crucial time on maintaining the system. You find
extra time to focus on the important things like ‘How to grow
your businesses.
6. Security Cloud computing offers great security when any
sensitive data has been lost. As the data is stored in the system,
it can be easily accessed even if something happens to your
computer. You can even remotely wipe out data from the lost
machines for avoiding it getting in the wrong hands.
7. Carbon Footprint Cloud computing is helping out
organizations to reduce their carbon footprint. Organizations
utilize only the amount of resources they need, which helps
them to avoid any over-provisioning. Hence, no waste of
resources and thus energy.
8. Enhanced Collaboration Cloud applications enhance
collaboration by authorizing diverse groups of people virtually
meet and exchange information with the help of shared storage.
Such capability helps in improving the customer service and
product development and also reducing the marketing time.
9. Control on the Documents Before cloud came into being,
workers needed to send files in and out as the email attachments
for being worked on by a single user at one time ultimately
ending up with a mess of contrary titles, formats, and file
content. Moving to cloud computing has facilitated central file
10. Easily Manageable Cloud computing offers simplified and
enhanced IT maintenance and management capacities by
agreements backed by SLA, central resource administration and
managed infrastructure. You get to enjoy a basic user interface
without any requirement for installation. Plus you are assured
guaranteed and timely management, maintenance, and delivery
of the IT services.

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