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“Consider it all joy, my brothers when we encounter various trials, for you know that the testing of your
faith produces perseverance.”James 1:2-3


1. To address sensitive male issues and inculcate values that counteracts these issues.
2. To establish true identity of men as identified by God.


This is a separate session for the brothers, to talk about the issues of men as they journey in
their life with God. The activity will start with a video (for the speaker, look for a video that will explain
how Man as designed by God; e.g. Will Smith in the Pursuit of Happiness-how he endured the challenges
and providing the needs for his son)
1. Gathering/Opening Prayer
2. Video
3. Activity
The speaker will ask for a volunteer. Questions like what is it to be a man? Stick to the
volunteers if they think a man should possess such qualities.
The speaker introduces himself as he enters. The video will explain, Man being designed by
4. Talk proper
5. Reflection

Speaker’s Profile:

A mature or pastorally sound brother/leader who lives his life as a real man of God.

Sharer’s Profile:

A mature or pastorally sound brother/leader who can share how he has overcome his personal
struggles/issues in life.

Expanded Talk Outline

I. Introduction

Look at the person beside you and realize how God define Man as created in His image and
likeness. He created man to take care of the entire living creature on earth. He wants us to
realize how unique we are and how precious we are to Him.
We are here to talk about issues that we cannot openly discuss with the sisters. Issues that
we might feel embarrassed to talk about that we need to face. God calls us to live a righteous
life, to grow in holiness. But as we grow up and get to know the world, we already have set of
choices that can separate us from our father. Hence, let us look at ourselves in the eyes of our
Father not how the world perceived us to be.

II. Who Am I?
In a world of secularism and materialism we can’t deny that the world is slowly creating
a new identity in us thus changing our individuality in the truest sense of it. We are define
accordingly as:

1. MEN as defined by the world

a. Financial status - money (gadgets), status in life
b. Relationships – by the number/ kind of relationships that they have
c. Peers – they are defined by the people they hang out with
d. Accomplishments – being able to achieve things
e. Preferences – men are generalized to prefer manly things. Preferring otherwise
would tag them as gay.
f. Sexual Immorality - We grew up thinking that all the things around us are
morally correct because everyone accepts and does it.
a. Pre-marital Sex – desecrates sex by doing it for lustful pleasure. It leads to
unwanted pregnancies and abortion.
b. Pornography – makes perverts out of us. Lust will never satisfy.
c. Masturbation – a result of pornography. It gives us low self esteem. It’s an
g. Vices – we abuse our body. We have a wrong notion that the measure of being
a true man is by engaging in drugs, alcohol, smoking.
h. Womanizer – engage in many relationships--“mas madaming chicks, mas
madaming option, mas ok!”
i. Identity crisis – (homosexuality) God is wrong when he create me.
j. EMO –self pity, easily give up when we face problems.

2. MEN as defined by God

In reality it is God who defines manhood. And God defines manhood in terms of
“Then the  man  bowed down and worshiped the LORD” – Genesis 24:26
a. Integrity – Real Men seek God, real men decide to be union with him. We stand
to what we promise. We only do what is right, and to do what is right is to obey
b. Purity – we say “no” even if our peer group pressures us because we believe
that our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit (Real Men). In Ephesians 5:18, God
said, “Do not get drunk; wine leads to levity; but be filled with the Holy Spirit.”
c. Faith-men in the eyes of God is a man of faith, “
d. Love
1 Corinthians 13:4-7
“Love is patient and kind; it is not jealous or conceited or proud; love is not ill-mannered
or selfish or irritable; love does not keep a record of wrongs; love is not happy with the
truth. Love never gives up; and is faith, hope, and patience never fail”
This is the standard of true love. Love is freely given and doesn’t expect anything in
return. Being in a relationship should always be thought of thoroughly. We should do
away with the mindset that our partners “can complete us”. Before we enter in a
relationship, individuals should be “whole”. No hang-ups big life issues etc.
We need to know where to get the true sources of love: God and our family. So that
when we enter in a relationship our goal is to give and share love to our partner. And if
at times it will not be reciprocated, there will be no problem.
e. Trust in Him – Believe that the Lord is never wrong in creating who you are.
f. Good provider to his family – As a man in the house we have to prioritize the
needs of our family. (e.g. a student start to save to support his family)

(Enter sharers for his own experience on how he overcome his trials in life)

III. Conclusion
Ultimately, we have to mirror God’s design. If you can make the Father proud, then that makes
you fulfill the plan of the Lord to you as a man.

We are created uniquely by our God, we may falter and commit mistakes we must bear in mind that
God’s love is unconditional and that we are created to rise above our struggles. We must not forget on
how we are created, a man, designed in his image and likeness, designed to bring him glory.

Reflection Song: (Have your way)

The speaker will lead the participants into prayer. Song will be played as the participants ask to reflect
and commit himself to the original plan of God.

Guide Question:

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