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Content Integumentary Evaluation Total

Understand Apply Analyze Evaluate

1 3 2 6
2 2 4
Total # of items 2 4 4 10


PT, 45/M, sustained electrical burns while working at a MERALCO electrical line 3 days PTIE.
Entry wound was on the R arm and exit wound on the L LE. Reported to have sustained flame
burns on face and torso and back due to his clothes catching fire. No noted fx, trauma and LOC
during the event. No initial reports of pain during incident but after fire was extinguished, felt
severe, aching excruciating pain on wound areas. No reported DOB, weakness or any
neurological symptoms. Pt was brought to a nearby hospital approximately 2 hours after the
injury d/t traffic.

1. To assess for the total body surface area of this patient, which of the following is most
appropriate in that it adequately assesses each area involved with specifications for
percentages in differing populations just like pediatric cases?
a. Rule of Nines
b. Lund and Browden
c. Ocular Inspection
d. Total Body Surface Area diagram
2. Which of the following would you expect to see on the patient’s L leg considering the
injury sustained?
a. Superficial Burn
b. Epidermal Injury
c. Grade 4 Ulcerations
d. Partial Thickness Burns
3. Consider the picture of the patient’s torso. Also consider that there was marked edeme
on this area as well as on the areas of the arm. What is the stage of the injury?:

a. Superficial Partial Thickness

b. Deep Partial Thickness
c. Full Thickness
d. Subdermal Burn
4. Which of the following is one of the most common complications that patients like PT
could sustain which if left untreated could cause death?
a. Infection
b. Pulmonary Complications
c. Heterotopic Ossifications
d. Contractures
5. Considering that there are facial burns, which of the following would you expect the
patient to have and therefore evaluate for?
a. Infection
b. Inhalation Injury
c. Cardiovascular complications
d. Neuropathy
6. Considering that the patient sustained massive injuries that could pose risks for
contracture, which of the following positions would you want to provide to minimize
these risks?
a. Sidelying with arms elevated
b. Hook lying with arms flexed
c. Supine with arms to the side
d. Extended neck with airplane splint

The patient was uncooperative with therapy and has had difficulty with bed mobility. Caregivers
avoided responsibility and other pressure relieving techniques. The patient developed
contractures on the hip and sacral ulcers, involving the following.

7. What is the stage of the ulcer in the picture?

a. Stage I
b. Stage II
c. Stage III
d. Stage IV
e. Unstageable
8. Upon opening the slough and eschar, you notice a slight depression and hole inside the
wound the extends into deeper layers. What is this called?
a. Infection
b. Tunneling
c. Sloughing
d. Maceration
9. Upon reassessment, wounds on the neck area has healed within the borders of the
wound area but is slightly raised as seen in the picture. What type of finding is this?

a. Keloid Scar
b. Hypertrophic Scar
c. Eschar
d. Granulation Tissue
10. On the leg upon reax, you notice the following (refer to photograph). What will you

a. Exposed Tissue
b. Fibrinous Tissue
c. Granulation Tissue
d. Necrotic Tissue

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